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Auntie Anxiety

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  1. I found that I didn’t care even a tiny bit that Samia was going to be killed. That entire plot was a waste of time.
  2. I’ll be back next week if I survive the latest snowcopalypse. Two and a half inches!! Oh no!! Thanks for making me laugh, everyone. Have a great week. @judylo, take it one day at a time. You’ll get through this. Be safe, fellow snark addicts. Later.
  3. Welp, looks like next week’s show will be just as boring thrilling as the last two weeks.
  4. FTFY You’re not a man, Loren. You’re a weasel.
  5. Brian minimizes Ingrid’s side of the story. What a fucking jerk.
  6. Advice from these two losers? Yeah, not interested.
  7. Something to be so proud of.
  8. But it was okay to date her and try to perform oral sex on her regardless.
  9. No one will ever tell Brian that he’s anything but 100% wonderful. Or else!!
  10. Loren doesn’t understand why anyone would be reluctant to have sex with someone who is sexually diseased.
  11. If Brian’s mouth is moving, he’s lying.
  12. Let’s forego the Ingrid bullshit and get some straight answers about Brian’s criminal activities.
  13. Brian’s version is not to be trusted. He’s a lying liar who lies.
  14. Loren: What’s a condom?
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