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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. He's had the ring "for a while"?? Yikes. They have not been hooking up that long, just since, what, late summer? If he's had it for a while, he likely bought that thing after only a few months of hooking up, with Hope repeatedly telling him that she was not interested in anything else, and that she doesn't share his feelings. He is not anywhere near out of crazy town. And, yeah, he told her she didn't have to apologize, but right before that, you could see he was pissed. That jaw clench said it all. Hope seems like she's realizing that, too. She didn't look like she thought keeping the ring on a chain was romantic, she looked more troubled for Thomas, like she knows he's not as OK as everyone thought. very much got a vibe off of her like "OK, we need to placate him and get through this conversation, then I can regroup and figure out what the fuck to do." AN did a really good job this episode. You could really see in her eyes how unsettled she was in that opening scene. I cracked up at Xander just making that grand proclamation that Thomas was responsible for Emma's death, and walking out without elaborating. Dude, you've spilled this much, stay a few more minutes and get the whole story out. Even funnier that he ended their scenes last week with essentially the same accusation, and, somehow, through their scenes today, he never really got the whole story out there. He and Finn just kept talking in circles. "He was one of the ones who knew and didn't say anything." Yeah, you know who else was, Steffy? Your dumbass evil brother. Oh, and, side note: Your brother is the reason Xander didn't say anything. He was working overtime to intimidate everyone who found out into keeping quiet. And, you know, running them off the road to their death if they didn't fall in line... Ridge, listen to Brooke. She and Steffy don't ever agree on anything, and they're both sitting there telling you that the shit is going to hit the fan with Thomas and Hope.
  2. Yeah, that one surprised me just kind of slid in there among all the other spoilers. I'm looking forward to it.
  3. So, spoilers have Steffy and Finn at odds over Thomas. I'm going to guess that Finn believes Xander about Emma's death, and Steffy doesn't want to hear it. Hey, Steffy, even if you think he's all better now, you know exactly what kind of depraved, obsessed monster he was at that point in time. Also, I'm guessing that means it's going to be full Steam ahead, isn't it? Not even Finn saving her beloved grandpa's life is going to be enough to prevent that shitty ass "love story." We're likely also going to get Hope/Finn not too far down the road, aren't we? Thomas probably goes off the rails and Finn, being one of the only people who sees it coming, saves her?
  4. It didn't air yesterday, and there's a repeat airing Monday. And, no, not even a good repeat. It's the episode from this summer with the flight home from Rome and Liam whining to Wyatt.
  5. I agree. And, not for nothing, but Stephanie died over a decade ago. They were already aware that they were in the stage of life where your parents are more likely to die. I know that's morbid, but it's reality. And considering that Ridge was trying to shove him off into retirement, he was certainly well aware of how old his father is and how limited his time may be.
  6. Oh, hey, look, Thomas is still using Douglas to try to manipulate Hope into marriage. What a shock. Ridge, yes, we all know what happened the last time Thomas was all in on Hope, but that was not Hope's fault for not returning his feelings, just like it won't be her fault if it happens again. If your son is not well-adjusted enough to handle not having his feelings returned, then you need to be insisting that he get more therapy, not dumping it on Hope. All signs point to another trip to crazy town for Thomas. All of a sudden he's pushing for marriage, right as Steffy and Ridge are worrying about how he'll react if Hope doesn't return his feelings, and Xander is back in town ready to tell everyone what happened to Emma? And that would lead to the perfect opportunity for Hope to move on (eventually) to Wyatt except, of course, this damn show dumped him. So we'll probably end up with either Liam or Finn saving her and becoming the repeat or new "love of her life." What in the hell is on Steffy's head? Surely a television production can find better wigs than what they keep haphazardly slapping on JMW's head.
  7. Her hair was really cute and more age appropriate when she first got it cut, right around the time of Beth's birthday party, and it was just above shoulder length. Her hair now is objectively a nice haircut that looks healthy (which is practically a miracle for hair on this show), but it is really aging her, just from a style point of view. Far be it from me to ever defend Thomas, but Finn stormed in there like Thomas going all ragey on Steffy. He seemed to listen outside the door long enough that he should have gotten the gist of the situation - that his wife was being aggressively intrusive into her brother's personal life, and he finally had to raise his voice a hair when she would not take "mind your business" for an answer. And where does Steffy get off saying Hope hasn't been honest with Thomas? She's been nothing but honest with him, repeatedly telling him that this wasn't a grand romance, and they're just fucking around for now. Thomas holding out hope that it will be more, because his feelings are stronger, is not on Hope.
  8. I'm trying to remember now, did Xander know that Emma had found out about Beth? And he somehow got intimidated into keeping quiet?
  9. Oh my God, Steffy, shut the hell up. Your brother is a grown ass man who can have his own define the relationship talks without you trying to force one onto him and Hope. And, spoiler alert, if losing Hope or finding out Hope will never love him could send him careening off the rails again, then brother dear is not nearly as "all better" as you and mommy insist he is.
  10. I'm just glad they're finally addressing it. It's insane to have a legacy character do something like that and then just ignore that it ever happened, and never have him suffer a single consequence for it. I swear, though, if this is all so they can rewrite it the way the Thomas stans have, saying that it was all on Emma, because she was the one in the front car, driving recklessly, I will lose it.
  11. Well, well, well, Merry Christmas to me. I've been waiting for Emma's death to be revisited for who knows how long. Xander Avant Returns To Avenge Emma's Death?
  12. That is my favorite part of all of this. They had better give us the scene of Steffy gushing to Liam about how Finn saved her beloved grandfather. It's too bad Wyatt's gone, because I'd love to see his reaction to Liam trying to whine to him about that.
  13. I was not watching back then, just keeping up via SOD recaps. It's bizarre to me that the show was so Marone heavy back then, and now they just like to pretend they'd never heard the name Marone.
  14. The show is awfully consistent at writing Taylor out in the worst possible ways. It's either fake deaths where she stays away from her children for years or she just randomly disappears one night in her nightgown. What even was her last scene this time?
  15. Was it me, or was there some hint of them laying groundwork between Bridget and Finn? I'd love to have Bridget back full time, but not as the off ramp they use to get to the "twu wuv" of Steam. I was legitimately shocked to see Stephanie, and a soap hasn't legitimately shocked me in quite some time. So, good on them for that. And now they've got me questioning my certainty that Eric isn't dying. SF coming back makes me think it is JMc's exit, but at the same time, it would be really shitty if they didn't also manage to get the rest of his kids back in town for it, too. I'd think most of the actors involved would be willing to come back even just for one day out of respect for him, even if they weren't thrilled with the show when they left. I agree that this has been dragging and ridiculous at times, but I'm going to miss it when we get Liam back on screen four out of five days a week, being a gigantic asshole.
  16. I didn't think she had chemistry with TK, but I put that on him, because she had chemistry with everyone on the canvas but him. The only people TK has had chemistry with are DD, JMW (you could have had an inappropriate chemistry faceoff between Ridge/Steffy and Taylor/Thomas), and the actress who played Caroline (until the show decided they were bored with that pairing). I could have been all in on Taylor with Bill, Deacon, or Brooke.
  17. I'm no Taylor fan, but I would have much rather had them keep her around for Deacon and send Sheila off to jail.
  18. I was hoping they'd have her run into Thorne in the hall or something, and actually keep Winsor around for a while. And wouldn't Li's head just explode if her sister started dating one of the Forresters?
  19. I hate to "to be fair" to these writers at all, but Ridge is the only one of Eric's kids who has been living in town the past several years (other than the brief, best forgotten Ingo stretch a while back). I can see choosing the only one of his kids who he knows would be able to get there ASAP if an emergency arose. I think I'm just grateful that he didn't give it to Brooke and put us all through Ridge and Donna arguing with each other at her to make the decision they want.
  20. I truly don't know if I could ever forgive my brother if one of our parents was about to be taken off of life support, and he didn't give me a chance to come to the hospital to say goodbye first. I was so appalled that he wasn't calling any of them about the possible treatment or about taking him off life support. Also, it shows who's "important" on this show that Bridget stopped Thorne, RJ, and Zende from going to the hospital, but she didn't make any real effort to stop Steffy.
  21. Seriously. As cheesy as it would be for Finn to save him with this experimental treatment, I will take it just to watch Liam have to deal with Steffy gushing about how her husband, the hero, brought her beloved grandpa back from the brink of death. Are the hair people just cutting a little bit more off of Hope's hair every day now?
  22. Even when TK was a much better actor than he's been on B&B, this was one of his major weaknesses. I suspect he's been going for Ridge being stoic and holding it all together for his father and family, but whenever TK tries to play something like that, he just comes across as a cold asshole. It was the same way when he was on AMC. Any time Zach needed to be stoic or serious, he came across as a condescending emotionless asshole. It really made a couple of already shitty storylines way worse.
  23. So, Eric can tell the nuance of some facial expressions to understand right away that he didn't actually win the showdown, but he's spent the past two episodes with his entire family very obviously holding back tears (and in some cases, not holding them back) and making proclamations like "you'll always be with me," and he can't put it together that they all know he's dying? Does Soap Opera Cancer make one selectively stupid?
  24. At one point, it seemed like they might go there with him and Katie, too, maybe a few years or so ago, when she bought the house next door.
  25. So, does the show just want to pretend that the whole Massimo is really Ridge's father thing never happened? I mean, I think it's great that, to Eric, Ridge has never been even an ounce less his son than he was before the reveal, because that is how it should be when you've raised someone. But, when they write in things like a "good genes," line between Steffy and Eric, it makes me wonder if we're just supposed to forget it ever happened. I was just waiting for Eric to full on pass out and everyone having to pretend that it was something so completely normal and not at all a reason for concern. Maybe RJ and Katie could fake fainting, too, and everyone could be like "woo, it must be too warm in here."
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