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Everything posted by CaliforniaLove

  1. She seriously would be so much better off just keeping her mouth shut. How does she not realize that? "No my husband doesn't abuse me. This black eye? Wuhhhhl, I was stoned, and my husband was drunk & folding laundry. There happened to be some cookies by where my husband was folding laundry so as I walked by to grab one cuz of the munchies, he was shaking out a sheet from the laundry & his elbow caught me in the eye. Since I was stoned, I thought a black or gay person had gotten into our apartment & was beating me so I became hysterical. My husband then slapped me to calm down my hysteria, so I called the cops, but it's all good. It was all just a misunderstanding. You will ALL SEE THE TRUTH!!!!" Um, what you dumb cunt?
  2. Was Cory going on a safari after this? As much as Tyler Jr. annoys me, I loved him calling out Amber. He's used to The Challenge atmosphere which is pretty much "start talking shit & pissing people off immediately upon meeting", and you could tell Amber didn't know what to do with that. Hahahaha, that's awesome. Did you see the look Tyler gave her? He's disgusted by her. Go closed captioning! LOL! And yes, I also saw the look Tyler gave her. I think I was giving her the same one. She IS disgusting., She's starting to remind me of Audrey from National Lampoon's European vacation in that one scene...
  3. OMG, Jenelle's scene is so Groundhog's Day!! She starts by awkwardly explaining what is going on with her & Barb TO Barb "wuuuuhl ya know, we've been talkin' because you've been bringing Jace to the house & you're not mean to David". Barb says some stupid shit just to appease her trashbag daughter. Jenelle starts crying her fake cry because everybody hates David & he's just so GOOD & PURE!!! She's such a dickface. Drink every time she says "husband". Chelsea's property is beautiful. I don't like the outside of the house though. Is "blah brown" the popular color in South Dakota?
  4. My roommate made probably about 3 dozen cookies, plus we have vapes, bong, gummies, etc. etc...my only regret is not ingesting all of it before watching this bullshit. I also love how they pathetically market themselves....show of hands of who would want to see a Kail/DeAndre (who?) reality show, or Devoin to be an "on scene reporter" again?
  5. Yeah, TAYLOR? And I like how they introduced her as "Paislee's mom"...uh Paislee who? Kail is so low key livid about "Hulk". Devoin as the Times Square reporter?!?! The fuck?!?! This is straight insanity. Where's Bone?
  6. You mean Cory is going to cry instead of obnoxiously mug to the camera like the little cunty famewhore he is? Riveting. This is Butch's first reunion? What's even the point of that waste on this show?....oh wait, they are all complete wastes.
  7. OK, really? Exhibit A: some chick working a 100k+ job is married to a guy who works at MCDONALD'S?! No way. Exhibit B: What kind of self motivated woman who has a 100k+ job & is working her way through the ranks would "allow" some piece of shit misogynist who sounds like he need his tiny dick cut off to treat her that way?! Nothing about this adds up & if any of it is true, is quote frankly horrific & disgusting. Egghead is a "public figure"? Fucking puke.
  8. If you notice in the video, David only starts spouting threatening things as he's BACKING AWAY. He is such a hideously ugly, dickless little fucking bitch. I really wish someone would murder him...torturously.
  9. 1,000,000 x this. Thank you! And Kortni "this guy I've known for 5 minutes doesn't want to come home with me (3 episodes earlier "I haven't washed my cookie in 4 days"), and that sends her on a spiral? A rando in MEXICO says "ehhh", and that spirals you? These people. So staged.
  10. The fuck is Jace even doing there? C'mon Barb,, step it up.
  11. But he makes gross looking egg concoctions!! #GOALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. A fucked up egg, and the lid to the peanut butter jar? Yeah, I got nutin'.
  13. God, "goals" is SUCH a pet peeve of mine. They are such try-hards it's hilarious.
  14. Seriously. The second he said...well, everything this idiot says...but that he would PROFOUNDLY miss Amber? Bitch please. Nessa who? Oh, that useless ass kissing nobody from some lame show 5 years ago? Bitch, bye.
  15. I was thinking that if I had been in the audience, I'd have gotten a white-girl beatdown because when all those B's started acting "sympathetic" & all "WE'D MISS YOU AMBER!!!"...I'd have stood up, asked if everyone enjoyed the crack they obviously smoked for breakfast & proudly and "profoundly (TM Drew)" exclaimed "you are a lying pathetic sloth. Quit. Please!!!".
  16. Is Maci trying to put herself in the running for a remake of "The Craft"? What shade of "Fairuza Balk" is she wearing on her lips?
  17. Because she's fine & what she is doing IS WORKING, alright?!?!
  18. I'm sorry about your Mom's situation @ghoulina, and "medical professional, lifesaver Jenelle" should know better. There are so many things like that, as well as people with CF, or other breathing disorders, etc. etc. Her putting handicapped in quotations is just another checkmark in her being so unbelievably offensive.
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