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Everything posted by ihartcoffee

  1. Yay! Take that asshole Scot! That was so satisfying! Thank you Aubrey for getting to Tai. Kinda hoping she wins. Loved how she spit like Jason during the challenge. She's growing on me.
  2. They where all talking about being glad to see her and Kensie and she acts like that? Patricia is smart not inviting her. What's sad is she's clueless as to why she's not so popular. She's bipolar or something, I know she's hormonal and all but she's always been this way. Landon..... time to get a real job honey. Craigs girlfriend is to cute, wonder if he'll mess that up? I'm hoping he's turned over a new leaf. Patricia, she's so humble. But she needs heeelllppppp you know? She whined the whole time they loaded Kensie about that. I could more get her being mad he plays polo while she has mom duty.
  3. Debbie. ... there's no way Julia will go against us..... there's no way any of those guys have an idol..... geesh she was way off. Not sad to see her go but want the two tattoed assholes gone so bad. I'm with other's, don't know how much more I can take. The immunity challenge was cool. That's about it.
  4. Noooooooo Julia, don't you see what assholes they are? I don't think I've hated contestants this much ever. It's unpleasant to watch.
  5. I hate those two so much, douchebag assholes!
  6. I told my husband wait till lactose intolerance kicks in! Ice cream does seem an odd reward to me.
  7. I was wondering about that too. There must have been a convo we weren't shown. **************************************** Good episode IMO. Would have been better if it were Kyle Jason, such a jackass. But still glad it weakened the men, and blindsided them. So glad Syndy(sp?) made a move. Oh and, I had, to go get some ice cream for my family thanks to the show.
  8. I just love this show! Katherine, really? Again..... Craig, really? You're squatting. Thomas, really? Again.......
  9. I just watched the ending again. Love the stare down scenes on this show, they always nail it. Bjorne yelling uncle like that... man they are gonna fight.
  10. I loved the first three seasons. Hoping this one picks up.
  11. Would nursing that late in age at that time be odd? One of my mom's best friends was a hippie that nursed her kids til close to this same age. Her kids turned out fine. I get where the snow is going, she's very attached.
  12. Much better episode. Is it just me or is Ivar a bit creepy. I'm really really worried about Ragnar's boys. What he said to Auslaug was so foreboding. Someone kill the skinny blonde jerk. Please! The ending was cool, Rollo and Ragnar on a stare off. Rollo dressed like a dandy. Oh yes, I almost forgot, kill Floki too. I also was surprised she really is pregnant. I thought that was a ruse.
  13. In that heat, it seems unappealing as heck. Odd choice indeed.
  14. She's so young and seems very sweet, didn't want to see her go out like that. Glad she got to stick around for the merge.
  15. She is quite comical. And she does scheme like a pro.
  16. Peter looked so swkw5 on the end there, you could tell he didn't fit with that tribe. He's so smarmy. I want Tai to win, but he's too nice. He'll be taken out. This season is pretty dull.
  17. I'm thinking Debboe sometimes reminds me of the huge turtle in The Never Ending Story.
  18. The hotel is so gorgeous! I'd want that underwater room.
  19. My husband said he is waiting for Kyle to scream 'it's all for you Damien'!
  20. OMG, the commercials! I dvr it and start at least 20 min late. It's stiil incredibly annoying having to ff every 5 min. I agree with your other assessments too. This episode was not one of my favorites. I watched last weeks twice, won't do that with this one.
  21. I think Lala wears the wrong kind of makeup. And attitude.
  22. Her father is Arthur the Great. Funny twist.
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