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  1. This is the most boring "reality" show I've ever tortured myself through. Crystal, it's not divorce trauma for Stacy. He's just not into you. C. seemed drunk before they even sat down together. Barby's drunk all the time, histrionic, and always copping feelz. That gets old fast. Why didn't they screen these candidates?? Clearly some of the older men were not at all ready for a relationship, one was divorced 6 mos. ago from a 24-year marriage. As for Ashley weeping, WHY did his wife leave? Admit it. Booze? Did he have an affair? Never romanced her? Women with a good thing and family in their 50s/60s usually don't just up and leave. It was touching to see some of the men appreciate some friendship and companionship from other men. Many men are very lonely. Kelli Mac needs to eat a sandwich. She looks her age and like a starving crow. Glad Chris is leaving, he's too extra. Adios, Jacob and your veneers. Whined all the time. I'm glad not much Kelle this time. The one positive thing was I learned something about s**ting, which I have no experience with. And that Lannette is as shallow as the rest of them.
  2. Even Borin's mother tells us to put a sock in it -- "You chose it! I don't want to hear complaining" (surgery) and "I never saw chins." I really can't wrap my mind around how selfish someone has to be to elect cosmetic surgery in a BIG bundle that carries SERIOUS risks and will disable you for months; and you might get a serious complication or even die. Nice to consider leaving her husband with three kids under, what, five? And for now all the care on him, too, now while he is the sole earner? Is Borin' trying to goose a longer media career?
  3. Alexei is from Israel and I assume did compulsory military service. How can he stand this whiner? Who is spoiled? (have wondered this all along) I get that it's tough after this ELECTIVE cosmetic surgery, but even he said about the dinner, "Maybe it'll take her mind off the pain for a minute," basically. I am assuming she is appropriately medicated?
  4. Those parents are a mess and in a mess. At this rate their daughter (the one who seems least bright to me, and the lisp doesn't help) and her (very nice) husband will be living in their basement forever. As in 24/7. And continuing to pop out kids. I don't see Emily ever going to work, and I don't know what Kobe's prospects are. Are they expecting to live off the TLC t** forever? I think Lisa (E's mom) is taking out years of anger (as default cook, manager, babysitter, chauffeur, etc., in addition to work on the farm) on this trip. I can understand a first slip-up as far as having a baby, but to keep having kids you can't afford? Birth control!! Or tell them to move to Cameroon for the next 5 years. /h David and Lisa need a PLAN with them to move out, have their own place, and work toward entirely supporting themselves. It won't be easy because E's parents have done everything for her. Her Dad will never retire at this rate. They may have to downsize and move to a senior community to get any privacy back. What do her siblings (she has 4 - ?) think about all this?!
  5. Jami was breathtaking in her self-delusion and spinning. "If it's meant to happen it will happen." I've acted with 100% integrity all the way through and am leaving with integrity." Vomit. I was kind of shocked when Anthony told Lannette he wanted to "snuggle" for the night in the RILTFI room after they'd, had, what, a dance and drink at a bar and a pizza in the hospital kitchen? I would've made the crumb take me out, best place in town, on the show's dime. (And waited longer on the BR.) All the older generation there have been through the mill with bad relationship decisions and vowed to do it differently now. Haha! For her trouble, Lannette gets to watch while he flirts and makes out with other women, too. It's worse than HS. There's something about Christina's obsession with really young guys that I find very creepy. Kelly gives me the creeps too being so anorexic while hauling around those chest basketballs. Give me a man any day who wants eggs, toast/pancakes, and a side of meat for breakfast and isn't afraid of a love handle or two in your 50s/60s.
  6. Yeah, they do that at cosmetic dermatologists and spas. I have very sensitive skin and I'm happy with Cetaphil Gentle Clear cleanser. Fairly priced and a large bottle. Moisturizers are a journey, I need gentle products that won't break me out (T zone). Large scar on my forehead. Going to try Pond's Light Moisturizer next. Elizabeth Warren (Senator from MA) has always used Pond's Dry Skin Cream (someone asked her) and has terrific skin. That was an awful segment with Ed and Liz. His narcissism, lack of empathy, and lying made me sick. "I did this so you wouldn't have to go through a divorce." "It's not you, it's me." Yeah, it's always about you, PrEd. Get engaged to her, have her give up her life, job, and move with her daughter and possessions to Arkansas (YOUR home) and decide you want to be a freewheelin' single working on a career at age 58. Nice job sniping at her in the preview in front of her mother and daughter. They need to get rid of these oldy-moldy couples like Angela/Mike, Ed in any form, ditto Liz, Borin' Loren and sexei Alexei, Gino and Spasm, etc. All they do is have the same fights over and over. This franchise jumped the shark years ago. The Loren surgery is just pathetic and appalling.
  7. I like Anthony and at least he seems dedicated to not being fake and to being gentlemanly. We'll see how long it holds. All the women seen crazy about him; he's like a teddy bear. Unless he has another side to show. I Some of these guys are too young. 21, 22? Should be late 20s to early 30s (old enough to have a serious long-term relationship or two under your belt) for women 50-60. I saw in preview Jacob got weirded out by everything to the point he wants to leave for psych reasons. He seems like a bookworm who bulked up for this, but has maybe never kissed a girl. The casting on this show! For example, the woman all seem to have implants or be extremely top-heavy, heavy makeup, bleached blonde, and gym rats, except Crystal and maybe Lannette. They should have different types of people--e.g., for women, try an all-American girl, a brainy professor or doctor, a sober girl who doesn't pound wine, a fitness instructor, a gal with her own business. Have variety among the guys as well. (BTW Darren pings for me.) Kelle has a sixhead, is orange, and looks like a dissipated Phyllis on the old "Mary Tyler Moore Show." Christina is an emo mess, looking to bang a much younger guy to get over her previous much younger guy. She's 46, Joey's 21. It gave me the ick. I was expecting something more shocking from Jami, e.g., being trans, as she does look sort of masculine. Christina is a dope. "Nothing good ever happens after 2 a.m." (a saying). Should have shut her trap and consulted staff in the a.m. There should be ironclad agreements that if they get a BF or GF, let the staff know ahead so they can offer that spot to someone else. Maybe it's all fake anyway because no "secret" is a secret with a film crew and producer there. The fight between Crystal and Barby the first night out was really unfortunate. Crystal seemed loaded; IDK re Barby. They are each going to lose some guy interest from that. Don't descend to a taunter's level. Get up and move, or make an excuse and leave early. If you lose your cool, you give them what they want.
  8. And it helps explain how Emily is.
  9. It's a tossup for me who's the bigger pair of idiots, Knob and Sopee or PrEd and Whiz.
  10. I think Emily's Mom, e.g., is aging naturally and beautifully and would have a whole lot more credibility than this scary scarecrow lady.
  11. And she's milking every second of being a victim in this (unnecessary) surgery.
  12. Cheeno thought he had problems with her before? They will pale compared to her running with this crowd including to spend like a drunken sailor "because it's what makes me happy." What she needed is therapy, not more perfectionism and triggering about her appearance. But she's too entitled to listen to therapists.
  13. Oh no. I loved the pectin ones! My own memory related to Boston, the more shit they give you, the more they love you. Patrick is extremely protective. John is a little child who practically shouldn't be let out alone. I hope this relationship is the making of him, I've got an open mind. John is also very oppositional. DIdn't want him to marry her, Patrick? Push him to do so. Tell him he'll never want to leave San Antonio.
  14. Somebody here mentioned the church context, I think that's where it's at. He doesn't need these jokers egging him on to do his first kiss in front of these idiots and the country. I'm almost having a nervous breakdown and PTSD over that copy of Karen's dress on Shannon. Nipple malfunction any second! Natalie is a 2-year-old. Tantrums, kicking her heels, weeping copiously in self-pity, everyone is against her...and the 15 minutes later she's composed again (for her). I don't think her mother should be living with her, gbd influence. Move somewhere to stay, Nutalie, get a real job, and find Mom a senior home. Not much happening for 40-year-old starlets with bad English and worse reputations--as you saw in LA.
  15. Same here. Wasn't sure about all that green on a white wedding dress (vs. working the botanical pattern in white or cream) but I thought it looked better. Liz went in there just to waste everyone's time by kicking tires. At least she decided to go with a dress. Yeah, you dope, that's what a nice wedding dress costs -- and 885 is probably low-end. Kobe and Emily have been together all these years, and living with her parents for at least 3, and no one knows how to make ONE traditional dish from his culture? smh Maybe Mockmood stopped short because the lady in purple was just about to shoot a photo and he didn't want to get in her way. Jeez, Nicole, so paranoid. And why Mr. Sulky (who is very "unphotogenic") is even here, I do not know, must be for show business/green card. Nicole walks like an old lady (or MIss Debbie), she appears a lot older than him.
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