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Posts posted by lala2

  1. So, this is the first episode I've watched in a while (a couple of weeks or so), and the episode isn't over but I really do not like nunuMolly! I didn't care for the tempMolly that was hired but this new girl looks even older to me than the last girl. Also, I did like how tempMolly had dark hair like the rest of the Davis clan. This new girl doesn't really fit Molly. I can't see her as a lawyer or w/TJ honestly. I hope the search is still on, but the announcement said "now being played by" so who knows? Maybe she will get better. 

    Portia is beyond annoying. Why is she always meddling in her daughter's business? If Sprina didn't also have Esme to contend with, the Portia stuff probably wouldn't bother me as much but they do. GH refuses to let them be flirty, romantic, and light - not even for a month straight. It's all just nonsense. 

    The Kristina/Sonny scenes are good so far. MB and KaMa have a nice chemistry.

    Nice Taggert/Trina scenes. We need more of them. 

    I don't like this retconned drama w/nuMolly and Kristina. They have made Molly unhinged. I know she's upset w/her infertility issues but she needs to get a grip. This "Kristina needs to be the center of attn" arc is forced and makes no sense. It's inconsistent w/the history of the show too.  Kristina should just write off whack job Molly. ---- Ok. It looks like Sam got to the real issue w/Molly b/c she was being insane. 

    ETA: Spencer doesn't need to stand there and be insulted by Portia! He should walk away and leave her be! 

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  2. What bothers me the most about the Tolly/Kristina thing is there was no animosity or underlying resentment btw HP/Molly and LA/Kristina. Now, there’s suddenly all these issues btw them. Since when?!?!

    Molly going on and on about Kristina making everything about herself had me scratching my head!! When? When did Kristina make everything about her? When she was in a cult? Because that’s the last actual story I remember Kristina having, and why wouldn’t it be all about her then?!? Or was it when her dad died and then resurfaced?!?! Tolly’s claims made no sense because the writing HASN’T told that story. I’ve seen Kristina mostly minding her business and occasionally reading Sam for filth. She hasn’t been featured enough for anything they said to make any sense! 

    I guess the show decided there needed to be some underlying resentment, jealousy, and animosity btw the sisters.  I find it a little easier to swallow WITHOUT HP and LA in the roles but it’s still wholly unsupported by the characters’ histories and unnecessary. 
    Tolly were awful to Kristina. If I were Kristina, I certainly wouldn’t speak to them again let alone offer to be their surrogate. They were obnoxious, rude, and patronizing to her. And they seem to dislike who she is as a person! In fact, I don’t like the way her mother or Sam speak to her either. They are all awful to Kristina and act like they are better than her. Kristina should write them all off if you ask me. I like KaMa’s Kristina. TempMolly is just not good. 

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  3. Interesting. I guess I wasn’t paying much attn or his interview/comments didn’t make a huge splash because I honestly don’t remember anyone official saying anything about why Franco was randomly killed off! I really don’t remember that. I also don’t remember any posts talking about his comments during this Zoom call. I just don’t remember anything official being said by anyone. All I remember was speculation about James Franco and some higher up not liking characters with a SA history or something. I would love to hear what Roger said for myself. Maybe I can find it somewhere. 

    OT: Not to get lawyerly but someone reporting what someone else supposedly said is technically hearsay. If that Reddit post had provided video of the Zoom call with the higher up making her comments then it wouldn’t be hearsay because they would be coming directly from the source. For all we know that redditor always hated Franco, had an agenda and made up some stuff. I’m not saying that happened but it was just a random comment supposedly summarizing a Zoom call. There’s no reason for anyone to accept that person’s word as fact. Lawyer hat off. lol
    I’m sure there were various reasons behind their decision. That said, since GH can’t write for crap, I maintain it was a bad decision. Austin could have been interesting but it’s clear they had no idea what to do with him. They are just now trying to fix that. For all his “faults,” Franco had a clear place and role on the show. You can’t deny that. They could have broken up Friz and gone with Niz and Frava. I didn’t mind the tumor returning story but it shouldn’t have been inoperable. Franco could have gone a little crazy again (not murderer crazy of course) and Liz could have helped him. A better story with Liz and her parents could have played out during Friz. I know some will flip at this but I thought Friz could have had a kid - a little girl. I can think of a ton of stories for Friz. Anyway, despite my hardcore love for Roger Howarth (his portrayal of Todd Manning literally got me into soaps), Austin has been mostly a fail due to writing. I’m like @statsgirl’s daughter. I still mourn the loss of Franco. And that’s the fault of the writing. I could have forgotten about Franco by now if they had done a stellar job establishing Austin but they haven’t. 

    But as I always say: it is what it is. 

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  4. @driver18 - So, according to that Reddit post - which is complete hearsay by the way - ONE executive’s relative hated the character so the character had to go! Ok! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    If that’s true, that’s sad and not a good reason to ditch a character if you ask me but it is what it is. Nothing in that post convinces me that Franco was hugely unpopular though. All the posts on that thread seem outraged about the character being killed. Anyway…. we can agree to disagree. 

    Chemistry is subjective. Fiz have none, IMO. But it seems TPTB are proceeding with the pairing anyway so that’s great for you Fiz fans. Enjoy them while they last. 

    @tessaray - It was easier for me to accept RoHo as Franco because I found JF as Franco very entertaining. He didn’t repulse me, and I love RoHo. The brain tumor angle was fine for me. I just never had issues with RoHo as Franco! I wish he was still around. He and Friz were a great to me. They haven’t done much with Austin but I’m hoping that changes. Roger and Maura have wonderful chemistry! 

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  5. @driver18 - Do we know for a fact folks were complaining about Franco? I mean so much so that after eight years, TPTB decided they just had to get rid of the character?!? No character is universally loved. I know some never accepted him but I’m having trouble believing he had Peter-levels of hate with the audience. I never heard or read anything like that. We never, IMO, got the real reason why they suddenly decided to get rid of the character. The only rumor I heard/read was about the character being connected to James Franco, and JF had some “me too” allegations against him at the time so showrunners decided to let the character go. Who knows? I’m just not sure I believe Franco was so widely unpopular that they had no choice but to get rid of the character. He had been on the show for eight-nine years at that point, and Friz was a hugely popular - online at least - pairing. Frina was popular too! 

    I know Twitter isn’t an exact science but there was a virtual meltdown when the character was killed. GH trended for the first time because of his death! And the comments were not celebratory. People were upset and angry for the most part. To this day, ppl across various message boards still mention Franco and wish he was still around.

    I’m not sure why they randomly killed off Franco, but I don’t believe it’s because he was that unpopular. But that’s just my opinion. I maintain we’ll never know the real reason unless someone speaks up. It’s just been rumors and speculation unless I missed an interview or something! 

    But back to Fiz - I’m a sucker for chemistry. If a couple has it, I’m there even if I don’t like the character! It’s how I could like Tarly and Cranco. I hate Carly but LW had off-the-charts chemistry with RoHo! I always hated Jason, but the first iteration of JaSam was awesome in the chemistry department. 

    For me, ME and ReHe just don’t have the amazing chemistry I saw with Friz and Fanna. Even before the storyline went sideways, they didn’t do much for me. My sister thought they were cute but she no longer cares about them since their story was dragged out. She also didn’t care for the time when Finn was practically a stalker! Fiz do nothing for me. They are basically FF/mute material. I really liked the energy Roger brought to Franco. That played off well with Rebecca’s more low key energy. Fiz are too similar in personalities for me but my opinion doesn’t matter. I’m happy for you Fiz fans though because it seems the writers are moving forward with your couple. The one couple I care about on this show - Sprina - has likely been stalled so I’m happy one fanbase is getting something they want from this crap show! 

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  6. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    That's exactly what BLQ did, which is why Tracy is able to blackmail her.

    Ahhhh....ok! Admittedly, I have not been paying close attn to this story. 

    35 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I don't understand why Tracy calling in favours to help Chase get another hearing is such a big deal. It's SOP in the circles that the Quartermaines travel in. It's not like Tracy used her influence or a bribe to cancel out a crime that Chase had committed, as Carly and Drew wanted her to do for them with the SEC and as Michael did when he got Nina charged for the fake "identity theft", she just got another hearing scheduled and Chase sank or swam on his own merits. Big woof.

    Thanks for the details! I'm back to my original position. This is a huge nothing burger, IMO. I would have told him, and if he flipped out, I would know the relationship just isn't going to work. Getting him a second chance at an interview is not a huge deal, IMO. I certainly wouldn't let myself be blackmailed over it! 

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  7. @statsgirl - I feel the exact same way about today’s episode! I was coming here to ask if anyone else felt it was really random. Random ppl chatting. Random conversations. Random situations. I only liked the Jordan/Zeke talk honestly. Those two are gorgeous and should be together! 

    The blackmail stuff with Tracy is lame! Why is it BLQ’s fault or problem if Tracey paid Chase’s way back on to the force?!?! So?!? It’s not like BLQ knew or asked her to do it?! I would have called my grandmother’s bluff! And if he got the nerve to be mad at me . . . oh well! Sounds like he  would have deserved to be ditched! She should have told Chase instead of letting her grandmother blackmail her! This story is dumb. 

    Am I the only one tired of Anna’s weepy voice and her whining about being outed as a double agent?!?! she needs to get over it already. 

    The girl playing Molly just isn’t a strong actress. She’s very green. She might be able to grow into the role but I think they should start looking for a replacement. 

    I thought Liz was gonna miss Finn, and I already started rolling my eyes! 😂 I don’t like the pairing myself but it looks like they are progressing with them, which is good. For their fans, I hope today signals them being together - for real - and no more games and 10 million steps back! 

    @mostlylurking - I think we’re in the minority but I loved Fanna too. I thought they were great together honestly! They got bogged down with Peter stuff but I liked them. I hate that Fanna and Friz were busted up for Fiz!! IMO, Friz and Fanna were much hotter than Fix and both pairings had infinitely more chemistry than Fiz but what are you gonna do?! 

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  8. What the heck are they doing w/Fiz? Can someone explain why they are writing these two like they aren't in their 40s and 60s?!?! (Finn was most definitely aged up to about 60 w/that ridiculous Reiko retcon where a 15-year old Liz tossed her on a cliff or something.)

    Regardless of their exact ages, they are too old for whatever this is. Is this supposed to be exciting or something? I was bored by their board game a week or so ago. I was bored again today. I tuned them out and honestly just shut the whole show off.  If they want Fiz together ---- go for it. Just do it. They are far too old for these childish, HS games. ChaLynn was too old for it too. Do these writers not learn from past mistakes? Did they think the dragging out of ChaLynn was a huge success or something? Don't they know most of the audience didn't care anymore by the time ChaLynn got together b/c it took that long?!?! It seems they are destined to do the same w/Fiz. I feel for their fans. 

    ETA: I need to go back and watch the Davis girl scenes. I'm still liking KaMa's Kristina. The jury is still out for me with nuMolly. IMO, the scenes she had w/TJ at the doctor's officer were much better than her introductory scenes. I want to see today's scenes to see if I still feel the same way. That said, even though she's a year (or two) younger than HP, she looks much older. I'm not sure if she's a right fit for Molly. 

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  9. While I do think the Sprina Twitter fans can be OTT, I get their desire for the sex scene now. The fans want to see a sex scene btw this actor and this actress. They've been watching NAC and TA play off each other and want to see those two in a sex scene. They are reading the tea leaves and assuming (rightfully so IMO) that NAC will not be here in another year. They also recognize how long it takes GH to proceed w/couples they aren't invested in and don't care about. Finn and Liz have been dancing around each other for a year or so now. They have yet to have sex. ChaLynn have been dancing around each other for two years, right? I don't think they've had sex either. But Jex have and it was soon after their introduction to each other. They haven't had to face endless issues and problems. Their relationship has been fairly easy. Crew has had sex at least twice. SoNa has. Millow did shortly after they were married. It didn't take years for them to have sex. 

    With the way GH is writing Sprina, it's clear - to me at least - that they will not be an official, real couple for another year or so. GH could surprise me but the inclusion of Esme in general in their "relationship," the contrived fights, and Friday's walk down memory lane told me what I needed to know: Sprina is not happening anytime soon. I don't think the writers care about them or want to invest in them. I could see Spencer and Esme falling in bed and having sex sooner than Sprina, the supposed couple. I'm not on Twitter a lot but I read a lot of tweets this weekend about wanting GH to give NAC and TA's version of Sprina some happiness before NAC leaves. Again, I get it and agree. I'm not tweeting about it but as a fan, I'm w/them. It's like how I really wanted the Willow reveal to play out w/MS as Nina. That would have been much more satisfying for me. They just came off an adventure w/an epic reunion. GH should have been letting them have fun and be happy, not fighting about Dex and lies and Esme being all up in their relationship. GH is writing as if they have all the time in the world w/these actors, and that's simply not true so ppl want to see their couple now, not later. 

    1 hour ago, MarciNJ said:

    I didn't realize that....  it seems..... inefficient at best; shitty organizational management at worst, though I'm sure someone here will have a better "worst" than that!

    ICAM w/you! I think it's bad to not have at least a beginning and an end in mind. Take Dex for instance. They should, IMO, have known where they wanted to go w/the character before he was introduced. The journey to get there could be up for grabs but know where you're going w/a character before you introduce them, IMO. To me, that's good writing 101. And I think soaps used to do that. It's very clear they had no idea what to do w/Dex, Esme, or Austin. As viewers, we shouldn't be able to tell that they're making it up as they go. 

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  10. Again, I may be in the minority but I’m not understanding why Trina has to accept that Spencer is a thug who just can’t help but punch Dex whenever he’s around. That’s silly and pathetic and would annoy me too!  It’s like that weird sauna scene where Spencer was acting like Josslyn’s boyfriend. Spencer’s whole beef with Dex is OTT and silly. I doubt Cameron cares as much as Spencer. It’s weird. AFAIC, he punched Dex for no reason and got beat up. That’s on him. Why should Trina coddle him and tend to his wounds?!? How is it wrong or harassing to want a boyfriend who’s not always fighting someone? I don’t even like Dex but Spencer brought that on himself. If he’s hurt…..oh well. Maybe he needs to stop throwing punches when he can’t fight back. 

    Anyway, having Trina leave him was clearly written for the scene with Esme. As a black woman, I see where GH is going, and I find it highly insulting. Jex have a very easy relationship but Sprina has been nothing but problems and contrived tension from the start. They can’t even get a month of happiness before it goes to crap. I’m sure the plan is to tease their fans endlessly probably while he hops in bed with Esme.

    Nah. GH can miss me with all that. My time is precious and I’m not wasting it on a crap soap where the scales aren’t even balanced and the writing is complete trash. This could have been a fun, sexy time for Sprina but GH clearly isn’t interested in them so it is what it is. I’m sure you Spencer/Esme fans will get your wish sooner than Sprina fans will ever get ours. 🤷🏾‍♀️

    At this point, I hope they bring on someone for Trina/TA but that’s probably not gonna happen either. Trina has to settle for a guy who is obsessed with his baby brother, lives with his ex and acts like her baby daddy, coparents with his ex even though the kid isn’t his, who has yet to take Trina on a proper date, lies all the time, who is obsessed with her bestie’s BF, and who has zero impulse control?! That’s the best she can get?!? 🙄

    I’m not a fan of her acting like his mother either but I’m also not a fan of how they’re currently writing him. This recent fight with Dex was unnecessary, and I fully understood Trina’s frustrations and why she left him. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    I do think, however, the end of this VERSION of Spencer/Trina may be on borrowed time, what with NAC landing that Ryan Murphy show gig.

    I agree, and that’s another reason why I’m disengaging now. It will take another year for this version to get on the same page, and then NAC will be gone. I’m not going to invest any more time in a pairing that’s going nowhere. I did that with Nava and got burned bad! I’m not doing it with Sprina too. 

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  12. Incoming Sprina rant from a fan: 

    Well, if GH wanted me to lose all interest in Sprina, they achieved their goal today! I’m done. I’m no Dex fan but I didn’t like Spencer punching Dex. Just why?! I didn’t like the forced fight btw them. I didn’t like the presentation of Spencer where he can’t hold his own at all. If you can’t fight even a little, why are you always throwing punches?!?!? It makes him look pathetic. I didn’t like the forced drama btw Sprina because of Dex……again! I didn’t like Portia’s schemes with Esme though if that was the only thing that happened today, it would have been fine. I didn’t like Esme at Spencer’s door. I didn’t like the previews. 

    I fundamentally dislike every step they’ve taken for this couple since Greenland. It’s gone steadily downhill since they returned from their adventure. I know soaps can’t just give you the couple you want to see but these writers’ track records suck. They can’t write for crap and drag everything out to the point no one cares anymore! I’m not like the ChaLynn fans. I’m not waiting a year plus for my couple. I’m just not doing it! 

    I wouldn’t mind Portia’s schemes if Sprina was solid but we can’t even get that! How is this entertaining?!?! 


    In other thoughts: 

    - Missed most of the Jolt stuff but saw and liked the kiss! 
    - Muted Crew

    - Saw chemistry with Sante for the first time. I enjoyed their commentary on the YAs.

    - Muted Jex. 
    - Saw only the bit with Portia suggesting Spencer/Esme go to parenting classes together. 🙄 Again, I wouldn’t mind this so much if Sprina was the on solid ground 

    - Forgot about Fiz. I’m just not into them but I hope their fans liked their scenes.

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  13. I may be alone in this too but I understand Trina’s frustration. She is 20-years old. She’s young. She has no kids. Her boyfriend has no kids either but has voluntarily stepped in as a second parent to his sibling. He is essentially co-parenting with a woman Trina has no reason to like. Parenting is a 24/7 thing. She might not have thought about what co-parenting truly means until recently when she’s seen it playing out. She wanted a night with Spencer but it kept getting interrupted by Esme who seemed quite jealous. I totally get her. In all honesty, I would be rethinking my relationship with Spencer too. He’s moved into the adult world. Trina’s not quite there yet. I maintain Esme has been ruined with this baby, and today was just more proof of how she doesn’t fit in with the other YAs. 

    I liked all the Eddie Maine stuff. I’m happy for this plot to play out for a minute. Olivia doesn’t treat Ned well at all. Maybe after this, she’ll appreciate him more! 

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  14. Scout who? I guess they really wanted to double down on Carly being Drew’s main priority in life. He’s not rushing out of there to spend all his moments with his daughter……oh no! He’s standing around worrying about how Carly’s gonna pay her fine?!?!? Carly?!?! The woman who has two ridiculously rich exes who wouldn’t hesitate to pay it for her if asked?!?!  Drewfus is a joke. He’s an awful father. He couldn’t care less about Scout. OG Drew bought Aurora for Scout but this guy is willing to sell it ……. to help Carly?!?!?! Who is writing this crap?!?! I feel nothing for Drew! Carly had to remind him about Scout!! 

    Ned is wise to have amnesia! I wouldn’t want to go back to them either! 😂 

    Sooooo….Dex is just discount Jason now?! Is that where the writers landed? Whenever I see him, I just think of all the months wasted on that revenge plot. Months!!!

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  15. I assume he’s off filming stuff for Hallmark. I know they film their Christmas movies in the summer! And he may be on one of their series too! I’m not sure. He may also be filming for GAC too. 


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  16. 59 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    Curtis is a how you get him is how you lose him guy. True Portia and Curtis weren’t exactly cheating while he was with Jordan but she was definitely waiting in the wings and was panting after him the moment he said he wanted to split with Jordan. Her presence in his life was at least part of the reason he wasn’t keen to try to work through things with Jordan. There was a pretty gross scene where she was taking off Curtis’ wedding ring for him when they first got together. So I’m not exactly surprised that the moment Portia revealed herself to not be bastion of honesty, he’s chasing after Jordan and wondering if he gave up on the marriage too quickly.   

    And all of that is why I CANNOT feel sympathy for her and why I think she has no legit reason to be upset about that kiss! She couldn’t wait for Curtis to ditch Jordan so she could scoop him up. Portia can miss me with all her heartache and outrage! 

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  17. I hate Curtis. He’s a liar and a hypocrite, but that’s beside the point. My issue is with Portia being upset with him about that kiss. That’s it. I’ll die on this hill alone - I maintain she has no right to be upset.

    First, the way they got together was extremely messy. Curtis dumped his wife for keeping work secrets and immediately got with Portia. No marriage counseling. No discussions with Jordan. It was just done. He moved on to Portia with a quickness, and Portia was more than happy to welcome Curtis into her bed so I’m not sure why she’s so shocked and hurt he was kissing Jordan after her lies were exposed. Of course he was, Portia. You were never in a clean relationship with him.

    But that’s the man Portia claims she wants, which brings me to my second point. Curtis decided to give the marriage a chance, which is huge given the secret kept. She needs to talk to him about who and what he wants and deal with him. Maybe go to counseling, but to get on a high horse about a kiss when the marriage practically disintegrated immediately after the “I do’s” due to her lies is a step too far for me. 

    ETA - Technically, Curtis wasn’t working on the marriage when he kissed Jordan. He wanted to formally end things. He was giving her nothing but absolute hate during that time. They didn’t have a marriage. Jordan talked him into giving Portia a second chance. Now that he’s committed to working on it, I don’t think he has a free pass to kiss other women or cheat. I’m simply saying that when he kissed Jordan, his world had been rocked and he wanted nothing to do with Portia. He certainly wasn’t thinking of continuing the marriage. That matters to me, and I’m no Curtis fan. I don’t like him but I had to roll my eyes yesterday at her whining. In my mind, she should be happy he’s giving her a second chance. I’m not saying she should accept crappy treatment from him for the rest of her life but maybe ask him if he wants her or Jordan and don’t whine about the kiss. If he chooses her, tell him what she expects, what she won’t accept,etc. 

    The fact he was kissing Jordan speaks volumes to me but the Portia/Curtis relationship has always been messy. I wouldn’t want any part of it myself. 

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  18. I really liked TJ’s scene with Alexis. They should use TB more often. He’s a good actor. I don’t know if many like this Endo story but it’s good to me! 

    Sonny is a trip! 😂 The way he keeps blaming Ned for having amnesia is outrageous! Yesterday and today had me rolling my eyes! He’s such a jerk about Ned! It’s not the man’s fault he fell and hit his head. Sonny is an ass!! 

    CM is such a poor Drew. BM’s Drew would never choose to be away from his daughter. Heck, real Drew wouldn’t be in a relationship with Carly. I hate that they call CM Drew because he’s so far from the real Drew. It’s ridiculous! The writing and the acting is off! 

    Im glad they let Sam be angry about Drew’s choice. He is voluntarily walking away from his child and claiming it’s ok because she barely knew him anyway. That’s crazy. Drew is a crap dad. 

    No comment on Ava/Nina or CarSon. I’m beyond over the dragging out of the tension/rivalry btw Carly and Nina. It’s just not interesting to me anymore. 

    I may be in the minority but I think Portia had a lot of nerve being upset with Curtis. Her lies blew apart three people’s lives. I’m no Curtis fan but he pretty much left her after the wedding and wouldn’t have even married her had he known the truth. I feel nothing for Portia. The man came back. She says she wants him so be happy. Now, if he’s still playing around with Jordan weeks later, she’ll have something to really be angry about. I just don’t like Portia! And I hope Jordan reads her for filth tomorrow!! 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Daisy said:

    honestly this makes me so angry. Michael going on and on about his children and having a future with Willow... to Chase....whose wife he stole.  this will always be stupid. and of course Chase is all "We're bffs always call me when you need help." Whatever Chase. 

    No lie - when Michael said that, I imagined Chase responding with, “Well, yes. I imagined having them with Willow - my girlfriend who you stole from me.” Hahahahahahaha!! I’m glad I wasn’t alone in thinking that! lol

    The sad fact is there is no one else in Michael’s age-range so Chase is forced to be his friend. They don’t care that it makes Chase pathetic! Michael needs a friend so Chase is sacrificed! Ugh. I can’t believe I didn’t mute them today. Their conversation was boring and pointless. 

    Honestly, I found most of the show boring today. I was only interested in Ned, and I could tell by how he was looking at his family he didn’t know them! That was interesting! Sorry @YaddaYadda!! LOL! 

    Fiz - I wish I liked them but I don’t. They bore me. I tuned out most of that talk. 

    Alexis/Diane - I’m probably in the minority in that I’ve never been a fan of these two - not individually or together. Hahahaha! 

    Sasha/Willow - waste of time. Sasha should have spoken up for Nina months ago. We all know where this predictable, stupid story is now headed. Willow gives Nina a chance, forgives her, finds out Nina called the SEC on precious insider traders Carly and Drew, and hates her again. Uh….no thanks. 

    Cody/Sam - I don’t care. I do want Gladys caught and exposed but I’m not interested in the setup. I just want to see it happen. 

    And as I mentioned, I liked the Ned stuff. I just wonder how long his amnesia will last. 

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  20. Re: Cody - Maybe it's just me but I completely forgot about the bracelet theft. I did mute Cody and Tracy today so I didn't know why she was being weird w/him but the show needs to pace this stuff better. I forgot Gladys set him up for that. It's been a long time since that plot was shown, right? I vaguely remember him talking to Sam about it but he was being vague. That was months ago, right? And it doesn't help that I usually mute him. LOL! Maybe it has been discussed since the Nurse's Ball but that feels like forever ago if you ask me. Anyway . . . 

    I'll be the lone voice of dissent - I hate that Spencer is this involved in his brother's life. It's just not a plot I wanted to see for him as y'all know.  Ace shouldn't even exist. I would rather see Spencer trying to find his dad or trying to take over Cassadine Empire or getting a life plan. I don't know . . .  . anything but co-parenting w/Esme! If the baby was his, this would play better for me but he's not. That is his father's child. Spencer should be having fun, not raising his baby brother. And as a single mom, Esme should have left work to attend to her child.

    Now, if Spencer thought his dad was dead, this wouldn't bother me as much but as far as I know, everyone just thinks Nik is in hiding. Why is no one trying to find Nikolas and tell him to come and get his baby? I hate this story. I also hate Portia. She makes me sick. Her constant Spencer rants are annoying. Girl, leave your daughter alone! Trina can make up her own mind about Spencer, and from what I saw at the end of the show, I think Trina's gonna get sick of Spencer co-parenting w/Esme. I can't say I blame her. Trina's young. She has no kids and no real responsibilities. She wants to have fun. Again, if Nik was presumed dead, all this would make more sense to me. 

    I agree w/those who think Sonny's not dumping Nina. This show doesn't do drama. They just build up stuff and let it end w/a whimper. There's been too much talk that Sonny is dumping Nina when this information is learned for me to believe he will. He'll probably just shrug his shoulders and give her a kiss. I'm not saying I want him to dump Nina but it would be more dramatic (and worth all the time spent on this stupid secret so far) if something interesting happened as a result but that's not happening w/these writers. I'm still in shock (though I shouldn't be) that Michael's 2-year (or however long it was) revenge plot completely fizzled out. This show is a joke. 

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  21. I saw the Olivia scenes on Twitter and was shocked (but happy) to see her yelling at Carly!! Someone needs to and more often!! LOL!! I watched that little blow up a few times! My sister told me Olivia got good news about Ned at the end of the episode. I’m not sure why they didn’t play out the drama a bit more. GH is clueless on how to maximize the limited drama they offer. See the whimper of an ending to that Jex/Sonny dilemma! The uncertainty re: Ned could have lasted a couple of days at least - give other actors and actresses who aren’t featured as much a chance to act. Oh well!! 

    I also saw the Taggert scenes. RA was phenomenal! It really burns me up that - after having blown up Taggert’s entire life - Portia is all giddy and happy because she has her perfect family now with Curtis, the ass, as the daddy! She doesn’t care at all about Taggert! Portia is sickening!! 

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  22. I haven’t watched in a few days but AVA is the reason Morgan is dead. Sonny and his organization had absolutely nothing to do with Morgan’s death. Nothing at all. If Ava hadn’t switched Morgan’s meds, he likely wouldn’t have been in a downward spiral and wouldn’t have stolen a car. That car had a bomb in it but that was NOT Sonny’s doing. That was all the Jeromes. Have they changed Josslyn’s anger toward Ava or has the show forgotten their own story?!?!? Probably the latter! 

    I wish Carly had completely obliterated that FD. She’s had a couple of interesting days learning her kids are vindictive, disloyal, petty morons!! 

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  23. I know she was a temporary replacement for HP, but given HP's problems, I hope she's not also the permanent replacement. She's not working for me either. I felt Kate Mansi seamlessly stepped into the role of Kristina but Mia is not doing the same for me w/Molly.  

    IMO, she looks much older than HP. I know the actress is younger than HP, but she looks older. She's also very green so her acting isn't that good, IMO. I didn't buy her last week when she reached out to Alexis for a hug a few times. It felt fake. I also had issues w/her line delivery. Today was no exception. She's simply not a good fit for Molly, IMO. 

    If they are looking to replace HP, I hope they keep looking. 

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  24. I don’t know how you guys do it. I FFed most of the show yesterday. And I hear what y’all are saying but why would Nina ask Diane about her love life?!? Diane is NOT Nina’s friend. Nina knows that. Or should. I’m not surprised by Diane’s response. I FFed those scenes myself but it’s clear the writers want Nina pathetic, and I’m over it. 

    I hate the writing for Nina. Period. She’s pathetic. She’s delusional. They won’t let her accept the reality of her situation and move on. It’s ridiculous. We could be watching a much better, more complex story where Nina has accepted she’ll never have a relationship with Willow and is putting her motherly love and feelings into Sasha. Willow sees that and becomes jealous. Willow wants that connection with her bio mom, which could lead to issues btw her and Michael but no. We get Nina doubling down on an already bad plan under some delusion that Willow will embrace her. It’s frigging pathetic y’all. I can’t watch it. Nina has been AJed, and I’m out. 

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