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  1. For Guggenheim? IDK that's a tall order
  2. So apparently 607 IS airing on Thanksgiving, thus showing that CW really doesn't give a damn about Arrow's ratings
  3. He loses the battle most of the time - like how he has been giving out spoilers left and right lol Spoilers I get. But tbh I'd prefer for David to keep his opinions of KC to himself
  4. It's ok. I think we all know David doesn't like KC. The way he talks about her... he makes it very clear. He's not exactly subtle
  5. Maybe the elbow macaroni is meaningful? Like her first meal with her fiance was mac n' cheese lol
  6. No this was from last night. KC got a tattoo of a macaroni on her elbow for whatever odd reason
  7. She didn't even apologize for missing the panel, or mention missing the panel at all so I kinda doubt she will. Unfortunate because doing so would make her look better.
  8. This is the tweet someone makes when they know they can't make it to a panel they're scheduled for and are apologetic to her fans:
  9. I'm 99.99% sure she forgot she even had a panel...
  10. Why does HVFF still invite KC? She obviously doesn't respect the con or her fans enough to show up on time and leave at a respectable time. And "flight difficulties"? I've never heard of a plane that had to leave earlier than scheduled.
  11. Oh good god... Some people take things way too far *rolls eyes*
  12. Not even the other couple whose wedding got teased over the summer? The couple who is 2/3rd of OTA - which is the dynamic David was asked about? Granted I wouldn't want Olicity to get married in the crossover but they're still the most likely candidate. Why would Diggle officiate a Maggie/Alex wedding? It makes little sense that he officiates Barry/Iris' wedding but Maggie/Alex even less so...
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