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Everything posted by lala2

  1. Agreed. His leaving town was the primary reason Liz wanted to get him committed. She understood that once he left town, that was it. She would never get a chance to get Franco back b/c "Dranco" would have no reason to ever return to Port Charles. Even before she learned that Kim was taking advantage of him, Liz asked Scott about finding a way to commit Franco, so she was determined to act when Dranco said he was leaving town. I have no problem w/anything Liz is doing. She is right to try and save the man she loves b/c she knows he wouldn't want to be running around town thinking he's Drew. He would want to come back to her and the family he created. Franco was finally happy w/himself and the life he created. This is NOT what he would want, and his wants mean more than the entity possessing his body AFAIC. I truly hope the procedure works. To me, they've played all the beats in this story, and I just don't see this going anywhere interesting or entertaining if it doesn't work. For me, the story moved too fast, and the way they've written Drew is not all that interesting. He's not conflicted or confused. He is just fine being Drew even though he's in Franco's body. He doesn't seem to care about "Franco" or "Franco's life." It's all about him. That's not that interesting to me. Kim is a disgusting human being, so I'm not interested in a Frim pairing, and they haven't written Drew in a good way, IMO. I'm fine w/characters being selfish or jerks b/c that's human, but there's nothing that's endearing about this version of Drew. To me, Roger is a doing a great job w/the material, but the writing is not particularly complex or interesting. I don't know. I just don't see where this story goes from here if the procedure doesn't work. Does anyone really want to see this "Drew" hanging around town? Not me! They would have to drastically change the writing before I invested in this "Drew."
  2. The scenes in the Franco/Liz/Kim/Julian arc were really good. First, Kim is a tragic mess. She was desperate to get Dranco a lawyer and have him released, and then randomly decided to move with Julian. Who knows why? I didn't understand the random change of heart! I'm just happy Julian dumped her. The fact that she was going to dump him via a DJ letter speaks volumes. Kim is an all-around awful person! Second, I loved Liz's conversation with Dranco. I loved how she told him he knew nothing about her love for her husband, and I loved her pointing out that Drew was a hero and Franco sacrificed his life for her son. I know Dranco will never feel for Liz what Franco did, but he needs to accept that he has possessed someone else's body, and that person has a right to his body. It seemed like Liz got through to him. Franco's body is not Dranco's to use and abuse. I get the disconnect he must be feeling - imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a completely different face from your own - but he needs to let the procedure happen. At the end of the day, the real Drew has disappeared, and if any "body" is deserving of those memories, it's his, not Franco's.
  3. I was thrilled that Liz put Kim in her place by having Franco committed. Kim had a lot of nerve in that conversation and showed her true colors. She is a ridiculously selfish person, so I hope there's no happiness in store for her any time soon! And I sincerely hope their friendship is not renewed after this. Now, Liz knows what Kim really thinks of her husband and relationship. I'm also hoping Franco gets his memories back, so he can tell her off too!
  4. Hey . . . I get it! Haha! As a Franco fan, I recognize how funny it is for me to be complaining about his body being violated. I do understand. That said, I still think it's wrong. It was wrong for Franco to put Sam in bed and make her think he had raped her, and it is wrong - IMO at least - for Kim to sleep w/someone knowing he would never sleep w/her if he was in his right mind. I also thought Liz was wrong to stay w/"Jake" when she knew he was actually "Jason." The Sam situation was a bit more complicated, IMO. It didn't help that the writing changed, but in all, I don't like characters' bodies being violated. I'm not sure why the writers took Kim down this road, but they already had her almost raping Drew a few months ago so who knows what their ultimate plan is w/her.
  5. Haha! Sadly, I agree w/you. She probably would, which might make for a more interesting story. Kim has shown she has no boundaries so I wouldn't be shocked if she slept w/Cameron simply b/c he started spewing some Drew memories! She will go to any low it seems. As far as Liz fighting for Franco is concerned - I have not seen today's scenes yet (and I am biased b/c I like both Franco and the Friz relationship), but I am happy she's fighting for him. I don't see that as a bad thing. She married the man. I should hope she would fight for him in this situation. I mean . . . . someone has to. What has been done to him is criminal, and Kim is completely disregarding him to live out her fantasies. Franco's body has been overtaken and is being used against his will. It's simply not right. I'm not saying Liz has to fight forever, but I want to see her try her best to get back HER relationship and the man who loved her.
  6. Hmmmm . . . I read that interview, and I didn't read it as him saying he's bored w/Franco. It's just become routine for him. This is an opportunity for him to do something new and interesting. I can understand that. I kind of feel many of the actors probably feel the same way. I remember Tyler Christopher really enjoying his "evil" stint. For me, that was the most interesting Nikolas had been in ages, but I digress. Regardless of what Roger wants, I'm not sure how interesting his Drew can be at this point. This story moved really fast. This Drew is not conflicted in any way, shape, or form. He has no interest in Franco's life. He doesn't want to stay in PC. Kim and Drew have already declared their love, so what could possibly be their obstacle? Liz? I guess Liz could try to commit Franco and have the procedure done, but then what?! Frim is not a "root for" pairing, IMO. I will admit that I am biased. I love Franco and Friz. I see chemistry btw Franco and Kim, but the story moved too fast for me. I don't want to see them together. Kim is a horrible person and an even worse friend. Franco's body is being used against his will, and that's troubling to me. Honestly, if some major time had passed, like 6 months or so, and effort was made to return Franco's memories but failed, I'd probably be fine w/Frim but that's not what has happened. It's all happened w/in the span of a couple of weeks. For me, there is no "Drew" or Frim story at this point. Friz is still the "root for" pairing, and I want to see them overcome what's happened to him. They can keep Friz together and still have Franco interacting w/other characters, etc. If Kim is pregnant, that's enough angst for Friz. Heck, Franco gets his memories back. He and Liz sleep together, and boom . . . both women are pregnant at the same time. That, to me, would be more interesting than playing out this Drew stuff any longer. It was good, but the writers ruined the story AFAIC.
  7. I don't see Franco and Drew as being in similar positions. The difference btw them is Drew was a complete blank slate when he was Jake Doe. I completely understand why he chose to go w/Hayden. He was lied to and manipulated into thinking she was his wife and that they had a life together. He loved Elizabeth, but once his identity was "revealed," he tried to make it work w/his "wife." That was the right and honorable thing to do. Franco, on the other hand, is not a blank slate. He has all of Drew's memories, so it is much harder to just walk away from them simply b/c his face has changed. If you just imagine waking up in a different body but w/your same mind . . . . I think many ppl would see that they wouldn't just immediately believe what they're being told or accept that they were another person. If you remembered your family, friends, etc., you'd want to reach out to them . . . I think. It's a strange situation.
  8. Yes, Franco can believe he's Drew all he wants, but he's not Drew and he never will be. Kim shouldn't have fed into his delusions. She should have continued to call him Franco, and she definitely shouldn't have slept with him as "Drew." Franco never should have been released from the hospital. He should have been placed in the psych ward. As his wife, Liz has the authority and power to authorize the procedure be done on him. At that point, "Drew" should have had no say in what happened to Franco's body. Franco never intended to remain Drew. He would have wanted to return to himself. If the procedure failed, then I think Franco probably should have been released. He's not a danger to himself or anyone else, and it would be unfair, IMO, to keep him locked up because an unlawful experiment was done on him, and it was successful. At this point, I fully support Liz committing him. He's ruining Franco's life, and that's not right.
  9. Exactly! Franco, IMO, is not to blame for anything. AFAIC, Franco is not even present at the moment. He is not controlling his own body, which is why what Kim is doing to him is awful. She's indulging his delusions and taking advantage of him. It's disgusting. I thought it was bad enough when she almost raped Drew, but this ........ even more disgusting because she KNOWS Franco wouldn't want to have sex with her. I don't blame Dranco either because he walked away from her. She's the one who called him back. Kim is disgusting. The speed with which this story is moving also has me wondering if Franco is going to get his memories back soon. I really think he must because AFAIC, all the beats in this story have played out. What other story is there to tell? Maybe it's just me, but this story has moved very quickly.
  10. Exactly! I loved Billy Miller. I loved his time as Jason, and I loved his time as Drew. I wish he were still on the show. That said, he never showed us the "real" Drew b/c he was never the real Drew. He never got Drew's memories. We have no idea if the "real" Drew wouldn't grab and kiss a woman he likes. Well, actually we do know b/c that's what the writers wrote "real" Drew as doing. The real Drew is assertive and knows what he wants. The real Drew is blunt. The real Drew is selfish just like most people at times. I think some don't care for RoHo's version b/c it's so wildly different from BM's, but to me, that's a good thing. This is a different story, not the same story they already told. I hate that Kim slept w/Dranco, and I hate that Friz has imploded but I'm not angry w/Dranco or RoHo's take on the character. All of that has been interesting - at least for me - to watch.
  11. I agree. We don't really know who the "real" Drew Cain was. I don't find RoHo's version of "Drew" to be bad just b/c it's different from BM's. At the end of the day, BM was never really "Drew." He was always "Jason" w/a new identity. I'm glad Roger is doing something different. I know many don't like his Drew, but as a Drew fan, I'm fine w/it. I don't necessarily see his Drew as a jerk. He just has no connection to anyone in Franco's life. He can't fake it or force it. He also doesn't want the connection, and again, I can't say I blame him for that. As a Friz fan, I would love to see Dranco drawn to Elizabeth, etc., but as I said in my own post, I can't fault "Drew" for not wanting to just accept that he's someone else. He may physically look like someone else, but in his mind, he's still "Drew." I know if I woke up in a different body w/my mind intact, I wouldn't just fall into a new life; I'd want to get back to my old life. I honestly think most ppl would feel the same.
  12. Kim is disgusting for what she did. She has taken advantage of a brain damaged, mentally impaired man. She is a selfish person and a horrible friend. We all know if Cameron had rec'd the transfer, she wouldn't be bedding him, but she can't control herself around her friend's husband?!?! As far as Dranco is concerned, I completely understand why he has no interest in being anyone else. If you were to wake up tomorrow w/your memories intact but in a completely different body, would you just accept that you are not yourself and this other person in this other life?!? I think most ppl wouldn't . . . . at least not immediately. Dranco can't just forget his own life, memories, friendships, and relationships to embrace another person's life and relationships. I think it would be nearly impossible for anyone to just accept. That said, I do think the procedure should be done on him no matter what he wants. Despite what he thinks, he is not Drew. It's like a possession. The memories inhabiting his body do not have more of a right to his body than the actual person. Franco only took Drew's memories to save Cameron. He didn't take them for any other reason. He would want to return to Liz if he could. Kim knows this too, which is why her role in this is so disgusting. If 6 months or a year had passed, and Franco was still "Drew," then I might be able to understand Kim being w/him, but it's been what . . . a couple of weeks??! Kim is complete and utter trash! I'm just hoping Franco's memories are returned, and she gets hurt. Liz deserves the right to stomp all over Kim's body!
  13. I will also join the minority and say I am absolutely loving this "Dranco" story. It is stupid. It makes no sense, but I'm enjoying the acting. I do like Friz and Franco, in general, so this story is working for me right now. I do not want it to last forever, but it is the most entertaining story on GH for me right now.
  14. It would depend on CA law. Where I practice, there is a presumption that custody should remain w/the biological parent(s). The court examines is what is in the child's best interests so if the third party had evidence that the child was being abused and/or neglected by the bio parent, then he/she could certainly present that evidence to the court, but it may not be enough to rebut the parental presumption. Our statute also clearly outlines when third parties can file. The third party must have maintained a relationship w/the child, primarily assumed the duties of a parent, and lived w/the child for a certain period of time. A bio parent can consent to the third party filing, or the third party can file if she/he has been living w/the child and believes the filing is necessary to prevent harm to the child. I don't think enough evidence has been presented to warrant ripping Celeste's kids from her. I could see a judge ordering her into drug counseling, but awarding custody to ML?!? To me, that's doubtful.
  15. Abuse/neglect proceedings are different from regular custody cases. No one's parental rights are at risk of being terminated in your normal custody case. It's usually just two parents battling it out in court, or a third party against the bio parent(s). Also, the bio parents are afforded attorneys in abuse/neglect proceedings. That does not occur in custody cases. There are not always allegations of bad acts if a case goes to trial. Sometimes, you just can't settle a case, and it goes to trial. That doesn't necessarily mean one party has something explosive to share.
  16. Your case was closed because it was likely some kind of abuse/neglect proceeding. Those kinds of proceedings are typically closed to the public, but your average custody isn't. Now, most of the time the ppl in the courtrooms are those with cases or supportive family members and/or friends. Most ppl aren't just hanging around family court to observe hearings . . . . at least that had not been my experience. Law students, law clerks, and attorneys observe court on occasion. It is a good way to get a feel for a judge, esp if you are new to the jurisdiction or the judge is new to the bench.
  17. In DC and Maryland, custody proceedings are open to the public. Anyone can come and observe if they wish. They are not generally closed proceedings. If a sensitive issue comes up, it can be closed, but that doesn't normally happen. Again, abuse and neglect proceedings are definitely closed. This was a custody case. I see no reason why it would be closed to the public. A quick Google search got me this from the Superior Ct of CA, Santa Clara County (http://www.scscourt.org/general_info/community/visit.shtml): "Courthouse visits (individuals): Generally, all Court proceedings are open to the public, with the exceptions of Juvenile Justice Court, Juvenile Dependency Court and select closed hearings." That is what I would expect honestly.
  18. Again, as someone who practices family law, I must say it is not uncommon or unusual for a custody proceeding to be public. It is rare for a custody proceeding to be closed. These proceedings are normally open to the public. If this had been an abuse/neglect proceeding,then it would have been closed but it's just a custody case. I've observed plenty of custody/divorce proceedings while I'm waiting on my own case to be called. Maybe it's different in some states, but I found nothing strange about that last night. I must also say that plenty of grandparents have filed for custody for less than what ML has observed. That is not uncommon. I've seen some really frivolous petitions in my life, and depending on the judge, some of them are actually entertained and granted on an emergency basis. It happens. There were aspects about the custody proceeding that were wrong, but the proceeding being open to the public and ML filing b/c of Celeste's sexual escapades and her Ambien use were not among the things that were "off." That said, where I practice, there are clear rules for when third parties are permitted to file for custody. I am not sure if CA has similar rules, but from what I've seen, ML would likely not have standing to have filed this case against Celeste in my state. Now, could she call Child Protective Services and try to get them involved? Sure, but she hasn't assumed the duties of parenting Max and Josh, so I'd argue her case be dismissed for lack of standing. I also have to say that a parent's sexual activities come into play if it concerns the children. As I said in my first post, the worst thing Celeste did was bring some random man home that she did not know. Doing so put her children in danger. If she has done that several times, then most judges are going to concerned. The real problem is ML knew about that incident. Yes, single mothers/fathers can have sex w/as many ppl as they want and bring them home around their kids. It will become an issue if a NCP makes it an issue or a nosy grandparent. If ML weren't around, then no one would care (except Celeste's friends) what Celeste was doing. Celeste is in this position b/c she has a nosy MIL, and she was too forthright w/her about things she should have kept to herself.
  19. I'm a family lawyer, and where I practice, family cases are definitely open to the public. They are not closed proceedings so anyone can sit in the courtroom and observe. Again, where I practice, if a judge has scheduled a single custody hrg for the day, the courtroom is usually not packed though ppl can still observe. It's not packed because most ppl have better things to do with their time than watch random ppl's custody proceedings. That said, I saw nothing unbelievable about the open courtroom. I could also see a lawyer bringing up the number of sexual partners a parent has and his/her drug use as a way to show the court that the parent is unfit. Bringing a lot of random men/women around your kids could be problematic. The most problematic thing Celeste did was bring this random man to her home. He could have molested her children while she was passed out or robbed them. It's just not a good look in custody court. I have no idea why this hearing was concluding without ML getting on the stand. That made no sense to me and was the most unbelievable thing about this hearing. This was not a child abuse/neglect proceeding, which would be closed to the public; this was a custody hearing. ML would definitely testify. And that's assuming ML even has standing to petition the court for custody, but I am not familiar w/CA laws so I assume she is able to file. Celeste can definitely represent herself in this case, and is probably better off doing so. I did notice all her friends were in the courtroom, and I thought they were supposed to be witnesses so they shouldn't have been sitting in there. That said, this hearing is weird. In a case like this, there would have been depositions, discovery, a pretrial conference to go over witnesses and evidence that will be presented....but there doesn't appear to have been any of that.
  20. I am 100% Team Ed. While I agree that he will eventually have to decide if he wants to salvage his marriage or not, I don't think he needs to do that now. From what I can tell, not much time has passed since he learned of Madeline's infidelity. It's been what ..... a couple of weeks?! Maybe a month? It hasn't been several months or years. This wound is still fresh for him. I think it's crazy for Madeline to expect him to know exactly what he wants to do in 2-3 weeks from learning she cheated on him. Ed has a right to take some time and figure things out, and Madeline has to give him that time. She has to allow him space to be distant or snarky. To me, her line to him would have made more sense if 6-7 months had passed. I honestly think it's been about 2 weeks. I also think her need for him to get over this within a couple of weeks or so speaks volumes about her true feelings for him. Why isn't she fighting for him by giving him the time he needs? You broke the trust in your marriage, but since your husband didn't immediately forgive you, you want him to just divorce you?!? Do you care about this man at all? I believe if Nathan had come back to her, she would have tried to make it work because she loved him deeply. Again, if several months had passed, I would understand Madeline, but it hasn't been that long. I just don't think Madeline feels any deep love for Ed. Trust me, I understand she, alone, can't save their marriage and Ed has to be a willing participant, but expecting your spouse to get over your infidelity in a few weeks is ridiculous. As someone else pointed out, Ed told Maddy last year that he knew he wasn't "the one" for her, and I think the cheating just confirmed it for him. I've never felt Maddy truly loved Ed. I think Ed is trying to figure out what he wants to do. In all honesty, they should be living apart for now. That would probably be best. Ed is a good guy, IMO, and deserves to be with someone who truly loves him. I hope he gets that at the end of the series.
  21. Brad and Lucas are barely day players in this story, and it heavily involves them. They were LITERALLY pulled out of the closet for this crappy story and don't even have any real, substantive POV. As a Brucas and Brad fan, I have not been pleased. This story sucks. Plus, the last thing boring Michael needs is a baby. If this show had any imagination or creativity, they would reveal that Nelle lied to Michael about him being the father. That would be the ultimate twist and would be unbelievably cruel of her - make him and his family mourn a child that was never his. Michael can get a child later. He doesn't need one now, esp. when the kid is just going to go upstairs never to be seen again until a holiday!
  22. I just can't with SVU sometimes, and last night was a time when I just had to turn off the show. Once the wife revealed that she had also been raped and manipulated into a marriage w/him, I was just done. I didn't even care anymore. This show really needs to STOP pushing their Benson is always right narrative. It's annoying at this point. I'm a woman, and I work w/domestic violence victims. A prosecutor would be hard pressed to find 12 jurors who would believe that both of these women were raped and then immediately manipulated, mind tricked into thinking they weren't and then getting into relationships w/this guy. No prosecutor would even take this to trial. Kitty was on video happily opening her door to her rapist and admitted to engaging in a relationship w/him after her rape. His fiancee does the same and was set to marry him. There aren't enough experts to make jurors understand the logic/mind set of dating your rapist. It's too strange. It's too odd. Prosecutors wouldn't touch these cases w/a 10-foot pole. It's hard enough to get them to prosecute a clear cut case, but the show would have you believe, they would prosecute (and win) this craziness! In real life, survivors don't always get justice. This should have been one of those times. I also think this should have been one of those times when we learn the woman had lied! Kitty was unhinged. I literally told my sister, "Oh, the last time Shiri was on here, she was a true victim. I guess tonight she isn't." But if Benson believes her, then you just know, Benson is right. It takes all the suspense out of the show. Benson is never wrong nowadays. Ugh. And the worst part was her mini-breakdown over Kitty's comments. What was that?!?! Why would Olivia let Kitty's comments impact her that much? Oh, I know they threw in that crap about overhearing her mother, but she's still traumatized by that? She hasn't worked through that yet?!? That was lame. I felt nothing for her b/c I didn't think Kitty's comments should hurt her. Kitty is allowed to not want to give birth to her rapist's baby. This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time Olivia hears something like that given her line of work. Anyway, I hated this episode when it went down the predictable path. Shiri was good, but the concept needed more thought behind it, IMO.
  23. I didn't know Shiri directed this episode, but no wonder I actually liked it!! She understands Roswell! For me, this was the FIRST episode I really enjoyed. I actually felt like Max, Michael, Maria, and Liz were friends. The scene in the bar was cute, and they acted like real friends for once. I really like the Michael/Maria scenes. They are cute together. I'm still not on board with Max/Liz, which is so odd for me because I loved OG Max/Liz, but they were better last night than in other episodes, IMO. Anyway, I liked last night's episode.
  24. This is my issue w/the show too. For me, Max is still way too emotional. I know he's upset about Isobel, but maybe if he hadn't been so emotional leading up to this episode, I would have looked at his breakdown differently. And I still don't know why he's so hung up on Liz. He just needs to get over her. I didn't hate OG Michael, but Max was definitely my favorite. In this reboot, I think I like Michael the best, but that's it. I'm really indifferent or actively dislike most of the characters on this show, which is not good.
  25. My sister and I call him Todd too. He will always be the fake Todd Manning to me! LOL!
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