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Everything posted by iRarelyWatchTV36

  1. I'm ashamed my perverse mind is not picking up what you're laying down here, but I don't think I am getting where you're going with it. .... unless, you are referring to something non-perverse, and my sick mind can't grasp it for that reason. lol I'm not really trying to single anyone(s) out, its just the thought of calling someone of similar - or older - age "kid", just is a (newly established) personal pet-peeve. But then again, I've never been one to stay on top of the latest & greatest 'modernly hip' fads as they come and go.
  2. I'm not really opposed to that. But then again, I'm a bit of a pervert [who thought Brittany was the hottest of the female HGs]; so that might explain my being OK with that handle. I do have to say though, other than her legs, we never really got to see too much of this skin she's 4........
  3. Uh-oh. Hope you got the pocket change to pay the royalties for ripping off Cody's favorite 'guy label'. He's really sold me on it. So much so, I think the next time I see my dad, I'm gonna say "Hey, what's up kid?". Or when discussing gramps with someone, "I can't believe that kid!".
  4. Hmm. Frankie was complaining of chafing buttocks earlier. And now Zach & Cody have acquired new rear-end accessories; which doesn't agree with Cody. Maybe we shouldn't share beds so much, eh guys? Just a thought. I'm not sayin'. I'm just sayin'.
  5. Welcome to my viewpoint.... which started weeks ago. Brittany used this type of line on Cody last week, or so I gathered. Not that I like what is going on, but why in the effing F should people care what a person's father thinks of what they're doing?? Talk about a weakly lame attempt to make someone feel guilty.
  6. I know all the HGs are waiting for the game to get to the standard single-HOH to really start 'making some big moves', but as a witness to events, this constant reserved stance of refusing to play for oneself is both so frustrating and boring. We're constantly hearing how "'doing this' is bad for my game, but the house (or alliance) wants it that way, so I have no choice but to go along with it". No. You DO have a choice; you just refuse to do what's best for yourself.
  7. No Amber or Brittany to do the cleaning? Yeah. They might as well put out the welcome mat for all the ants in the 1-mile radius of the house/BY - not to mention the stench that will accrue from not washing dishes. I've seen Frankie & Zach do dishes a couple times before, they might have to be the new 'cleaning crew' after Amber is pushed out.
  8. Ugh. Anyone other than Donny winning this game will be a crime against humanity. I hate knowing this, but Derrick was a huge favorite to win this game before, but now with the extra heavy pity factor involved because of his grandfather dying? Rest of the game is just a formality. I am in no way trying to make light of the death in his family, but this current HG group isn't 'bloodthirstily cutthroat' enough to convince themselves to want to win the money for their own personal sake, in the face of tragedy for someone else.
  9. Thanks for the help, TexasChic and Cosmocrush. I was pretty sure it was a reference to a past HG, but was just going on blind assumption until now. or blows her nose into it... or does that laugh-that-turns-into-a-pig-snort into it....
  10. Ok, I have to admit to not knowing something, and its bugging the shit outta me.... what the F is "Jenn City"??
  11. So, what's the betting line on when Caleb kicks this thing in to 'full throttle' and takes a razor and carves AMBER (/w a heart encircling the name) in to his chest, above his heart?
  12. Without looking, I'm betting Derrick is one of the HGs acting most hurt/upset/mad about Brittany's 'lies'. That's good (if so), because nobody's been lying about their occupation or something similar, from the very start, right Derrick??
  13. Question about the show/game in general... Last season, Judd was allowed back in the house after winning a comp vs other Jury members. Is that a usual thing on BB, or just something random to shake up that season specifically? Also, if a usual thing; is it always just Jury members that are allowed back in, or has it occasionally been people who were evicted prior to getting to the Jury house, as well??
  14. You can't help but laugh at the "Beast Mode Cowboy". Seriously. Let's review; - Served in the army, in Iraq [this is the only thing out of his mouth (so far) that is the slightest bit believable] - Has a record deal waiting after BB - Was asked to be on Survivor, Amazing Race, & the Bachelor - Has a bunch of good buddies that play for the Dallas Cowboys - Had a friend who would have gotten him a major line-reading in PotC, w/ Jonny Depp; but the dumb ho went and got knocked up - Was a prison guard, who quit because of prisoner treatment - And gobs of other great personal experiences This dude has lived a full life, and a half, at the ripe old age of 26!
  15. Well, Nicole is going to be a jealous hag now.... of Rosy Palm, and her 5 sisters.
  16. Wait a minute, she's actually playing the game?! I'd argue that she's more useless to the game than Victoria. At least Victoria can win a couple comps, without getting sick or injured. (I guess Jo does provide sermons and prayers, as well as 'saves' people, so there is that....) I don't mean to diss her on a personal level, but with as physically ill as she usually is, and now something about hurting her knee in the BOB comp? It'd be a 'mercy killing' to get her evicted before something really bad happens to her in the house/game.
  17. Funny. Brittany was a recruit and didn't really know how to play the game - at first - but of all the females that were cast, she was the one the guys were most 'afraid' of. And that's why they hustled to get her out yesterday. Now they can sit back and pick off the rest of the females one by one, occasionally trying to BD someone; ie Caleb - but even that will be a "believe it when see it" thing, considering Cody's lack of courage to do it "because it benefited the alliance more than himself" last week. The only thing this new situation could prove beneficial to viewers, game-wise, is that the "power sisters" Christine/Nicole have to wake the F up and realize that they're not as high on the totem pole that they once believed they were. Joey/Brit/Amber were/are right; [90% of] the guys want the girls (& Donny) out ASAP.
  18. I wonder if Caleb will stay up all night for the next however many days, to keep an eye on Amber & Cody, since neither of them are HaveNots and he is..... while he's working on the whole pickle-wrapped-in-a-banana thing, along with planning his & Amber's next 'date'.
  19. Not being a long time fan of the show, I can't honestly answer that - but going off just what I saw of last season, then yes, this group is really tame and boring, respectively. And its pretty much 99% likely Cody will have spent about 4 weeks with a hot woman he desires, and never even got a kiss. I don't care how "not like that" you are - and I don't like him as a BB player, and honestly hope he gets BD'd soon - but that is straight up lame. And no wonder people are questioning your sexual orientation, dude. Wuss'd out on not BD'ing Caleb, endangering (in theory) Donny in the process, and then with her giving slight invitations her last 2 full nights in the house, you don't even try to get a lip lock from the woman you lusted for most. Keep bringing that weak sauce, bro.
  20. Not to mention the fantastically horrible waste of a good pickle and toothpaste.
  21. I only saw bits and pieces of last year, and that was well after it started. But yes, Andy could be rage inducing. Actually, yeah; that whole group [Aaryn/Amanda/Andy/GinaMarie/Judd/McRae/Spencer] was an assemblage of horrible human beings (BB personality-wise). ETA: The only 2 I found I could stand - when I was watching - were Elissa and the Asian-descent woman, whose name I can't recall right off the top of my head. This season was the first time I've ever started watching from the beginning and paying real close attention to mostly everything.
  22. Those prison guards, man. Wacky pranksters! I think the saddest part about it all, is that he actually believes he's coming across as non-insane and she is just playing 'hard to get'. That isn't "wearing blinders", that's straight up mental deficiencies that he's suffering from. This isn't the first or last time this will be brought up, but he needs serious mental health help. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ETA: I don't think I've ever liked a group of people as least as I do right now. That group being Caleb/Christine/Cody/Derrick/Frankie/Nicole/& Zach, or at least their BB personalities. [little upset with myself that I mentioned Frankie, considering his grandfather passing; but it still doesn't change his BB personality] Hayden can be pretty bad too, when he gets going on a bash fest of people (I feel) aren't deserving of it.
  23. How can BB/CBS/whoever let this go on?! This isn't "cute" or "good TV". This is a flat out obsessed stalker thriller/horror-genre flick. Maybe this is staged, something nobody else is in on - a set up between Caleb/BB, maybe even Amber is part of it, too - to get people talking/interested about the show. But if it is; very poor taste, Show. Bad job, all around.
  24. From Jokers / 6:07 - Zach telling Derrick that he knows the money would be more beneficial to him. D: I don't want pity. I'm not gonna be Brittany Oh. So then there's another reason why you never miss an opportunity to bring up & talk about missing this time that your daughter is growing and getting bigger, and also the joint decision with your wife to have another kid & then get snipped. And the other night going on about the cost of raising a kid/daycare. Gotchya.
  25. She admitted to being bisexual, before she changed her life and 'found God', during her intro.
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