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Posts posted by PBGamer89

  1. Leeza had the better commerical and overall presentation and has gone the whole season without clashes and has been professional and articulate the whole time.


    Not to mention her many wins as PM or on the winning team.


    So, why do I have a horrible feeling Donald will once again choose his pet over the most deserving? Arsenio, John Rich, Bret, and Trace Adkins all come to mind of people who had less than stellar moments but because Donald loved them all from the beginning, he crowned them.


    Not to mention, only 1 female celeb has won.

    • Love 3
  2. It's outlandish because of the evidence stated, but a small part of me wishes Mona is overall A at end game and staged this entire thing with Allison from beginning to end. Mona until she revealed herself and Allison when Mona was in Radley and then Allison came back and "kills" Mona and it turns out to be this giant game they played.


    Part of me says that because I love Janel Parrish and think Mona was a great character that got killed before she was really used to her limits.

    • Love 2
  3. Ok, maybe Shawn didn't step up and had better ideas, but call me crazy for saying the person getting fired should be someone who had a big notion to why they lost and for that task it was Vivica because all those ideas were mostly hers and that was the criticism they had about basically having no shoes outside.


    Trump basically fired Shawn because she wasn't bringing high amounts of drama, which is a no no I guess. I love Shawn, always have and always will but even I can say she sunk low signing up for this. DWTS was her forte and she excelled in it, but this show almost doesn't need any actual skill to win. Just hope that Trump likes you, have some rich friends, and be able to fight with the bigger egos. Once again, doesn't require much skill.

    • Love 8
  4. Shawn getting fired made no sense. OK, she didn't step up, but isn't the person who gets fired supposed to be the main or most of the reason the team lost?


    They didn't like Vivica and Geraldo's cafe idea and Shawn did everything asked of her. Trump likes to fire PM's but in this case it should've been Vivica, who I lose more respect for by the episode. She goes after anyone but herself for the dumbest reasons (Shawn's time of the month, Shawn not being PM, Kate taking a long time in Hair) and she just acts so fake about it too.


    Yet you have Sig who's "under the radar" a.k.a has done nothing in really any task but no one calls him out for it? What did he do in the video really? OK, I understand why Lorenzo got fired, but Sig basically was just taking up space and has been the entire season.


    I feel bad for Shawn because she's far too nice and good of a human being to be on this mess and got fired for the dumbest reason so far this season. At least the other fired people before her contributed to their teams loss in some way.

    • Love 2
  5. I personally can't stand Suri. She brings nothing to the panel and she doesn't even have that much insider gossip. She often hates a dance for the dumbest reasons or just using the oldest "didn't feel it, I don't know why" excuse.


    At least Kristyn, Jake, and Anna have their own opinions and are likeable. If I have to hear Suri say once more "as a dancer, turned gymnast....." or "as a gymnast I can relate because I didn't go off counts", etc.

  6. Not really in the case of winning over losing, I meant more like the fan backlash is more vocal for female ringers, picking them apart, saying how annoying they are, but fans seemed to love Charlie, Corbin, and Alfonso who all have just as much training as some of the best female ringers and yet the fans ate up what they were doing.


    It was funny watching fans love Charlie's every move and word, yet they tore Meryl a new one sometimes when they both had the same dance and performing background. That just showed me how male ringers get treated different from the general fans.

  7. I'll never understand why male ringers never get backlash like the female ringers do.




    Alfonso does his freestyle: "Oh wow, that was amazing, he tapped, how cool was that!

    If Nicole Scherzinger did the same freestyle: "Of course it was good, she's a dancer, she went to school for it and performs, look she even tapped, that's how much experience she has."

    • Love 1
  8. Suri's talk of how she just doesn't connect with Janel for whatever reason when everyone else loved the dance makes me think she works for PureDWTS considering all that site does is bash Janel unrelentlessly for no reason other than to hate.

    • Love 1
  9. Since they ditched the results show, the shows they've used to fill those timeslots the past 2 fall seasons have tanked. Maybe ABC should just get the hint that even though the results show wasn't as big of a ratings hit as they'd like, it still does better than any of their comedies they've tried to put in it's place.

  10. How does Bethany get 10's every week? She's good, sometimes very good, and sometimes average, and it doesn't matter - 10's! I guess when you're Derek's partner, it doesn't really matter how you dance - you're always great. I'm so sick of it.

    She's only had 10's for 2 weeks out of the 7.

    • Love 4
  11. None of the men are under 30, which is weird considering how many of the female stars are.


    Color me shocked that the women have the advantage in that area. Alfonso is easily the men's best shot for a win, and even that's not a guarantee seeing as former pre-season male frontrunners like Charlie and Jaleel didn't even make the finals.

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