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Posts posted by Ambrosefolly

  1. 8 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    There are oceans of difference between journalism and marketing. 

    Reporting on breaking news? Yes. Interviewing a politician? I don't see a huge difference between that and advertorials that companies buy in magazine promoting their businesses. All of it is spin. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Fortunately for Sonny, everyone else is already doing this.

    Yep. I remember Robin going to Dante's room after Sonny shoot him to give the what a swell guy Sonny is routine. For all Sonny's talk about how pathetic he found AJ, he will also project pathetic-ism in order to get people to pity him and then relent. At least when AJ did, he was looking for genuine love and affection, usually from his family.  I won't be at all surprise if people start going to Dex now to back off Sonny. 

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    On 11/11/2020 at 1:39 PM, vanillamountain said:

    I have mixed feelings on A Year In The Life - so in my head, I tend to treat is an "alternate ending." I know many fans dislike Season 7, but I loved the way David Rosenthal ended her story: Rory was single, on her own two feet, following the Obama campaign, and pursuing a career in digital media. Back in 2007, there was no doubt in my mind that Rory would go on to write for Politico or Huffington Post or any number of outlets. 

    Rory's ending in A Year In The life isn't "bad" - it's just disappointing to me for a show that's supposed to be all about wish fulfillment. Although to be fair, it's not like Rory will ever have to struggle the way Lorelai did. Rory has the money Trix left her, Richard's trust fund, and a town full of Stars Hollow folks who would be willing to babysit at a moment's notice. Plus, it was already established that Lorelai wanted more kids (but was past childbearing age,) so I could see her happily jumping in 100% and helping out if Rory ever needed to travel to promote her book. 

    I like the that Gilmore Girls' ending too. Rory didn't get the job that she had her heart set on, nor the job at the more humble newspaper, but seemed content with the low-paying job and adjusted her attitude accordingly. 

    "Year in the Life"- To me, part of the problem is that Amy Sherman-Palladino has been a successful writer since her mid thirties. While it is true there was a massive technological change that effected the journalism industry, I always figured that with the one example that Loreali set for Rory, never take a hand out or rely on family money, she would do what I see a lot of people with writing or journalism degrees do - go into marketing (when you think about it, there isn't a huge difference between journalism & marketing, heck, interviews with polticians or even royalty can be seen as a version of marketing). We saw her wade in to that when she was working for DAR and promoting that fundraiser. They could have done an equally compelling story with Rory trying to leave marketing to become a full time writer, but facing the same hurdles. And with that interview with that internet magazine that she tanked, instead of Rory doing the unRory like thing and not research the company, they could of come to in impasse when it is realized that the company does a lot of clickbait, which I can see Rory being against and that Rory's idea come across as dated, even at her relatively young age. I just watched Ewan Mitchell from House of the Dragon 10 years ago (at 18) pounding pavement and submitting his DVD to acting agency and I couldn't help think wow, you probably can't do that today. I remember that 9 years ago, laptops were slowly phasing out CD/DVD players and now everyone is playing everything on their phones. He would have to figure out how to get these agencies to view his Youtube channel instead, & he still under 30 yr. That is how fast technology changes. 

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  4. 19 hours ago, Suicidy said:

    Would you really want to endure scenes with Michael and Drew in a romance?  Although maybe they could make it interesting, and have Willow be into it and make the whole thing a throuple.

    At least two of the most annoying people would be contained in scenes together. 

    "Sonny beating up Dex," so Sonny yet again ruins a wedding involving Tracy Q, this time the wedding of her oldest grandchild. During Tracy's wedding to Luke, Sonny & Brenda thought is was just swell to announce their engagement at her reception. Now Sonny has caused a scene at BL's reception. At least this time it wasn't in front of everyone. And it wasn't endearing how possessive he was off the event, like he was the guest of honor. What I wouldn't give for a scene where Lois goes to Sonny and says she is disappointed in him after she overrode Tracy's request to not invite Sonny because he murdered AJ. And even if Sonny is being under-medicated, if he didn't constantly blame everyone, he would self reflective to realize that something is going wrong & at least try to leave, even if it was earlier than he would like. I know mentally disabled people with this awareness. 

     I dislike Sonny because he constantly uses pity to get himself out of jams. Either he will tell people his sad sack childhood, have other people to intercede for him (whether he asks or not) or a combo of both, like the aftermath of shooting Dante. I think a part of him is glad that Kristina saw what happened because even though he doesn't like Kristina thinking him as some kind of bully, he used it to try  manipulate Dante. Now that it is a little ridiculous for him to hid behind his crappy childhood as he had the resource for decades to deal with his trauma, he now uses his kids and grandkids. While I'll commend Kristina for earnestly telling Dex she will support him should he decide to press charges, I wouldn't put it past Sonny to go to Dex, give a half assed apology and use Kristina and her condition to not put him in jail. 

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  5. On 5/20/2024 at 8:27 PM, Galileo908 said:

    Even though, yeah, the Simpson women turn out okay, Grampa just wanted to be mean.

    I'd be mean too if my son and daughter-in-law were forcing me to live in a small windowless room just to save a few bucks (by using the grandkids to guilt), especially since I sold myown house so they could buy their house, and after promising to have me move in, stuck me in the old persons home where they hardly visit.

    I'd cap the tirade off by pointing out that Homer spends to much money drinking at Moe's (who will hold you at gunpoint to pay your tab) and that Marge can get a job outside the house. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, ljr said:

    How can Lois and her extended family live Sonny so much? Do they have any idea what he does?

    They knew him since he was a kid and being abused by his step father. This is one of the more understandable aspects.

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  7. 5 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    I have been waiting more than a decade for Dante to find his balls. Ever since he let Sonny off the hook for shooting him, he's been rolling over, and it's gross, especially when Sonny is obviously looking to trade on having a family member on the force. Everything Dante said was right.   

    I remember Anthony Zacharra astutely saying that Dante should just change his last name to Cornithos and be done with it with all the favors he has done for Sonny and family being a cop. Luke at least never or rarely tried to manipulate Lucky into doing favors for him using his job as a cop to help Luke out. 

    4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I understand this, believe me. I'm still incensed at how Chris Robinson was treated and also Stuart Damon. Not to mention Anna Lee. But John Ingle wasn't the original Edward-that was David Lewis; and yes, Jed's second recast was an abomination; all I could see and hear was CC Capwell when he opened his mouth.

    But if Leslie isn't able to say, stand or walk, just have her sitting down, like Raymond Burr did in the last of the Perry Mason movie-the man was dying of cancer, but for us, stuck it through. I'm just tired of the reasons for why Monica ISN'T in scenes she SHOULD be. And if Frank, that asshole, is waiting for her to die, dimes to donuts, she won't get a proper memorial. Well, maybe she might, as Jackie did, and not the INSULT of the one given to Stuart, even if Alan was dead.

    And Genie and Jane are also original cast members. ETA: Oops. Forgot Genie didn't originate Laura. So Jane, then!

    That was the BEST part of the show yesterday, aside from bawling my eyes out at Gonzo's departure. Dante FINALLY hit Mooby with the truth bombs. Not that I expect him to hear what Dante is saying. I expect more of "you've turned against me" mantra.

    I guess with this latest recast of Kristina, she's all but forgotten that her father is a mafia "don" Vito Corleone wannabe. Like others have stated, he was going to kill Johnny with that car bomb; had him beaten. I don't care that she didn't witness it with her eyes. She has KNOWN who he is and why Alexis kept her from him for the first two years of her life, until she couldn't. But sure, Kristina, beg the SLS to do something so Mooby doesn't have to pay for this, as well. Will Anna hide this in her drawer along with Cyrus' statement about his attack?

    But, back to Dante. Loved him finally telling Mooby he wasn't going to carry water for him anymore, and laying out the questioning, and how Mooby actually expected him to LIE for his whiny and narcissistic ass?

    I laughed so hard at this. There were no broken bones; he hadn't been shot. There was no urgency. His ass just had a black eye. The ER is for EMERGENCIES. But then again, in her mind, that pulverized eye was an emergency. 

    Why doesn't someone call Phyllis? Maybe Mooby won't accuse her of turning against him? But then she disappeared, like over a year ago, right?

    To end on a positive note, Michael Easton was just wonderful. I haven't seen this side of him in years.

    Bye, Gonzo. Now I think I'll see if I can find Trapper John, MD online somewhere.


    1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Kristina has known that her Dad is a Mob boss, but the circumstances here are different than what she's been aware of in the past. She recently heard Dex confirm that her Dad ordered him to kill Cyrus; now she sees him beating up Dex at a wedding and screaming about murdering him and Jason with a gun. She's also about 5-6 months pregnant, so her senses are more intense and her emotions are heightened. Her father then turns to follow her, invades the women's restroom, and tries to invade her personal space. I think any normal woman would be crying under those circumstances.  

    Neither Genie nor Jane are original cast members. The last one was John Beradino, but they are classic ones from the golden era. 

    What frustrates me and one of the many reasons I stopped watching is that Sonny will get no real consequences for what he did, and no I haven't been reading spoilers. Sonny straight up murdered someone, and he he got a full pardon, when it should have been conditionally probation if the show wanted to keep him on the canvas, but it would give him some sort of limit.

    The only way I can believe that Dex didn't fight back is because that Sonny has gotten so untouchable that Dex was more concerned with what would happen to him if he laid out Sonny compared to taking the beating. I don't care if he is "180lbs of pure muscle," his old, nearly a senior citizen and Dex is a young and fit guy. Also, it isn't like Sonny is some sort of martial arts master, he only boxes recreationally. 

    Ed Q at his height was never this untouchable, which is one of the reasons he was a more interesting character. The show should acknowledge that Sonny is far worse than Edward ever was and either have characters on the canvas (not SLS) take him down and be portrayed as not the devil. 

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  8. On 5/21/2024 at 4:37 AM, methodwriter85 said:

    Amanda Setton is a conservative Jewish person who doesn't believe in doing love scenes or dressing immodestly. The show and Josh S. have been accommodating of her beliefs. Although in all honestly they really should just do the fade aways where they walk into a room and close the door and "do not disturb goes" up. There are ways to do this without feeling awkward. 


    On 5/21/2024 at 7:33 AM, YaddaYadda said:

    Wrong business.

    This is FV's fault. He knew this about her, but still casted a person that couldn't sing and now refuses to do any loves scenes in a role that should require both because she was relatively in the same age range and was a friend of his. When they accommodated Jonathan Jackson's religious conservatism in the late 90s, he was the originating actor & hugely popular in the role and was still very young. AS wasn't associate with Brooklynn like that. 

    On 5/21/2024 at 9:12 AM, MarciNJ said:

    tell that to Mayim Bialik (Amy Farah Fowler Cooper)

    She largely plays nerds and more prudish characters. She was stepping into a role that did not require love scenes, considering she was paired with a character that was nearly asexual from the jump on the Big Bang Theory.


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  9. On 5/9/2024 at 2:25 PM, lilabennet said:

    Lucky always had the capacity to be an abusive POS. It wasn't a sudden heel turn to prop Jason:


    Guza was also writing it, and he couldn't hid his misogyny, even when he was under the control of a competent executive producer.  And yes, while I always had trouble with this scene too, or should I say, the lack of follow up with Lucky apologizing for being so harsh with Laura, he did find out a devastating truth and wasn't any easier on Luke.  Lucky was a teenager and a vast majority of teenagers can be straight up mean to their parents, even if their parents do their best to be good parents. I was to my mom when I was a teen, so was my sister. I observed it with my cousins, and kids, past and present, in the youth group I helped with. Does that mean that me or all those kids while grow up with be remotely abusive to other people, including romantic partners? No. And Jason was even bigger asshole to the Qs and still hasn't offered a proper apologize to them when he did the same things to protect Sonny, Carly and Michael that the Qs did to protect AJ. But Guza never portrayed Jason as anything less than galant & right when he was dealing with women (even when Jason was being a shit friend and boyfriend), not because Jason was a more noble character than Lucky but because Jason was his favorite. 

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  10. On 4/28/2024 at 9:19 PM, mbluecpa said:

    Dear writers, we get it: the MC descended into an unkempt, falling-apart, and atrociously painted fleabag hotel under Nina’s 50% ownership.  Can you please give it a rest?  The assemblage of the staff members to worship at the altar of Carly was the perfect allegory for, well, the Carly worship.

    It didn't fall apart when Jax, an international wealthy businessman sold his half of the hotel. It didn't happened when Kate Howard, an Ivy league educated, cultured and successful fashion editor was murdered by Ava and the hotel was left to her ungrateful and judgmental cousin Olivia who lacked her cousin's refinement. No, it happened when Carly, who pretty much decided she wanted to run a big fancy hotel just because but with no schooling, experience or even bringing advisors (I don't hear her mention anything in bringing advisors) into learning business or management, lost the hotel,  that's when things went to crap. While it isn't out of the realm of possibility for someone with a humble background to work their way to the top, that has never been Carly's story. She was always exalted as a naturally good business person, despite never building or even running businesses for very long.

    I would argue between Nina and Carly, Nina would be naturally better at owning a hotel, because she grew up wealthy, so she would be exposed to legendary hotels around the world and that more exposure to luxury from an early age. Carly on the other hand, grew up in a trailer park. Nothing wrong with that, Kate Howard also had a humble background. But Carly never had any tales of working around the world. Also, even though she got her status by marrying rich, she never really left Port Charles to travel aboard, save for the occasional short trips to Australia & Europe. I remember several years ago Carly was talking to JMB's Lulu how her mother Laura was a "homebody" and how adventurous her and Lulu were. It was hilarious because since Carly had Michael in her twenties, she better much stayed put, while Laura went on international adventures with Luke and Robert, went on the run with Luke and Lucky for years, and lived in France with Lulu when Lulu was a toddler. The "homebody" myth came  about because she wanted to stay put near family for young Lucky and later Lulu's sakes.

    If any of these writers ever ventured out their bubble, instead of making Carly so awesome at running a hotel, the threat could of come from Nina in talks to sell her half of the hotel to a private equity firm, and having the Olivia and staff rightfully freaked out about that. If you know anything about the bane of private equity, they ruin just about anything: fashion houses, food, and even health care Say what you will about Carly, but as long as she is living her luxurious life, she isn't that money hunger, but she is very possessive of the things that give her status, like that hotel. If I was the architect of the story, I would have that while the Metro Court was well reviewed, since Carly had no real business experience when she bought the hotel and with Jax and Kate gone and Olivia taking on a bigger role as co owner instead of a manager, it wasn't making the profits it should have. And Nina, now completely fed up with Carly and a lot on her own plate, was seriously considering selling her half of the hotel.

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  11. 12 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

    Hell @jsbt if we're bringing in Christina Baldwin let's bring her biodad too. Chris Ramsey is exactly the kind of non-evil schemer this show needs. I know Nolan North does a lot of VO work so he's still in the business. 

    Correction: Frank Scanlon (the since passed Jay Pickett, who filled in for Lorenzo Alcazar and played Detective David Harper) is Christina Baldwin biodad. Chris Ramsey married her bio-mom in a bid for her to get custody as Lucy Coe and Scott Baldwin had adopted her. 

    But yes Chris Ramsay would be excellent. While I often wished he would they would bring him to General Hospital, I felt that previous regimes would butcher the character since the previous regimes never understood nuance when it came to, well, anyone and often thought their "excellent" writing could have someone do something shitty but could redeem them. Like that time Luke ran over Jake but taking Aidan to hospital made up for that. (No joke, that was Luke's redemption)

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  12. Well @Bastet, someone just dying is a good enough reason to break news at a wedding (at least the person is a mutual friend and quietly to the side) , but I too prefer the overcorrection with good intentions to what Sonny and Brenda did, which was disregard the feeling of the bride, who already didn't like him, on her special day. 

    One of the things that piss me off is, like with Sonny's grooming of Karen Wexler being dismissed in the 90s, it can seep into the real world. In a certain bio by a certain European prince, he confirmed rumors that he and his wife went around to people at his cousin's wedding reception telling them they were expecting, even though the wife wasn't showing much yet. To me this was particularly classless as he seemed the closest to that cousin and the cousin was forced to postpone her engagement announcement and wedding as he was more "senior" in the family, despite the fact she dated her husband for much longer. 

    Something similar happened in the US version of Queer as Folk, where the one of the women in the lesbian couple proposed to her live in lover at her sister's wedding reception. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, partofme said:

    As a Chandler/Monica fan, I always hated how their wedding episode was all about Rachel. 

    Friends always had season finales and premiers like that. Monica and Chandler first hooking up was done in a similar manner (Ross' wedding to Emily). It was a huge surprise in the season 4 finale and a big part of season 5 premier. 

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  14. General Hospital. Again regarding Sonny and Brenda. This is a much smaller scale than to usually evil crap Sonny does and the show brushes aside, but man did a get an uptick in anger when it happened. 

    Tracy and Luke were doing a proper wedding at her families home. During the reception Sonny and Brenda step away and Sonny proposes to Brenda. They come back in during the reception and ANNOUNCE IT. Tracy is IMHO, rightfully upset and calls it rude, but Luke brushes it off, calling it romantic. No Luke, Tracy is right, it was rude, so f*ck him too. And no, the reception doesn't mean the wedding is over, it is part of the wedding. The wedding isn't over until there is tear down of the hall and everyone is on their way home.  No one should be announcing their own good news during other people's celebration unless you get explicit permission for whoever the guest(s) of honor. That is when everyone is together? Well sucks to suck and we all have video chats and phones. Of course later in the episode, it shows exactly why you don't do such a thing as the wedding guests were now focused on Sonny and Brenda and congratulating them.

    I always liked that on Friends, during Monica and Chandler's wedding, Rachel was doing her best to keep her pregnancy a secret so she wouldn't take the shine off of Monica, despite her own inner turmoil as it was unplanned. 

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  15. 19 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    I am seriously concerned that LC may be done with the show. BLQ telling Jason that Monica is both sick and injured made me sad. But that cousins scene was well done. I will give Burton some credit for Jason's tears that his mother still loves him.

    It also ways got me and pissed me off how toothless they ended making the Qs in regards to Sonny. I remember when Emily died and Sonny, in a rare moment of honest on this show, admitted if someone did to him what he ended up doing to Monica, he would kill, so why didn't Monica ended carrying out a campaign to destroy him? She can be almost as big of a bitch as Tracy. I am still pissed they never had a scene LC confronting Michael when he decided to end his "revenge" against Sonny and gave back Avery, since he told her he would take care of the vendetta. 

    On 3/26/2024 at 2:20 AM, jsbt said:

    I would kill to get SN back but I think he is on contract at DAYS and I can't see Uncle Frank offering him one. I do think Ron and Frank tried it in 2013 (there were a zillion Stefan mentions in that period) but IIRC SN later said he turned it down on account of either story or money or both. I suspect they wanted him to join their massive recurring veteran corps doing nothing in C-story every 3-4 weeks, and probably do some lame love triangle stuff with Laura in the background. Genie dipped that year for the same reason.

    A shame because I think SM's Sasha could credible pass as Stefan's long lost daughter.

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  16. 20 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Carly knows that Sonny shot Dante years ago and she's never really cared for Dante because he A) replaced Michael as Sonny's first child and B) she blamed (well-intentioned) Dante for young Michael going to prison, where he was raped. She tracked down Brooklyn Ashton/Quartermaine (the OG actress) to seduce Dante and destroy the Lante relationship because she considered both Dante and Lulu to be traitors to the family. Ironically, Dante and BL ended up as step siblings. Olivia should think her "good friend" Carly is trash because she knows that history. 

    Yeah, but Carly has been a straight up bitch to everyone woman on the canvas, and she has done the least amount to Olivia. However, I wonder if Olivia would be so pro Carly if she knew in addition to hiring Brooklynn, she and Spinelli were going to frame Dante as a dirty cop. 

    20 hours ago, jsbt said:

    I think the whole water under the bridge mentality that infects so many characters today (like Carly and Olivia) really began with FV and RC in 2012, when Sam and Carly and then Liz began making up, etc.

    I can buy it to a point with maturity, time and losses - I could see Sam and Carly finding common cause after losing Jason that same year. They'd been doing the same dance for almost a decade. And I can see Olivia and Carly eventually calling it even given that whole endless drama and what all parties did to each other. But when Carly and Liz and Sam are all super friendly today (to say nothing of Ava's inexplicable relationships with Carly or Nina, or Olivia giving Ava the time of day - Ava murdered her cousin) it all becomes too same-y after a certain point.

    The show is weird. It manufactures rivals that don't exist but ignore ones that should. Of course, one rivalry the show should have put to bed, Bobbie vs Lucy, they temporary reignited. I remember that during the cut scene from the Nurse Ball, they had Bobbie and Lucy final bury the hatchet, so I really hated it. 


    On 3/10/2024 at 9:58 PM, JMO said:

    The Jax version of Carly was the only one I liked, and I think he drew out aspects of her character that we don't really see any more.  I do think it would be nice for Joss to have her father back in town, and I suspect he'd have some thoughts about Dex---but given that we currently have Sonny, Drew, newly-returned Jason and possible even Jagger and/or Brennan there to interact with Carly, I think it's unlikely we'll see the Aussie.

    I hated Jax and Carly together because I thought that after everything Carly did to AJ, she didn't deserve to a rich, kind handsome billionaire. However, I got the attraction from Jax is that Jax like to save the damsel, and Carly is a woman that perpetually needs to be saved.

    On 3/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, jsbt said:

    Carly letting Sonny do Jax the way he did to win that custody fight was a huge black mark on her character and something they never fully dealt with IMO. I agree it was a whole new paradigm for her as a character for a while, and Jax was a loving and devoted father to her sons. Unfortunately you can't really go back and deal with that now (and I'm not talking about a romantic reunion at this point, I think that ship has sailed) as Ingo has made himself persona non grata, and a recast would not click the same.

    It sucks they never dealt with, but it seemed to be pretty true to character to have the men in her life take care of her "problems" (ie, other men she antagonized). 

    On 3/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

    True. I remember when Carly generously gave their original wedding date to Luke and Laura ahead of their ill-fated third (?) marriage. It still stands out in my mind because it was so uncharacteristic of Carly and I felt Jasper had something to do with that.

    The did it to shove Laura Wright into Genie Francis' return to GH. The show couldn't even be assed to do a reunion between Robert Scorpio and Laura, because she went into her catatonic state, she thought Robert was dead. Particularly weird since Robin got her out of that state, however temporarily. 

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  17. Gilmore Girls. I come to realize between Dean Forester and Jesse, I preferred Dean because Dean felt real and felt that Jesse was the male counterpart of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl; the Literary Romantic Bad Boy. Apparently there are some Literary Romantic Bad Boy who aren't pretentious douches, but I haven't met any. Have I met teens that get clingy and dramatic with their first real relationship? Yes, several times (I volunteer with kids). I was going into detail, but realized I shouldn't but I will say that I know young teen girls and boys, in their first relationships, got even more dramatic and clingy than Dean. This kids are lovely and fun, but boy was their behavior off-putting and some even dangerous against themselves. 

    While I preferred Dean and Rory, in retrospect, the first go around of their relationship, was far more true to life, from meeting, dating, falling in love and someone else catching Rory's eye and moving on to that guy.  It was one of the most teenage things Rory did, and don't hold her picking Jesse over Dean against her. It happens all the time, especially with teenagers. 

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  18. One thing I hated in general with a lot of storytelling is how quickly they are willing to make someone a deadbeat dad, and I especially hated it they did it with Lucky. I think having the boys (including Cam) visit Lucky offscreen would be a good way to explain their absence and have Lucky be present in their lives. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, lilabennet said:

    Lucky is the child of an addict.  His addiction was 100% believable and in character.

    It is amazing to me how the narrative of the show is as effective as propaganda.  Lucky was a drug addict who cheated on Elizabeth and everyone who should have been her support system was somehow on his side.  They used the drug addiction to justify his actions and fans are still doing the same decades later.  In real life if a single mother was married to a drug addict, then the drug addiction ALONE would be enough for her friends and family to urge her to leave him.  Not here.  Instead Emily, Nikolas, and even her own grandmother guilted her into propping him up and forgiving him for having an affair because it was somehow the fault of the drugs and not Lucky.  It is still as sickening now as it was then.

    I watched the first round of Lucky the addict storyline, and no one was on Lucky's side, maybe Nicholas, once, speaking out in Lucky's favor, but it was only about letting Lucky think he was Jake's father, and not really about Liz taking up with Jason.  Luke even told Liz that Lucky was a "loser," his word. No scenes of Luke dragging Lucky to woods to force a detox, no intervention with Nik, Lulu, Leslie and Bobbie, no one in the family (like his grandmother Leslie, a doctor) trying to take him to rehab. Lucky develops a life threatening drug addiction and no one in his family seems to be bothered, despite how loyal of a family member he was to them.

    I can't and won't speak for other Lucky fans, but one of the reasons I never turned against Lucky in the storyline because I knew that Lucky was being dragged through the mud in order to prop up Jason. Unlike JJ, GV's Lucky was never any use for Guza, so he had no problem throwing him under the bus, so Jason can be blameless. Lucky cheated on Liz, and for some reason Ric and Sam slept together (killing one of Alexis' better pairings in the process), freeing Jason and Liz to conceive Jake. When the show decided to go full steam on Liason, they had Sam and Lucky sleeping together first. That slightly backfired as Sam and Lucky pairing actually started to gain some traction, and Guza can't have anyone outshine Jason. 

    This was Guza's MO. He did this before when Jason became the interloper in AJ and Courtney's relationship. They used Billy Warlock's (the AJ at the time) taking a leave to film the Baywatch reunion, to explain who was stalking Courtney in order to have Jason be the hero and have Courtney leave AJ and sleep with Jason right away. 

    I do feel bad to a certain extent for Rebecca Herbst. Her charm and talent has kept her on the canvas, despite repeated attempts to ruin Liz and write her out. She didn't get much crap with the baby Jake paternity saga only because she was paired with Jason at the time, but both Carly and Monica blamed for keeping her son's paternity, never blaming Jason. 

    1 hour ago, jsbt said:

    I don't remember Lucky ever being physically abusive. He was obviously not a perfect spouse but neither was she.

    I think there was a scene with Liz and Lucky getting into a physical fight. He never hit her and she threw the wedding ring at him (I believe) but he was rough with her.  I think it was when Liz was leaving Lucky and moving out of the apartment, and Lucky was trying to get her the stay. And let me make this clear, even though I hated Liz keeping quiet about her own affair with Jason, even then, I believed that Liz had every right to leave and take Cam with her in order to keep them in a more stable environment. 

    1 hour ago, lala2 said:

    As a GV/Lucky and Franco fan, Liz had stable, loving relationships with them both, especially Franco. Friz was her best adult pairing to date. The chemistry between the actors was amazing! Franco loved her and only her, and he loved all her kids too! Franco did nothing but worship Liz. He was wonderful to her. 

    Talk about slated writing. They had to ignore what a vindictive, petty bitch he could be (post tumor) and pair them, even though Liz is no saint herself. I absolutely hated Friz, and don't think that the chem between the RHs was that great. The only saving grace is that he wasn't Jason. 

    3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    FWIW, I don’t think he treated her well all  of the time. The way they started them up was disgusting. Franco was essentially stalking her and saying how he should date her because all of her kid’s were fatherless and she was the town parish too whether she thought she was or not so they were the same. He negged her quite a bit and made her believe she didn’t deserve anyone better.

    I don’t think he was ever the ideal partner- they just used her kids to sell that pairing. All of them had their moments where they were closer to Franco or could only open up to him and ignored the kids’ relationships with their mother. The running theme was that they were all so desperate for a male figure and no way could single mom Liz be enough for her group of boy children. Notice how they’ve completely gone back on that after he died. There were a ton of red flag moments when they were actually together as well.

    Liz when she was with Franco was her most annoying time for me. She was insufferable about how everyone thought he was trash and would get in people’s faces about it screaming how he was a good person.  

    Exactly my thoughts. The show never has Liz deal with her trauma. Friz earned my ire when they hand the rape revisit storyline to Roger Hogworth (yes, I know I misspell it), even though the show had trashed Liz's character in the "Jake is Jason" storyline. 

    As someone that only volunteers with a hospital's grief group, I was disgusted with Franco using his position as Jake's art therapist to get close to and aggressively stalk Liz. You aren't even allowed to be social media friends, even if you are a lowly volunteer with in a hospital. 

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  20. 2 hours ago, jsbt said:

    He also gave Franco to Liz because he knew Rebecca Herbst and her incredibly devoted fanbase were a safe harbor and job security for Roger Howarth, until she wasn't given the nature of the Franco character finally catching up with them BTS. This tactic has played out again since with Michael Easton.

    I didn't like Lindsay Morgan on the show at all but she wouldn't be the first person Frank blew off. His passive aggression or iceman behavior is well-known going back to OLTL, as much as his generosity and kindness to others. That all said, I can critique Frank all day and night but I also can't deny that he is one of the last people on daytime (if not the last) who knows how to bring this show in on or under budget without it looking like a ghost town (check out Y&R, or DAYS by comparison to any issues GH currently has with either production value, extras or location variety) or that he and Ron saved the show from cancellation in 2012, period. I will always be grateful for those things, and for what he did for both John Ingle and Kimberly that year. There's other good things he's done in the years since, particularly the fine tribute episodes for many departed actors including Jackie. I will never say he is not capable within his skill set. I also think he's been here too long and that new blood is needed at the executive level, but I highly doubt there is any out there capable or coming. So I would settle for him getting out of the creative mix and micromanager role and instead doing what every EP should do best.

    I don't quibble with Ron keeping the show under budget, which is job #1. However, I also think he had little to do with GH not being cancelled. Frons, for whatever reason, preferred the show to AMC and OLTL. I think it was bc he was more or less on the same page about the mob, though he and his wife absolutely loved Courtney with Jason, which I'm sure Guza loathed writing.  If he was looking at the books, OLTL should have been the last soap standing because it was doing better in the ratings

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  21. 1 hour ago, ComeWhatMay said:

    We all know Easton and Setton are both friends of Frank dating back to at least OLTL, and the one thing I really do appreciate about Frank is that he tries to take care of people that he cares for in a very unkind industry. However, I think something needs to give especially as the show is reset and will if Patrick Mulcahey is a decision maker like NLG said he is. It will be interesting to watch from out here. While BTS stuff can be entertaining, I often lack the stomach for just what we find out about… 

    I wish Frank (and other show producers) treated all actors with the same amount of respect and not the ones they are friends, so it isn't a credit to me. In fact it seems to be quite a common occurrence in the enteratinment industry . Lindsay Morgan (former Kristina) wasn't treated particularly well by the show when she was on at the start of FV tenure. It is extra insulting because he often treats the remaining longterm cast of this show worse than his OLTL transplants. I will always stand by that he gave Liz Webber's storylines and arches, like the rape revisited and the art therapist job to RH's Franco because Roger was OLTL royalty, even though Franco was an awful character through and through. 

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  22. 5 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

    Remember when Sonny told Karen she must have wanted to be abused by Ray Conway as a child? Just to make her feel dirty and ashamed and unworthy of anything good because she was trying to resist his abusive controlling self? BECAUSE I FUCKING DO!

    I cannot, cannot, CAN NOT deal with Sonny being self-righteous about Karen with Scotty or Jagger (even if I don't buy this dude as Jagger). If Sonny has actually grown any bit of a conscience in the years since then, if he actually loves his daughters the way this show insists he does, if we are supposed to buy that he is not an utter piece of vile, misogynist shit; he doesn't get to be snippy about Karen. Not to the people who actually cared about her, because he never did. He needs to be ashamed, he needs to accept their scorn and anger as deserved.


    Animated GIF

    My favorite part is years later, when Karen return to work at General Hospital, they had that f*cking scene where dumbass Jason said that a SAed 17 year old girl had a choice and was totally not coerced or groomed by an older male criminal, and then Karen thanking the asshole Sonny. Guess Sonny can't take any responsibility for any of the things he does and everyone has to excuse his shit. If you want to know what ended messing with Karen more, Sonny getting her to strip at his club and plying her with pills or Jagger cheating on her and her marriage breaking up, I'll settle. Karen moved on to other relationships and barely mentioned Jagger, but the whole drug addicted stripper haunted her once in the pilot storyline on Port Charles (where she was forced by gun point do it again) and later when she got hooked on pills again and Scotty and Lucy nearly lost custody of their adopted daughter because Karen watched her while high. I was more angered by the scene between her, Sonny, Jason and Robin on the docks in 1997 than the stripper storyline because it was dangerous to excuse Sonny grooming a teenage girl, especially as there were a far amount of teen girls watching at the time. 

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  23. 2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    I think both Michael and Joss think they take up way more space in Sonny’s life than they actually do. Sonny loves Michael but not any more than his other kids and Michael clearly thinks he’s higher on the totem pole- hence why he Michael thinks Sonny had no one when he was mad at Sonny even though we saw countless scenes of him with Dante, Kristina, Donna, and Avery.


    Disagree about Michael. Yes, now Sonny has many other kids, but Michael is still his favorite for the same reason he treasured Jason so much. As one poster eons ago said about the both of them, Sonny values them above all others because he successfully stole them completely from the Qs. He can't say that about any of his other kids. That is why Michael is such a spoiled brat despite being a grown man; he or his family demand everything be laid down for him, and normally he gets what he wants. That is why I liked Nelle, so much; she is one of the few that called him out on this. 

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  24. 6 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

    Lucky is a selfish prick.  It is perfectly in-character for him to miss Bobbie's funeral and to not be there for his mother.

    Absolutely not. As a kid and teenager, Lucky could be self righteous, but her was never a never a selfish prick. The writing only came about because Guza creepy crush on SB's Jason & shitty show runners. I refuse to take anything they have done with the character as cannon over the last 20 years because TIIC are petty assholes that no one reins in. 

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  25. On 1/14/2024 at 9:39 AM, Spartan Girl said:

    I don’t want to speculate because I don’t know Emerald or what motivates her, but if any of this is really why she wrote it this way, then JESUS. Resenting others that have it better than you is such a waste of time and energy.

    This was just a pet theory. I concede I might be totally wrong and will chalked up to her writing what she knowns, gaps in what she doesn't know and her perception vs the audience. By all accounts, people loved working with her. I do buy the idea that this a vampire movie without supernatural elements & no finale girl as she said it was, but when EF starts talking class, I zone right out. I see Olivier like Joe from the tv show You, and the Cattons like Guinevere Beck, both Beck and the Cattons might not have been as great as they self believed but innocent, and their only crime being crossing paths with a monster in a human body that simultaneously idealized and resented them. 

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