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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I'm going to guess he now knows Lulu is Luke's daughter, and Luke was involved in that Aztec treasure storyline with Felicia, Frisco, Sean, etc. back in the '80s. She slapped Nikolas for kissing her. Context is today he made a joke out of Elizabeth's vague reference to "The Bachelor" and acknowledged he recently almost had sex with Britt, and saying he also told Britt that night that he has feelings for Liz. So she's basically calling him out on being an ass - or so it appears.
  2. Silas waking up and being like "Hey, what's up" to Nina - not a kiss, smile, etc. after they've had sex for the first time in 20+ years is almost, ok kinda, funny. Nina...just creepy. Asking your husband if it was fabulous for him, too...blech. Yes, Silas, let those doctors brain cells of your work and connect that Nina should be much weaker than she is and is in fact, crazy. Becky Herbst is so good with the babies. Rocco seemed content with Elizabeth. Show remember Aiden and Rocco are cousins and that Liz and Lulu have Spencer history ... glad for small, nice moments like that. TCa looks quite healthy post-pregnancy, but jeebus those bright pink scrubs that match her lipstick are just too much. Rocco falling asleep in Nik's lap and toppling over was hilarious. Nice catch, Tyler! Gotta love that Rocco is perfectly content with his mom not being there and yammering about giving him a sibling. Hate Tyler's current haircut though, and the Liz/Britt competition dialogue, esp. "Britt's winning" and Nik being...Nik. Go Liz!!! (re: previews).
  3. Playing pool w/Patrick and their flirting is the first time Sam has seemed happy in quittte a while. They are cute together. The "whatever I want" choice for him to shave, and touching his face like that - very girlfriendy-type behavior. Silas's WTF reaction to The Nina telling him she wants to get pregnant by him - or "make love" regardless of being able to get pregnant - a little funny/awkwardddd. Gotta love that his reaction is to get...slightly red around the eyes.. when she stands up and unbuttons her blouse. Throwing herself at him, such a classy move. Typical GH. Ugh. Okay, Levi having the name of Felicia's ex-fiance did surprise me. I thought for sure the jackass was somehow a relative/friend of an enemy of Frisco.
  4. I get the impression that at this point, Michael loves Carly and Sonny because he feels obligated to do so, not because he respects or likes them, or thinks they gave him a great life. He said it wasn't okay for Carly to just decide she didn't want AJ to be his dad, or for Sonny to force AJ to give up his parental rights. He knows Sonny is basically a remorseless (latest grossness - doing Morgan's gf) thug and Carly's only loyalty is really to herself (moving Franco into her home). So when he finds out about this major betrayal - and he's their "favorite" - I hope and expect both Michael and Morgan to disown their parents. 'Preserving' their relationships with Michael right now is purely about ego, not love. While Michael knows *stuff* has gone down in the Q Family, he has learned enough to appreciate that his dad the late AJ Q, Great Grandfather Edward, Grandma Monica, Cousin Ned were/are not OMG THE EVUL as Carly and Sonny tried to drill into him ad nauseum.
  5. With the haphazard way this show is being written, wouldn't surprise me if Ron decides Levi is the son of Jerry Jacks, or Franco or even Bill Eckert (although not necessarily grown-up Sly.) Could be he's out to prove he's a badass/awesome con-man. He comes off as a Jerry Jacks wanna-be, and not realizing he is utterly lacking in the Jerry/SR-type charm or ability to plan something well.
  6. Well, to be fair, A) Maxie's the idiot who brought Levi into all their lives and blew off the concerns of her friends and family, B) Lulu has a son at home - Maxie's daughter is out of the area, being raised by Spinelli and Ellie, C) Lulu is a police officer's wife as well as the local moron Crime boss's daughter-in-law. If Lulu got seriously hurt or killed, life would get extra shitty for some people in PC.
  7. Thought that Maxie said she didn't have "fun" in bed with him, that he was below average, in response. As in, don't you dare touch me, you disgust me. Also Maxie would say that to head off his potential sexual aggression toward them by making him doubt his 'manhood.'
  8. Actually I thought that's what they were alluding to when Lulu said "you don't even want us," and Levi responded with "I don't know," then smirked and reminded Maxie that they'd had their "fun" in the bedroom.
  9. I thought the line(s) about Ava's pregnancy were thrown in to remind the audience she's not her 'usual' self at the moment - hormonal/semi-emotional in addition to being worried this could come back to bite her in her relationship with Kiki. I agree it was very annoying to see Lulu and Maxie be so incompetent about escaping from Levi and Scribner. Although it was JMB's Lulu who played the kidnappings in the past, and she played Lulu with more edge. I could see JMB snarling and pulling the trigger. This actress seems like she's crumple and cry if a gun actually went off in her presence. KSt is playing Maxie like the best escape plan she can think of is to drive Levi to suicide by telling him over and over that he never did it for her in bed.
  10. So much LOVE for this, which can be applied to at least a half dozen GH characters he writes, and so many people in real life. Thank you!!! I really need one rolling on the floor and one happy dance emoticon for this post ...
  11. It seems like Coleman met/knew Levi's partner-in-crime and they had an agreement because they wanted $ from fenced jewelry. He was basically saying this was never supposed to get dangerous or crazy; guess he didn't know what those two guys were capable of. The problem with using Coleman in this storyline in this way is what others are pointing out - Mac, Dante, Patrick and others more or less think of him as a friend, so for Coleman to knowingly aim to fence Felicia's (Mac's wife's Aztec jewelry) is a low blow/WTF moment. Olivia pointed out to him that he knows Felicia (as in, you've betrayed people who trusted you) and Coleman just kind of shrugged it off as "tough times." What I found disturbing is he didn't seem to feel awful/guilty about Mac getting shot - said he didn't want any trouble with the police or Corinthos.
  12. Ha! And No. It took me a moment to realize the guy was Coleman, due to the short haircut. He shook hands with Ned, broke the news of the Levi/Maxie wedding/kidnapping/shooting drama to Olivia and Ned, and finally had Dante and then Olivia yelling at, then threatening him. He said he never intended/thought anyone would get hurt (and didn't think Felicia losing her jewelry was a big deal because she didn't wear it anyway).
  13. Funniest/best lines of dialogue from Olivia and Ned probably ever: "What did you do for fun when you were young?" "My Aunt Monica." Slightly amused that Olivia finds out from Coleman, instead of Dante/his colleagues, that her DIL is missing. Shut up, Britt. You don't care about Lulu's welfare, and never did. Exhibit A: Withholding her child from birth, until you got caught. The only time she isn't an utter loser is in scenes with Nathan. I find it impossible to feel sorry for Maxie. Also it is your fault you didn't show up for that hearing and you're not seeing baby Georgie on her first b-day. Had to turn off what seemed like the beginning of Dante apologizing to Sonny (so he would help him). "Right through that donor heart of hers" ? ....I hope Mac recovers and puts several holes in Levi. I suppose it's too much to hope for that Ava accidentally poisons Kiki, or herself instead via a dessert switcheroo. Kiki sucks SO much as a wife/gf and is too stupid to live anyway. I really felt bad for Michael, going to have dinner (and get poisoned) in the same apartment where his bio dad was murdered.
  14. CPP83 makes some good points about Robert's perspective. However, I think it all comes down to his actions, and lack thereof. He has said that his father wanted him to divorce/get an annulment from Colleen and he went along with that - in other words, he abandoned his (pregnant) wife. So, he really only has himself to blame for never knowing he had a daughter on the way. I would be more forgiving if he had said they got married as teenagers, but he was NOT underage. He was a spineless adult. Then when confronted with the news via abandonment papers, he allows Callie/Stef and Lena's introduction to him to be via attorneys: "Get a DNA test and sign away rights to all the Quinn money." That's pretty cold. Robert's way of "getting to know" Callie in the beginning was to passive-aggressively spy on/chat with her at her job when she didn't know who he was. When she angrily confronted him, he basically said not my fault, I never knew you existed and that wasn't anything against you, it's all legal strategy. Oh, and here's a letter from your little sister you've never met (as my way 'in' to your life). In Callie's place, I wouldn't be jumping at the chance to be a part of Robert's life either. I get it, Robert feels like crap because he missed out on 16 years with Callie after walking away from Colleen. He wants to know this bio daughter. Did he sit down and have a talk with Sophia about a healthy way for them to have a relationship with Callie after we saw her say she wanted Callie in their family/home? Obviously not. Sophia intervenes with the abandonment papers, and then Robert says he can't do it again. I absolutely get why Callie interprets it as him saying, "Sophia's right, we can't give you up, we want you, oh and sorry to wreck your happiness - but ours comes first." This is a man who clearly does not have a healthy and mature way of parenting his younger daughter. It seemed like he has no idea how troubled she is. Then you have Callie, who he understands has had a rough life and is WAY more troubled than Sophia. He is definitely ill-equipped to parent Callie. Robert seems like a nice guy, but lacking the balls to handle parenting like a mature adult - unless the children in question are too young to have emotional needs. He might actually do well with infants. Love is just not enough.
  15. Yeah that was my impression too, although she hasn't been in the scenes where Felix or Epiphany have mentioned Sabrina.
  16. I'm also amused by Sam telling Sabrina she's been missed, then promptly turning her back and addressing Patrick. It's young petite brunette in blue v. sexy (showing a lil cleavage, and shoulders) brunette woman in same shade of blue. How subtle. Can't tell if Sabrina's angry face was because Sam turned her back, or said she didn't have more info. on who ran them off the road. I agree that Patrick seems to feel nothing at all about Sabrina's return, and I think she still may want him back but figures too much has happened for that to be possible. (Also, Sam looks better in a blue summer outfit and has prettier hair.)
  17. I assume MB thought he was displaying a charming smile at the entrance, but to the rest of the world it looked like a sleazy "let's go" grin. Epiphany's evil Britt/poor Sabrina attitude is way past its expiration date. Telling Liz to go jump on Nikolas - such a WTF moment for her mouth. And Liz being so nice to Epiphany, a female colleague with years of shared history at the hospital, is good to see. All this Team Britt&Spencer OTT manipulation of Nikolas is making me roll my eyes. Oh Lord I need brain/ear bleach for Brad's sexual comment about Felix. Reaaalllly wish there'd been a warning about that. And now TPTB are playing with having Lucas come off as totally sleazy/like his sister. Yuck. The Epiphany-Milo mutual crush is also seriously WTF. Oookkk then. But Elizabeth's happy little smile for them was sweet. No follow-up today to the M&L kidnapping and Mac's shooting, what a shocker.
  18. Yes, please!! Also, did anyone else laugh at Carly snarling when Olivia called her out re: Franco and Sonny, and the obvious part that she's betraying Michael by living with Franco. I skipped the Milo stuff, but I'll take a guess it's a case of sloppily handled mis-direction. Shocking on this show, I know.
  19. I'm also very annoyed that Dante didn't a) call Anna for back-up before he made his presence known and b) that he didn't shoot Levi from behind when he had the perfect chance. Booooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
  20. "The truth hurts, doesn't it?" - Okay, Olivia's dialogue to Carly is her best scene since ... I don't remember when. I will give TPTB a teeny bit of credit - never thought Mac would be the one to get shot. Maxie really should feel like the worst daughter in the world right now. Nikolas really is a dumbass. And Britt is transparent and pathetic. The rest is just....not worth anything.
  21. Felix will never be interesting or appealing, no matter how hard Ron tries. Ugh. Blech. I'm amused that Nikolas told Britt he already had plans - with Elizabeth. And clearly he's not exactly jumping at the chance to spend time w/Britt. Glad Dante rescued Nathan so quickly. Mac's line and having his fingers crossed - love you Mac!!! You're waaayyyy too good for Felicia. Felicia and Lucy, the idiot sisters. And Maxie, the idiot daughter. The rest - just more UGH!!! Brad and Felix are NOT "hot "- Lucas, I'm disappointed in you for multiple reasons.
  22. When they were fighting on the ground , it was made clear that Levi was on top and doing his best to inflict damage - I assume at least some of the blood is because Levi retrieved his gun (knocked out of his hand when Nathan charged him) and hit Nathan with it a few times. That would explain why Nathan was unconscious and Levi's hands were perfectly fine, not swollen or bloody from punching someone. I couldn't decide which was worse - Felicia and Lucy going on in front of Mac and the others about Maxie and Levi's great love, or nuJason/nuJason stand-in's arm coming out of the freezer thing to stop Victor from shutting it. Now I'm wondering if Victor's arrogance will get him injured or killed because he thinks he's going to be in control of the back-from-the-dead assassin. Instead, the assassin gets pissed and kills him. I had to tune out... Robin is a brilliant doctor but has NO sense/ is impossibly naive sometimes. I think that last moment at her door was supposed to be Sam flirting with Patrick, and then thinking "OMG, what am I doing?!? Thoughts?
  23. Teri Polo was SO great in this episode. Her end scene with Callie was just magic. Stef's quiet sweetness and calling her "my love" - Callie needs that so badly. The Mike-Brandon scene was also excellent. Good to see Mike's love for his son, his desire to see Brandon whole - not weighed down by pain and guilt. Seems like he really, really wants to have a close and healthy relationship with Brandon. The Lou character just makes me roll my eyes. Wyatt is immature, desperate - good for Callie for walking away. Was that a tattoo on Jesus' side, or did Hayley actually BRAND him with her signature? Yikes!
  24. Dante and Mac were definitely wasting their breathe, Nathan is too good for Maxie, and I want to say to Mac, "Yes, your wife is beautiful, but not so bright. Like mother, like daughter." It is so very disappointing that Ron/writers have turned Robin into the opposite of her mother at the same age. I would like to see some sign of bad-ass, like she's working on a way to secretly poison Victor and leave the Jason-, Stavros- and Helenacicles behind. Victor isn't even a fun villain to watch; I just want him to take an icicle from the Stavros or Helena freezers to the heart, a la Sam's 'friend' the traitor and that large piece of window glass in the movie "Ghost." It is sad seeing Patrick and Emma talk about their family.
  25. Good Lord Felicia's a dumbass. It's amazing that her late younger daughter was intelligent. Yay Mac. Seems like The Nina is only not nails-on-a-chalkboard irritating w/NotTodd!Franco.
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