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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I get it loud and clear that you hate Alexis, but this is victim blaming as Kristina was a scared, battered teenager. She is NOT comparable to her mother or a boy who beats on a weaker person. She didn't want Sonny to have Kiefer killed, so she lied. She figured Ethan would be safe because of Sonny's so-called code/friendship with Luke. I think she made poor choices because her feelings were hurt and psyche twisted from the rejection of Ethan, being in an abusive relationship with Kiefer, and the inherent mess of being Sonny's girl child.
  2. Kiefer was standing in the middle of the road when Alexis was rushing Kristina to the hospital. She did not seek him out and "aim an automobile at a boy." It was not pre-meditated murder, as Sonny did by calling Dante to his house for an assignment, and then shooting him himself instead of having employees kill him because Dante confronted him about his intentions. I can't comment on her actions re: little Michael, AJ and Sonny because I wasn't watching at that time. I know she conspired with Luke at one time, and there have been situations where she wasn't Miss Innocent, but my point is she doesn't have a job that involves deciding to inflict violence/kill people on a regular basis. She does judge others, but at least some of the times I've seen she was absolutely in the right. She issued a smackdown of Carly at the lakehouse (right after Jax's plane went down) and everything she said was dead-on accurate. She had a right to want to take Sonny's head off when he was thoughtless and reckless with having the bomb planted in Johnny's car that could have killed their daughter.
  3. Alexis has her flaws for sure, but she does not plot to kill/order hits on people on a regular basis. She has never shot an unarmed person at point-blank range in the chest. She has never threatened to end the life of Julian, Sonny or Ric. She also does not fling barware or use degrading language on a regular basis when speaking about men or women. The closest we have to a female Sonny on this show is Ava.
  4. Actually both Sam and Lucas have wanted to spend time with Julian, though they have conflicting feelings about the Jerome Mob and how that affects them. Sam said "ILY" to Julian over the phone when he was telling her he was innocent. Molly overheard that and then there was tension between them because of how the sisters feel about each other's dads, and Sonny. I was annoyed at Molly's so what attitude in response to Sam saying no proof. I know some may say Ava would care too, but she's no better than Sonny so I don't care about her tears. Nothing redeeming about that character or her useless adult daughter.
  5. Hmm, last we all heard KMc would be on hand for the Jakeson reveal. I'll guess that she escapes Helena because more than anything, she wants to see her daughter for her b-day (and remember, the 1st Scrubs wedding got interrupted by Robin going into labor). I will guess she crashes the Liz-Jakeson wedding (where Patrick, Sam, and Emma would be guests), tells Liz in front of everyone she can't let them get married because Jason is Sam's husband and Helena admitted to her awhile ago that Nikolas knows the truth. Nikolas then tries to shut Robin down/protect the secret and Laura comes forth to defend Robin. She acknowledges that Nikolas and Elizabeth admitted the truth to her privately.
  6. I'm somewhere between vaguely amused and rolling my eyes that Liz's reaction to Jakeson remembering some of the JaSam wedding in his sleep is to get him to focus on their wedding. The Liz-Jakeson "Happy Anniversary" kiss about the anniversary of Jake Doe being rushed into the hospital after being hit by a car ... no words for how pathetic that is. I truly despise Liz being written as so utterly pathetic. F-ing writers. The one bright spot is that good lord does Becky's skin look incredibly beautiful and flawless. Then there's Sam crying over the wedding rings while Patrick plays melancholy guitar in bed. I could almost hear JT singing in his mind "this is crappp..such crapppp" while singing the song aloud. I literally LOLed at Sam: "We're still madly in love, right?"" and Jakeson's WTF you're crazy face in reaction to Liz's "today" suggestion. I have to agree with HeatLifer that it's all so absurd that it's downright funny at this point. Dillon can go DIAF for calling Sonny "honorable" as opposed to the Jeromes. Ugh @Michael. For one thing, Ava didn't get pregnant by herself, dipshit. Hahahaha at Avery saying "mama" in response to Ava and Carly's horrified face. Re: preview. Cursing with the baby in your arms - such great parenting there Carly.
  7. I pretty much agree with this, except that what I saw in the past, and see now, is Liz falling for Jason/Jakeson when she's really depressed. Liz was still a teen when Lucky was declared dead in that fire, and she had very little sense of identity outside of that relationship. As many young girls do, Liz had envisioned a lifetime with her first love. Her relationship with Lucky, and friendship with Emily, made her feel like more than just Sarah's inadequate younger sister. Then here comes Emily's older brother, who helps her to stop feeling awful all the time. He didn't have expectations of her. When you're young and don't have a family, it's possible to choose not to see all of who someone is and just go for it. It happens in real life, just mostly without the extreme of killing being ignored. I've seen women overlook terrible personality characteristics in boyfriends/husbands because of low self-esteem. Elizabeth vocally acknowledged, to herself and I think to Monica as well, that her life was at a low point. It was in Jakeson Doe's hospital room while he was still unconscious. He wakes up, shows her attention/flirts with her, and can't remember her past or his own. She's feeling alone in life and desperate to feel wanted by a man who's not like Nikolas. She also wants a man who will be an active father to her sons. For someone who's been as much of an emotional mess as Liz is, the latching onto Jakeson makes sense. A responsible woman who's not desperate logically knows you don't just throw caution to the wind, esp. when it involves a stranger and your children. But then Liz finds out he's Jason, and sees it as an opportunity to have him the way she always wanted him - without Sonny, the violence, and the women in their lives needing him all the time. Here's an opportunity to get him to be a man who fits into her world. Liz keeps saying she's doing it for the love of him, but she's not really okay with the Jason Morgan in Jakeson or she wouldn't be so horrified at being faced with the reality that he easily just killed 3 men, can handle a gun, etc. She'a actively trying to make it all just *go away*/make him promise no more violence in their lives. She is trying to create the fantasy of a long-term happy family that she never had when she was a kid, or with Lucky or since Lucky due to being lied to, cheated on, drug addiction, obsession with a brother and power, and on and on.
  8. Pretty sure Morgan was a misogynist before getting labeled 'probably bi-polar.' He blamed all of his actions having to do with Ava/Denise on Ava and most recently was saying Alexis was a traitor of Sonny for being loyal to Julian before he got to that leash line. He knows alllll about misogyny from spending time around daddy. Ric was talking to TJ; saying "I lost control over my wife" instead would have been bad (although true) form. KSt was saying her lines like Maxie genuinely believes she is a mother who can't stand to not get to spend time with little Georgie, who just loves her baby more than anything. Maxie barely acts like a mom, so yeah it all bothered me today. She reminded me vaguely of Carly being delusional about her parenting.
  9. Dubbel zout - True, but to me it's particularly hilarious because of the lame-ass proposal she just got from Patrick.
  10. Well, Morgan certainly sounded like his daddy today - small brain, big mouth/'tough' talk about someone who's way smarter than himself. And the practically spitting in Michael's face out of disgust/disdain makes me roll my eyes again. Such a disgusting little terd. I almost thought he was going to say you're not dad's real son anyway, I am. Then whining like a little kid while holding the gun... made me hope Julian would perk up and elbow Morgan in the face. He really, really needs to be knocked unconscious. Maxie, Frisco is not your dad - I don't care that you''ll always consider Mac to be your "father." Her praise of Frisco is just bleh. Rolled my eyes too at the "would do anything to be a part of Georgie's life." Oh well, at least Dillon and Maxie chatting is way more interesting than any Maxie and Nathan scene. He makes Maxie tolerable. Interesting selective truth telling to Molly's dad there, TJ. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to eventually find out you sent Morgan after his daughter's mother and Julian. It seems like the punk hopes Morgan actually gets to kill Julian. I did like though that Ric was pretty clear he wants to see Julian lose everything and live with that in contrast to the punk's posturing. So Molly was really resting in her room through alllll of the drama. Okay. Lots of eye rolling about Liz's scared eyes, guilty looks, begging Jakeson not to step into Jason's role in Sonny and Carly's lives. That spoiler about her covering for Sonny was really exaggerated. She lamely said he was confused because of morphine. I think down the road Carly will remember Liz snapping at her that Jake is not Jason and slap her. LMAO re: the preview of Sam telling Patrick (in their bed) that she can't stop thinking about Jason.
  11. I don't think it's crossed TJ's mind that he's an accessory. Michael pointed out that Alexis could be in harm's way, and TJ replied in an exasperated tone that Morgan would "never" hurt Alexis. He's truly an idiot. I'm hoping Molly finds out immediately, dumps him, and spells out to his face exactly why she last lost love and respect for him. I really hope the word "stupid" or "idiot" is included loudly and in public.
  12. My takeaways from today: That last podPatrick-Sam scene ... I hope HeatLifer hasn't fainted/had a rage blackout about Patrick's words to his 'love.' It's a real toss-up as to who's the bigger moron/loser - Morgan or TJ. I am actively rooting for Molly to dump that jackass. Becky/Liz looks so very tiny next to Billy/Jakeson and Laura/Carly. I think the pony tail makes her look younger too, at least in this moment. I LOLed at her "uh-oh" eyes when Sonny called Jakeson, "Jason."
  13. Sabrina and Michael now getting a baby storyline when TeCa is what, 6 months pregnant(?) is as stupid as the write-in of Olivia and Julian's WTF ONS for LiLo in the last term of her pregnancy. Allll they need to do is block her better in scenes, as she doesn't look like she's gained weight at all in the arms, face. So Michael's going to have a baby with his late aunt's ex-boyfriend's cousin. I wonder if this means Becky's husband will be back as Juan. (Please, no).
  14. I understand it's sarcasm and that it's not an organic choice - I'm talking about "never.happened.before." I can't recall a storyline of Anna or anyone else wanting to spend lots of time with, or go into business with, their child's ex's current love interest. Anna tolerated Britt's existence but didn't seem to like her after the Nurse's Ball stunt in front of Emma. She was friendly enough with Sabrina esp. for Emma's sake, but I don't recall her acting like she thought she was a great daughter replacement.
  15. I also hate the idea of a Michael-Sabrina baby. But would you please clarify the sarcasm? I can't recall Anna wanting to be business partners with someone in the past - are you referring to an Anna stint prior to 2006? That would definitely be a shift in partnerships for Sam - from Spinelli to Anna. The only other PI partnership I can recall is Mac and Felicia's.
  16. I personally love Sam "oh crap, this is ...awkward...you really don't need to say this" reaction/expression to Patrick's lame ass proposal. She's the opposite of overjoyed, LOL. What she says to him is basically what we have now...works. It's....good. Yeah, we're....happy? But Jason. Jason. Jason.
  17. Of course he does! He'll be getting plenty of hero sex from Sam on his b-day for saving her "friend"/Jason's BFF in the OR with his brilliance and skills. And Sam doesn't know anything about medicine to wonder if maybe there's a better way to treat patients. All Sam will ever say is what a brilliant and gifted doctor he is and how handsome he is. Patrick did not enjoy being questioned/having competition in the hospital. He flat out hated Robin being in the COS position.
  18. Hahahahahhahahaha HeatLifer. I think Patrick was inspired to propose because Sam mentioned she'd take out the trash; it's great that there's one less thing for him to do out of sooo many responsibilities in caring for sooo many people (paraphrasing Sam's awful lines today).
  19. Am I the only one hoping that Morgan waving a gun at Alexis (and Julian) because he found them, thanks to TJ, results in Molly deciding that's the last straw and dumping his stupid ass? He heard Alexis leave with Julian, so he chose giving into Morgan's bullying and disregarding Molly's mom's welfare out of loyalty to and admiration for Sonny.
  20. I saw him open the gift from Liz that Emma handed him, but I didn't hear the part about gifts from Felicia and Mac. Geez. Your rage is very understandable, HeatLifer. I wonder if KMcC's brief return this fall will even be long enough to react to it.
  21. It was irritating, but to me that/being family now was more of a plot-point line to set up Patrick's 'proposal' two seconds after Anna left with the kids. I see it as more Patrick tongue-bathing, to go along with the garbage Sam spewed about how wonderful and caring he is so someone needs to take care of him. I would swear it's a re-vamp of a Sabrina and Patrick script.
  22. I think HeatLifer may have a black out rage after watching Friday's episode. Although Patrick telling Emma she's the best - twice- was sweet. My one thought was there's the proof that Danny is Jason's son: he stares blankly silently, and motionless at Patrick instead of answering Patrick's question. And then he ignored Patrick's affectionate touches. No, Patrick, Sam does not "know you pretty well." The tongue bath of Patrick will induce projectile-vomiting for some. But saying "I want to marry you" to her while they are cleaning up and being affectionate after his 'birthday party' is not a proposal. So there it is. Carly thinks Morgan could kill someone because of a "bi-polar episode." Big fail, Show. I liked Kristina snapping at Carly/insinuating she's an idiot and then snapping at Michael, too. So Kristina got the brain for the day that Morgan w/gun=danger. Makes you wonder if Kristina will at some point tell a horrified therapist, "We thought my sister's dad shot my dad, and that my brother was going to accidentally shoot my mom because he was out for revenge against the guy. Even though there wasn't proof that her dad was the shooter." All the Dillon movie stuff is just so eye-roll worthy. But Tracy's reaction to Dillon and Maxie,and then Paul was pretty funny.
  23. The serious lab doctor v. sexy adventurer was certainly intentional in the last C-C scenes with Patrick, Robin and Sam - but the slam on women for education, professional work, and motherhood goes back some years on this show. Alexis got accused of thinking she was too good to be Sam's mother because she's an attorney and acknowledged she would have liked Sam deciding to go to college and pursue a profession. Nikolas said Liz is stretched too thin with work and parenting - she was risking "my child" because she's so devoted to nursing. He flat out said he didn't want her to work while she was pregnant. Monica told Robin (post-Lisa mess) not to take Patrick for granted and not to let the Chief of Staff position ruin her marriage/family. Monica said Aiden could be ill/injured because with Liz's schedule her attention is not on her kids, and her grandson paid the price for that.
  24. Hey, I think it's already character assassination for Laura to agree (at least temporarily) to keep the Jakeson secret and to be okay with (or even not really upset/angry) that Lucky isn't in Port Charles parenting his sons because he's off looking for answers in life -big questions, like when he was a kid. That's what she told Carly and Sonny. Laura isn't the type to be okay with her son not being around his boys for years (exception would be a serious physical/emotional condition like her catatonic state). Seems like the only way Robin could recover from that is for Kim McC to return, take over GH as a producer and/or writer, and then rework scripts with Finola.
  25. I think I would prefer the scenario from the movie Ghost, where the guy (who now plays the president in Scandal) who arranged for Sam to be killed has a large broken window slice into his chest as it falls, and then Sam (in this case, preferably the spirit of AJ and alive Michael) watch as demons drag Sonny's dark soul to hell. With a fire, Sonny would just suffocate quickly. The window glass scenario is more fitting after all the people he's hurt, and leaving AJ to just bleed to death on the floor of the Jerome apartment.
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