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Everything posted by Tuneful

  1. Unfortunately many older people cannot manage a home well anymore. They can't manage cleaning beyond a swipe here and there (Debbie has some disease--she may get disability); that home is large for one person to keep up, especially if older; can't afford to hire a cleaner; have a lifetime's or decades' worth of possessions (and can be overly sentimental about most if not all of it); cognitive function may get worse. They may be taking prescription drugs, etc. If Santa Claus has a messy home, they may not mind each other's habits. Unfortunately oldies can get scammed because they are lonely and needy...like Debbie imagining Canada-Dry Santa Claus is the answer, and already getting dependent. It was on "the kids" to suck it up and come back and finish cleaning out. They may be putting it off until the end of the lease, ugh. Debbie doesn't drive. They should help her find a situation located near a senior and on bus lines. Grocery stores deliver. Come on, Colt, your parents did their bit for you, help her out. Get a job. You guys need a financial and housing plan for her you all can live with. If you can't do that, a government agency may have a social worker to assist. Keeping the ashes was eccentric but did not bother me,
  2. Yeah 2 hours is about 2 hours too long but the snark was prime tonight. Thanks, I needed that!
  3. Speaking of Vegas, my bet is that he's got a booze and drug problem.
  4. I feel about PT the way I do about the casts on everything 90DF this season...retreads...tired of them...watched HEA PT and man was it boring, even John (of Patrick/Thais) seemed subdued.
  5. That was gross of Tanya to strip and foist The Girls on the other people at the pool. Maybe it was for a public safety ad for flotation devices. Who's paying for this junket to Aruba, which is not a cheap destination? TLC checks? And apparently she didn't learn the lesson before about foreign barflies.
  6. Cesar sets off my gaydar. Wonder if I need to take it into the shop. Debbie is throwing herself too hard at this new dude. Let the guy pursue you a little bit. And her hair color needs to be softened and lightened up. I think she's plastered in her THs, but she seems fun to hang out with. I'd like to see her and her three friends in a Golden Girls-type comedy.
  7. Desperation. And wanting to get over Mike by getting under somebody else. It's like she read some manual on "how to behave toward American men" from 1955 or 1960. Marilyn Monroe wannabe without the acting ability, comedic timing, or looks. Her date is a 4 or a 5; I don't know what she's so hot and bothered about. Santa Claus knocks this little model-diddler, who apparently doesn't know the meaning of the word "condom," outta the water. Didn't Nutalie flounce off from him because he put a hand on her Daisy Dukes on Date 1 and has children by 2 or 3 baby mamas? Yet now she wants a commitment on Date 2 while throwing herself at him dressed essentially in skimpy lingerie: Stop right there! I gotta know right now Before we go any further Do you love me, Will you love me forever? Do you need me, Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life, Will you take me away and will you make me your wife? Nutalie is too crazy for me to watch, let alone for anyone to date. One-night stands only, otherwise bunny-boiler material.
  8. They're an odd, cold couple (J and Yara). Wouldn't you hug and kiss your partner when this great news you'd been waiting for forever came? And Jovi's doing everything he can to bum her out.
  9. Lew (lawyer) is going crazy with these "Dear Diary" musings. If he's providing his services for free (exchange for publicity) I suppose there's nothing he can do. I think he could nicely tell her as soon as she starts up that he can advise on legal matters but not on personal problems. And have a few names of therapists ready to give her. Angela's face is quite shocking. Hundred miles of bad road. Maybe when she was heavier she had more of a fat cushion for her face.
  10. I like Debbie because I'm around her age, and I like Veronica from Pillow Talk. That's it, I tell you! I'm done, D-U-N, with the others! See you during the episode as usual, probably. How magnanimous of Jovi to buy everybody a drink and announce it, like George Costanza with the big salad. That ain't no ginger ale Gator Boy is rocking. Gwen, you stick to your guns! Those two would have you babysitting FT. In fact I wonder if Mrs. Gwen suggested their new town.
  11. Who is this GF to tell PrEd who he can and can't be friends with? Somebody's ego has gotten way out of control. And she looks like hell. Actually both of them do. He looks like a fire hydrant with broken/missing teeth.
  12. Billy's playing along because of Angela's fame, as odd as it and she are. He can't lose from the exposure. I cannot bear any of the upcoming Single Life ones except Debbie and Veronica.
  13. FF'g through the Angelasaurus. Also Bill-All & Co. Jamal should join the cast if he is looking for a partner. He's great-looking, classy, funny...oh wait, I forgot for a moment what we're watching. Well, let's have him host the Tell-All. Jenny, it's on you that you put up with the situation between Summeat and his family for 10 years. What's the definition, again, of insanity? You kept doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. And I can't say Summeat is any better if it's only hitting NOW how strongly his parents feel and what was at stake. I can't picture Summeat being responsible or mature enough (in an alternate scenario) to handle a career, a job, marriage, and children. But he doesn't present to me as someone who is happy with his choice. However, with Jenny's social security and their TLC checks, he probably decided he can kick back for life.
  14. For me it was playing piano. Everyone drank a lot at my parents' parties (lotta drinks, lotta laffs, Mom was a real showoff). Nothing like drunk adults leaning all over you, hollering the lyrics to numbers like "Ol' Man River." You can be a mental floss tycoon, from hanging out here.
  15. Even Jesse looks strung out now. Too much crying, drama, reversals, etc., etc.
  16. I hope Erich is ready for continuous paralysis-of-analysis for the duration if he goes for this. Good times (eyeroll)! If you might propose to someone, it's good to consider the person's emotional stability, which sadly I do not see in Gabby. Erich is wise to pump the brakes, at least it appeared from the preview. The guys are absolutely roasting in the cottage, in full suits, and Zach picks now to have the dramatic conversation. Predictably, Tino reacts with strong profanity in a hissy fit. If Zach wasn't feeling it, he should've just packed up and left. It's disappointing given their couple of good dates and a good meeting with Z's family, but R showed a lot of phoniness and interrogated him for hours...who needs that? Best he found out before the end. Something seems so off to me to dangle a luxury honeymoon suite at these folks after a couple of dates. It's a lot of pressure and not a normal situation in which to get to know each other better. I think closing with a "proposal" is BS. Maybe don't have rings, or make them "promise rings" with an invitation to keep dating after the show ends. As is, too much pressure, and people leave feeling like failures if they aren't "engaged."
  17. It's nighttime at a romantic destination in Mexico with the palm leaves whispering, and a fancy suite awaiting. I might even be looking twice at the front desk guy.
  18. Meatball's real name is James. I wonder if he's invited back for a visit. Maybe you're right that it's Jason. Wonder if we'll get a repeat of Gabby's dental-floss swimwear. Klassy. Production had to black out every view of her from the back and side. A little modesty, Miss Gabby, can be even sexier... I think she should have listened to her gut about not wanting to jump off that very high platform. Slip a little or be slightly off on impact, and you could really hurt yourself, as she (an ICU nurse) would know. Erich was a douche that he wouldn't do it without her. Jason makes Johnny look like the life of the party.
  19. Johnny has been an Eeyore through this whole thing. I get a feeling he’s carrying around some family damage (e.g., a macho father?), but I appreicate that he does not parade it. Gabby loves relationship talk, and when that starts up, Johnny looks like he's having a root canal. Also, he’s 25 (probably a young 25) and she’s 31, which can be a big difference at their ages. I can’t watch Rachel with Tino without seeing Sarah Jessica Parker sucking face with Elvis. Tino's also Popeye the Sailor Man. See the oversized lower jaw. He has a poor attitude. How dare they make him, the clear frontrunner, wait? As far as Tino's concerned, the deal is closed. Angry dude. Should have told his parents ahead of time to be nice. I'd have loved to see Rachel stand up and walk out..."Thank you all, but I feel interrogated, and I'm not comfortable." If R's choice is not Tino, his father will never hear the end of it, although I don’t think the mother was too damn friendly either. Aven must have been embarrassed when he showed up for their evening date dressed for a barbeque and in sneakers, while she was dressy. Hello, producers, give these folks some guidance.
  20. I wonder if Rich and Norma are also talking to each other out of concern, because PrEd's drinking has gone haywire and he's also drugging (which could help explain his appearance). In concert with his fiancee. Is he her Al-Anon sponsor? Who's going to have the first recovery tour on 90DF: PrEd, Liz, Jovi, Charlie, or Charlie's witchy wife? As I recall, Andrrrei hits the sauce pretty hard too.
  21. That was a sad conversation in the park (PrEd). I think Norma's a lonely eldelry lady who's not in the best of health--who misses her son, and somehow being in contact with his friend makes her feel a bit better--and Rich hasn't had the heart to ask her to contact him less often. Who knows if his own mother is still around and if so what that relationship is like? I agree that it's like PrEd is in some kind of cult--100% his way or the highway. He should be down on his GD knees thanking Rich for being his friend for years and years...for picking him up after eight previous breakups with Liz...and Rose as well as other exes...PrEd is very high-maintenance, He's gotten isolated from everyone. This will end in tears.
  22. She also seems to walk with some difficulty. I wonder if she left military service with for normal retirement vs. one from some injury or disease. That said, I hope she's still got a lot of life ahead. Wonder if she has a job now, I don't remember whether that was mentioned.
  23. Or with Liz if she can't find a decent man around her age there or in that part of CA. You have a child to consider as well! And you can't do any better than PrEd??! Who doesn't have a real job? Does TLC offer health insurance?
  24. Automatic FF through Andreeeeiii/the Coven, Useman/Bimberly, and Bill-All/Sharona, Shaeeda, whatever. Man, that Morticia Addams look on Liz is unflattering. She looks 10 years older and "blowzy," like a matron going to seed. Where do I start with him? He's twice as big now as he was a year or two ago. I don't mean to fat-shame. It's just I find him even more unattractive now, as if that were possible. He's like the gangster Morey in "Goodfellas." Just like Kimbelly, Liz's two friends are reacting like there's a bad smell under their noses. I can't figure out what the attraction to him is unless she has a Daddy complex and is addicted to drama. If Norma (Mom) won't even speak to him, it's bad. Also, did he railroad her out of living at his house? The Jovi/Yara situation...that poor little kid. Jovi is so immature. And can't even hold a conversation. Just shuts her down. Yara wants to live a glamorous city life, see and be seen, perhaps like Julia?. Poor Gwen. I bet it takes a lot to piss her off, especially when it involves the grandchild. Three-hour trip to their home (not sure if that's each way or total), she finally had to put her foot down about babysitting, and no doubt Jovi whined like a baby, as usual.
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