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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Seriously! I mean, they know we all remember those dresses, right? Who do they think they're fooling here?
  2. If the show were to go the orphaned refugee child route, it wouldn't be about them being able to afford one method or the other. That is most certainly not the only consideration there.
  3. If they insist on making Rick and Maya obsessed with "Babies! Babies! Babies!" maybe they can have them realize that, while their one (almost) genetic child is a blessing, there are so many children out there who need a loving family. If the show wants to be topical, have them look into adopting an orphaned refugee child. It would be more interesting to watch them go through the frustration and struggles of adoption than to watch them try to figure out ways to have more babies born of Nicole's eggs and/or uterus.
  4. How the fuck is a Zende/Nicole wedding "the wedding of the decade"?? The hell? Whoever wrote that blurb should be immediately fired and publicly shamed. And what is Katie going to confess to Brooke about her "relationship" with Eric? That she's a nosy-ass bitch who can't keep her eyes on her own paper and can't be without a man? Everyone knows that already, Katie. Everyone knows.
  5. What are you doing to me here, show? I eat lunch when you're on! Am I the only one who snarked "is that Hope's old ring" during the "romantic" proposal scene today? Don't do it, Quinn. Don't fall for this shit. And the cherry on the shit sundae was damn Katie barging in like she owns the place, all "am I interrupting something?" Well, isn't that what you were hoping when you just decided to walk into someone else's house? And you don't even come bearing the pathetic excuse of some little doo dad you just happened to "find" that belongs to Eric this time. And, of course, now that Katie is going to be like a dog with a bone about there being something up with Ridge and Quinn (because we all know she will be), does anyone think that she'll spare a thought as to how this could all affect her sister? Is she going to plan another little party where she can drop the bomb about her Quinn/Ridge suspicions in a way that is the most devastating to Eric and Brooke?
  6. There is no way in hell she'll look that classy. I'm so confused by today's scenes. Does the show think this is some grand romantic reunion of two star-crossed lovers? Because, show? I have a memory. She was always second choice. Always. The only reason she's his "great love" now is because Hope isn't in town, and Waffles can't go without an adoring female for more than two seconds.
  7. The running! Dear God, the running is back! JMW cannot run like an actual human being. I can't be the only one who, when they kept shifting back and forth between shots of Liam in his car and Steffy in hers, hoped "yes, let them crash into each other and die!!"? I give these two five minutes before one or the other starts getting bored and wondering about someone else. What was with the camera work on those Quinn/Ridge scenes? I felt like a dizzy stalker watching them.
  8. I honestly do not understand why they keep inviting their brother anywhere.
  9. I don't find that many people hate Charlotte like that. Yes, she's a heel, but she's a pretty popular heel. This is the only WWE related forum I frequent, but my son is very big into it, and he reads a lot of fan forums, and he says his reading backs up the responses we've seen for her in arenas. A quick look at social media shows that Nattie has more followers than the other active women I looked on Twitter at Nattie, Becky, Sasha, Charlotte, Lana, Maryse, Eva, Bayley, Carmella, Alexa, and Mickie. She has close to double the next highest number of followers among those women. I'm not saying she's more popular than all of them, but from every reaction that I can see, she's not unpopular. She's simply misused. If they put her in a good story, she'd be hugely popular. She has the talent, fans like her, and she has the Hart pedigree. Them not using her right isn't a reflection of what fans want/like, it's just them being short-sighted because she's not as "hot" or young as some of the other women. And that's no slight on the other women, except Eva, who they really need to just give up.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by "not on TV," because the shows I've been to where she's gotten good crowd response have been Smackdown/Raw/PPV shows. I mean, she's not getting the kind of reaction you hear when, say, Cena's music first starts, or when AJ or Finn come out, but she's getting crowd reaction. My general impression of the audience's feelings towards her is that they like her, but wish she was used better. I was at one of her matches against Charlotte, and the crowd was straight up pissed that Nattie didn't win.
  11. There's something about Renee that is starting to grate. I laughed when, right after her talking head gushing about how Dean is her other half, we get her bitching about them essentially having nothing in common. And she always likes to mention in her talking heads that he's the champ. I can see it once, when she did it at the start of the season since that was her introduction as a regular cast member, but she keeps mentioning it. And her attitude on the trip stunk. If you don't want to feel like a third wheel, then don't go. Spend some time at home with your "other half." My son and I laughed at two points in her scenes in this one. First, when she said Dean would lose his mind over the "twin deer" (and, seriously, twin deer?), because he does not strike either of us as the type who loses his mind over seeing a deer. Second, after he said he had booked the trip to Big Sur, I said that. after he hung up, he was probably like "well, crap, now I need to book a trip to Big Sur." I think it's because she realizes how ridiculous most of her scenes are.
  12. Honestly, at the live shows I've been to, Nattie has always gotten a really good crowd response. I'm sure part of it is the Hart name, but she definitely gets a reaction. The Brie/Nikki dynamic is weird. I think there is definitely some competition there (more on Brie's part than Nikki's). I think it drives Brie nuts that Nikki leads the kind of life where she can drop money on whatever new thing she wants, and Brie cannot do that, because while she and Bryan aren't poor, they're not in Cena's league, and Bryan, even if they had that money, would not approve of that kind of spending. I said when we were watching, when Brie was talking about how other people were getting pregnant, and she still isn't, "could you imagine how Brie would react if Nikki and John had ended up with an 'oops!' pregnancy before she got pregnant?" She would hate Nikki for it. It would not have been pretty. As it is, I'm kind of dreading the episodes (probably on the next season of Total Bellas?) after Brie finds out she's pregnant. I think she'll find little ways to rub it in Nikki's face. And I think that goes back to the competitive thing. Brie, for whatever reasons, feels like the one thing she has "over" Nikki is that Bryan married her and wants kids with her. So she sometimes likes to rub that in, and it's always so icky when she does.
  13. They must be planning to reunite Brooke and Bill. Otherwise, they're insane to keep showing them together. That moment between them outside her door, before he walked away? There was WAY more chemistry in that moment than anything Brooke and Ridge have done. If Bridge is their endgame, then they're really shooting themselves in the foot to allow us to keep seeing the superior chemistry in Brill.
  14. Fair enough. The rest of my points stand. She's not overstepping the bounds that Eric has established.
  15. I can easily foresee a situation where Liam eventually brags to Bill about how he and Ridge are going to take Quinn down. Bill gets more details out of him, realizes that Ridge is playing this flirting game with Quinn, and he ends up taking down Ridge. I just hope that it doesn't end up written as Bill somehow being the "bad guy who hurt Brooke" by busting Ridge's little game wide open. But she's not overstepping her bounds, really. Eric has put her in a position to make decisions at the company, so the stuff she does there is in the boundaries Eric has established. He's also told her that his home is her home, and he's invited her son to live there, calling him part of their family. And, she's married to the guy, in a community property state. For all intents and purposes, what's his is hers. So, legally, and according to what Eric has said to her, requested of her, and given to her, she's not overstepping her bounds. She's exactly within the boundaries that Eric has willingly established. I also don't see her actively trying to antagonize his family. She has asked, multiple times, that they accept her place in his life, a request he's also made to his family multiple times. I admittedly miss an episode here and there, but, from what I've seen, the antagonism has come from his family towards her, not the other way around. I think they were more proxies in Taylor vs. Brooke. Those two were just rehashing their Ridge bullshit via their daughters instead of taking a step back and saying "wait, do I want my daughter to be in the same shitty back and forth with a waffler that I've spent decades suffering through?"
  16. This show is definitely not ready to move her into that kind of role. Not to the extent of being an Alice from Days, Myrtle from AMC kind of character. She's still more Erica Kane.
  17. I think every show needs the kind of role she could fill (and has filled to some degree at times) - the older motherly figure who offers advice. She's the only woman in her age range on the canvas, so I don't want to see her disappear. They should just be smarter about how (and how often) they use her.
  18. I'd watch MEK read the phone book, or whatever...except carrying water for a character like Babe. That was a true test of my devotion to MEK. Thankfully, Babe was long dead by AMC's end, and I got to experience his delightful, but too brief, run on Y&R to get the icky taste out of my mouth. GH can feel free to bring him on as Liz's father, a love interest for Tracy or Anna, or any character who does not kiss Sonny's ass.
  19. In both of those instances, the previous shows had finished filming before the new shows started. Due to child labor laws, there's no way they'd be able to prominently feature the same child actors as leads on two shows filming at the same time. I think they had plenty of just fun episodes, and really can't remember more than a few "very special episodes." I thought this episode was a sweet thing to do for the cast and for the fans. The actors were all so good with the kids, and it's clear that the cast really enjoys each other. If this was filmed after the finale, I wonder if it was their way of putting a little bow on the series for the fans, since there wasn't a traditional finale episode. If that's the case, it was a nice way to do it, outside of being able to do a traditional "wrap it all up" finale. This way, they allowed fans and the cast to talk about what the show meant to them, and celebrate it.
  20. Exactly. Liam has no reason to like her, but he's being so dismissive of Steffy's career by repeatedly insisting that she's only succeeding because Quinn's manipulating her. Add in his barging in to her place of work every fucking day to remind her that he doesn't think she'd have her job if it wasn't for evil Quinn's manipulating her, and I don't know how Steffy hasn't dumped him yet. (That's part of why I think she was actually pretty cool with Eric's saying she needed to move out of Liam's house. She was subjected to 24/7 of that shit.)
  21. Since the forum is fading into the twilight soon, if anyone is starting up a Trump forum elsewhere, please feel free to PM me and let me know where you'll be. You guys have been my sanity for the past few months. I thank you all for that.
  22. It occurred to me earlier today that the whole post-truth fake news thing may actually have been a brilliant play by the right. Their side churns out lies non-stop, creating the idea of "post-truth" and fake news. Now? Now they get to turn around and use it as a weapon whenever anything they don't want known is reported. They can simply label everything "fake news," and pretend it's not legitimate information. And people buy it because the right has made fake news a thing that exists.
  23. I say let Jake kill him (maybe whatever programming Helena did to him finally kicks in), and when Jason (who has learned not a single lesson from what happened to Michael) wants to cover it up, Sam and Liz bond over insisting that Jake gets help instead of hiding what's happened. I feel like that would take care of so many issues - the abandonment of the "what did Helena do with Jake on the island" story line, Franco's continued existence, finally put an end to the Liz/Sam wars, and it pulls JaSam out of that obnoxious, perfect "no, YOU'RE a schmoopy!" conflict-free bubble and gives them some natural, believable internal conflict. And, it would be a natural fit to give Laura and Kevin some air time.
  24. At this point, if it gets us everyone turning on Trump, I'll take them doing it out of self interest. As long as they just do it.
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