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  1. If I were Amy, I wouldn't be bragging about Dill handling finances or her handling her kids nonexistent education. I feel sorry for Dax because no one is going to put up with his behavior outside of his dumb parents. He's going to have it hard when they are not able to shelter him anymore.
  2. I do understand as I am a super progressive Baptist (my former church was one of the first to bless same sex marriages long before it was legal), but technically the strip mall church is still Protestant. Maybe mainstream is a little strong a description, but compared to the AUB, it could seem that way to Kody and Robyn.
  3. I don't think Kody has an alcohol or gambling problem, but I do think he has gotten into online testosterone supplements. His behavior for several seasons now has been very twitchy and erratic and he can go from calm to screaming incoherently in a matter of seconds. Robyn's a fool to subject her younger kids to that.
  4. Sorry, I'd far rather have a book from Meri even though she will be an unreliable narrator on some things. There might be a few interesting bits from Christine about her childhood, but I don't expect much else. I want Meri to tell us where the bodies are buried.
  5. I prefer what Meri actually did with the pendant. She put it as a charm on the dog's collar.
  6. I agree that Janelle and Truely would make great road trip buddies. I imagine David probably gave her space for quiet as well. Christine just loves to yammer on. Though I did appreciate both she and Janelle realizing that Meri really was treated poorly and that if she met someone who treated her kindly it may be a real game changer for her. I also like that they respected that Truely needed some alone time because she was "peopled out". I got the sense that it wasn't that late when they were in the bar because the place was empty. So, she wasn't alone in a hotel room late at night and I imagine no one was more than slightly buzzed. I love that Janelle left that tree necklace in the Plotz Plot. That was awesome in addition to the note that it was designed by her partner not her husband. Good for her. However, she seems totally clueless about what is involved with starting a farm. When this was filmed, they hadn't even closed on the land yet and she seemed unsure if the closing would go through. This was definitely in late January or early February 2024 because there were social media posts from Christine where she, David, and Truely were in NC with Janelle and Maddie and family. It is heartbreaking to realize that Janelle didn't know at the time how much her life was going to change. It's pretty much all been said about Aurora's baptism. I think everyone walks on eggshells in that house, but in this case, she is saying that she is rejecting the AUB to become a mainstream protestant. So, I could see some nervousness on how Kody and Robyn would react. Of course Robyn had to make a remark about not feeling so much like an outsider because Aurora wanted them involved. She never misses a chance to act like people are excluding her. The previews have some interesting tidbits such as Meri and Jenn talking about the fact that Robyn was not a friend to Meri. I suspect that the issues around the land are in litigation and can't be discussed on the show until everything is settled. Kody once again rewrites history claiming he had said he would help Janelle get a house and she got mad at him. All he ever proposed was that she buy Christine's house so he could screw Christine out of money.
  7. Why does Jill never learn with these cruise invites? The same thing happened last year with the cruise. She made a big deal about being "invited", but didn't make the cut. She needs to keep it to herself unless and until she makes the cut, so then she won't be embarrassed or have to make up excuses why she isn't going. This time she really laid it on thick including a handwritten note supposedly from David talking about how awesome it was that they were going on the cruise. Of course, maybe she didn't understand that there was a cut and she still had to do something to earn her spot. After all, she thought a spam email about the inauguration was a personal invitation.
  8. I remember Michelle saying on the show that she didn't think men were turned on by feet. And this was after the stuff came out about Gothard and his foot fetish.
  9. I saw some commentary on another forum on the comments people left on a video they posted of Layla and I am very disturbed. There were comments about her being a woman in a child's body and how someone liked the way she exhaled. I just can't understand how Carlin and Evan can read stuff like that and still put her on social media like this. Because of their actions, people know the layout of their house, they know where she goes to dance class, and they know when those two idiots have taken off on another vacation and left her with some relative. Videos of her are getting shared all over the place. They really need to adjust their priorities, but they won't. They sure have come a long way from the supposedly wholesome image Gil and Kelly tried to portray of not being materialistic and valuing family over everything. They value vacations and Teslas and backyard pools over everything else.
  10. The problem with a public park is that there are other people there and for Robyn and her hothouse flower children, that would be scary and not safe. Those poor kids just wanted to play outside without all the other nonsense. I wonder how often they get out of that hoarder house with the scary figurines and ugly paintings everywhere. I was trying to wrap my head around the complaining about expecting people to knock before just barging into someone else's house. Yes, I know they are all family and actually lived in one connected house at one time, but it just seems like common courtesy to me. Christine complaining that there were too many rules at Robyn and Meri's houses seemed a little petty. For Robyn, she had a point about people not emptying her refrigerator without asking, but she just had such a negative tone about it. Putting a sign on the door was pretty passive aggressive. And she also lied about the fact that they needed to wait for someone to let them in. She claimed they needed to do an "announcement knock" whatever that is. As for Meri, in Vegas her house was where they hosted all their MLM stuff so she had to keep it neat and in good condition. Some of the kids were pretty feral, so if there were rules about running around and slamming doors and such, that makes sense. Christine's Vegas house had a lot of damage from feral kids playing too rough. I hope Janelle and Meri get their fair share, but I don't have much confidence in that. I have a feeling Kody doesn't want to sell the land because he wanted to use it as collateral to get the new larger house they have now. I did roll my eyes at him describing that depressing day out on that barren plot of land with a few picnic tables and some logs to split as so special. I hate to think what daily life is like in that house if that day was considered special. Oh, and it is none of his business how many kids his daughters choose to have. That was just creepy and invasive. And next week, we see Aurora having to ask permission to get baptized. When I made a public profession of faith around her age, I spoke to the pastor myself. My parents weren't involved, but you know Robyn had to go with her and monopolize the conversation. The one thing I will say about Christine moving stuff into the rental property is that without Kody running around acting the fool, people seem quite capable of getting things done. There was a lot of stuff to do and it only took a few hours because everyone just did stuff without all the drama.
  11. I think that's a great idea to share with them privately, or even with close family, but publicly not so much. There are a lot of creeps out there and maybe when the kids get older they won't want complete strangers knowing this stuff.
  12. One of my friend's kids had a speech delay. She said the first thing the speech therapist told them was to stop translating for him or finishing his sentences. She said just letting him work to get the words out helped a lot. With Zade from what little I have seen (I have only watched some of a recent video) he seems to be way behind. He just whines unintelligibly, but I think that's mainly because they don't talk with him at all. I hope they do what the speech therapist tells them to. These two have such short attention spans that I am afraid if they don't see immediate results they will give up. I feel bad for both those kids.
  13. She's very lucky that they caught it in time, that she has access to proper medical care, and that she has Michael to do after care for her. Not everyone is so fortunate. I'm glad she recognized both the doctors and others for helping her rather than taking the Rodrigues route and claiming God did it all.
  14. I can understand where she is coming from. Everything she says in a forum like that is going to be scrutinized and someone will try to pull it out of context to get a headline. I think this is the right choice for her right now. I also think getting out of the public eye altogether would be a good idea. She is going to have her hands full with four kids and trying to figure out how to manage that land.
  15. OK, last week we got a replay of Christine's lap dance. This week we get a replay of Kody in his underwear wallowing around in that filthy drainage ditch. Make it stop. I really hope Meri and Janelle got at least something out of this in the end. Kody is such a cheat that he has convinced himself that people wanting their fair share of the property is somehow taking advantage of him. I couldn't believe he was complaining about them expecting him to communicate what was going on. He actually said he was doing them a favor. If that realtor didn't insist that all parties be there to decide how to move forward, he deserves to lose his license and be criminally charged. Of course, the guy standing there listening to Kody's sad tale of woe is a good start on punishment. Maybe they should make him watch the footage of Kody in his skivvies in the drainage pond. Zona is the best. I loved Meri talking about going to the shelter just to pet animals and falling in love with that dog. It's evident in the way she interacts with her that Zona is great for her. I loved her asking the dog for dating advice. Meri's revelations about the family account make me wonder how many other things we assumed were covered by that account actually weren't. We know Ysabel's surgery wasn't. I want Janelle and Christine to spill the tea too. I'm betting that Robyn and Kody spent most of the money in that account on either her kids or that ugly art all over their house. And I also assume that the lot Kody claimed to have paid for by himself actually was paid for out of the family account. And constantly throwing it in Meri's face that she only had one child is low. I did appreciate her finally telling us that she paid for the wet bar herself. That didn't come out of family money either. That flower farm sounds like a pipe dream. Janelle was all over the place talking about what they were going to do with lots of I don't know sprinkled in. At least if they give up on it, they should be able to sell the land at a profit. I still don't think they have the first clue what is involved.
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