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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought that the woman from Seat42 who was answering questions about the ep said that the scene between Laurel and Felicity wasn't about her feelings (or about Oliver, I can't remember)? Could be that she says something unrelated that gets Felicity thinking, IDK.
  2. I'm wondering about this Canary Cry because Cisco said he increased its range and upped the decibel level but gave her no instructions on how to not blow out her own eardrums and those of the people who she'd like to not deafen for life.
  3. Maseo hints at grief, but other than that, nothing about Sara.
  4. Crazy talk: I'm going to laugh so hard I cry if it turns out that Ra's has been playing Oliver and he doesn't want him to be his heir at all, he's just trying to get Oliver out of the way because he wants to do some down and dirty business in Starling City (why, I do not know) or has some nefarious higher purpose. I wonder if he'll tell Oliver the truth at the end of tonight's episode right before he kills him so he'll go LP crazy and turn villain and go and destroy what's left of his operation in SC (hence touching the Diggles in a personal way). Bonus points if Malcolm is in on it somehow.
  5. Yeah, I was going to say. I wonder if this ep ends with Ra's "killing" him.
  6. I think Cisco already knows that Sara was the Canary. Felicity asked Caitlin to help her with DNA from Canary's murder in the Flash episode of the crossover, but when Caitlin returns to Starling City (with Cisco) to get it, she refers to Sara by name.
  7. I think they're probably doing it too to make it fit with their "star-crossed lovers" idea. What's sadder than Felicity walking away from one guy who loves her to be with the guy she loves only to say goodbye to him? BECAUSE WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS
  8. I don't find it as gross as I normally would because Felicity seems well aware of how she feels about Oliver, so it's not so much pointing out feelings she doesn't know she has, but she's obviously deciding not to act on them, so shut up about it, my god (and I don't just mean Ray - he's allowed to guard his heart or whatever, so is fully within his rights to end a relationship that he's in with a woman who's in love with another man). I just want to hear from Felicity, that's all. I'm glad I know we'll be doing that tonight, and I hope there's something in there about why she's held onto it for so long, even though I can think of a thousand reasons why, I want to hear it from her. I'm fully aware I probably won't get that, ugh.
  9. Bleh, that breakup. I'm glad I know she's going to tell Oliver she loves him tonight otherwise the continued "lets point out to Felicity how Felicity feels" crap would be even more tiresome than it already is. TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR FEELS, GIRL
  10. She was, but the whole canary cry exchange was about a million times lamer than I could have ever imagined. But yeah, the lighter tone definitely did her some favors.
  11. But isn't the whole point of him going to Nanda Parbat and becoming the heir TO save Thea? That's why Ra's stabbed her in the first place.
  12. That quote in the Spoilers Only thread is Malcolm, yes?
  13. Ah, I see. I thought you meant that he asked for money in exchange for releasing exclusive content or something. I didn't really like the "vote with your dollars" tweet (I think I'm the one who posted it here, haha), but the others, IDK. I can't fault him for a fan campaign to buy his book. And he never did ask for donations in exchange for the mansion kiss, so...meh. Not judging anyone who is bothered by it though.
  14. Also, from the way they're talking about Thea in that clip, it seems like she does die.
  15. After everything Oliver's been through it would take months to break him. So if he's batshit in three weeks it's either because he's being drugged or because he's pretending. ETA: or because these writers are terrible
  16. ^yes, baby Sara is in 3x21 (MG said so on Tumblr).
  17. I'm sure there's a plan for Oliver. I'm just worried about whether the awful stuff is part of it or not.
  18. They ILY was spoiled in one of the promos.
  19. Well, that doesn't make me feel very good, haha.
  20. I wonder if they just couldn't hold it off one more ep to make it fit with the rest of their story? Maybe there's something else coming up for them during sweeps. Also, I'm really worried about what's going to happen with Oliver and Diggle in next week's ep. Ugh.
  21. Yeah, hopefully it's something like that.
  22. I'm curious about the "you won't believe how it ends," hookup spoiler. I mean...I hope they both get a happy ending. Seriously though, what's the deal with MG saying the ILY and sex was deliberately held back. Is it going to be the last good memory Oliver has and that's what will bring him back from his trip to the dark side, or is this some other kind of gotcha (I can't imagine how or why it would be, but I don't trust any of these people).
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