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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. A - Hilarious!! B - Are we sure? I saw Dante and Stavros struggling, then in the next scene Stavros was on the floor w/eyes closed, a little bloody in what looked like his shoulder or clavicle. Did Anna say he's dead?
  2. "I forgot there were dead bodies around." ... I have second-hand embarrassment for KSt. Was that gun lesson supposed to be romantic?! Good fake-out by Dr. O. I thought maybe there would be a kiss and then Sam would pull away. I truly did not expect it to get as far as horizontal with Patrick getting Sam's shirt totally open. Good for Sam for stopping it, for both their sakes. I hope Patrick is supposed to look like a douche for sitting up/saying the two relationships are over ...juxtaposed with Robin's position: chained to a bar on a wall in the clinic. I rolled my eyes because of course nuJason is the one to find her. UGH that Patrick hoped Sam would ask for a kiss when he lost the pool game. Anyone can tell by the guy's slight/slender build and that hair that it's NOT Steve Burton. Carrying SB's photo around in that folder is a crappy fake-out, show. Yeah, right - Anna and Robin are so NOT going to see each other tomorrow.
  3. I get your perspective about Patrick, but curious about why you say they disgust you together. KeMo's acting tells me Sam enjoys being Patrick's adventure buddy, appreciates his care and support, and is realizing she's attracted to him but is not in a place where's she comfortable with that because they ARE friends, he's still married to Robin, she has lingering feelings for Silas and her history with Jason is in her heart.
  4. I truly expected her to say, "Don't you want to bond with your brother or sister, or son or daughter, before the birth? This kid deserves to feel it's brother or dad's love now, regardless of how you feel about your ex-girlfriend slash ex-mother-in-law...what? Why are you guys looking at me funny?!"
  5. I will give TCa credit that her line reading of "Ms. Jerome, you're in good hands" made me laugh. Her going all 'evil nurse' is actually not horrible to watch. There is no end to the stupidity of Silas Clay. We get it show, seeing Patrick play with Danny is making Sam fall for Dr. Drake a bit. NuDanny is so very adorable. Looked like he was having fun with KeMo and JT. STFU Felix. Hmmm, did Rosalie learn manipulation from Ava, or vise versa? Funny. At least Rosalie is somewhat entertaining to watch as she messes with Michael and now Kiki. (I assume she'l now be the one to squeal to NotTodd!Franco SERIAL KILLER about Carly's 'betrayal of his love.')
  6. Best parts of today were A) Julian with nuDanny - very cute new kid and adorable playing together on the floor, and B) Dante saying Lulu was always a whole woman, but Stavros was never/will never be man enough for her. I like him tossing insults like "inbred', "freak", etc. at Stavros. I swear Dante is the only younger man on this show currently in a relationship who is loving, protective, and respectful of his woman.
  7. Upon hearing Stavros say Lulu got her fire from her mother, I had a teeny, tiny hope that maybe Genie Francis would be back on GH for a bit. I want her to walk into that clinic with a gun, shoot Stavros in the chest exactly where he had Nikolas shot and say, "That's for our son," shoot Stavros in the groin in the equivalent area to where an ovary is located and say, "That's for my daughter," and then shoot Stavros in the head and say, "And that's for me." Stand there, watch him yell and die, find Helena and deal with her (to avenge what was done to Lucky), and then leave with her daughter and son-in-law at her side. Luke is not needed. This could be great as a story of a mother and her kids, who survived the insanity of Stavros and Helena.
  8. Yup. *Shudder* And I actually saw spit go flying from RKK's mouth while Stavros was snapping at/addressing Lulu today. Ugh. When I just watched the preview of Stavros screaming at Lulu that she WOULD give birth to their child, I had a flashback to JJ's Lucky snapping "forced her to carry his own child!" at Nikolas when they fought about the Stavros/Laura/Luke past during the Lucky/Elizabeth's pregnancy/Nikolas mess. Just sickening.....
  9. I think the "back-from-the-almost-dead present" line proves we're being trolled here. I did enjoy Victor's dead-pan insult to Levi. And Levi is funny/interesting for the first time since he's on the show. Re: RKK...ye gods I don't even have the words. I actually feel bad for the Lante actors. And this Stavlu embryo concept just proves what a sick freak Ron is. I liked Nik's "Oh for Christ's sake"-type reaction to finding out yet again that his family is leading/mixed up with recent underhanded dealings and his little sister's most recent disappearance. Anna needs to slap the smug right off Dr. O's face. And that woman is no mother - she proved again that she thinks the truth about Faison is more important than the safety of Nathan, the sister and BIL of daughter Britt's "love" Nikolas, and Maxie. I call child abuse for the stuff Carly and Sonny think is appropriate to discuss while holding/playing with little Rocco. UGH, those to really really have to go DIAF. Pretty please. KT did a great job with Britt going off on Dr. O.
  10. It's a GOOD GH day when none of the characters/actors I find repulsive are on, and Dr. O gets told off - TWICE! :) Finola Hughes is so great. KeMo did a lovely job as Sam, talking 'cousin to cousin' with Spencer, with Emma and Patrick there. Britt is so much more tolerable when talking about real situations and her family, as opposed to manipulations and manufactured crises.
  11. Has Robin had any scenes since the day Victor had those two goons remove her from the lab, right after "Jason" started to wake up? Or has Victor indicated if/where he's holding her prison at the clinic?
  12. So that's what us in DC Metro region missed because of the McDonnells (gov/Va.) trial. Thanks.
  13. I've seen fake bake/spray tan on a bunch of actors on this show - this seems different. It's way beyond even what we've called 'Orange Glow' on Sonny. I really wonder what in the world GH makeup folks did to TP, or what he did to himself. I've seen him on another show, and he did not have this crimson/maroon/eggplant complexion. It's freaky and distracting, much more so IMO than the cosmetic surgery on a couple actresses on this show.
  14. I hope it does blow up in Nina's face, although I second GrrPants' request for a chair flip first. :) Sabrina may put lives at risk if her's is at the top of the list, followed by Felix, Fluke, Nina, Sonny, NotTodd!Franco, Carly. Her trying to be threatening w/Ava is kind of hilarious. Sabrina thinks she's gonna be a badass. Hahahahahaha! Ava could easily squash her like a bug. And you're correct. But yeesh, in regular "daylight" Victor's complexion is like a mix of deep red and eggplant purple. It's too distracting for me to actually hear what he says. We get it, Victor used Levi/Peter's inherited hatred of Maxie's mom and bio father to get him to get close to Maxie and Lulu, like he used Rafe for the car accident. I've gotta admit, Dr. O's unique choice of insult for Anna made me laugh. Carly snarling at/begging Kiki is just too much ... please can you two go DIAF and take NotTodd!Franco and Sonny with you. Carly's too much of a moron to get that those two are sooo not worth a conversation with Kiki. Dare we hope Patrick is FINALLY getting a clue? I don't care if Nathan is a Cassadine. I'll laugh though if dun dun dun...it's true and Britt is like "Hmm, my brother and my ex-fiance are blood relations, maybe that's icky?"
  15. Ava's "get away from me" attitude toward The Nina amuses me. Guess she's afraid of getting infected by the crazy. Good to see Lulu isn't helpless. Also, nice shot Dante. Daddy's hitman could learn from you. I laughed that Dante and Lulu went right to each other and seemed to forget hostage Maxie. The mystery person, the team in protective suits and those gas bombs really made me roll my eyes though. I'm sure Ron wants us begging to know "Who is it?!?" I .... just don't care. But I'll say thanks if he takes Levi/Peter off-screen. Get this Aztec jewels story sequel done already. Sonny can always be counted on to be a dick. And please, there's no "making love" where you two are concerned. Blech. Also amused by the utter lack of anything that could pass as a smile or joy in Silas' expression when The Nina said Britt said "no reason" they can't start trying to have a baby.
  16. John Ross went to Nicoquin (good one!) and told him - with Elena standing right there - how she actually got the letter, said she was a "thieving whore" and left. Nicoquin got tears in his eyes.
  17. Yes, Liz is one of the saner residents, but she's been written as a woman who perpetually thinks she's a terrible person for ever having caused Lucky pain, and for thinking that she, Lucky, and the boys were supposed to be together as a family no matter what - her sons deserved that. She thought she was supposed to be happy with Lucky, period, and she ruined it. AJ and Ric weren't/aren't emotionally healthy and secure men, so that couldn't work. Elizabeth conceived Cam and Jake during one-night stands, yes - when she felt her marriages were dead (for good reasons). Nikolas will hook up with a woman regardless of her marital status, and as one of you pointed out, cheat because his wife didn't get over being raped fast enough. This is a guy who claims he loves Elizabeth, but truly cannot be trusted/responsible. Pretty much everything he said to Liz on Friday proves that. I don't even think raising Spencer has anything to do with that - it's been clearly written that the majority of Spencer's life he's been raised by servants or Grandma Leslie.
  18. Question - Are you saying that Lucky stopped Nikolas from leaving twice? I remember Lucky seeing them together, then barely containing his rage and hurt as he basically ordered Nikolas to stay (to buy himself time to decide how he wanted to deal with them.) I thought Becky did a good job of showing how twisted up inside Elizabeth was. My impression was that Elizabeth wanted a loving/sweet day-to-day relationship with a man who was also a great father, but also wanted hot, maybe even naughty sex (which she wasn't having with Lucky). JJ's Lucky himself finally acknowledged that he never stopped seeing her as that fragile, sweet young girl and treated her as such. (Liz said he was "sweet" re: sex, in a conversation with Robin when they were talking about Lucky v. Nikolas.) Elizabeth still had that mind-set that she was supposed to be a family with Lucky and her boys, and felt guilty that she wasn't happy with him. I remember her words to him on NYE - that she would never let him down again, the joy about being his "girl". More than anything she wanted them to be in love together like they'd been as teenagers. Problem is, she had stopped being a "girl" a long time ago. I think she hated herself for wanting more for (deep down) in a relationship than she had with Lucky. I remember her telling him - trying to convince herself - that he was the perfect man for her. It was a Christmas tree choosing scene, including Cam and Jake. The writers really screwed up in the Nikolas and Elizabeth affair, because their friendship just stopped existing and their connection was all about hot sex - it was written like Liz had a sex addiction roughly equivalent to Lucky's drug addiction. The ONLY thing handled correctly in that affair was to make it crystal clear Nikolas saw her as a sexy woman, not a girl on a pedestal.
  19. For me, the difference is that Nikolas was basically saying AJ always had been a loser and always would be a loser based on his very complicated history with the Q Family, and others in Port Charles. Elizabeth was saying Britt could not be trusted based on rather recent instances. Examples: talking to Sabrina, Epiphany, etc. like they were beneath her because she's a doctor and saying something nasty to Emma (which provoked her to run away) and then turning around and lying to Patrick's face about it. Then Nikolas found out that Britt was actually a much, much worse person. Felix started "The Britch" nickname, and Elizabeth didn't disagree with him and Sabrina about that because she was also disgusted by Britt's behavior at the hospital. I think she both doesn't like or trust Britt for legitimate reasons and has feelings for Nikolas, but tends to go into self-denial about that due to their complicated history and her own fears. It's true that Nikolas and Elizabeth weren't a couple and she was well aware that Nikolas believed himself to be in love with Britt just a few months ago. But I also think she's a bit appalled that Nikolas would believe Britt could have changed that fast, after she stole his nephew, lied to everyone, etc. I understand her anger and hurt feelings now, about Nik being semi-torn between someone like Britt and her, his long-time friend and former lover. But it's more than that- these two people don't seem to be able to love one man or woman in a healthy way, and both seem to have something of a feeling of entitlement regarding each other because of their history.
  20. She also used the word "exciting." Lucky wanted them to have a love in the good times and bad, but he still saw her (and acknowledged it) as that teenage girl, who he fell in love with as they helped each other heal - her after the rape and him after learning the truth about Luke. He was sweet to the Liz he still had on that youthful pedestal - but there was no excitement or passion in the Lucky-Elizabeth relationship, when JJ was in the role. I think she wants a love with stability and the excitement/passion, but doesn't know if she can have it - with Nikolas or any other guy. I'm not sure she really can be happy at this point in her life. Elizabeth really should have some serious therapy before committing to a serious relationship again, but of course the show won't get into that.
  21. I don't agree, but I understand what you're saying. I didn't think she was accusing him of being responsible for the bad times in her life. It seemed to me like she was saying she wants an every day love, one that has small moments of romance and excitement and isn't just 'I'm in crisis, I want you' - which was essentially what happened when she was checking up on him after he found out Emily's twin sister had been running a con on him. And now he declares his love again and kisses her while he's scared/worried about Lulu's latest kidnapping. The first time he kissed her since his return was at Wyndemere, after recovering from the gunshot wound. He also mentioned that gunshot wound and made the connection to his feelings for her. So, I understand why she's skeptical of his words. She admitted to Robin, and to Nikolas (Alfred told her off-screen to wait for Nik in his bedroom) that she had been afraid and in denial; that she still loved Nikolas while she was dating AJ. Nikolas said he has loved her for years, but has proposed to Britt and she accepted, so what did she expect him to do. Elizabeth left. Re: AJ - Elizabeth cared for him and didn't realize he was right about the vibe from Nikolas - she found that out when Nik kissed her at Wydemere. I also think she found it offensive that Nikolas was basically like, "Why would you want to date a loser like AJ when I'm here, and I've made it clear I want you." That's a turn-off. Britt's behavior lately actually reminds me of how Ric behaved toward Elizabeth from the time he return to Port Charles, to right before he "died." He was desperate for her love, bashed Nikolas because he is aware of their history, acted like having a second chance with Elizabeth was the only thing that really mattered to him. He was pushy, used her son to win favor with her...actually Britt and Ric would be a great match. So Elizabeth thought, "Okay, he says he loves me, maybe we could be happy - I don't want to be the rebound after Britt." Ric has many issues, but feeling torn between women was not one of them. He definitely only had eyes for Elizabeth at this point in time. She told Ric while she was in the hospital with a gun-shot wound, that she knew Nikolas was all messed up emotionally from Britt and that he might not ever really get over her. Nikolas has just admitted the last time he slept with Britt was in March (before the engagement party). He then found out all of the truths about her, felt betrayed, ended their relationship and kicked her out. Now, 5 months later approximately, he almost has sex with her after telling her that he loves Elizabeth. In Liz's place, I'd be exasperated and furious too - that Nikolas would be surprised that Britt bragged to Elizabeth about the almost-sex, and that he would think declaring his love for her again should easily over-ride any discomfort she feels that he would tell Britt he loves Liz but have sex with Britt anyway because she wanted him. I like that Liz told him that might be okay with Britt, but NOT with her.
  22. No, she said she wants someone who wants to be with her in both good and bad times, who thinks love is exciting. It was in reaction to Nikolas saying they know they can reach for each other in bad times. (He had just kissed her with tears in his eyes, and right now they're both worried about Lulu.) He was upset that she seemed to be saying she didn't want him because he also feels something for Britt, when she chose to date AJ despite knowing Nikolas had feelings for her. I personally don't think that's a fair comparison, because she started seeing AJ before Nikolas came back to Port Charles last year. Nik hadn't even met Britt at that time, and AJ wasn't lying his ass off to Liz from day one like Britt was w/Nik. She also made it clear to Nikolas right after the 2014 Nurse's Ball that she had decided to get back together with Ric thinking maybe she could love him again, and didn't want to be the rebound girl in the wake of the Nik and Britt break up. She is indicating to him there is no potential for a romance between them because he can't deny lingering feelings for Britt. That is a respectable position, in my opinion.
  23. I laughed at that! This is a perfect description of his reactionary expression/offended sound.
  24. So The Nina really wants an insta-verification from Britt that she's pregnant. I'll admit I laughed at "What are your symptoms?" "I made love to my husband last night." "I guess crazy runs in the family." Pretty sure that menopause news means she's going to steal Britt's baby-stealing idea and then be like "Thanks cous!!!" and Britt will be WTH?!?! Have fun with your cousin, Britt. LOL. I kept thinking, "Silas, punch NotTodd!Franco" in the face. Confirming for you all that Nikolas does just want Elizabeth to gloss over the fact he would have slept with Britt that night if she hadn't called about Lulu getting kidnapped. The important thing is never stopped loving her. "I'm not indifferent to Britt." Good Lord. Love that she called him out about feeling sex-deprived and said she has more self-respect than Britt does. I wanna slap Nik on Elizabeth's behalf! Love that his feelings for/attraction to Britt mean she will not consider sex/a relationship with him. Ava's dress is pretty.
  25. I understand but IMO there are examples of Robert just does not have a spine when it comes to parenting, or making decisions as a mature adult. He walked away from Colleen because daddy told him to. Stef and Lena/Callie got a DNA sample and "sign away rights to money" request because that's what Robert's attorneys decided he should do. Stef calls Callie's former foster father "unfit" and Robert gets a guilty look, but - once the girls have gone into the house - he doesn't express concern for Callie's past and ask if she's getting counseling, or gently ask Callie about that when Sophia's out of earshot. He just asks if he can take care of college funding.To anyone with common sense, that is the least of Callie's problems at the moment. What I found disturbing was the way Sophia spoke to Callie, esp. when she told her she tore up the papers - appearing excited that she did something underhanded for her family. Like "Hey sis, you can still make the right choice, isn't that great?!" Callie is angry and hurt. Robert finds out his younger daughter went behind his back and destroyed his legal documents - yet not even a stern look and "We're going to discuss consequences after I talk to Callie." He's essentially condoning what she did instead of teaching her this is the WRONG way to handle your feelings about your sister/family. Also, he's either choosing to turn a blind eye to Sophia's issues so as to avoid the hard work of parenting, or just isn't close enough to his daughter to pick up on clues ... one of those "Her grades are good, she's doing the tests she's supposed to, she's competing, everything's great" type of parents. I too think Robert was feeling tortured, but he didn't say "let's discuss this." He said he couldn't abandon her/sign the papers again esp. after being called her father in public, he wants her to be happy, they've all gotten attached to her. To a girl Callie's age, that screams 'I'm choosing Sophia/my feelings over yours, sorry." It also hints that he may now be considering a fight for custody. I'm sure it felt like a slap in the face to her - like perhaps he'll try to take her away from The Fosters and Jude. With that context, Callie kissing Brandon makes perfect sense. She believes she gave up her shot at a relationship with Brandon for the 'greater good,' a stable family for Jude and for her. Now she's freaking out because the signed papers no longer exist, Robert isn't going to give up his rights to her, so f'it, I still love him and want a kiss. Jude's place in the Foster Family is secure now anyway.
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