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the hero factor

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Everything posted by the hero factor

  1. What can I say, I'm weird. I been shipping Quinncedes since the Back 9. Because I think they'd be really good together, and because shipping non canon femslash is what I do. I watched the I Lived number not really expecting much, because it was a thrown together scene to placate fans who actually care about people not named Rachel, Kurt, or Blaine. And because what the crap is that song? So, I was very happy to actually get some enjoyment out of it in the form of Quinn and Mercedes barely leaving each other's side for most of it, and all the little hand holding and dancing and interacting moments. Throw in no endgame Quick or Samcedes bullshit in the finale, and I'm calling it a win. I'm used to having to make my own fun with this icky show. It's nice RIB made it pretty easy in this case.
  2. The only part of the finale I've watched is I Lived, and based on that I am going with Quinncedes endgame.
  3. Yeah, I hope the number is sufficiently out of context. It would be neat to watch the cast have fun one last time. But if it's too obviously the characters, then ewww, forget it.
  4. I saw a gif set over on Tumblr of Quinn and Tina's "barely an Ivy league school" exchange. Heh. Now I'm imagining Quinn and Tina carrying on a school rivalry. And while such a thing would be horrible and gross and probably misogynistic if RIB actually tried to write it, in my head it fun and light and friendly. Like, Tina goes back to school and sends Quinn a Brown sweatshirt. And Quinn emails her all, "Gee, thanks for a shirt from your BARELY AN IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL, TINA." But she sleeps in the shirt and sends Tina one from Yale. This of course ends with Quinntina endgame, cuz that's how I roll. Huh. A fun new Quinntina headcanon and a lovely duet to go along with it. This is a whole lot more than I expected to get from RIB this season.
  5. Dianna directed a music video for Goldroom's "Till Sunrise." Never heard of the band, but I kinda like the song, and the video's nice. The guy in it is Dianna's little brother Jason.
  6. Dianna tweeted the other day about being busy at work and how what she was doing "might make a few of you happy." I figured she must be talking about Glee, and she must know that most of us are like "UGH fuck Glee." Heh. So, even with Quinn, I won't be watching. If Tumblr lets me know that Quinn gets a scene or a few lines that aren't fucking stupid and are relatively worthwhile, I might watch a Quinn edit. (That hasn't happened since season three, so I ain't holding my breath.) And if Quinn gets a solo or duet or part of a song that has nothing to do with fucking Puck I'll probably watch that. (I've watched "Come See About Me" and "Love Song" lots of times.) Otherwise, I'll just be waiting for the pretty moving pictures, and for the mocking, snarky commentary on Tumblr about whatever Ryan Murphy and his gang of thugs do to Quinn this time.
  7. I don't have an opinion about how they'll use Rachel's show in a sense of what it means for Rachel/the other characters, because who cares. But, I have been assuming that RIB+ will use it to shame Glee viewers with "awesome" and "funny" meta comments about the in-show audience of their in-show show. Blasting us for liking things we weren't supposed to like, or not liking the things that we were supposed to like. And just generally throwing a hissy fit and blaming the spectacular nosedive rating on us.
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