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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I don’t detect any tears. You need a better acting coach, Vi.
  2. Doesn’t matter if she’s pregnant or not. Riley is still an asshat.
  3. Why are they arguing over whether or not Violet is still on the dating app? There are much bigger fish to fry.
  4. It was mid-50’s here and rainy. Kind of raw. But the mosquitoes are gone so hooray!
  5. How much do you think they paid the audience? Or was it just free pizza and soda that brought them in?
  6. Violet deserves a medal for even bothering to show up to this mess.
  7. I already took the flannel pajamas out. Also turned my electric throw blanket on when I was watching football earlier today.
  8. I haven’t turned the heat on yet but it’s going to be any day now…..
  9. You said what I couldn’t really articulate. Thank you.
  10. Meisha and Nicola’s relationship is whatever they decide it will be. As if any of these idiots know what it takes to have a good marriage.
  11. Stapler can address everyone else’s problem bit has no self-awareness, which she is in desperate need of.
  12. Just people that came off the street on their way to a cooling station in the middle of a very hot summer’s day in NYC.
  13. That’s a really good color for Meisha. Matches her eyes.
  14. Well, I’m feeling a lot better. Guess I shouldn’t have eaten the 4 day old tikka masala leftovers. Just so you don’t worry about me.
  15. Meisha doesn’t look terribly comfortable with the conversation centering on Nicola’s lack of experience. You signed up for this, honey.
  16. Nicola thought bubble: Shit, now I’ll have to leave Mommy.
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