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Everything posted by esco1822

  1. The question was actually if they were in a monogamous relationship. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-18/videos/are-you-and-tom-monogamous
  2. It was Brooklyn. I'm fairly certain none of these ladies would have gone to the Bronx. Ever. Including Alex.
  3. In a perfect world, maybe but we're talking about a person with a history of having been in an open marriage for some period of time. If this is my "friend" and I know this and the fact that her fiance has been sliding lips with someone else AND there is photographic evidence of it, the first thing I'd want to know is if her current relationship is monogamous. If not, no harm done and no need to get myself or my friend all worked up about it. If it is monogamous though, it's a big deal and I'm going to tell her. This is exactly what Bethenny did. Luann has said in her blog this week that if her girlfriend saw her man stepping out on her she'd want to know. So I guess the question is, would it have been OK if Bethenny told Lu about the cheating as long as she didn't ask about the monogamy?
  4. Nobody is saying Lu should disclose all the particulars about her relationship, they are saying she shouldn't LIE about them. She specifically said no she is not in an open relationship. So yeah when Tom cheats people are going to be judgmental OF HIM because they think he's cheating on you. If she said "Yes, we are in an open relationship" this whole thing would have been a non-issue.
  5. But does she enjoy it? She specifically said she didn't like it with The Count. She specifically said she and Tom are monogamous. That's the whole thing, Bethenny didn't want to tell Lu if her relationship with Tom, like her relationship with The Count, was open. That's why she asked the question. If Lu and Tom were in an open relationship, Tom kissing another woman would be a moot point. But Lu said they were monogamous and then grandstanded about it and how inappropriate a question it was, etc. If she just came out and said she and Tom were in an open relationship, I would have no issue with her. Wouldn't be my choice but if she's OK with that type of arrangement then so be it. So either she is really not OK with Tom kissing another woman or she's lying about being in a monogamous relationship with him.
  6. It's the natural assumption because she herself said how miserable she was about it.
  7. And presumably a recycling of behavior because both scenarios were true.
  8. I don't know about everyone else but I don't think it's pathetic she chooses to live her life that way, I think it's sad which is different. I think it's sad that she doesn't feel like she's worthy of being treated better by her partners. The thing is she DOES explain and announce the details of her relationships she just changes them along the way as they suit her. Remember when Ramona outed her at the reunion years ago and said she was in an open marriage? She vociferously denied it, then admitted it and now is saying "yeah but it wasn't my choice." This is all so she can play the victim when everything falls apart. If she just admitted it from the start instead of pretending to be someone she's not, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
  9. I feel like if anyone is trying to "take Luann down" it's production AND I think it's all manufactured bullsh*t. I also think that Luann is in on all of this. She's made a point all season of flaunting her love and engagement to the point of extreme nausea for me at the very least. She built him up ALL season so of course it was inevitable to have the house of cards fall. It's just good TV. Even had we not seen previews, everyone saw this coming--including Tamra Barney's medium. I'm tired of the poor sainted Lu stuff that i'm reading. I feel sorry for her that she was in a one-sided open marriage because she'd rather do that than lose the man she loves, if that's even true. It seems she is now doing the same thing with Tom while acting appalled that anyone would ask if they are monogamous. Who knows maybe she has her side flings too and they both have an arrangement as suggested above. They are both cheaters regardless and that tends to only end one way so good luck to them if they go through with this whole thing. Lu's blog basically said she'd have wanted to know but that Bethenny should have told Dorinda to tell her. I have to wonder if she has watched this season at all if she thinks Dorinda is such a great friend to her. Bottom line for me is that most of these people are not friends. You want to know why these things happen on camera instead of in private? Because they are not friends. They talk when contractually obligated to do so. They reveal on camera because it's their job not because there's a sinister plot to take someone down. You got humiliated on national TV because you are ON national TV. People have tried to warn her all season that Tom wasn't this great paragon of virtue she thought he was and she chose to ignore all of his behavior as "Before Lu." She can't ignore it now and she can't pretend the whole world didn't see his true colors. Watching Luann this season for me was like an exaggerated episode of Seinfeld where Bethenny is Elaine Benes.
  10. Um, Sonia told her to call Tom and from everything else we saw, it was not to tell him off, it was to basically ask him how he wants it handled--does he tell Lu or does she. I think "tell him off" is the wrong choice of words there.
  11. Someone posted to Heather's twitter some comments that are apparently on her Instagram: "Kelly's neighbor shared that Bravo couldn't film for 3 weeks because Kelly beat her husband until he had a black eye. She also shoved her mother down a flight of stairs and put her in the hospital." True or not, um, dayum.
  12. Heather DubrowVerified account ‏@HeatherDubrow 16h16 hours ago Heather Dubrow Retweeted Trust me, if I was acting - I would have cried cuter ... That vein in my head was no good
  13. Kelly forfeited the right to complain about how she'll look to her daughter when she named that kid Jolie. My pet peeve about all these people playing the "I have children!" card is that they never take responsibility for how their own behavior, not what other people say about them, affects their children. Her behavior has been beyond embarrassing. She can go. Bye Felicia. Though I will say Heather's limo crying gave me douche chills, she was my hero last night. People have complained all season about her being boring. Well, she picked a hell of a time to do something interesting so I applaud her. She can wave off Vicky every week and it won't get old for me. She wins the night with Shannon at a close second. I see your blurred out Guns N Roses t-shirt, Beador. And I support it.
  14. Yeah, that will do it. For whatever reason, Teresa is a money maker for this franchise so of course she's going to get a favorable edit. Jacqueline meanwhile is desperate to be on this show and for a paycheck so they're giving her what she wants but at the expense of looking like the villain all season. This argument has been engineered by Bravo to save this boring season and i'm not sure its working.
  15. I'm sympathetic but i'm not THAT sympathetic.
  16. I feel bad for Sarah, period. I have a lot of empathy for her and some of her struggles so I get why she wanted to be one of the cool kids. Johnny used her guilt since making the decision to send him to the jungle against her because he knew it was her Achilles heel. He's a master manipulator which is why he is good at the head games overall on this show. The bottom line in battle of the exes was that he could not win the elimination challenge. That was his and his partner's problem 100%. Sarah didn't doom him or take his money, she sent him into an elimination challenge that his team lost. That had nothing to do with Sarah and Jordan and I still think that she made the right decision to send him in. I can't imagine anyone thinks it was the wrong decision. Other than Johnny, of course. She carried his ass through anything that required brain power and she was a strong partner in all the physical and endurance challenges. She earned that money and it's bullshit she didn't get it. She has to be done with this show. As a side note, I think that her relationship with Johnny and her desire to have him not be mad at her probably has a lot to do with unresolved issues around her sexual assault. I know she mentioned being angry about doing that one challenge where they had to eat a cake or run naked because if issues around being a sexual assault survivor so i'm sure it has other implications as well. Knowing that has always made me less judgmental of her behavior in groups and need to try to fit in. Of course that takes things to a whole other level of thinking and I guess most of us enjoy this show for the exact reason that we don't tend to have to think too much about it.
  17. Kelly really is so dumb. Her overreaction to Shannon saying she looks like an Indian killed me. Automatically Kelly jumped to that meaning Shannon thought Indians are ugly. Um, what? Ugly is Kelly's word not Shannon's. I also watched WWHL and agree that Kelly is full of shit about not having watched the last few seasons. She knew waaaaaaaay to many details about Shannon's life for a person who didn't watch the show as long as Shannon's been on it. Maybe Meghan really did launch an investigation? LOL. I also thought it was shitty of Meghan to suggested Shannon set up Kelly. I don't buy it. Production, yes. Shannon no. Unrelated, I thought Heather was being a good friend to Meghan and was really supportive which was nice to see. Nicer to see? Heather losing it next week. I don't even care who she's yelling at, it's going to be epic.
  18. Yeah he phrased it something like Hannah and I never got a chance to connect but I'm hoping that will change in the future. I wholeheartedly believe he thought this was his only shot at Tiffany so he had to take it but Hannah is someone he wants to be in his life on an ongoing basis. Who knows what capacity but in SOME capacity.
  19. LOL. I think it's a fair assumption that the chryo bank where the sperm is stored isn't the same as the fertility clinic they're using so it would have to be transported. Makes sense that it's their responsibility. It would be one thing if this entire process was done in one place but Jimmy had his samples stored years ago.
  20. I'm not interested in Meghan's fertility "struggles" or her IVF journey. It is not representative of the people with real fertility issues. I don't consider it a struggle that Jimmy had a vasectomy and had to use his frozen sperm to impregnate his wife. It's a struggle if you try for years and you can't have kids. It's a struggle if you have endometriosis, if you aren't producing enough eggs, if your sperm is low motility, if you have to get an egg donor or have a surrogate carry your child. Sorry I don't consider your husband deciding on closing up shop after producing FOUR kids but keeping his boys on ice just in case, a struggle. I call Meghan fortunate. Needles suck as does giving yourself shots and having an absentee husband but that was your choice. I really hope she's a good mom and I wish her well but that's where it ends. I have too many friends who have gone through real struggles to pretend this is a hardship. Unrelated, I'm enjoying Tamra this season which is pretty unnerving. You know aside from the "Jesus did this" thing. I tend to like to think production set up the whole Vicki/Briana/Sarah thing just to f*ck with Tams. I'd take a whole season of production pranking her and her thinking Jesus was responsible.
  21. Well, all I can say is that I hope Siggy and Mulva add some fun to this group because all I can see coming is heavy, dark and boring. I'm not interested in the Teresa redemption tour.
  22. This picture is hilarious. I'm not sure what exactly they think they are doing but they are certainly not playing chess. We are not fooled Gorgas!
  23. ^THIS a thousand times!!! Of course she did. Probably the same one that writes Teresa Giudice's blogs. I get being someone who needs time to compose their thoughts as opposed to an on your feet thinker but this is a whole other kettle of fish. It doesn't even "sound" like Jules in her manner or speaking. I'm not buying it. Unrelated, I keep waiting for someone to point out to Lu that her knowing about Alex in 2 weeks should not be a ringing endorsement about knowing she'll spend her life with Tom. Um, you and Alex got divorced.
  24. I kind of love Heather actually and I more love her new fun relationship with Shannon. I also thought Heather was being tongue in cheek about the ice. Maybe that's just because I speak NJ sarcasm fluently. Of course her house is obnoxious and of course she has nothing else going on but damn, I still think she's funny and I like her. There, I said it.
  25. Kathryn is nuttier than a jar of peanut butter but something about Landon just persistently bugs me. I was really annoyed that she and someone else (was it Craig?) tried to spin her saying that Kathryn was using the kids to manipulate Thomas into something else. She didn't mean anything other than exactly that and the proof is in the fact that she won't apologize for it and still fully believes it. I also wanted to throw the remote at the TV when she was saying how she is "working her ass off." Um, at what exactly? Her "lifestyle magazine?" I'm not sure she's in any position to complain about Kathryn getting money from Thomas considering i'm fairly certain she's still getting money from her ex. For me the core of Kathryn's issue with Landon is basically that Landon and Thomas are trying to make her look crazy (no need, we already know she is) with regard to her ranting about them sleeping together. I'd be pretty pissed too if someone was trying to make me look like a crazy person for believing something that is totally true. Let's face it, they did it. I'm fairly confident most will agree with that assertion. I think she just wanted it admitted so she could feel vindicated about the whole thing. So she could say "see, i'm not crazy" even though we all know she is...just not about that. If that makes any sense.
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