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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Carly: Could Sonny die? Patrick: Yes. Me: Don't toy with me, Show. Loved Sam giving Patrick attitude and some of the real Patrick (the way he used to get pissy with Robin) coming through. Yes, Sam is bored with you. LOL at her long pause and monologue to Patrick's unhappy face. Liz's horror and fear just amused me today. Get thee to Shadybrooke, girlie. TJ and Morgan turning into stupid idiots/soldiers over Sonny at least makes some sense - but Lulu being a loud moron in the middle of the police station is a real WTF moment. CD is capable of good work - Michael's quiet summary of what people are up to, the resignation in his posture and voice, and weak-ish "make this right" line to Sonny unconscious with a critical gun shot wound is in stark contrast to the loud outrage and tears at seeing AJ unconscious with a critical gun shot wound. He wasn't begging Sonny not to leave him. Michael's calm, quiet demeanor in the hospital juxtaposed with Morgan screaming, threatening Julian and being held back by police in the PCPD is quite the set up. I will give the writers credit that the "wandering eye" comment and the punch surprised me. I mostly don't like Julian these days but the dig at Sonny, Dante and indignant Lulu was well-deserved. Hayden asking Sloan if he's a masochist or an idiot, hmm I think that's the first time I've liked RB/the character. Loved Julian calling Morgan a brat and asking if he's going to pout him to death, LOL. Was hoping to see Lexi A. today - very disappointed Kristina only got a mention.
  2. I think it would be unrealistic for Michael not to feel upset about Sonny getting shot. He has considered Sonny his dad for most of his life, so uttering "I love you Dad" when Sonny seems near death after Michael's had to let go of Jason and then AJ doesn't surprise me. In real life, kids suffer terrible abuse from their parents - even nearly die because of their parents - yet still feel love for them. I wonder if Show will explore Michael feeling conflicted/disloyal to AJ's memory because he still loves Sonny and doesn't want him to die, even knowing that Sonny murdered dad AJ.
  3. I have a little wish that Skye would show up for one scene at the hospital, to say to Carly, Michael and Morgan, "Oh, Sonny's been shot? Well, look on the bright side, Carly - at least it wasn't one of the kids. I'm sure AJ - god rest his tortured soul after Sonny murdered him -would be relieved to know his son wasn't in the line of fire this time when someone came after Sonny. Good to see you, Michael. Ta..."
  4. It took me a few minutes to realize this was sarcasm - I was thinking "wait, I missed a scene - when did Patrick have time to give her a present since he's currently working to save Sonny?" You all are too funny. I get that this is a parody, but I don't know from when. Did Olivia, Robin, and Sonny have scenes together in his home and I missed it? I remember Patrick having scenes with Olivia in the hospital, but not Robin.
  5. HeatLifer is so right-people just don't get it. Only the best mother/woman ever could marry Sonny again after he shot her while she was giving birth to their son, verbally abused her, caused her eldest son to get shot and go to prison, tried to destroy her daughter's father, murdered her eldest son's bio father. And how else can you explain her embracing her eldest son after he took so long to be nice to her again after she was involved in the cover up of said son's father's murder. How you're all not in awe of her awesomeness is just beyond understanding. ETA: I need ulkis and dubbel zout to write the scripts for the Sonny-critically-injured-in-the-hospital scenes. Their ideas give me life.
  6. My one reaction to what little I saw of today's show was to hope that Morgan and TJ are the next people to die in a hail of gun fire. I thought he deserved to be punched or kicked out of the hospital by Patrick and/or Carly...and I strongly dislike Patrick often and Carly forever.
  7. jay - JMB did great work with Lulu's fury at Jason and Sonny. I didn't like Lulu screaming about her brother and Elizabeth's ugly personal business in the middle of a public area, Elizabeth's work place. Not helpful/potentially highly embarrassing for both Lucky and Liz due to inappropriate timing and place - not to mention her other brother Nikolas was just as guilty. Whereas Sonny had no right to be in the hospital period because he was the one who put the bullet in Dante's chest/Jason and Sonny wanted the undercover cop "Dominic" dead because he was there to expose their crimes. Dante wasn't out to kill either of them. Lulu's reaction to Orange Glow and Stone Cold was absolutely justified. What's become of Dante and Lulu now is just sad. Yes, I am aware the same can be said of other GH characters, too.
  8. Yeah, watching the hospital scenes again of JMB and DZ acting together really makes me wish for the Dante and Lulu of 2010. Those two never would have allowed him to care for their kid as a 'loving grandfather.' It would be fabulous to hear Lulu call Sonny a bottom-feeding thug again - to say that he deserved to be shot by surprise at point-blank range like he did to Dante. I would love for Dante to say, Sonny's a gangster, he's made his choices, so this is what happens instead of being all "my father's been shot." Dante, your contempt for Sonny when you were new to Port Charles was a beautiful thing. I miss it so very much. I enjoyed Lulu's contempt for Olivia being soft on Sonny at that time, too.
  9. Hope I didn't cause you a rage blackout, HeatLifer. Patrick has said before - to Liz and/or Robin? - we're doctors, we value life while Jason and Sonny squander it (paraphrasing here). I clearly remember him screaming that Robin had sacrificed her life to save Jason's, and then he threw it away (the shooting on the pier). Sam, on the other hand, is not educated like him and was never Patrick's equal or superior in the hospital while also being friends with killers. Sam is an 'adventurer' with a hot bod who has witnessed him save lives (including Jason and Sonny in the past) so she thinks he's awesome. To put it simply, Sam is good for his 'wounded' ego. He doesn't feel threatened by Sam's intelligence or skills, he doesn't hold her to the same standards as he did Robin, and he's most definitely not in love with Sam. In lust, yes.
  10. A) Patrick is on duty in the hospital so he's expected to do and say doctorly type things, and B) his current gf Sam was right by Sonny's side as he was rushed into the hospital. It makes sense at this time that Patrick was not about to start Sonny-bashing and look bad in front of Sam, knowing quite well the Sonny-Jason history and Sam's uber loyalty to their Mob life.
  11. I love that when they mentioned to Sabrina that Dante's been shot twice, they left out the part that once was by Sonny's own hand - in that very room where the whole group had been awaiting his arrival for this wedding.They also left out that Michael had been in that coma because he was with Sonny. It's times like this when I really miss JMB's Lulu's (post-Dante shooting) contempt for Sonny. Maxie shading AJ fits with her relationship with Spinelli, and Jason by extension. This is the girl who had no negative reaction to Spinelli being in on Jason and Sonny's plot to kill Lulu's love interest "Dominic."
  12. I'm pretty sure that behavior was for Sam's benefit.
  13. The Sabrina haters in the audience should watch today. While I didn't like the Sonny-propping of Maxie and Lulu's lines today, some of their lines were great and they got to Miss I-Know-All. KSt can really shine when Maxie is allowed to be serious and show a glimmer of intelligence. I also enjoyed Avery ripping off Sabrina's gift a second time and playing with/munching it. So. much. cuteness. Avery in front of her wasn't covering the pregnancy of the actress so great, though. She should have worn a loose-ish black dress if they were going to show off her entire body. I do love that Michael's first instinct is to take Avery out of ear shot of talk of violence, but that clearly didn't occur to super mommies Maxie and Lulu and former nanny Sabrina after he trusted them to watch her. TJ admiring aloud to his mother and Dante how Sonny handled the thugs really makes me wish Molly will dump him ASAP - in public. Morgan complaining to Jakeson that he should have made the thugs suffer (instead of just shooting them dead) makes me wish Morgan had been in the line of fire. Sloane needs to be shot in the ego. It really seems to all come down to that he's mad he's not going to get laid again. He's so very unworthy of Anna's attention.
  14. Perhaps it's mean, but I kinda hope TJ repeats in front of Molly that Sonny got shot because of him, how he cares so much for Sonny because he's been so good to him, and reiterates his negative feelings about his mother the police commissioner ... and then Molly dumps him then and there for being an idiot. A line about "you're no longer the boy I fell in love with" would be great.
  15. Tiger and katie - I hear ya. The problem with the narrative on the show is that Elizabeth has never allowed herself to absorb that truth - she insists on seeing him with rose-colored glasses. There are several examples of scenes over the years showing that. My other issue with the narrative of the past was Jason and Lucky as victims of Elizabeth, and then Elizabeth as the big bad in the affair with Nikolas. Jason's circle didn't have a leg to stand on given his history with Michael, and that his job was violence. Lucky didn't have a leg to stand on due to his own behavior and Maxie causing pain for Liz and the rest of the Spencer family by faking a pregnancy. Seriously, she couldn't have pulled off the Pillowena scam if Lucky hadn't slept with her in the first place. When he was in the barn on Spoon Island screaming "whore" at Elizabeth, I would have loved for someone to say, "So are you. You do remember screwing Maxie and then the pillow pregnancy, right?" I just really, really can't stand that it seems like Lucky is constantly given a pass for the affair with Maxie, treating Liz like crap, etc. because he had a drug addiction. It comes across like well, Lucky had an excuse whereas Liz's choices just make her a lying slut - no chance that perhaps she has serious emotional problems or issues with men/relationships/sex that need to be addressed. She certainly didn't make Lucky, Jason or Nikolas cheat or claim or not claim Jake or Aiden.
  16. Nope - just "Tell Carly..." It was the dramatic grabbing of Jakeson's shirt with his bloody hands (both men have blood on their hands) that annoyed me.
  17. Lots of eye rolling that Sonny grabbed Jakeson by the shirt so that he has a blood-stained, light blue t-shirt for going to see Carly and her few wedding guests - I assume to deliver Sonny's "ILY" message. SHUT UP, TJ. Sam is correct that Sonny will not die (no matter how many audience members wish it). Avery is an awesome scene stealer. She makes it infinitely easier to ignore Carly.
  18. I agree with you that Guza was Mob-focused, it's just that the persistent need some viewers seem to have that Lucky was this terrific (close to perfect?) guy who was a victim of big bad Liz is ludicrous. Even JJ's Lucky was flawed. I don't know if you ever got to see it, but he was really vicious to Laura after finding out that Luke had once raped her. He continued to be cold and nasty, despite the fact Laura had always been a loving mother to him. Lucky lashing out at Liz as he did after finding out about the Niz affair was not this completely OOC moment for him. I was not surprised about the lack of intervention with Lucky, as it had been well-established that Laura was the heart of the family. Not Luke. Luke actually said he at one point (I think when Liz was in a coma) that he hoped Lucky wouldn't be in his situation - stuck with two kids he has no idea how to raise on his own (without Laura). And since Luke never thought of himself as someone with a problem; he definitey was not going to acknowledge/choose to address Lucky's addiction esp. if he would have to take 'blame' for it being 'genetic.' Heck, Luke blew off Laura's concern for Lucky back in the day about safety/sanitation when Lucky came home from camping with a newly pierced ear - that Luke did himself. Luke was annoyed she was mad that he didn't bother to consult her before doing it. It's also been well-established that once Genie left the show, Luke left the raising of Lulu up to Grandma Leslie. He took her ice-fishing. The "intervention" with Luke was because he's an old guy/legacy character connected to many others. It was poorly done - just one example was Carly, his adversarial niece, was a part of it but his sister Bobbie, who loved him his whole life, was not. I can understand Lucky feeling guilty about Maxie; he didn't have to demand anything from her so much as he should have told her look, quit disrespecting my wife so much/loudly if for no other reason than that we have a son to think of. It was appalling that he allowed Maxie to behave the way she did at the L&L wedding on the Q property. I think she even wanted to be in a Spencer family pic because of her Pillowena scam.
  19. Ambrosefolly- I get that Guza was Jason-focused, but the two re-casts of Lucky were still not great guys or heroes. I recall the first post-JJ Lucky lying to Liz's face, then making out with and having sex with her sister. I wasn't watching teen Lulu closely, but I thought there was much talk about him treating her poorly because she wanted to have an abortion. The drug addiction made sense in terms of Lucky's dad issues and inherited DNA. Then during their second marriage, when Lucky got angry at Liz, he cheated with Sam and threw it in Liz's face. JJ's Lucky later asked Maxie, of all people, on a date to the park and hung out with her, knowing the woman has been toxic to him and the animosity between Liz and Maxie due to the affair. He (GV or JJ's Lucky) never asked Maxie to apologize for being such an utter bitch to Liz way before the ONS during the blackout. Maxie was nicer to Liz after Jake got hit, but as far as I know to this day she has never apologized to Liz for the affair or for being a drug supplier to Lucky.
  20. We don't actually know what Lucky's been up to in the last year + since the TPTB have been as vague as humanly possible except to let him say he has "darkness inside" and travels a lot. (Yes, I'm bitter about that.) It has been well-established that Elizabeth lived/lives in denial about what it means for Jason to be Sonny's enforcer. She's never been handed proof that he gets paid to kill people, so she has never acknowledged it. Aside from that, my point is that until JJ returned to the role, Lucky absolutely did not act like a good guy and hero as the previous poster stated. That's not to say Jason was a good guy - he wasn't - but he spoke to Liz respectfully, didn't knock her to the ground (as Lucky did, at which point Nik took her to the hospital), and didn't lash out like a hypocrite upon finding out Liz had been unfaithful and lied about Jake. See, this is why I get annoyed at the white washing currently and in recent years of both Jason and Lucky's history of sins while Liz is made out to be the ultimate evil doer who victimized the poor widdle men - then and now. Gag.
  21. I saw Kelly (ex-Britt) as a guest star on an old episode of Castle and I'm thinking, geez how many recent/former GH actors are going to be on this show? I've counted about a half dozen, maybe more. Oh well, at least SJB and TB's Carlys weren't in the same season.
  22. The baby had the flu and was being examined in one of those curtained cubicles for emergency patients. Felicia wasn't holding baby Georgie, but she was just outside the curtain and then right inside, taking it all in while Maxie fretted. I only remember it because Lucas and Felicia actually interacted for a moment before he left the three of them alone with the baby. I was a little shocked that the writers remembered/acknowledged that Felicia and Lucas have been family since he was a tot.
  23. Except Lucky didn't behave like a good guy and hero with her. He lashed out at her way back in '05 because it was "humiliating" for him that she agreed to be a surrogate for Jax and Courtney to pay medical bills from Lucky's injuries, and things went down hill from there with him using drugs, cheating etc. When GV was in the role, Lucky was written as a guy Elizabeth had to take care of in addition to her son. There was actually a moment back then, in their little apartment, when Liz told Lucky 'you're my hero' to pump up his self-esteem and his reaction was so what, that's not good enough for me. I don't think Jason was right for her then or now, but I understand turning to someone who didn't treat her like shit, criminal or not.
  24. Agreed. Elizabeth has been around over the years to see Carly put her Sonny and Jason obsession before her kids; Lucas has not been around (despite TPTB trying write that Lucas and Carly have/had a great sibling relationship - b.s.!). Elizabeth has made some terrible choices, but she and Jason did agree to break up when Jake was a baby because his lifestyle and enemies posed a danger to her children. Carly never failed to use or try to use Michael and Morgan to manipulate Sonny and Jason, and to try to hurt them by taking the boys away when she didn't get what she wants. (Ex. the time she decided to marry AJ and was spouting off that Jason was dangerous and was going to kidnap Michael). We got another glimpse of how self-deluded Carly is today, with being so happy about marrying Sonny and thinking of their bright future, knowing how he behaves and how her kids have suffered because of him. I still remember her conversation with LA's Kristina where she talked about how toxic she and Sonny were together.
  25. I thought that when Bobbie was saying she was 15 and pregnant and fantasizing re: Carly. I just. could NOT with that crap. Bobbie only exists on this show nowadays to prop either TG (no more, thank goodness) or her worthless daughter. Yes, I'm still mad she got left out of the dead Jake-Joss transplant storyline, esp. given her history with JJ +BH/Lucky and Liz.
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