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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Question about the Spencer/Nik/Hayden and Anna/Emma/Samtrick scenes because I missed stuff - I thought the kiddie love stuff was getting dropped? I heard a line from Spencer about his hope for his future with Emma, and he looked like he was in a school uniform for his first day. Emma seemed to be dressed for public school and wanted to skip it to spend time with Grandma - is she worried about running into Spencer somewhere? I could have sworn she turned him down, and the kids have been pretty much off-screen since then. Can't recall when I last saw Cam, and we know Joss is in Australia with her real parent. ETA: So very amusing at the obviousness of Carly having no girl friends (because she despises competition) - the 'women who matter' in Carly's life on her current wedding day aside from her mom and cousin Lulu are wedding planner Maxie (who's never had a relationship with Carly), and cousin Val, who has only met Carly once (?) a few moments after Pat died. Shut up, Jordan - the man for Anna is Robert since Duke is gone and didn't deserve Anna anyway. Go look for your idiot hothead son. Yes, TJ a thug with a gun can shoot Sonny - you haven't been around long enough to know his history in PC. Hayden's snark and Sam's annoyed reaction made me chuckle. I like that Sonny got shot at close range in the chest and fell right in front of TJ, to his horror -a moment after Sonny's trying to look like a badass who's taken charge of the situation and is saving TJ from the thug.
  2. Patrick wondered aloud if Victor was threatening her, and said they could take action. While Robin does have a history of determined independence, I didn't get the sense at all that she thought could manage the mess - she just didn't want anyone else in danger. (Victor got Rafe - a kid who didn't know him - to follow Patrick's car and cause them to crash. I understand her fear that Victor could and would hire minions to go after Patrick, Emma, her parents, etc. Anna and Robert are trained spies, yes, but they're not expecting to be on the lookout for danger from anyone at any time in Port Charles). Victor had a conversation with Robin minutes (?) after Patrick and Sam fled, indicating he knew they had been there. He threatened her to make sure she was focused on the work and not on trying to get back to her family.
  3. Great points, camhorror. I totally forgot about #2. I think I just wanted to forget that the Purina baby ever existed. #4 drives me crazy too, because I despise Anna being made to look like less than the smart, bad-ass woman she is. This character has certainly come down a few pegs from the woman who said "terminate with extreme prejudice" to Patrick (back in '08) if he hurt Robin.
  4. I would give Patrick a pass if he hadn't been in a similar situation with Robin before. He knew something felt off when Robin lied to his face that she and Nikolas got together and she and Patrick had no future. (And this was a long time before he actually married Robin and they had a kid together.) Patrick and Emily talked about it, then Patrick went back and eavesdropped, finding out that Jerry Jax was blackmailing Robin and Nikolas. He also knows the C-C clinic has surveillance, and is run by Victor - the man who took Robin away, the man Patrick knows is capable of great evil. So he sees that Robin is clearly stressed out about seeing him there, and knowing Sam was there too, that she's telling him she'll always love him, but he just walks away? And then doesn't take action when Robin says she's "broken"?! That is Patrick's ego mixed with plot-point stupidity courtesy of Ron.
  5. The difference is that Patrick is positive genuinely believes Jason is now absolutely dead, so he can't come and interfere with their relationship. He was either alive or the potential for revival was there when Patrick and Robin were together. At this time, Patrick doesn't want to be single/alone. He figures Sam can't leave him for a dead man. So, talking about dead Jason doesn't really bother him.
  6. Yes. That's a great point; hadn't thought of that. She wanted to save Jason - but Show is choosing to forget the VERY IMPORTANT POINT that the deciding factor for her was seeing little Danny, and thinking hey, Danny deserves to get his Daddy back like Emma just got to have the reunion with me. She believed that if the situations were reversed, Jason would come after her and save her to bring her home to her daughter (and the rest of her family). I'm sure the memory of the pain of being without her mother also affected her decision. (Danny doesn't remember Jason so it's not the same situation, but Robin wasn't thinking about that.) The bottom line is the choice wasn't all about her history with and undying loyalty to Jason alone - Patrick made it into that. Patrick hated Jason, so that colors his attitude. Had Robin gone to save another parent's life under duress (Elizabeth, for example), I think his attitude would have been different,
  7. I love that the henchman pointed out TJ's stupidity/brought up the same concerns Molly presented to TJ that he blew off. Not feeling so secure and awesome about being associated with Sonny now that you're tied up and have a gun pointed at you, are you TJ? He's coming off as such a punk/hothead. Rolling my eyes at TJ apologizing to Sonny over the phone. Nikolas trying to be seductive toward a woman he tried to have killed is just soo creepy, gross. I suppose he'd be a good match for Liz right about now. But I guess Nik doesn't get that Sam and Jakeson aren't complete idiots. LOL that Sonny seems to assume Maxie is in charge of a wedding planning organization - or maybe MB just flubbed a line. Having S&C both say "marry" and "hell" in the same sentence to each other seems so very fitting. Although I think marry was p.c. for "bang." Interesting that Sonny called both TJ and Morgan "son" within like 2 minutes. Maybe Sonny, his spawn and his new 'foster son' will get shot? I kinda won't feel sorry for either guy if they get hit because they're such Sonny worshipers. Ric looks great with glasses - nice distraction from Sonny's lame lines about Carly and acknowledging 'other women'. Heh. Sloane looks pathetic. Finola really shines when she's in Anna self-reflection (and in this case, desire for redemption) mode. LOL at the Sonny preview because I read spoilers.
  8. I agree with Heatlifer. I hate that Anna is currently being written as the opposite of the savvy, perceptive spy she's supposed to be. I could maybe believe that Patrick's ego (Robin left me, Mr. Awesome) affects his opinion of Robin and so for plot point's sake he sees her as an abandoner. Anna is a different story - she knows Robin suffered by missing out on time with her (both by her own choice and the years of being declared dead, when Mac raised Robin). Anna should be aware from that history that Robin would never, ever put Emma through the same pain by choice for a year +. Real Anna would have hopped on a plane and gone to Paris for an attempted face-to-face confrontation about Robin's obvious emotional distress after that horrible Skype ending. She would have reacted to Faison being aware of Robin's whereabouts. She would not just passively shrug sadly about Robin being out of touch with both her and Emma, because she's supposedly so focused on her work. Anna took more action when the only 'proof' she had that Robin was not dead was Robert's word he had seen her. Ugh.
  9. Yeah, it was the look of his face trying to hold back anger and pain as he said Robin's work "has always been very important to her." It seemed like he was trying to politely tell Anna that Robin repeatedly hurt her family by choosing her work over them even though she told them both in that Skye chat - with her voice shaking - that she wasn't coming back because she was "broken." Also, him telling Anna it's been good for Emma to have a female presence in the house. As if the whole Sabrina relationship never happened and Anna never had to tend to Emma right after Britt announced her pregnancy on stage at the Nurse's Ball, right in front of Emma. Seriously, this is the third time the child has had a new woman in her life because Patrick apparently doesn't want to stand on his own and be a single, attentive dad. (That's where I think the strained "we're so happy" thing came from). I feel for Emma, clinging to Grandma. Grandma's spot in her life won't change depending on Patrick, and Grandma is a connection to Mommy.
  10. Ulkis, I give you credit for making me laugh. I think ghost Connie was probably responsible for damaging the first cake. (I tried to ignore all that today except to acknowledge that HP looks so pretty.) The second cake that TJ was proud of (he wants to kiss Sonny's ass) went splat because some dudes grabbed him and made him drop it.
  11. I feel really bad for hard core Anna fans. Her endorsing Patrick and Sam's relationship because 'Robin's Paris housekeeper said Robin's at a conference in China' was just awful. Kudos to FH for showing Anna clearly in pain and holding back tears that Sam has replaced Robin in Emma's life. And F'off, Patrick. I do like the emphasis on Emma wanting to cling to and spend time with Grandma Anna and Sam saying "Robin's house." I HATE Anna saying it hasn't been Robin's home in a 'long time' and bonding with Sam over investigative stuff. Way to throw Anna and the Anna-Robin relationship under the bus in favor of Samtrick, show. UGH. STFU, Sabrina. Not a fan of BC's acting, but I do love that Morgan stumbles into Sonny's drunk, pretty soon before the wedding, talking about his recklessness, and starts yelling in Sonny's face and blaming him for Kiki dumping him. The S&C spawn is behaving as the physical embodiment of everything those two losers every accused AJ of being. Karma can be lovely. For a moment I thought Morgan was going to smash Sonny over the head with the almost-full liquor bottle. So it takes Morgan being really drunk to acknowledge that he (M) is an asshole? I will give MB credit that he was good in the close face-to-face and foot of the stairs stuff with BC. It seemed more like MB the man talking as a man/father with bi-polar. HATE that Carly expects Michael to come through for her re: Morgan, wedding. Also hate that last moment of Michael at her door with a faint smile. TJ getting kidnapped on his way to the S&C wedding - that'll teach him to sing Sonny's praises while bashing his mother. Gotta love that the wedding cake went splat.
  12. Yes, it's irresponsible. I have a bi-polar parent and I really don't understand MB's intentions in this storyline -as a man with BPD in real life. Carly's lines were okay because she only talked about Morgan's choices/behavior (instead of thinking, hey it could just be my kid's a d-bag). She said they wondered if he killed Silas, but didn't say well maybe you got violent because you're bi-polar. I thought Sonny's lines implied that being bi-polar means you could get violent (instead of ever admitting to himself or the ass kissers around him that he's just a lying, masochistic bully on top of being bipolar.) It seems like the writers are being lazy, saying well being bi-polar makes Sonny a human wrecking ball. It's an easy out, like saying well the tumor caused Franco to kill, or Luke would behave like a monster because he has a disorder that was caused by killing his parents. UGH!!!!
  13. Rage blackout = Sonny blaming the bipolar for being a "wrecking ball" and hurting everyone around him if he doesn't take his meds. Also, the crying inches from Morgan's face that he doesn't want Morgan to go through what he went through. Disgusted at the addressing of BPD in this way. Morgan behaving like an asshole, and now calling Ava a disease, shows more than ever he is truly his father's son. Alexis snarking at Ric provides a little entertainment though. Plus it's nice to see her in court rather than being all. about. Julian. There is nothing sweet or compelling about the two psychos in jail, looking longingly at each other and spouting...nothings.
  14. It was in response to Paul bringing up Luke- she didn't appreciate Paul comparing him dumping Jenny for treating to what she'd been through with and because of Luke. I think she was right to point out that Paul has no clue. Also, Tracy never liked Jenny. I think I remember she thought that Jenny was unworthy of being a member of the Q family (certainly beneath her own class/standing, anyway) so she felt insulted at him talking about her and Luke in the same context as Jenny. WE think Luke was a hysterical and disgusting sociopath, but Tracy does not think that way. She genuinely feels he wasn't responsible for any of his actions, unlike any bad choice Jenny ever made.
  15. It's interesting that Paul used the word "allies" at first, and then Tracy asked about being at war. I wonder if his comment about the Qs always at war, and this request for them to be friends, is leading up to him asking for her support in taking down Sonny. He must have at least heard about Michael having custody of Avery, and that Sonny murdered AJ Q.
  16. I really wanted Ghost!AJ to appear and shoot looks and deliver taunts about self-awareness re: Michael and the late Tony Jones while Carly was going on about Ava using a helpless, innocent baby and that Ava was lying to Morgan while taking him to bed. Also, her literally crying all over Morgan like he's a helpless tot while he's talking about the mess and his stupidity...just OTT. I get that they're supposed to be postured like loooving, supportive parents in that last shot, but it was just ridiculous. I anticipate rage blackouts here over Sonny talking like he alone conceived, birthed, and has been raising Avery. Yes, Lulu, you are June Cleaver. Dillon's screenplay = eyeroll. The positive about today's episode = Jane Elliot. Tracy looks terrific (this hair style is much more flattering) and it's nice to see her have a real conversation. No rage, no crying over Luke. Just having good scenes with her ex about where things stand, and their son.
  17. I like the idea of Sam pressuring Rosalie so Nik gets busted, but Brad just isn't worth Lucas' time. He is yet another legacy character who deserves a decent storyline, rather than getting being marginalized or thrown under the bus for more Mob crap or soap actors/characters who TPTB have brought in because their shows went off the air. I've hated any Lucas scenes with Carly (due to the Bobbie and Tony history), Felix or Brad. IMO the actor has only gotten decent material for the meeting/getting to know Sam and Julian stuff. Lucas telling Julian he's gay, and how they proceeded after that was genuinely interesting (in part because viewers can remember the love between dad Tony and son Lucas, and how Tony accepted the coming out). I'd also be interested in seeing more Sam and Lucas scenes, touching on subjects like the value of family after feeling alone when they were kids. Lucas lost his sister BJ to tragedy when they were children, and while growing up he didn't have a sibling relationship with Carly for several reasons. Sam grew up with one brother, who was dependent on her - now she has 2 parents, a brother (2 if you count the O&J newborn), 2 sisters and a cousin + his kid (second cousin). Plus an aunt and two other cousins, if you count Ava and hers. Yeesh, it just hit me that Sonny, her ex-lover, is the father of her (off-screen) younger sister and her baby girl cousin. Not to mention she and Dante have a sister and brother in common now.
  18. Daphne could just be one of the people in this world who are fine with the concept of abortion, but not when it involves their own close family. Having seen how she reacts to things, I don't doubt she could react to Lily considering abortion with, 'How dare you consider aborting my brother's child, my niece/nephew?! And without telling him?!' I don't have a problem with Bay not acting traumatized because her memories of that night aren't clear - she can't seem to remember any feelings of fear, anger, or indifference while initially on the bed with Tank, or remember any reactions of discomfort/pain during the actual moments of rape. It would be a completely different story if she remembered being scared that he had her pinned down, ignoring anything she said, or if she woke up feeling sore/bruised internally and externally. Since Bay can't remember and didn't talk about feeling injuries, her hurt and anger like someone she thought of as a friend violated her trust and her body seems realistic. Her anger at Emmett's reaction and that he seems to not want to handle her feelings about what happened to her seems realistic, too.
  19. I'm all for dipshit Sonny trying to sneak a gun into lockup because he thinks he's a badass who's going after Ava. He pulls a gun out, gets arrested and/or shot, the Court (not just Monica's judge boyfriend) says these two dangerous criminals don't get to go near baby Avery at this time .... at most supervised visitation for them at some point in the future. Avery goes back to Michael, her legal guardian, forever. Michael wonders if he should even allow Kiki or Morgan to visit, since all this time they were too stupid to ever figure out their Mom/ex-mother in law and ex-lover was right in front of them, with a wig and bad accent. (I don't hold Michael to the same standard because he hardly knew Ava. I think the most time he ever spent with her was that once lunch with Kiki while Ava was still pregnant.)
  20. I need this to go on a t-shirt after a few slogans detailing what I hate most about GH. So disgusted, yet again, at what "The Writer" has done to Elizabeth. *Sigh* That's something I would expect from Carly. Nathan's brain power is in the negative digits when it comes to Maxie. Him loving her after everything/despite everything that's happened, is just sad. I didn't watch, but I'm hoping that it was just Maxie trying to make Nathan feel better - like maybe his bio mother isn't a total sociopath/beyond redemption. I hope she's not just another character to be added to the list of delusional ones (for plot points) on this show.
  21. I can't decide if post-pregnancy hormones totally zapped Olivia's brain power and memory, or if she's just as flat-out delusional as Sonny is for plot point purposes. Sonny declaring that Carly is Avery's mother cancels out any connection to Ava is about on par with Liz's thinking these days....which makes me so sad a a Liz fan. It really doesn't appear that a baby will be written in for them. Also, that dress she's wearing in today's ep seems like a decent pregnancy cover-up (at least at the time the scenes were done).
  22. Ha, I want Carly to get an email or note from Joss saying "Daddy's not making me come to your wedding 'cause Daddy loves me." I will disagree about the Jax scenario because Robin's been through enough, she doesn't deserve to have to raise Carly's brat. I would prefer her build/re-build a healthy relationship with Emma, and form a new family with some fabulous guy off-screen. If anything, Brenda's story should be re-written so that she confesses to Jax off-screen that he is the true father of her son, over time J&B fell in love again, got married, and are raising the two kids together. Carly gets surprised when she receives adoption papers from J&B, along with a note from Joss asking her to sign them because while she still sees Carly as a mother-figure, Brenda feels like a mom to her. Cue Cujo screaming. End scene. ETA: HP is a beautiful young lady, and I hope Molly ends up dumping TJ for being a stupid jackass. The joking that he's not going to be shooting people with a machine gun was disgusting. I wish Molly had told him hey, Michael got shot in the head because of my uncle, Kristina barely escaped death by car bomb because of my uncle, Sam got shot because of Jason, and my house got fire bombed because someone wanted to get revenge on Julian. Nobody close to him escaped unscathed. I hated her apologizing for possibly hurting Uncle Sonny's delicate feelings.
  23. I still have a faint hope that Kristina will come back and give Sonny a smackdown for murdering AJ. I loved her telling Sonny off (in the hospital, in front of Alexis) for trying to kill Jax via plane crash. Truly a beautiful moment. Then when she stalked out, all Sonny had to say was aren't you going after her (to Alexis).
  24. Kerley Q - I agree with you. What drives me crazy is that yes, the women get blamed on this show, but Liz in particular seems to get called out, accused or degraded the most - whether she's an actual patient in the hospital, on the job, at home, or elsewhere. She skates because Jason's never told her to F off? He's a killer. He has no moral high ground! And Liz has tended to his wounds/saved his life (outside the hospital) at least a couple of times after he's gotten shot. She also saved Sam's life by shooting a guy (in a cabin outside of PC, a while after Sam let infant Jake get kidnapped). I saw the phone call scene between Nik and Liz, and his 'why aren't you thrilled that you're engaged' reaction showed he has basically no conscience at this point. He felt that Jason was a worthless, violent killer, believes Sam and Danny are better off with Patrick, and is adamant about wanting to regain money and power, so he's decided keeping the secret is worth it any cost. That's why he's cool with lying to Sam's face, telling Laura and Lucky he's protecting Liz from heartbreak (all the while looking the other way re: her emotional instability), and telling himself that Liz, Jakeson and the boys together makes Liz happy. With every scene that airs, I see this more and more as a deep betrayal between cousins Nikolas and Sam, because Nik chose money and his friendship with desperate Liz over his cousin's family. It's not even about Liz at the core; it's about Nik's terrible/selfish choices. Liz should never have been the first one to hear that Jake is Jason.
  25. I wouldn't call having the affair with Jason outed in court by a jealous ex-husband, being humiliated at her workplace (the Lulu slut shaming), having Carly barge into her home and make declarations/demands, being slut-shamed/ harassed/threatened by Helena (esp. the one scene at Shadybrook), and having Monica imply in their workplace to Robin (Liz's friend), Steven Lars (Liz's brother), and other colleagues that Liz is a neglectful/abusive mother ... skating. The one time Liz killed someone, it was to save Sam's life. She gave a statement to the police. I'm concerned Nik will skate, since he has in the past. He got like a slap on the wrist for the affair with Liz. This time the lies started with him (and Helena, of course). Sam has sometimes skated and sometimes not, but her consequences (physical and emotional suffering) most of the time were because of her relationship with Jason. I have no idea how many people Jason and Sam have killed between them.
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