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Posts posted by PBGamer89

  1. An argument can be made for days upon days about ringers, but at the end of the day, if weren't for them, the show would've been cancelled a long time ago.


    It's fun at times to watch the Bills and Kelly Osbournes compete and go from "eh" to "eh, not bad", but without the Nicoles, Myas, and Zendayas, it would've gotten boring fast to watch such mediocrity.


    I agree with those who've said that ringer only really constitutes if it's prior ballroom training and/or the star doesn't speak up about it. Biggest case in point was Riker who was guilty of both.

    • Love 3
  2. I know Janel tweeted her congrats to Rumer and Val, but I wonder how she really felt having introduced them (and maybe her to the idea of DWTS) and he won with Rumer instead of her.


    It would've been like when Maks lost with Mel B and then the next season he had Ginger Spice and they won.

  3. Riker to me wasn't sloppy, he was just too hectic and I think most of that came from Allison's choreo, which they claim to be brilliant, but she's only really strong in her own genre, which is really only 2 styles on this show.


    I prefer Ballroom dancing with light and shade, like Len, so that's why Riker never appealed to me, aside from his dance background.


    In terms of Nastia, I find that what did her in really was Noah's proposal and the judge's refusal to give him realistic scores that night. Cause nothing Nastia did caused it. She danced last, got 2 perfect scores, had a good package, and ended the night on that great dance with Len. Noah's overscored dances and his proposal probably gave him that slight 1% edge over her.

    • Love 2
  4. I think if anyone gets a narrative, pro wise, it'll be Mark seeing as his last win was in season 8.


    The elimination results reminding me of season 11's, almost down to a tee!


    12th: David Hasselhoff-Redfoo (People who TPTB likely didn’t see going first)
    11th: Michael Bolton- Charlotte McKinney (both left after rude comments from Bruno)
    10th: Margaret Cho- Michael Sam (both left after dances with a LGBT theme)
    9th: The Sitatuon- Suzanne Somers (Honestly I got nothing for this one)
    8th: Florence Henderson- Patti LaBelle (the token older woman)
    7th: Audrina Patridge- Willow Shields ( strong dancers who left being towards the top of the leaderboard but small fan support)
    6th: Rick Fox- Robert Herjavec (Both middle aged men who excelled better in ballroom)
    5th: Chris Soules- Kurt Warner (Both weaker dancers who had a strong fan base but at t his point clearly the weakest link)
    4th: Brandy- Nastia Luikin (the frontrunner who shockingly left in the semis despite 10’s the previous night)
    3rd: Bristol Palin- Noah (the one who was the weakest one in the finals and appealed to the typical “middle America” voting block)
    2nd: Kyle Massey- Riker (the young male star who was entertaining but not the best technique at times)
    1st: Jennifer Grey- Rumer (the season long frontrunner who was on top at the premiere but had a few rougher weeks in the middle, but prevailed in the end

    • Love 7
  5. Pure has been a disaster the last couple seasons because of how nasty and biased they are. They won't give anyone in the "fam" any due and they were downright nasty to Janel last season and not giving Rumer any credit at all.


    I only go to them for spoilers and BTS stuff but sometimes it's hard to read how nasty they are, even to the people that comment in their posts, if you don't agree with them, they'll delete your comments or call you names.

    For all the complaing Pure is doing about this win being a complete set up, Riker and Rumer tied in scores.


    If the judges wanted her to win so bad they would've given her assistance. Clearly she didn't need it.


    Her win reminds me of Brooke's in the sense that a lot of people at the announcement thought they had small fan bases but managed a win for good dancing on their own.

    • Love 9
  6. I disagree that the producers story board a winner or winners. I think the show follows the vote.  If the vote is waining for a particular star then the packages reflect that. It  would not be in the best interest of the show to knock someone out if they are popular with the voters. 


    For example Apolo Ohno, he wasn't happy with anyone but Julianne. He wasn't douchey about it, like Gilles Marini,was about Cheryl being replaced by Peta, but it was obvious from the first week this wasn't going to be an easy season for him. He was out of the show for several seasons and it would take a lot to get him back to the dance form that he won with. I would hazard that if Julianne was available he would have faired far better. But, his mindset was the partnership and that propelled him and the scores in season 4. It would be no more in Season 15.  The voters wanted him with Julianne. Karina is a great dancer, but she isn't the "cute couple" version 2.0


    Melissa is not a great dancer imho, but she did have a certain charisma dancing with Tony in season 8 and that allowed her to not have any misgivings about the "partnership"  They were all smiles during their dances, a brother sister vibe, and that resonnated with the voters. 


    To me, the All Stars was a great example of TPTB following the votes for how they storylined and scored couples.


    From Week 1 they wanted Gilles. They gave him the reigning champ, they gave him heaps of praise for about 4/5 weeks. When he started showing his douchey side, I think his votes really started slipping and noticing that's around when Melissa won the marathon and started getting her 10's and Gilles started getting lower scores. I think Kelly and Shawn really were the top vote getters all along and they only way to get a new All Star winner was Melissa at that point and they did everything they could to counter act Shawn winning. She was due to reprise her fusion, but they changed it last minute to their Quickstep and the viewers once again got reminded of their rule breaking in the finals and Melissa got to reprise her strongest dance along with 2 sets of 30's that night.

    • Love 1
  7. Noah, to me, got typical "3rd place" treatment (going first, being quite a few points off the leader, etc).


    In my memory, no one who ever danced first in the finals won. Most of the time the winner dances last but there have been a couple times the winner danced 2nd (or 3rd in the 4 person format) and still won. Kellie, Melissa, Apolo, Meryl are at that rule.


    In seasons 6, 7, and 8 when the finals was a "group" dance and then a freestyle, the first couple to perform a freestyle won (Kristi, Brooke, and Shawn), but going by the tradition round 1 and 2 format of most finals, no one has won going first, most times last and a few times going second of the middle.


    Noah's 8 point deficit means he needs 32,000 votes per million casted to beat Riker or Rumer. I could MAYBE see him beat one for 2nd place, but I can't see him beating both for a win. All Riker or Rumer need to win is one more vote per million than the other.


    So let's say there's approx 5 million votes casted tonight over phone and internet, all Rumer needs to win is 5 more votes than Riker. Also, if theres 5 million votes, Noah needs 160,000 more votes to pass Riker or Rumer.

  8. Freestyle is exactly that, "free". As in no rules, you can literally do whatever. All these theories that you aren't allowed to do a ballroom or Latin style are just bullcrap.


    I hated Riker's freestyle because it was just a poor man's version of Alfonso's or Jack's and they totally got out of sync on the table section and it went un-noticed. and Noah's was just another emotional, "look at my struggles/do as little of actual dancing as possible" routines.


    So I found it refreshing to have Rumer's be actual dancing from step 1 to the last step. They never got to do any kind of Tango this season so it was nice to see that and having her dance to her version of the song was a nice added touch as well.


    Riker may have the younger fans, but I still think Rumer will edge him out for the win tomorrow.

    • Love 12
  9. About the re-do dances:


    Noah's; I thought it was actually worse because he stumbled a few times and that lift was rough too.

    Riker;  I still found it hectic like the first time they did it, but at least he didn’t almost fling her off stage on the floor spin like he did the first time.

    Rumer; The first time she did it, I was surprised at her grace and her natural ability. This time around her arms and her fluidity was just a notch above the first time. I thought she had the biggest improvement of these 3 dances


    The Freestyles:


    Noah; : It was basically just an expanded version of his Contemporary. I mean yes it’s sad and inspiring, but how many times do we have to hear it and how many times can he get away with not really doing much. Felt just too much like another "hey look at what happened to him, maybe it'll get us more votes, the more we talk about it" exploits.

    Riker; : Honestly, I thought it wasn’t nearly as good as the judges claimed it to be. It didn’t feel “big” or “epic” as Allison described it to be. The changes of rhythms and tempos really threw me off and when they got on the table they got out of sync in a very noticeable way, but I guess not noticeable enough for the judges to mark them down for it.

    Rumer; I loved the darker tone with it being mostly Argentine Tango with hints of Contemporary in it. Her voice sounded great on the track and I think she was very raw and passionate. IMO, none of the freestyles were really “wow” moments, but Rumer’s appealed to me the most of them all.


    I predict Noah for 3rd because an 8 point difference is a lot to make up for in the final especially with Riker and Rumer having fan bases of their own. Riker for 2nd and Rumer winning. Although they tied for scores, I think Rumer gets the edge in votes for dancing last and being a bit more memorable and their freestyle being more stripped down instead of a big production.

    • Love 5
  10. TPTB knew the effect it would have, just like when they allowed the moment in Week 2 when his gf surprised him on air; guaranteed vote bait.


    He is a smart man, he had to know, in the back of his mind, the proposal would steal headlines and gain many, many votes, and poor Nastia suffered from it.

    • Love 2
  11. I don't think it really needs to be said, but if he wins, he will go down as the worst winner so far and even if this show runs 20 more seasons, will likely stay the worst winner.


    As much as I can't stand Riker, i'd rather him win over Noah, even though I'm Team Rumer now that Nastia is gone.

    • Love 1
  12. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  


    This makes me think Nastia and Riker are the bottom two.  


    If anything the closeness makes me think Rumer and Riker. Noah and Nastia had emotional, memorable moments last night and Rumer wasn't as memorable and Riker well has a very specific fan base that might just catch up to him tonight.

  13. My gut is saying that emotion will drive Noah and Nastia into the finals and that Rumer or Riker is at risk.


    I'd put my bets on Riker going, just based on gut feeling. He was the only one really to not have some kind of "moment", IMO.

    • Love 1
  14. Lacey was different in that she didn't have much Ballroom training, but she competed and won Latin titles, so she had WAY more of an idea how to teach and choreograph than Allison does.


    Plus Lacey was the edgy feel they want to make happen with Allison and she was able to choreograph dances that didn't start at 90 mph and stay that way the whole time. I get the feeling though, Lacey doesn't want to come back as a pro.

  15. I can deal with Contemporary but no more Jazz. It's too vague and it leaves the freestyle feeling as a non-event because Jazz is essentially a freestyle.


    I do miss the days when everyone who made the finals did every ballroom/Latin style available. Nowadays the winner even leaves 2 or 3 styles they never got to do.

    • Love 3
  16. I have no issue with SYTYCD crossovers but I'd rather have someone like Witney, Lacey, Lindsay, etc who are ballroom trained but have the ability to do contemporary, jazz, etc, not like Allison's case where she's contemp/jazz trained and has the ability to do ballroom/Latin.

    • Love 1
  17. Where are these people finding the "rules of the Trio dance"? Like is there a handbook or something? lol


    There is no rule about the trios. There used to be trios where the third person would leave and then the couple would do their own part.


    As long as a third person is there and the star dances with both, I believe that's all that's required. Everybody acting like Nastia's trio was the first one where it wasn't all 3 people dancing at the same exact time.

    • Love 9
  18. People with large young followings have made it close to a win.  Kyle Massey was runner up.  Zendaya was runner up.  Chelsea Kane was third, though you could argue TPTB pushed her there.  Janel had a large younger following and got third.  They don't win, but they have assuredly made the finals.


    The difference with Kyle and Zendaya is they gained fans throughout the process and Zendaya especially didn't hide her dance background like Riker is. I would even argue he's way more unknown generally than those 2. I see Riker going more of the Sabrina/Roshon route of leaving in a couple weeks in a shocker.

    • Love 3
  19. Jazz is a broad category but Nastia and Derek definitely did a Broadway Jazz, similar to something like he did with Bethany and what Janel and Val did last season.


    The lip syncing comment to me just seemed like something Carrie Ann pulled out of nowhere to justify her not being in a tie with Rumer.

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