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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The shoes look like something Ducky would wear in Pretty in Pink. Also, I hope SA doesn't turn up in his Bill Belichick-ed sweatshirt like he did last HVFF. If I paid to have a pic with him and he turned up in that mess I would be so mad, LOL.
  2. Diggle and Curtis look like they're dancing to me - everyone else looks like they're laughing at them, haha.
  3. I wonder if there's going to be another ceremony? I can't figure out why Felicity would be carrying (and throwing) a bouquet if there wasn't one, but in the reddit spoilers the guy said that Oliver looked awestruck when Felicity walked in with her parents - and she has a ring on in those pictures with them. I was thinking maybe there was a ceremony beforehand that we just don't see, but then she and Oliver wouldn't be arriving separately like the spoiler indicates. I gotta stop trying to figure this out, LOL.
  4. I would understand being annoyed in the moment - if Barry and Iris were when Felicity first interrupted. But given the road they had to take to get to that puke-adjacent quickie ceremony in the park (the first post-funeral attempt when Iris charged the coffin, the Nazis interrupting, any other times they tried in Flash eps that I didn't watch), getting interrupted again would probably just become part of a cute story I told about everything I had to go through in order to get married.
  5. I think the issue could've been easily solved by having one of the heroes voice a desire to help, and have someone else present the logistical challenges. Instead no one ever mentions helping those people, and the first thing Oliver said when they realized they were in a concentration camp was that they had to get home to their loved ones ASAP.
  6. It can't really tie together - if it's a prequel, then the Freedom Fighters failed, since they hadn't beaten Oliver or Overgirl before they got killed on Earth-1. It can't happen after, since, well...Dark Arrow and Overgirl are dead. And Nazi Barry - who's in The Ray, wasn't anywhere to be seen in the crossover. And Eobard - who wasn't in The Ray - wasn't in the cartoon. I'd have thought once they decided that Oliver and Kara on E-X had to die at the end of the crossover that they'd be like, "Okay, these are separate stories."
  7. Even if they were meant to show they were annoyed or whatever, it clearly isn't something either one of them is going to hold a grudge over.
  8. If you want to think Felicity was rude, fine. But you have articles like that io9 piece posted above criticizing her for telling Iris she was glowing, or for answering a question that Iris asked for the answer to that are just so OTT it's difficult to not call them out as ridiculous. It was promoted so much and still only managed to basically get what amounts to The Flash audience to tune in.
  9. Nah, I've looked closely enough. I see 10x more bitching about Oliver and Felicity than I do anything nice about what Barry and Iris did get - which is pretty much everything apart from a fully uninterrupted ceremony. I never insinuated that WA fans aren't happy - just that there seems to be SO MUCH COMPLAINING. Also, can you not assume that Iris and Barry were comforted at some point off screen? A whole lot of time passed between when the Nazis broke up their wedding and we next saw them. A change of clothes, enough time that Iris had apparently asked Felicity about tracking the Nazis several times and was bored enough to be spinning around in her chair. They just didn't show it because plot. And ya'll got a bachelor and bachelorette parties, and most of the first hour of the crossover. That so much time has been dedicated to that wedding already might be why they're not doing more on the show (assuming they aren't and that it just hasn't been spoiled yet)
  10. I just find the focus on Olicity as if they're self-absorbed selfish monsters while everyone else was out selflessly fighting Nazis so strange? Alex had recurring personal drama over her breakup throughout the crossover. Jax and Stein were angsty about being separated throughout the crossover. Even The Ray took some time out — a guy who's part of the resistance — WHO LIVES ON A NAZI EARTH to have some nice moments with his boyfriend? Even Barry and Iris took a minute to lament about their missed honeymoon AFTER BARRY CAME BACK FROM A CONCENTRATION CAMP. Those moments are what made the crossover great - because it WASN'T all Nazi drama all the time.
  11. And this 30 seconds of Felicity and Oliver is discussed about 10x more than all the good stuff that happened between Barry and Iris in the previous 3 hours and 59 minutes. It's so weird.
  12. Not after the way it ultimately worked out, but I did think it was weird that the first thing Oliver said when they realized they were in a concentration camp was something along the lines of, "We've got to get out of here and get back to the people we love." I don't recall anyone in that group saying that they should help any of those people (although there wouldn't have been much they could do, it would've been nice for someone to voice it).
  13. I think it had a dual meaning in that situation. I think it was a legitimate answer to her question - she was powerless in the situation, and Oliver could've kept his cover and gotten out of there, but he chose to do the right thing and help her out when she was used to people in that uniform treating her like dirt. And he heard the story about her feeding the children and breaking the rules to help others - and saw his own Felicity in her - and gave her the means to protect the people that she was helping as well.
  14. I know they don't want to over order or have a lot of stock laying around, but it would've been nice if they had a couple hundred bottles of each on hand to sell individually so that people don't have to shell out $200 (or $140 for a box plus the cancellation penalty) to get a $20 bottle of wine (or at least have a *chance* to get a bottle without having to subscribe or buy an additional box). So far they're just saying they'll sell them individually if they have leftovers, which isn't guaranteed. I know it's a business and they don't owe it to anyone to have sympathy to people without a lot of disposable income, but at the very least just make a single bottle available to the people who were already committed to your club. The way they're selling this feels exploitative.
  15. All the arguments I see about this are examples of Felicity not going along with and supporting Oliver in everything he wants/when he wants it, regardless of the circumstances. And it mostly seems to hinge around the "I don't want to be a woman you love" thing, and her breaking up with Oliver right after he filmed a video saying goodbye to his kid that was none of her business anyway.
  16. Even if reddit wasn't mentioned in the comments, you could still pick out which people on there frequent that board LOL.
  17. They had her answer that question so that the Supergirl and Legends viewers - who wouldn't have seen her over on Flash or know about the situation from Arrow - would understand the marriage issue between her and Oliver that was a plot line through the crossover.
  18. This one is different. She criticizes: 1. Oliver and Felicity waiting until the last minute to RSVP (excuses Legends and Supergirl for doing it) 2. Felicity saying that Iris is "glowing" since that's a term for pregnant women 3. Felicity answering the question about her and Oliver's relationship instead of redirecting the convo like Kara did because this brought down everyone's mood 4. Oliver telling Barry to wing his wedding vows 5. Oliver proposing to Felicity at the rehearsal dinner 6. Felicity interrupting the ceremony, which is apparently worse because Barry and Felicity "briefly dated" so she's interrupting her ex's wedding.
  19. Great for new members, sucks to be an existing one (assuming you have a preference between getting Emily’s or Colton’s).
  20. I looked at their twitter and it seems like wine club members get one or the other. If you want both (or want to make sure definitely get either Emily’s or Colton’s) you have to buy two boxes. It also seems like you can’t wait to see which one you were assigned before you place an additional order, but I could be wrong (I hope so - that’s shitty, since one of those replies indicated they could check and see which one is being shipped to you so you definitely get the other when you order a second).
  21. That was my biggest issue with the whole thing - when Oliver and co were in the camp, all he said was that they had to get out of there and get back to the people they love. No one seemed to consider saving the people there? I know it's a daunting task, but...IDK. Maybe someone said something about helping once they found out there was an active resistance? If so, I don't remember.
  22. Oh definitely! But Thawne taunted Barry about not killing him - he could've still tried to capture him, even if he failed. Just standing aside as he let a Nazi killer go free didn't really contrast the way they were probably hoping. Which happens a lot on these shows, I guess.
  23. I totally agree that the follow-up was disappointing for WestAllen fans, but they did get a pretty significant chunk of the whole first hour, which was honestly more than I thought they'd get. The writers had Barry and Iris's progeny tell Barry to make sure he says "I do," then had him specifically NOT do that. So, I'm guessing you're going to get more wedding stuff on Flash (with a ceremony just for them, done right this time since hopefully Barry will follow instructions!), and that's how they'll make up for it on that front. Even if he had to be free for plot purposes, Barry could've at least tried and then gotten overpowered. Him just letting Thawne go is such a weird choice.
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