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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. The situations are not the same. Liz was not an accessory to newborn Danny being stolen from Sam, nor did she pay anyone to do so (in comparison to the men who Sam paid to aim guns at two children and scare them//their mother.) Sam never confessed; she got caught and then yelled and made excuses essentially blaming Jason and Liz for her actions. Liz lying about the test for 24 hours was awful, but she broke down and confessed (I think in tears) to Jason and explained why. I simply hate that Sam remembers the awful thing Liz did re: Danny while using words that absolutely minimize her own heinous deeds. But HeatLifer is totally right that the storyline currently dictates Sam is good, Liz is crazy to prop JaSam as the beloved Supercouple being kept apart. If lots of characters get thrown under the bus to prop Jasus and the Jasam awesomeness, so be it. There is no excuse for Liz and Nikolas keeping this secret. A combination of terrible situations (beginning with her shitty parents) over the years as well as her own poor choices and the consequences of them have brought her to this very low/sick point in her life. It is sick to see, no doubt. I just hate to read that people think Monica and Liz should tear Liz apart (no mention of Nik) when their own family member knew about Jason first, told Liz while lying to them - all for financial benefit. Yeah, Nikolas told Liz he'd keep the secret. Not because he's her friend; a true friend would see she was desperate, crazy, self-destructive - very clearly in need of help from mental health professionals. He did it because he's always had contempt for Jason Morgan (not that I blame him there) and because he wants to guarantee his scheme to gain financially through ELQ works. So, he chooses his words carefully in speaking to Lucky and then Laura to do his best to manipulate them into keeping their mouths shut. Elizabeth wasn't even present at those times.
  2. Yeah - she's only been to Wyndemere once since Lucky brought Jake back to her; Jake was with her. Liz, Laura, and Nikolas had a scene (with the kid in the background). I remember that Liz and Nikolas have discussed RB's character, but not with Laura there - so I guess that took place hours or days before the kid returned...really no clue in GH time.
  3. A) I agree with you, and no. B) Liz went to Wyndemere because she had a slim hope of telling Lucky that Jake got a clean bill of health, after Lucky had told her he was going there. Or did I miss another chat about Hayden? I don't think Elizabeth was under obligation to call Monica. But I don't recall any dialogue that she's told Grams, or sister Sarah, or brother Steven (I'm assuming he's still in prison?) either. A) Yes, Liz wants him to raise her son with her -as Jake Doe (while only she knows they are biological father and son). Jake Doe doesn't have a family. B) Molly and Kristina had their mom and each had a father, not two, all were alive, and they knew their parents. There was no "bio parent v. parent who's raising you" issues to discern. Emma understands that if her Daddy - her only father - has a child with a woman, that child would be her brother or sister. Also simple. C) Yes, Sam's grown, but with the way she's talking it's like she either doesn't take her past sins re: Jake seriously or has chosen to forget how serious that was. It just makes me personally roll my eyes that she's happy about a kid she once wished would disappear ... now that she has her own mini-Jason and misses Jason. D) It's in quotes because she said it repeatedly. I didn't say everyone is beholden to Lucky. But Lucky just told little Jake days ago in front of Luke and Laura, "I'm your father," and Elizabeth repeated it like 48 hours ago. And the fact is, Lucky raised Jake from birth 'til the night Luke ran the kid down. Jason was not actively a parent in Jake's life, so Monica saying Jake is of few words "like his father" annoyed me. Being a quiet person is not automatically a genetic trait. That, to me, dismissed Lucky as Jake's father. E) I meant that a mother losing a toddler (inherently a close relationship) is totally different than a mother losing an adult son with whom there is a distant, sometimes almost non-existent relationship - by his own choice. Monica's grief over time about losing Jason has been magnified due to brutal losses of the children who actually treated her like a treasured mother. Hell, Emily was killed because someone wanted to strike out at Jason. Sonny killed AJ because he hated him and didn't want to share Michael - the son of AJ who Jason handed over to Sonny. That's why I hate that Monica is fawning over memories of "good man" Jason and a kid who was not being raised by said "good man." F) In my opinion, that's not the way LC played the scenes. And that situation isn't limited to "Big" or "Little". I have a cousin who got the same name as her mother, my aunt. Some would say " Young __" to differentiate if there was any confusion about my cousin v. aunt. Or they could say "Jake Martin."
  4. I read this quickly and thought, "No, Anna slept with Luke after Robin "died" - not Robert! Then I realized who and what circumstances you're talking about, LOL.
  5. A) You make me smile - I like 'thirst' B) I agree that Liz must know, re: deaths of AJ and Emily and Monica's relationships with them. But re: Jason - since becoming Jason Morgan, he mostly tolerated Monica, rarely acting like a son who cared for/loved his mother. It's not even remotely close to Liz and her toddler. Monica became Jason's mom because she stopped hating him and because his birth mother died. Also, Jason got shot and was presumed dead because he chose to be a professional criminal, period. I don't feel he was brutally murdered. C) The quote was because Monica only said "Jake" when meeting him face-to-face. When she appeared on Liz's doorstep, when she was talking to him at the table, it was all "my grandson," as if he's a new possession-extension/connection to Jason instead of a person.
  6. Monica heard that "my grandson" is alive - from Michael (Luke told him) - so they decided to go to Liz's to see the kid and give him a gift they picked out for him. And no, they did not bring gifts for Jake's brothers. I really wonder if Monica is just going to grin big and call him "my grandson" or "Jason's son" from now on whenever she's around the kid. Lucky who? Jakeson and Michael also talked about Nikolas re :ELQ and Jakeson's identity off to the side, yes.
  7. And then Sam gets to skin Nik's bitch ass. This is much better - must see TV in fact. Nikolas knew 'Jake's' true identity way before Liz did, was Monica's/is Sam's family, and kept that truth from them. This is a mega betrayal of the memory of his so-called great love Emily and her family, and a betrayal of cousin Sam because he's had many opportunities to come clean - including when Sam held up Jason's wedding band and asked Nik to explain. Nikolas chose to offer the truth to Liz and withhold the same info from Jason's family, all for selfish reasons. And he did so after being outraged and vindictive when his son was kept away from him. Liz should not get a pass for her lies, but this all started with Nikolas and they better find that out!!
  8. A) I don't think it's dumb or whacked out for Sam to want Jake and Danny to meet - it's the way she's talking about it and going about it. 'Oh, Danny and Jake need to be close brothers because they're each other's link to Jason. I'm concerned that (a few minutes after I saw Jake alive for the first time) Elizabeth seemed hesitant instead of eager/excited for Jake and Danny to start being brothers. Patrick, do something about this please.' Also, Danny does know his father's family - we've seen him spend time with Monica, Tracy, Michael, Ned. Legally speaking, Jake is NOT Jason's child. I don't think Jake would be 'too traumatized' to be introduced to Danny. What I'm saying is both boys are not old enough/mature enough to understand science/reproduction and how they can be brothers when Jake has been told Elizabeth and Lucky are his parents, and Danny understands that Sam is his Mommy and Jason Morgan 'in Heaven' is his Daddy. B) What I meant is that reasoning should occur to Sam; Sam was never alone with little Jake because of her history of endangering him/him and Cam. Liz was okay with Sam and Lucky dating and them taking the boys camping, knowing Lucky was always with them. C) Agreed, except I do mostly like Liz and think Becky's a great actress. D) I didn't say Elizabeth is using Sam's history as an excuse; I'm saying in her place (and without Jake/son as a factor, dead or alive) I would consider it a very valid reason. Right now Sam's talking to Patrick and acting in public like she never hated Liz's innocent child/wanted him gone from their lives. I feel about Sam's talk/behavior re: little Jake right now roughlyhow other people felt about Sabrina becoming baby AJ's nanny after she gave Ava those (premature labor?) pills.
  9. Oh, I agree...it just sucks. Sam talks like little Jake has been back for weeks/months and Elizabeth just doesn't want to commit to "the brothers" forming a relationship. Even aside from Elizabeth and Nik's secret, it seems like Sam is operating without a brain. She heard, very clearly, that Jake knows Lucky is his father (and Cam and Aiden are his brothers/children of Liz and Lucky). Danny is no longer a baby; he's a kid capable of talking, and he knows his Daddy is Jason. Does she not get that the two of them being introduced as brothers would be really confusing, especially for a...3-year-old? who knows his Mommy is not Jake's Mommy.This desire of hers for Jake and Danny to be insta-besties or whatever is dumb. I I could see them being introduced as new friends or even "both grandsons of Monica" - but all the "they're both sons of the great Jason" is just too much especially because baby Danny spent maybe one day with Jason and since Jake doesn't remember Elizabeth being his mom *before* then he sure as hell doesn't remember ever meeting Jason. Also, it's not unreasonable to think that seeing Sam around Jake would make a mother painfully remember Sam being involved with Jake's previous kidnappings - one as almost an accomplice, the other as co-rescuer. Sam glosses over a lot of stuff because she's so focused on "Danny gets to have a brother now, yay!!"
  10. The other thing that I hated about today was Show trying to whitewash Sam's past concerning Liz and Jake. She tells Patrick Liz got "down in the dirt" and lied about test results for 24-hours but she's gotten past that, yet only acknowledges that she's "not proud of" things she did when she felt she was losing Jason to Liz? (Without offering details). The woman flat-out hated Jake's existence!! She knew who kidnapped him, and taunted Liz that he could be dead! I so hate that Show seems to want to make Sam the superior person, and is throwing Liz under the bus, for love of Jasus ... AGAIN! Bah!
  11. You're welcome, peach. Laura had one nice line about little JJ/Lucky and the rest sucked. Carly being the, what, 3rd or 4th person? to credit Luke with bringing little Jake home is just blech. If you didn't know the history, you'd think Luke and Carly had a good uncle-niece relationship and she's sorry to see him go.
  12. I'm so very amused that Sam admits to Patrick she's not responding to him in bed because she's thinking about "Jason's son" Jake. He looks just like Jason. It's so wrong they don't get to have a relationship...Seriously, the only thing saving her 'Jake-and-Danny-bonding 'cause it's the closest they'll get to Jasus' and her pressuring Patrick to make it happen was JT's *Sigh* I'm-not-getting-laid-today look/body language. Enough already! HATE Laura acting like old, dear friends/family with Sonny and Carly. I really wish Laura would have glared at Carly for acting like Lucky doesn't exist re: Jake. I loved Laura standing up for Lucky when Carly tried to shade him ('Jason would never have done what Lucky just did'). And seriously, Monica saying that Jake is like his father one second after meeting the kid - without talking to Elizabeth first? - UGH. Same re: Carly talking about Luke highly complimenting her and then leaving town without saying goodbye. BAH!! And Michael dear, little Jake never had a relationship with the Quartermaines to begin with. That kid is indeed related to many people in Port Charles. Laura admires S&C's perseverence??!!! UGH!!! I did smirk a little though that Sonny told Laura (paraphrasing) that it's not an honor to be invited to their wedding because #5 is no big deal. I am surprised that Elizabeth told little Jake Monica is one of his grandmothers. I'll laugh if little Jake ends up assuming Monica is his grandma thru marriage to Grandpa Luke (in front of Tracy). And after Patrick telling Sam he'd do anything for her, I'll enjoy him being roadkill when Sam dumps him. Silas made me laugh too. It must be seriously gross/weird to walk in on your ex lover and your daughter's boyfriend in bed together. Is anyone else amused by the big UH-OH look on Liz's face at Laura and Jakeson coming face-to-face in her home? Good job there Becky, lol
  13. LW's Carly was a guest at the LnL 25th anniversary wedding, so Laura's been *around* her, but I don't think there have been any one-on-one scenes.
  14. Hey, don't we all prefer to have refreshments to accompany conversations meant to test/manipulate us? Clearly Val understands this. She learned it from hearing her mother talk about how Grandpa Tim once behaved. But now her mother's dead. Oh, you didn't know? Yeah, that's why she's sad. Bringing donuts and coffee for a conversation makes her think of her mother.
  15. Ulkis - I'm glad Laura will be getting more screen time but I feel like S&C don't deserve a moment of her attention, unless they seek her or her family out (which is not the case in that preview) and she responds by telling them to get lost - that they've been a cancer to Bobbie and Luke's lives (a mention of Tony Jones, RIP would be great).
  16. Heads up all - Genie wasn't on today and Laura wasn't even mentioned. No letter in sight. The aftermath = Laura has obviously left the HS and Lulu is crying to Dillon about her dad, he hugs her and then holds her hand briefly, and gets disappointed that she didn't object at all/was enthusiastic about him dating Valerie. The only amusement is Dillon being displeased with Lulu's encouragement, and Valerie looking crushed that Dante said no worries about her dating Dillon, that it doesn't affect their friendship. I think Lulu is genuinely pleased, and Dante has maybe a teeny shred of jealousy.
  17. Dandesun - According to Geary in an interview, he and JJ took the scripts given them and re-wrote them to do Luke and Laura's history/Triple L's history justice. I think, more likely, Geary felt that the writer(s) didn't properly acknowledge Luke and Lucky's relationship, so he and JJ did so as a team (over two nights in Geary's dressing room). I'll guess that JJ made sure Genie/Laura was respected in those script changes. Even aside from the B.S. last day of Luke, the characters on this show are just so poorly written. Dillon returns after what, 10(?) years and is inexplicably all about Lulu (shades of Ric's return and wanting Liz). Maxie with Nathan's pointless mother and then going off on Valerie was just annoying; I kind of wanted Brooklyn Ashton or Ghost Georgie or someone who knew Maxie in the past to say, "This from the girl who slept with Lulu's boyfriend and her married brother, and mostly recently let her think your own newborn child was hers? Shut your hole, Maxie." NotTodd!Franco, Nina, DeniseAva, Kiki etc. don't even register for me as real GH characters, so I don't care about their terrible writing.
  18. Sasha made me laugh, thanks. I wasn't a fan of LnL; I was a fan of Triple L. Of all his years on the show, I feel TG did his best work with JJ and GF because the three had a very special chemistry as a young family ... 'lightning in a bottle" as the saying goes. I remember enjoying Luke when he did stuff like throw the bag out of the plane to get Laura to jump, when he was giddy about Laura's pregnancy w/Lulu, when he was reacting as a proud or worried/scared father about young Lucky. Once both JJ and Genie were gone, it seemed like Luke more or less lost his soul. The only times I've seen the light go on again in TG since were mostly with JJ (aftermath of Nik and Liz's affair), but also "You came back to me!" when Robin gave Laura an experimental drug, and the scenes with Finola and Tristan during the Rescue Robin storyline. In trying to mostly ignore Genie's importance, and spitting out lines that loving Laura was some big burden, he ended up sorta trash talking the JJ/Lucky companion piece to LnL in his career. That is what gets me. Hey Luke, no Laura? No Lucky!! TG wanted it both ways it doesn't work like that. He clearly couldn't face the fact that plenty of people did not see him as Mr. Awesome Actor/Entertainer on his own. Too bad. The one line that redeemed him a lil bit for me was telling Lucky that past decisions in his life that made him happiest had to do with loving Laura and raising him. Sooo, I am really, really hoping the letter to Laura says thank you for the gift of your love, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for our kids - loving Lucky and Lulu made me a better man .... and so on.
  19. So TG has made it abundantly clear he hates the footage of the LnL wedding/LnL marriage with his bad hair and young Genie looking gorgeous. Fine, we got it. Still seems very strange to me that the show included a perfect flashback of Luke and Bobbie during their last scene, but none during Luke and Lucky's scenes (like maybe father and son alone talking about card playing, or newborn Lulu, the big confrontation about the rape) and none during Luke and Sonny's scenes. It just stand outs to me as a major oversight since JJ and MB are the original actors. The last time I can recall a flashback with TG and JJ was Luke sobbing about running over Jake (right after the confrontation with JJ's Lucky) ... as he remembered a conversation with little Lucky about babies (anticipating Lulu).
  20. Well, to be fair, she had been informed of Lucky's affair with Maxie, and Maxie was pretending to be knocked up by Lucky at the same time Liz really was pregnant by Jason. So she would look like a real jerk to say "You cheated on my son, you're awful" ....when said son had already cheated on Liz before that and really could have gotten Maxie pregnant. Also, at some point Laura thought Stefan was Nik's father because of her affair with him, and she and Stefan cared for each other in some odd way, so I guess she felt she was in no position to judge. It's been made very clear that Laura loves Nikolas very much, but the circumstances of her life when she was pregnant with him were Hellish.
  21. Yeah, it seemed like TG could barely get moist eyes with ER; whereas he seemed to feel genuine emotions about his final scenes with Genie (@Triple L diner), JJ, Jane, Genie and Jackie.
  22. Nope we did not see the envelope in that scene; their last moment together was a tearful hug (97% Lulu's tears). I'm assuming the script directions say Luke gave Lulu that envelope off-screen, right before she walked away from him, sobbing her eyes out.
  23. GHScorpiosRule - I was actually thinking of the time when JMB's Lulu was in a building that collapsed/exploded, and Luke was sort of verbally praying to catatonic Laura for help finding Lulu. Then he found her, injured, and pulled her out of the wreckage and got her to the hospital. I forget who else was in that explosion; I'm pretty sure it was when Lulu was part of the teen scene. CPP83 - That is a superb summary of today's show. Bravo.
  24. A) It seemed (from the engagement party/Laura's return scene, and Laura's line about the phone call with Lulu) that Laura and Lulu have had a long-distance mother daughter relationship. I thought Laura's approach to Dante was pretty good, in direct contrast to the glaring and yelling that would come from Tracy in a "you're JUST LIKE your (insert insults) father!!" tirade - ignoring the fact that Dante didn't grow up knowing Sonny. I thought Genie did great, playing on Laura's applicable life experience. B) Ok, that's hilarious. My point was just that Dillion is so OTT about how awesome Lulu is (Georgie who?) that Morgan can see it even though Dillon's not saying "soooo hot" or "soooo sexy." Dillon working with Morgan on a script though is really out there.
  25. It should really tell Lulu something that she wouldn't have known precious Daddy's leaving town if her mom hadn't rushed to find her. Lulu kissing Luke's ass in their final moments together, just sad. Her memory must have been harmed by Stavros putting her on ice; Luke rarely rescued Lulu when she was in deep trouble. And flat-out telling her she can handle herself, so he doesn't need to come rescue her ... yeah you suck as a father to your "one and only baby girl," Luke. Lulu sobbing on Laura's shoulder, really just sad. I did like, though, that the envelope said "Angel" - a nice last second tribute to LnL even as TG has shit on the relationship that made his career. Luke to Sonny: The town needs you ..."Take care of Port Charles" WTF I can't even. ... Get lost Luke. You won't be missed. Dillon thinking he's going to make Lulu jealous by dating Valerie is just pathetic. When even Morgan can tell you're salivating over his brother's wife, you have no hope.
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