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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. I found some of the polygraph questions rather intrusive.  I think asking, “How many women have you slept with?” was really out of line.  There would be an outcry if the ladies on the Bachelor were asked how many men they’d slept with.  It appears as if receiving the first impression rose went to Nick’s head, because he seems to think he has this thing in the bag.  If I were in Andi’s position, Chris and Marcus would be F2.

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  2. Every season, there is the inevitable complaint that "he/she is not here for the right reason".  I’ve taken that to mean that the person being accused has an ulterior motive for being on the show.  As in, he/she isn't really here to try and fall in love with the Bachelor/ette, but signed on with hopes of:
    -Free all inclusive vacations/trips
    -Be the next Bachelor/ette
    -Expanded dating pool after the show
    -Local celebrity
    -Start or advance show biz career

    -Free publicity for personal business
    And, what seems to works for countless ladies on the Bachelor, “force boyfriend to make a commitment.”  That is what I think someone “not being there for the right reason” means.

    • Love 3
  3. I am confused, because I read that they had a bbq buffet.   I am blanking on where I saw this, but the article states they had a reception and social media was banned. Most likely they are saving the footage for the show.  In the meantime, People magazine reported, “the couple's reception came together thanks to a massive amount of volunteers, who made more than 600 cupcakes, 3,000 chocolate chip cookies and 3,000 root beer floats."   I have a feeling the desserts were for the 1,000 (uninvited) guests that showed up at the church.  They probably put the word out that if you wanted to attend, you should bring a dessert. 

  4. A lot of perfect strangers are going to send them gifts, so they might as well tell them what they really want.  I am willing to bet that they’ve already received a ton of stuff.  The irony is that most of these gifts are from folks that are in a lower socioeconomic bracket.

    • Love 3
  5. Marquel as next Bachelor!!!! I find him incredibly engaging, smart, handsome, and fun to watch.


    When it comes to the Bachelor, sometimes, we have to be careful what we wish for;  Bob, Jason, Jake and Juan Pablo are perfect examples. I am having a hard time understanding why a handsome, charming and seemingly nice guy like Marquel is having problems meeting someone special, when men that are incarcerated do not. 

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  6. I think most people have a "type", it's just that they might not be consciously aware that they do.  I like good looking men.  Give me Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, Patrick Dempsey, Kyle Chandler and Jon Hamm.  The problem I am having with Andi is that she specifically said that athletes are her achilles heel, and yet, here she is falling for Josh.

  7. Also JP tweeted that he just didn't see the Nick is arrogant thing when all the night drama was happening.



    I find this interesting because in numerous interviews, Juan Pablo made a point of saying he wasn't goint to watch Andi's season. 

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  8. I was impressed with the way Marquel handled the situation with Andrew. However, I felt he should have spoken to him in private.   It makes me extremely uncomfortable when someone is accused of being a racist, homophobe, bigot or bully without tangible evidence.     

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  9. Why is Mariah not at college? Why is she in the interviews on the show, while Logan and Aspyn have disappeared to college?


    I have a feeling it is because she attends a $28,000 a year private school and the show pays her whenever she appears on camera.

  10. She [Janelle] also had the benefit of being sister-in-law to Meri, and should have known Meri was difficult. This leads me to believe that Janelle really did have the hots for Kody.


    I don’t think there is any doubt that Janelle had and still has the hots for Kody.  I wouldn’t be surprised if her feelings for him had something to do with the demise of her first marriage.  It could also be one of the reasons why Mary was so nasty to her. 


    I think Janelle is the only one he sees as an equal and true partner.


    This may sound crazy, but I believe if Kody had to choose a wife to live in a monogamous relationship, it would be Janelle.  He seems to actually like and respect her and she appears to be madly in love with him. 

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  11. I don’t know how Robyn could stand there with a straight face and declare that being a sister wife is so rewarding, when Janelle seems to hate her with every fiber of her being and doesn’t appear to acknowledge her existence.

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  12. I agree with Kody.  He doesn’t seem to be in charge of the family and viewers have been saying this from Day One. To me, it seems as if Meri is in charge, much to Janelle’s dismay.  For example, on last week’s episode, when Meri broached the subject of going back to school, Kody made a point of saying that he knew that she was telling him not asking him.  I believe the only reason they “followed” him to Las Vegas was because they had to leave Utah.  I have a feeling they were threatened with being brought up on charges for welfare, bankruptcy and income tax frauds, just to name a few.


    What I wouldn’t give to see them on the real Shark Tank.  I think I saw fumes coming out of Janelle's ears when Kody said Robyn was their company’s CFO.  Heh!

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  13. In the first season, they contrasted Janelle feeding the children cheap Aldi garbage, while Meri is upstairs preparing herself more pricey and healthier food.


    It was Christine who prepared a fat and sodium laden meal for her family and Janelle’s, while Meri dined on chicken breast, wild rice and asparagus.  I remember this clearly, because posters on TWOP went ballastic.

  14. Meri is the first one to show any signs of breaking out and being her own person. I thought Janelle was going to do it with real estate, but didn't we learn that she really doesn't work?


    Meri has always been her own person.  She is a selfish woman who has never been for anyone but herself and her spoiled, unattractive daughter.  Good thing Kody had broodmares.  Janelle is currently working for a real estate company.

    • Love 5
  15. I don't think Dayton bugs Kody. He mentioned that they were very close, and in some ways closer than he is to his biological sons. I think they have a good relationship.


    I’ve noticed that at times, Dayton seeks out Kody just to give him a hug. This caught my attention because it’s not something I’ve seen his biological sons do.  I don’t think it’s a secret that Kody and Hunter do not get along, Paedon and Gabrielle appear to keep their distance and Logan is rarely around these days.

  16. What I found interesting was Kody admitting that he and Janelle were in a pragmatic relationship, but now it’s romantic.  I’ve always felt their “union” was for religious reasons only.  I believe Janelle always had romantic feelings for Kody, but the feeling wasn’t mutual.  Wish I were a fly on the wall when Meri and Robyn heard that comment.

  17.  When DeAnna decided to have an impromptu barbecue/pool party, the guys ignored her (especially Graham). She went berserk and told them that if they didn't feel like being there then they should just get the eff out, (which I am sure didn't make her more endearing to him).  After viewers complained, Chris H. sat her down and basically made her apologize.  Funny how he didn't have a sit down with Emily when she went "West Virginia backwoods hood rat" first on Kalon and later on Arie.

    • Love 1
  18. I agree that the sit down with Andi & Chris felt like a reputation repair.




    The only other time Chris had to have a sit down "reputation repair" with a Bachelorette, she was also from Georgia.  It must be something in the water. 

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  19. Based on her father's conversation with Juan Pablo, it seems that Andi  has been raised to believe she is a special snowflake.  So, when anyone challenges Daddy's Princess, or fails to see how wonderful she is, it gets up her dander.  I feel sorry for the poor guy who ends up with her. 

    • Love 3
  20. When they broke up it was done via a joint statement do it wasn't a public dumping.




    In my humble opinion, when a guy tells you that he doesn't want to marry you two months before the wedding date, and then proceeds to proclaim on national television that he is happy to be single again, that is a humiliating, public dumping.  Again just my opinion.

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  21. It's like JB is out stalking the online prayer circuit trying to find husbands for the J'Slaves.



    I don't believe this to be the case, because last September, Jim Bob told People magazine that he gets a lot of courtships request for his older daughters, but with the exception of Ben the guys were unsuitable. 

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  22. Considering that Jill and Derick aren't even allowed to hold hands, the three months courtship probably felt like a lifetime.  At one point, they looked as if they wanted to kiss.   Had they been allowed to "date" like normal people, I don't think they would be rushing to the altar.  I am surprised that there weren't any "Bin" sightings.  And given that Jessa was so adamantly about not trying on a wedding dress, I have a feeling they've hit a speed bump. 

    • Love 1
  23. I like Jill and Derick.  And I liked that he asked for Jinger and JoyAnna to go along as chaperones.


    Actually, the chaperones were Jana and JoyAnna.  I thought it interesting that Derick said he specifically asked for those two.  

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  24. Andi shouldn’t get her hopes up about Dancing with the Stars.  I find it interesting that while the show tends to extend an invitation to the Bachelor, they don’t to the Bachelorette.  Keep in mind that Melissa Rycroft was not a Bachelorette, but rather, a contestant on the Bachelor.  As a matter of fact, the only Bachelorette that was accorded an invitation was Trista, and she has the dubious honor of being the first “celebrity” ever eliminated from the show.

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