Meow Mix
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I can understand where she is coming from. Everything she says in a forum like that is going to be scrutinized and someone will try to pull it out of context to get a headline. I think this is the right choice for her right now. I also think getting out of the public eye altogether would be a good idea. She is going to have her hands full with four kids and trying to figure out how to manage that land.
OK, last week we got a replay of Christine's lap dance. This week we get a replay of Kody in his underwear wallowing around in that filthy drainage ditch. Make it stop. I really hope Meri and Janelle got at least something out of this in the end. Kody is such a cheat that he has convinced himself that people wanting their fair share of the property is somehow taking advantage of him. I couldn't believe he was complaining about them expecting him to communicate what was going on. He actually said he was doing them a favor. If that realtor didn't insist that all parties be there to decide how to move forward, he deserves to lose his license and be criminally charged. Of course, the guy standing there listening to Kody's sad tale of woe is a good start on punishment. Maybe they should make him watch the footage of Kody in his skivvies in the drainage pond. Zona is the best. I loved Meri talking about going to the shelter just to pet animals and falling in love with that dog. It's evident in the way she interacts with her that Zona is great for her. I loved her asking the dog for dating advice. Meri's revelations about the family account make me wonder how many other things we assumed were covered by that account actually weren't. We know Ysabel's surgery wasn't. I want Janelle and Christine to spill the tea too. I'm betting that Robyn and Kody spent most of the money in that account on either her kids or that ugly art all over their house. And I also assume that the lot Kody claimed to have paid for by himself actually was paid for out of the family account. And constantly throwing it in Meri's face that she only had one child is low. I did appreciate her finally telling us that she paid for the wet bar herself. That didn't come out of family money either. That flower farm sounds like a pipe dream. Janelle was all over the place talking about what they were going to do with lots of I don't know sprinkled in. At least if they give up on it, they should be able to sell the land at a profit. I still don't think they have the first clue what is involved.
I watched some of their moving video. I had to keep fast forwarding because Erin just rambles on and tries to engage the kids who are not excited about being on camera. I did see their convo in the car and it came across to me like two people irritated that "the Lord" who they namechecked a million times got their order wrong. Chad was complaining that the house was in "the city" (it's in the burbs) and that he wanted land. Also, the sweet summer child thinks housing prices are going to magically come down in the next year so they can have land in Tennessee. Thinking about people whose houses washed away in the floods in Tennessee and NC and those who have lost everything in the LA wildfires, these two complaining that they have to live in a suburban house on a golf course is just disgusting. I guarantee you they would be the first to tell others to buck up and fix their own situation instead of relying on the charity of others, so what makes them so special? The other thing I noticed was how disorganized the move was. It was actually dark when their "sweet friends" were loading the truck and hauling stuff over to the new place. I laughed at Erin panning the camera out the window to show off the view from the new kitchen and it was pitch dark outside. Since they knew they were going to have to move somewhere, why was nothing packed up and prepared? It makes me wonder if they thought they could squat in the old place and the landlord would feel sorry for them because they have a million kids and goats besides. And what happened to the goats? Did they just leave them for their landlord to deal with? It's really dumb to acquire farm animals when you are still renting. It makes it very difficult to find a new place if a landlord chooses not to renew your lease.
How does Kody still have all his body parts handling a chainsaw like that? I had a large tree limb come down on my patio and a friend brought his chainsaw over to cut it up so I could haul the bits to the curb. First, he sent me into the house until he was done sawing, then he actually handled the chainsaw like a sane person instead of a lunatic. Kody is ridiculous. I am only surprised he didn't end up with more trees falling on the house since he clearly doesn't know what he is doing. I did notice the Robyn told him he had to clean up one tree before he could cut down any more. He loves cutting down the tree because he can be all macho, but it's boring to cut it up and clean up after himself. I suspect that yard was full of tree debris for a while. Also, I thought the deck was unusable because they had not maintained it properly, so the view he was supposedly making didn't matter. They did edit some scenes out of the repeat of Christine's wedding, but why they had to show us the lap dance again is beyond me. Seriously, I'm thrilled Christine has found someone who gives her the affection she always wanted and if she had just joked around and pretended to give him a lap dance it would have been no big deal. But that was just too much and in front of both her and David's kids and grandkids is just yikes. I think Truely won the wedding with her purple dress and matching hair. I also loved last episode when she said she spends lots of time in her room because she's an angsty teenager. Unfortunately, I think Meri is giving the producers the content they want. It's a shame we can't see what else she is doing because I can't believe she is doing nothing but divorce projects. I do think she has some skill in decorating, I am just baffled as to why she had that junk from the commitment ceremony still around.
I remember the scene where Mykelti dropped the bomb on Christine while they were in Hawaii. One of the reasons Christine was so hesitant was that Tony and Mykelti had not asked Kody's permission, they just made the decision by themselves to get married like adults do. I could see the terror in her eyes realizing that Kody was going to hit the roof over that. She was hoping that with him on the outs with Meri, she could get some advantage with him. I think she knew Kody would blame her for Tony and Mykelti's actions, so she was pretty upset. I get it and I also get that Mykelti was hurt that Christine didn't have the same reaction she did to Maddie's engagement. Christine did try to make it up to them later by trying to make Tony feel welcome, but he and Mykelti have chosen to nurse their grudge against her. If I were Christine we would have one conversation where I would sincerely apologize for hurting Mykelti's feelings, and from then on I would tell her to knock it off. I've noticed that some of the Browns are champion grudge holders.
Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!
Meow Mix replied to PrincessPurrsALot's topic in Bringing Up Bates
When I accidentally stepped on my cat's tail, he sounded better than Lawson. I'm still scratching my head at Carlin needing an IV to get over jetlag. I had no idea that was a thing. I just toughed it out when I had jetlag and made sure to stay hydrated. Of course I had a job I had to get back to as well, so there's that. Carlin's an idiot. And she really needs to stop with the duck lips. -
Once again, I have to say this is such a waste of potential for these two. How is it honoring God to not use the gifts you have been given to support yourself and especially the kids you have chosen to bring into this world? I just don't see how they are morally superior for living like this.
I nearly injured myself rolling my eyes so much during this episode. Christine's entire segment was her spilling something on her dress and Janelle just happening to have a Tide pen to clean her up. Janelle looked great in that pink dress and I love Hunter for telling her so. Mykelti was her usual obnoxious self. She really needs to get over her hostility toward Christine. Kody and Robyn's date had to be held in that attic so the other diners didn't have to hear that nonsense and lose their appetites. They are really trying hard to convince us how in love they are. Christine goes on and on, but she seems really genuine in her feelings. For some reason, Kody and Robyn seem so fake and desperate. And it really says something about Kody's perception of Robyn that he is so afraid some guy at church will steal her from him. If they are such a strong unit, other guys looking wouldn't matter. Not that any other guys are looking. One thing about Kody, for someone who is constantly telling us how tough he is including threatening to punch his kids in the mouth, he's awfully fragile. Just this season we learned that he supposedly has a bunch of food allergies, he gets easily triggered talking with his kids, he has a phobia about tattoos, and now we learn he has a phobia of church. I wonder if all this started with being with Robyn or if he has always been so dramatic about everything. It's exhausting. Meri and her friends were entertaining. It was clear Meri didn't want to film at the cul de sac, so she did the bare minimum then took off. Unlike Kody, she was embarrassed to be standing outside that gate trying to wax nostalgic. But Robyn had a lot of nerve talking about how they maybe shouldn't have left Vegas. She was the reason they did because she had to follow her son to college. I still think he picked that college to get away from her. I am not at all surprised Janelle hasn't been back. That part of her life is done and she has no need to revisit it. I also loved how Meri's friends had no problem mocking Kody over the poor Robyn BS. How stupid is he was my question as well. It made me sad that Robyn didn't even support Meri from afar when Bonnie died. Of course she used the covid excuse, but she wasn't going to catch anything by calling or texting Meri or sending flowers and a note to the funeral service. I am glad to hear Meri speaking the truth about what a bad friend Robyn has been. It was such a contrast hearing Meri and her friends laughing and enjoying themselves vs. the dark cloud that hangs over Kody and Robyn.
Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)
Meow Mix replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I imagine that this really is new to Maddie and Janelle who are used to Kody doing whatever he wants and not considering any regulations. I admit that I will be surprised if this far ever produces anything but T-shirts. It sounds like they have a long road ahead of them to get to growing flowers. I agree that they should stick with the timber to make some money and slowly transition parts of the land. -
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Meow Mix replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I've said this elsewhere, but I am thrilled that she found what she always wanted in David. My only problem was that she kept repeating that she didn't care what her kids thought. She used them for emotional support for years and it's not like they were telling her not to marry David. They were just concerned that she was moving really fast. I just felt she could have been a bit more sensitive, but she can be as happy as she wants. -
Most of those dresses Christine tried on were not flattering. Very few people actually look good in a mermaid style. A-line would have suited her much better. The final dress even though the fit was off in places was better than some of the stuff she was trying on. As to that huge group of people with her, not sure any of them are fashion mavens either. That one hideous dress Mykelti picked should have been banned from the shop. No one was going to look good in that thing. And look at the outfit Christine came into the shop wearing. I get that she is experimenting with different styles, but the only thing good about that was the color. I'm remembering back to when I was Aurora and Breanna's ages. I would nave never asked my parents for permission to go to church or not. Robyn has completely infantilized those two. I think they are just desperate for any sort of social life and figure Robyn would approve of church rather than them playing a sport or joining a hobby group. Also, they are at the age that they can get themselves to church without mommy driving them. Kody has a bunch of vehicles, so surely they have access to something. They were acting like a couple of nervous 13-year-olds asking Mom to drive them to the movies with their first crush. Time to cut the apron strings. I suspect the only reason Robyn's head didn't explode when Aurora said she was not going to have a plural marriage is that she is setting up a narrative that her marriage didn't work because of those mean other wives. I was surprised at the cake tasting that Christine scolded Truely. Yes, what she said was probably not appropriate, but Christine has been laughing off a lot of inappropriate stuff from all her kids. Why in that moment did she suddenly decide to come down on Truely? And why did there need to be that many people at the cake tasting when Christine said that it was supposed to be about her and David. I did love that he told her to get all the cakes. Production was probably paying, so go for it. Finally, I'm really happy Meri has supportive friends in her life that are firmly telling her what reality is. When she made that weak sauce statement about how monogamous marriages could be unhappy, I loved how that one woman laid it out for her. I think that really gave Meri pause to think about what she has been living with and accepting for so many years. I also was glad to see yet another couple of people who saw that Kody favored Robyn from the beginning.
The ginormous garage is full of crap. There's a neighborhood near me with expensive townhouses with two-car garages and practically everyone parks in the driveway because they have filled up their garages with junk.
I had to laugh at Kody's Las Vegas nostalgia trip. I guess the neighbors wouldn't open the gate for them, so he had to stand outside reminiscing while his curls blew in the wind. It was his and Robyn's choice to move to Flagstaff, so he has only himself to blame for what came after. As for him not being invited to events, once again he has only himself to blame. He was invited to several events and played games about whether he would show up and created all sorts of drama. Then when he did show up, he was late and he would sit in the corner and pout that everyone wasn't coming to pay homage to him and his one shy pretty wife (barf). I'm sure at some point some of the kids have gotten tired of his antics and either don't bother inviting him or invite him once and ignore all his histrionics. I don't believe that anyone has invited him and not Robyn. The most I think happened was that he whined that Robyn wouldn't be comfortable at some event (or it wouldn't be safe) so they said she was welcome to stay home. I'm glad Meri got to see Stonehenge. I travel solo and it is really great. I know several women my age who have discovered the joys of solo travel, so I didn't see Meri's situation as unusual. Also, despite what Kody said, guys are perfectly capable of remembering stuff that they may not be interested in themselves because those things are interesting to someone important to them. Kody is just selfish and got away with it for a lot of years. I also loved that Meri was at least finally direct with him about building on that land. She didn't waffle around like Janelle, she just said she was done with Flagstaff and had no interest in building on the land. Good for her. Apparently bad dancing is genetic. I'm not sure what Maddie was doing at Savanah's party and I don't think Savanah was either. At least she was there, which was nice. It looked like everyone had a nice time.
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Meow Mix replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
Agreed. I'm happy Christine got the things she missed out on marrying Kody, but I don't need to watch them schmoop at each other all the time. Time to go live their lives off of TV. -
I understand that. I'm glad that Truely isn't pushed in front of a camera to giver her thoughts on David. It just would have been nice for Christine to recognize that moving so fast might be difficult for her. Aspyn seemed to at least understand that Truely existed. BTW, I loved the scene of Mitch trying to help Truely learn to ride a bike. He was quiet and reassuring to her and tried to adjust the bike so that she would feel comfortable. Christine and Aspyn were yapping incessantly and he told them very politely to be quiet to make things calmer for Truely. It seems Aspyn got a good guy there.