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Everything posted by ESS

  1. Yeah well SOA is a big and a popular fandom in fanfiction, but sadly only with the most popular couple on the show which was Jax/Tara who I can't stand period and I never shipped them. It'll never be popular with the other couples/pairings unfortunately, only in my dreams which makes so frustrated and sad. The only fans and shippers in the SOA fandom are especially on FFN (where sadly they've taken over that whole category) are the Jax/Tara shippers all of the Gemma/Nero shippers - at least the ones that even wrote for them at one point are gone off the site and have been for a while. I got into SOA way late so by the time I did and got into fanfiction there all of the fans Gemma/Nero were gone and haven't been back at all that I've noticed, so it just sucks for me really. Yes Dan & Louise I love what's been happening with them so far and can't wait to see what else is gonna happen later - at least that's something positive for one of my couples and the fact that they got married as well is another positive for me.
  2. I'm not saying I'm not appreciative of them writing for Gemma/Nero in general, but the way they wrote some of things that Gemma and Nero did or their reactions weren't how I saw them at all in other words looked out the box with Gemma and her personality so it's hard for me when I read their stories to think they even watched the same show I did and the especially when the fandom writes (and still does) Gemma so mean, coldhearted, angry and all that, but to me that part of her was just a defense mechanism all the way and that's it because when she was with Nero she was a different person, it wasn't a big change, but it was there and I saw it instantly. I do have some people I can talk with Gemma/Nero about, but not much because well it seems like everything that I wanted to say has been said and the fact that SOA has been over for years now doesn't help and the fact that the fandom hates on Gemma so much too that's another reason why Gemma/Nero aren't a popular couple sadly, but even Nero isn't popular either and I'll understand that because Nero was a great character and man in general. As for the writers I sometimes hate what they do to my couples/pairings for sure. I love that Gemma/Nero was made canon, but really that was the only thing that was done right to me the rest of it and their scenes they weren't given a chance - Now I'm not saying I didn't enjoy their scenes it's just a lot of them were too short or I didn't like the way TPTB wrote their scenes they were either tacky/uncomfortable or just I didn't like them in general. So far with Dan & Louise I love how the writers have written them as a couple and the only thing wrong there is the fact that their scenes can definitely be expanded more for sure. I love(d) how they got together and the slow burn of their relationship it was perfect and their wedding and everything, but yeah there's still room for more so to speak so because I love them I'm gonna eventually write for them and I hope I'll be able to do them justice when I do start to write for me (not a one shot, but a multi chaptered story).
  3. Yep so true on everything you've said. Yes I definitely know the feeling of wanting to read new stories that aren't mine and I was just saying to one of my readers that I hate that my stories isn't the one that I want to read you know all the time and I wish it wasn't mine if you know what I mean. I love the story don't get me wrong, but for Gemma/Nero especially on FFN there's only one shots there mine was the first multi chaptered story for them ever which is so sad and they were basically neglected and ignored in canon and in fanfiction world it's the same thing which is again so sad and angry for me because I love so much as a couple I don't think they should have been treated like that in canon nor in the fanfiction world. I've never been really into the popular pairings/couples either so that. I keep on writing for them because I want to keep them alive because if I don't no one else will I'm sure of it and it doesn't help the people who wrote one shots for Gemma/Nero are gone on FFN too. There are two multi chaptered of them on A03, but I don't like how the author (or writer) wrote them, to me it didn't seem like Gemma/Nero in terms of the way I saw them as a couple and as characters - somethings do seem like them and some don't if that makes sense that's the other main reason why I started my own story on them in the first place and of course the other one is because there isn't much on them at all. It's sad, frustrating and angry and of course the SOA fandom as a whole they there's barely any shippers of them in general either, it's all just...unfair. As for Dan & Louise they are the same as Gemma/Nero as well - one shots and that's it so I really hope I can eventually show them some love too. I wrote one drabble at least it's something for now on them until I can get to a place where I can really focus on my idea for them which I think is a great one and one I've had in my mind for a while now. For them it makes me sad they don't get more love in the fanfiction world, but at least they got a better chance in canon than poor Gemma/Nero in the end.
  4. Hmm good questions hopefully we'll find all this out soon once Louise is back again from her tour.. or back in general.
  5. My fandoms(at least the ones that are my main focused) one is smaller at least in terms of the pairing and the other is I'd say bigger, but the pairing is also pretty small in terms of stories. I mostly write for rare pairs which is very frustrating, but at the same time there's so many possibilities to write about, but the lack of comments isn't a great thing, but again it's nice to have some faithful readers/commenters. Yeah exactly my point. I have one story that I'm working on mainly for my couple Gemma/Nero, but then I have two others for them that I've started, although the one I haven't really done much with, but the other that's started that one is going a bit better in terms of plot and writing of it. My on going story for them is very long now it's been going on since 2019 and is now 22 chapters, still working on 23 and I still have more ideas it's like every time I think I'm done with ideas for it more come to mind, but I don't care because to be honest I kind of don't want the story to end either because I love it so much and I'm so proud of it because I've never written a multi chaptered story like this before where there's more than 10 chapters nor this long in terms of word count.
  6. Yep it definitely is because I always have some ideas and then my muse just doesn't want to go there I guess.. for another fandoms, but hey I'd rather have a lot of ideas than none at all I think that's worse for a writer.
  7. I believe she was born in the season 2 premiere and I think she's supposed to be about 2 or 3 now and yes we are in season 4 now.
  8. I haven't written much for Dan & Louise just yet, but I hope to eventually as I do have an idea for a story I'd to explore for them. I'm really focused so much on Gemma/Nero at this time it's where my muse is and not only that it's also because I'm still trying to finish my multi chaptered story on them I've had going for a while now,
  9. Great idea for a thread! I have fanfiction I've written and I'm writing at the moment. I have a lot of fandoms I love, but I don't write for all of them, only some, but my main ones right now are Sons Of Anarchy (Gemma/Nero, my one & only OTP) and The Conners (Dan & Louise)
  10. Ah okay well I was close..at least with the first part of it.
  11. If I remember correctly Louise told Dan on the phone to pick what he wanted and they'd figure it out later on as she she couldn't pay for a new bedroom set because she had just paid for the big and fancy wedding she wanted.
  12. 'The Conners' EPs on Katey Sagal's Accident and What's in Store for Season 4 (Exclusive)
  13. 4x10: Spills, Pills and The Midnight Lasagna Press Release + Promotional Photos The Conners celebrate Mark when he makes dean’s list at his new magnet school; but when Darlene and the family learn what he’s been doing to keep up with his classmates, it’s anything but a party. Meanwhile Jackie continues to navigate her relationship with Neville. 4x10 Press Release + Promo Photos
  14. 4x09:Three Exes, Role Playing And A Waterbed Press Release + Promotional Photos. Thinking it’s Ben’s day off, Darlene brings Nick to the hardware store only to run smack into Ben, who invites Nick to join him at The Lunch Box to watch a Bears game. Meanwhile, Dan tries to spruce up the bedroom while Louise is out on the road and Jackie meets Logan’s mom. 4x09 Press release + Photos.
  15. Great news! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen with Dan & Louise next (not counting the new bedroom set) which I can't wait to see.
  16. 'The Conners' EPs give an update on Katey Sagal's health ♥️
  17. I can't wait for tonight's episode it's gonna be emotional and interesting at the same time I think.
  18. Spoilers for season 4: 'The Conners' EPs on What's Ahead for Dan and Louise's Marriage, Darlene's Love Life (Exclusive)
  19. Louise wants to be with Dan because she's wanted to have a relationship with him since high school (they were in the same class together along with Roseanne and Jackie they've all known each other for over 40 years) that's why it's been established since season 1. Louise's character being okay with everything including the kids and all it's just how she is, she's laid back and calm, she's her own person and character. As for why she wants to live there because it's where Dan is she's married to him now and loves him very much.
  20. I definitely agree with you on that. From what I've seen I think Louise has better taste, but we'll have to see what happens.
  21. Well actually now that I think about you do have a point about seasons 7 & 8 they were definitely sad and draining and ER definitely lost something there after Mark died.(and Anthony left)
  22. The later seasons for me are definitely NOT my favorites at all. I loved the earlier years myself [1 to 8]. but seasons 10-13 have some good episodes, of course season 14 being the worst for me and season 15 really rebounded, but my point is I definitely am the opposite and I agree it's definitely bizarre at how the later seasons get all this hype which I don't agree with that, but just my opinion. All of the characters had their flaws, but why bash certain characters for? makes no sense.
  23. Hopefully all of these questions will be answered in the next new episode on the 1st.
  24. Katey was hit by a car back in October(a few weeks ago) and she's still recovering from her injuries at the moment, she only retuned to work this past Friday. , but that's a good question about the refrigerator though.
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