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Everything posted by pachebo

  1. i will never forgive oprah for "creating" this monster. (oh, along with Mehmet Oz and a few others).
  2. i only watch this shit show because my dog and i have an ice cream break at 3 pm. This is like a Jerry Springer show trying for respectability. (At least with JS, you know most of those people are acting... i had a friend who was supposed to go on, and they totally scripted the whole thing , like when to pull hair, etc). DP tries to cloak his vaudeville act in respectability with a subdued/semi-tasteful set. The show obviously spends many hours on hair , makeup and wardrobe for these whacko pieces of trash to make them seem almost "normal". Many of them seem to be mentally unblanced, but does that stop DP from exploiting these pathetic creatures? Not a bit.He's tried to legitimize himself as an actual expert pyschologist, yet he is the modern day equivalent of those old televangelical faith healers.
  3. loved the Lou Grant quote!! and what the hell was her "look" today. Does she really think she is gonna be the next "Lucy"??? She looked even more deranged than usual (i know, that is hyperbole).
  4. oh, to change topic (sorry) I happened to watch Jenny's comedy special "Dirty, Sexy, Funny". I was pleasantly surprised. Aside from the first comic (who just said "fuck" too much and sorta annoyed me), Jenny was actually naturally funny and endearing in her skits (many with Donnie W) and the other comics were smart and very funny women. She never bothered me anyway, but I like her more now. She is certainly way smarter than that bimbo Sherri, whose "special" i tried to watch, but had to leave it when my gag reflex kicked in after 10 minutes.
  5. I noticed today that Sherri appeared to have toned down her increasingly constant and annoying Aunt Jemima act with Star around and tried to sound as articulate as possible. Still didn't work!
  6. i got banned from TWOP just a couple days ago, by, you guessed it... Howard pachebo, You have been given a warning by TWoP Howard. Reason: Boards-On-Boards <div class='callout'> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From The View: Banned for thinking the rules don't apply to you. Other posters have been warned for not using caps, or using all caps, but most of them aren't repeat offenders.
  7. if they can get Star as a guest co-host, couldn't they also get Joy or Rosie?
  8. I am still nauseous over that photo shoot thing! she has like 4 expressions -over-the top fake smile (some have called it "shit eating grin"), furrowed brow for "confusion" (well, that is probably a common state), frozen expressionless face if anything gay is mentioned .... someone help me out with the fourth, please.
  9. ooooooooooooooooh... star jones should be fun. she is such a smart bitch! (not sure i actually LIKE her, but she sure is interesting!)
  10. "No place she'd rather be?" hmmm. zumba class, rocco despirito book signing, her own "book" signings, qvc wig show, praise fest, hanging with her "gurls", the list is endless. But certainly not dog training classes, parent teacher conferences, home alone with jeffrey,
  11. Miss Sherri is definitely on "social media damage control" with her latest tweets. I cannot fault anyone for being just naturally dumb, but she should have had handlers that advised her a little better about her words before all this shit hit the fan. Her sudden transformation to supermom is all too transparent and likely fools no one.She spent her first year on the view trashing her first ex until he sent a cease and desist order. Then she spent a couple more years talking about how great "big sal" was. Jeff Sr. may have cheated on her (who wouldn't??), but that was a long time ago. Of the 3 parties involved, he seems the most stable, which may not be saying much. Sal... well no words can express what a sorry excuse for a huzzbin...
  12. we know these two clowns have been pushing for a reality show forever. I would not be shocked to find out the whole thing is made up for drama, or to keep sherri's position at the view (who wants to fire a woman in distress?). But despite my cynisim of anything these two jokers do, my instinct tells me it's real (or as real as either of them can be.
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