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Posts posted by PBGamer89

  1. Small point: America the Beautiful isn't actually a US national anthem, as you said (though there have been unsuccessful attempts made to have it considered as such). It's just a "regular" patriotic song.


    Even such, I found the song choice a little too "on the nose" and I saw it as a big sign that almost said "vote for Alek or else you hate America". I detest that type of voter manipulation, just like the Nick Carter baby shenanigans.

    • Love 5
  2. I agree with whoever said Nick hasn't had a real standout moment.


    Winners always tend to have standout moments and moments when you go, wow, there's the winner.


    I feel like Between her opening Jive, her Contemporary for her dad, her switch up with Val, her Dirty Dancing tribute, the Grace Kelly Foxtrot, plus her recent Argentine Tango and Viennese Waltz, she's had plenty of routines that would be memorable even after the season ends. 

    • Love 3
  3. I don't think Bindi's votes would be sliding because fans don't want Derek to have another mirrorball.


    I remember that same conversation coming up right before his wins with Kellie and Amber. Yes it would be his 6th win, but I view it more for the celeb than anything.


    Why penalize a good celeb because of something regarding their pro?

    • Love 2
  4. - Bindi/Derek (Salsa): It was a proper Salsa. I wish it had a more Salsa appropriate song, but I think ultimately it was light and fun and felt like it fit Bindi’s personality. I loved the speed of her turns and I saw a lot of basic Salsa in that. Ok, maybe it needed to be slightly more grounded, but overall props for doing a proper dance. I think Len would’ve agreed on the content as well. 


    - Alek/Lindsay (Waltz): OK, so he gets yet another Ballroom dance, dances it to a patriotic national anthem and a package about how he saved people again? Yea, they weren’t trying AT ALL to sway votes towards him. Was it a good Waltz? Yes. Was it his best dance? Yes. Was it a perfect 30? No! 


    - Carlos/Witney (Contemporary): I have to say I agreed a bit with the female judges with this one. It felt very over dramatic and didn’t actually make sense. On the contrast of Alexa whose emotional Contemporary felt real and genuine, this felt a little put on. Also, nice way of basically stealing the end move of Amy’s freestyle.


    - Nick/Sharna (Tango): Wow, I don’t often see dances like this in the semi-finals where it is this messy. I mean from almost the start he lost his footing and just never regained any of it throughout and then the strange stop and mini pep talk in the middle was odd. Not a good dance for him at all. 


    Dance Off thoughts: I found it funny how Carrie Ann could think this Carlos/Alek was an even playing field. Alek’s snippet was basically “my Latin sucks, so here’s a knee slide and my bare chest”. Guess it worked for Carrie Ann. Bindi killed her Samba snippet and I’m glad we were able to see some semblance of a Samba from her because she hasn’t gotten to do it yet.


    - Bindi/Derek (Jazz) w/Mark: Whoa! I think this was so powerful and unique. This almost looked like it could’ve been on SYTYCD. I know Bindi hasn’t had much dance experience but damn she picks up each dance like a pro each time and this was so daring and dangerous and my god she pulled it off. Mark and Derek are genius separately but when they join forces it’s magic. 

    - Alek/Lindsay (Argentine Tango) w/Emma: A prime example of showing how little the men do in certain dances. Judges praise it and say it showed off Alek, but to me it just showed how little he did. He doesn’t lead, he’s back-led by the pros; an easy and commonly used tactic by the female pros. Very few men have actually lead in any season. I think I could count them on one hand. Didn’t like the weird acoustic very of Elle King’s song. Overall, it just seemed like an OK number. 


    - Carlos/Witney (Charleston) w/ Karina: I don’t know why Tom stated Samba and then it was all Charleston after that comment. I read he was supposed to have Samba and it got changed on Tuesday. Interesting. It was a good number but he sometimes overdoes the facial expressions, like almost to a degree where it looks fake. 


    - Nick/Sharna (Salsa) w/Peta: Nice to see Peta back, a season long absence made me miss her when I otherwise don’t really care for her as a pro, but overall it was a flashy number, but light on the actual Salsa. Bindi’s had more recognizable Salsa. I laughed after when Sharna said in the package “this is a competitive Salsa” because that’s not really what came out afterward. It was a music video with a Salsa flare. 

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  5. It's difficult to compare seasons, Len was pretty consistent in his criticisms, but leave it to these 3 clowns and anything happens. Bindi and Derek were not docked at all for doing a Rumba  which was actually a Mambo with a lift,  and yet Val and Tamar got docked for an unintentional lift on the Paso Doble in week 8.   CAI applies the rules when the show wants to handcuff a couple, and is blind to them when it's convenient. 


    The judges all unanimously stated that week (famous dances week) they were being very lenient on all the dances that had barely any content, just like Carlos' "Rumba". Any other week they would've gotten slammed, but they stated they were glads to have it slated as Rumba cause it was a dance they didn't really want.

    • Love 1
  6. I think this season will be one of those that truly comes down to the freestyle because I think we can all safely assume this is coming down to Nick and Bindi. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Sharna is going to work in all the Backstreet Boys into their freestyle if it's possible and they have the time. And hey, I'm not going to be mad at that. Right now, at this point, I'd say it's probably Bindi's to lose but yeah I think the freestyle will be key. 


    Sharna using the BSB is the same awful pandering from when Shawn used the Fierce Five in her All Star freestyle and that's with me loving Shawn and wanting her to have won.


    She used the BSB thing already for their "Jazz" piece so using it more seems like overkill. 


    Bindi continually polls high in those "who's your favorite" polls and yes it's not scientific but it does say who the general public are feeling. It's usually Bindi way in first and Nick in a solid second and Alek in a solid 3rd. and I honestly feel like the real results will reflect that. Alek-3rd, Nick- 2nd, Bindi- winner

  7. Alexa getting eliminated was fair game...it all came down to the scores/votes, wether they let her come back or not...who's to say she won't get booted the week following, which would be embarrassing.


    Because if Tamar just left the competition on Monday, there would've been no elimination and Alexa would still be there, but Tamar didn't and just withdrew the next day. If I were Alexa I'd be kinda pissed about that.


    In the past, in season 3, when Sara Evans quit right after Willa Ford was cut, Willa did say in an interview that ABC asked her to come back but she declined.


    How is this different?

    • Love 1
  8. I consider any elimination premature when they should've gone further and someone less talented stayed over them, in this case someone like Alek.


    Alexa should've made the top 4 based on her dancing, and 6th place, to me, still feels premature.


    Mark is overdue a win, IMO, and I hope next season he gets someone with the right dancing AND fan base. He would've edged a win with Sadie if not for the Alfonso factor. With him, everyone else was fighting for 2nd place. Sadie had the dancing and the fans to win, just not enough to beat Alfonso. 


    I still think it would be all kinds of Gilles hilarity of Sadie snuck a win from Alfonso.

    • Love 1
  9. While I agree about dance order, I think in Alexa's case it was also a hint that she didn't have the votes from the start. And to be fair to them, I think the jeopardy stuff and the OTT harshness about the Britney dance can in hindsight be interpreted as the producer's sadistic, twisted attempts to rally support for her and get her more votes.


    I agree in that her votes might not have been the greatest, but she did manage to stay in weeks where she was under the eliminated star in points like in Hayes and Andy's case. Both got cut when she had less points.


    I think it was just a case of Alek being the only one below her last week and his votes surpassed hers and she got the short end of the stick.

    • Love 1
  10. That's why I wish Carlos left instead. All of his talk being selfish and wanting to beat her was insensitive and uncalled for.


    Alexa made it clear she wanted to win but also supported him as much as she could, not to mention I found her a more natural performer and likeable personality. I really felt like the show was giving her this improvement arc and I was excited to see how much more she would've done in the next 2 weeks.


    Oh well, Mark should be proud, but I'm sure he's getting bummed after 2 very premature exits.

    • Love 3
  11. It's different than when they did it to Meryl and Charlie, they weren't married and both took it in stride. However this was just too much.


    They've tortured Alexa this season will the jeopardy trips and even placement in the show. Girl was always in the first few slots to dance and meanwhile Nick and Tamar are on their 3rd time dancing last. 


    Reminds of when Katherine Jenkins made it to 2nd place without ever dancing last in her season, while people like William and Donald had multiple times dancing at the end.

    • Love 3
  12. I don't think all this means Alek is getting tons of votes. Alexa was only 2 points ahead of Alek so it's not like he overcame this huge margin to beat her.


    He's at the bottom now with only Tamar 1 point ahead. Assuming she gets her usual votes plus the sympathy votes likely coming her way, Alek is toast next week, unless Carlos' crocodile tears gets him some extra votes too.

  13. While the critiques of Nick were true, it is frustrating that they made sure to highlight the mistakes/rule-breaking of the dance style when Bindi and Derek have had the same mistakes/rule-breaking with no comment (except for accidentally pointing out Bindi being out of sync since they thought it was one of the other female celebs in the Halloween dance). 


    While Bindi and Derek did break hold in their Quickstep, they had much more content in theirs. Nick's took way too long to start and when it did, they dropped hold again and did his little foot stuff with the boys.

    • Love 1
  14. Please show, never again with the "war hero" types. I can't deal with them outstaying people miles and miles better just for doing something like that.


    Alek needed to be put out of his dance misery this week, but instead the grandmas voted for his looks and patriotism, and the dancing he does took a back seat. He needs to be out next week!


    Alexa and Bindi killed it tonight and it's a shame Alexa went because with a score of 60 she would've easily sailed into the finals next week.


    Does it make me horrible for thinking I wished Tamar stayed at the hospital and got cut instead because I enjoy watching Alexa more than Tamar?

    • Love 8
  15. Charlie wasn't going to beat Meryl.  Kristie Yamaguchi is also a shy kind of person outside the ice rink.   It's what they do in performance 

    So apparently the Beatles LOVE cirque du soliel dancers are going to be with Tamar and Nick tonight. That's cool.  Expectations are awful high though, with the show's dancers, that makes it difficult to live up to. Nick shouldn't worry he's got immunity.  Tamar - this could be her swan song. :(  


    Nick's immunity was for last week, not this week. He could go just eaasily as anyone tonight; don't think he will, but he's not immune.

  16. Toni was a good dancer, but never got her due from the judges. I remember this because all 5 weeks, her dances always scored 21-23, never above or below.


    Plus she had a pro like Alec with not a huge fan base, and jus got overshadowed by personalities like Cloris and Warren and better dancers like Brooke and Lance.


    There's also this gem, when Carrie said "We lost Toni Braxton for this?" to Cloris the week after Toni was eliminated:



  17. I would like her to get a redemption edit and make the finals.


    A lot of "who's your favorite" polls I have seen have Carlos at the very bottom, so I wonder if next week will have a PenaVega B2 and a surprise with Carlos leaving.


    She seems more genuine than him and I think she's gotten the short end of the stick many times that people could root for her for that. Twice now she's outstayed 2 celebs who had higher scores than her (Hayes and Andy)

    • Love 1
  18. Football players and "war heros" are my least favorite types of contestants because they get such a pass for basically doing a whole lot of nothing.


    Wait, i'll clarify; many football players have had decent technique, but by "a whole lot of nothing", I mean they often get praised for lackluster technique and just being a showman, while sailing to the finals and others have to work 10x harder to get even the littlest respect from the viewers and judges. A good example would be Donald Driver winning over Katherine Jenkins, who fully deserved to win and had a great personality to match.

    • Love 1
  19. I think maybe Tamar was because of the comment in her package and the resulting Twitter meltdown. They probably figured the jeopardy thing will make for some good package material for next week.


    That comment and her scores could sink her next week.


    In terms of Alexa, I'm glad she was safe and gets to dance again. I hope they get something slower next week like maybe Viennese Waltz.

  20. I still am baffled how Alexa didn't get one compliment from a judge on that trick at the end of the team dance. That was pulled off great and I don't think i've seen a celeb pull off a trick like that in a team dance since Snooki's cheerleader throw in her team dance.


    I thought for sure Alexa was a goner but either Hayes votes have been bottom-ish the whole time or she had the votes to pass him. She's only 2 points off the bottom this week, but everyone is within I think 4 points of each other that I feel even people like Carlos or Andy aren't safe on scores alone. I think Andy might have squeaked by this week because of his 40 and the 10 point gap in scores, but now he's only like 3 points off the bottom and I could easily see him going.


    I think Alek, Carlos, or Andy could be next. I hope if there is some kind of immunity next week like there has been a few seasons now, someone like Alexa gets it. It bothered me when Kellie, Amber, or Nastia got it because at that week, you knew they weren't going home, especially last season. If only Willow got like 2 more points from the judges, she would've won immunity and not gotten kicked off. People like Alexa is what the immunity is made for, not people like say Bindi or Nick.

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