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Everything posted by Dani-Ellie

  1. That, and I liked having a real, actual, concrete price for use of magic. I liked seeing someone play with fire and actually get burned for it (er, no pun intended ... Neal's poor hand). It ups the stakes a bit, you know? Plus, like I said before, I really like the irony that Rumple now has to live the rest of his life without the one person he's done all this for. I don't think his scheming and dealing and not caring who he hurt in the process should be rewarded. Morality is problematic enough on this show; the last thing I needed to see was Rumple thinking all he'd done was worth it because it got him what he wanted in the end.
  2. My go-to code phrase for "I don't want to talk about this at all" is "I'm just sittin' here with no provolone." Thank you, Casey.
  3. I did, too. See, Show? If you'd kept them like this and not had Neal complicit in sending Emma to jail, maybe I could have been a SwanFire shipper!
  4. Right?? No True Love does what Neal did to Emma, sorry. His hands weren't as tied as he (and the show) likes to pretend they were. My poor Emma. :(
  5. Oh my goodness, I remember those Charmed debates ... and how poor Demian's head would explode every time they popped up!
  6. So, I did a writing exercise this afternoon, and this bit of Captain Swan silliness is what came out. I have no idea where it came from, so don't ask, haha. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10229865/1/
  7. Aww, thank you! And then there are the times when I read your posts and find myself going, "Oh my goodness, exactly!" :) Exactly. I honestly don't remember which interview it was, but Jen said she likes the moments when Emma gets caught off-guard by something because Emma doesn't have the time to put the mask up and you get to see what she's really feeling. Everything she does, every way she moves, and every tone of voice she uses has to be filtered through Emma's own guards and walls, which I'm sure is no easy feat.
  8. You're very welcome, lucindabelle and shlbycindyk! It's an older commercial; I haven't seen it on TV in years, but I love it to pieces. Ooh! Now I have to try to find that, haha. I love that song, too!
  9. I listen to an internet oldies radio station at work, and every time they play "Rock Me Gently," all I can think of is this Jeep commercial with the singing animals: The "Dude, so uncalled for!" look the guy shoots at the wolf when he eats the bird cracks me up.
  10. I'm absolutely willing to share, regularlyleaded. :) Completely agree there. All throughout season one, she was in that awkward position where we knew much more than Emma did, so every time Emma came up against something, we knew Regina was behind it because duh, Evil Queen, but Emma didn't know and didn't believe and it was frustrating. I actually really like her fight with August in "The Stranger," because it revealed that by that point, it wasn't disbelief, it was denial. The very possibility that it could be real scared the crap out of her, and it was easier for her to stick her fingers in her ears and be all, "Lalala, can't hear you!" than it was to deal with it maybe actually being true. Plus, she was acting as normal girl Emma in between sweeping scenes of the Evil Queen strutting around being evil and Rumpelstiltskin being creepy and Snow and Charming being iconically adorable. Being the straight man is a necessary and very often thankless job, but I adore what Jen's done with her straight man role here. I know I've said it before but I'm completely serious: her reaction shots are some of my favorite things about this show. With just one glance at her face, you can almost hear Emma's internal monologue: "Seriously?! My life is so damn weird."
  11. My girl has a thread! Yay! Yes, Emma's my girl. Shush. It's her story I'm watching for, and I'm telling you, if this show does not end with Emma having all the love in the world that any one person could have, the showrunners and I are going to have some problems to discuss.
  12. Because sometimes fanfic is the only way to get through an interminable hiatus with one's sanity intact. Found a story you think others might like? Wrote a story you want others to check out? Post here!
  13. Same here, mustbekarma. I'm Dani-Ellie everywhere, haha. It also makes me sad to see my teeny tiny post count. I shall have to post more to make up for it. :)
  14. Glad to see so many familiar faces, as it were. (Also, I like the colors on the wee smiley face avatar. Me likey pastels, haha.) I'm so glad we found a new home so quickly!
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