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Everything posted by LilyoftheValley

  1. I think Dr. Now says there is no such thing as a healthy snack because snacking is slippery slope. No adult should be snacking anyway. It ultimately turns three meals a day into five or six, and it means less control over the nutrition you are taking in. Having two or three snacks a day has become so ingrained in our culture that no one stops to think if they are actually necessary. An adult eating three good meals a day does not need to snack, period.
  2. I do not know which part of that sentence to correct first so I won't even try. I do wonder, however, if that particular castle was a place where King James met with one of his many male lovers. That's right Duggars, a bisexual man wrote that there bible of yours.
  3. What is sad is that I really wish there were more schools like this in the U.S. Not religious colleges, but affordable schools that offer 2 year vocational programs. Crown College would be a great school for the Appalachian region if it dropped the super religious stuff and stuck to affordable programs that prepare a student for a skilled trade. But as someone above so eloquently posted, there is nothing that will cure the Duggars of their inability to stick with something all the way through until the end. I agree that all the children ever saw growing up was an inability to commit to things. I know there is a lot of discussion about how a college degree is not necessary for most things, but there it something about a college degree that is so important to any potential employer: it proves that the person who earned can devote themselves to something for years. This is why no Duggar will ever earn a college degree. You have to drag your ass out of bed every day and make a commitment to doing something that you could quit any time. It's not the same thing as shadowing a midwife a couple of times. It is a real, years-long devotion.
  4. All complaints will list the dates as "on or about January 1, 2016". They always give a little wiggle room because if you are off by a day, then technically everything you said is untrue, even if it is all true but happened on January 2 (if that makes sense). So there is no way that Josh actually knows the EXACT dates she is referring to. He only knows the approximate dates from the complaint. Essentially Josh would have to have an alibi for several days around the date of the purported event in order to claim that he was not in Philly on those dates.
  5. Worse still is that you can see a few of the faculty teaches subjects they either have no higher education in or just a minor http://thecrowncollege.com/about-crown/faculty-staff/ And many of the teaching staff are very recent graduates of CC itself. There are only few standouts with a master's or phd from a real university and in a real subject (i.e. not religion).
  6. That Crown College actually looked like it had two good vocational programs - mechanic and HVAC. The cosmetology program looked fine too, but that don't pay for shit. Of course its all guys in the former and women in the latter. Women would be smart to get that HVAC training, but of course girls cannot possibly do that. Shit, I do not remember the exact cost, but I got a quote from an HVAC guy to install a split unit AC at my house and I had to stop myself from asking if he was looking for a girlfriend. Those guys make bank.
  7. I do not want to sound like too much of a snob, but fundie homeschooling nonsense aside, no one in the Duggar family appears to be college material to me. The all seem to have IQs floating around 100, which is perfectly average but college is meant for people who are above average. Now that does not mean that they cannot gain a valuable skill that would pay the bills, but no one in that family strikes me as being anything more than totally average when it comes to intellect.
  8. I highly doubt if Joe was prepared to go to college. You simply cannot go straight into college level work with the equivalent of a 6th grade education. I'm sure CC is really easy, but if you have never studied a day in your life, or been required to break down complex information then you will have a really hard time in college.
  9. Reading that they're 26 just completely blew my mind. I am no wunderkind or anything but by 26 I had already had lots of experiences (that weren't trips with my family). The summer I turned 26 I took a camping trip to Sardinia and then I went to Berlin to take an EU law course at a German university. I had an affair with the hottest German guy there too. I could not imagine being that age and living at home and taking care of little brothers and sisters. I suddenly feel a strong pang of sadness for Jana. This people aren't really living life and their lives have no meaning. It's a tragedy.
  10. She still has to consent every single time she gets paid to be treated like dirt.
  11. ITA. Josh exploited five females already. I am fine with one exploiting him for a change.
  12. I think Anna has it in her to live in denial until the day she dies. One day, when Josh is leaving middle age and slipping into being elderly, he will no longer have an urge to cheat. That is when Anna will know she was righteous for sticking with him.
  13. Yup. At least when it come to Josh, Jim Bob, and Gil Bates, I see this movement as a way for men who would otherwise be working class men with just a high school diploma having a way to feel empowerment and like they are in charge. Notice how no educated white collar types with good salaries and relatively high-powered jobs are attracted to this lifestyle? No, it is the men who are about one step above white trash who go for it. It makes them feel smart and in control when in reality they are of only average intelligence and are only qualified to do work that pays less than 50k a year.
  14. Woah, woah, woah, woooooaaaaah. Hold on a minute here. Am I getting this right? Is this entire "religious movement" really just all about access to women's vaginas?
  15. All that photo does is make the case FOR abortion. Look at all those disgusting, sexist, child-abusing, self-righteous, uneducated, jobless leeches. More abortions for fundies!
  16. How many times have we seen a truly thin and fit immediate family member on this show? I think it has been maybe one time. All the immediate family members are obese. I know people will say they are "overweight" but if they are more than 30 pounds overweight they are obese. These are super morbidly obese people who come from families of obese people. I think that most of the parents on these shows at least spent their own childhoods being active and eating three meals a day and generally not eating unhealthy snacks or fast food. So the parents do not have the horrid head start they gave their children. Thus, they are 50 to 100 pounds overweight instead of 400. I know that these people are seen as enablers and sabotagers but I see things just a little differently. I think ultimately they do not want to face the pain of indicting themselves. They don't want to admit that their own diet, lifestyle and weight is a big problem. They are all eating donuts and fast food - the other family members are just eating less of it.
  17. You don't provide proof; you just provide enough evidence that makes what you claim more probable than not by a preponderance of the evidence. If there is proof Josh went to the strip club, proof he withdrew a large chunk of money, proof he texted Danica, etc etc, than that makes the claim that they had paid-for sex more likely than not. Personally I think that when Josh got that fancy job in DC and had extra money that he definitely spent some of it on strippers and whores. After all, he deserved it.
  18. What is shocking to me is that no one in that whole stupid family is capable of seeing that the marriage is completely irreparable if they continue on the quiverful path. Josh wants sex that does not result in baby making. Anna submits to sex with Josh only for baby making. Those two very divergent ideas of sex and intimacy can simply never be reconciled. Sure, Josh will do his little redemption tour, and maybe he will be good for a while, but that (perfectly normal) urge to have sex without feeling sick to your stomach thinking about the stress of another child every time will never go away. (okay maybe once Anna goes through menopause). I am an atheist and not religious so maybe I just don't get it, but surely even the most brainwashed quiver-dolt cannot rationalize endless "blessings" at the expense of a loving marriage.
  19. This is one reason I will never be "saved". I don't want to spend eternity with the Duggars. If Anna were smart (which she isn't), she would realize that the only way to save her marriage would be to get an IUD and let Josh have sexual intimacy with her without the stress and anxiety of knowing that every sexual encounter might result in another baby that Josh definitely does not want.
  20. I thought something similar. I commonly see people maybe not quite as big as Brittani but pretty close at the grocery store using one of those power chair things. I hardly notice anymore. I do not want to discount these people's experiences, but it seems to me that they take any non-positive interaction with other people as that person "being mean" to them because of their weight. I am not bragging here, but though I have gotten a bit puffy with age I was a very thin model in my teens and early twenties. Sometimes people were assholes. Sometimes people gave me a dirty look then (for whatever reason). Sometimes waitstaff treated me poorly. And I am chubby now and that still happens. That's just life. I am not saying they do not get it more than other people, but I highly doubt is every single interaction with other people that isn't just butterflies and rainbows and moonbeams comes entirely down to that other person judging them because of their weight.
  21. I like Brittani too. She came across as very intelligent and she was spot-on in all of her commentary about her situation. I agree though that her husband is very close to having the same problems she did. He is definitely more mobile but is clearly a candidate for the surgery too. I bet he felt like the "thin" one in the relationship for a long time, but the smaller Brittani gets, the more he is going to realize that he is in really bad shape. He looked about 8 years older than Brittani or so and is a also going a bald a bit. He is at a very high risk of dropping dead any moment from a massive heart attack. Brittani had one of the healthiest attitudes to all this than anyone I have seen on the show. She was determined but at the same time she was realistic about everything. She was scared but was willing to go commit to everything despite her fears. I was impressed when she went to the personal training session and did not have a meltdown about being the fattest person at the gym; she just went in there and got it done. I thought her goals ancillary to weight loss were realistic too. She just wanted to be a good partner to her husband, and she was really happy once she had reached that goal.
  22. You might have a covenant with your neighbors if a large swath of land was divided. I assume that Tennessee (I think that is where the Bates live) is similar to Texas where I live in that zoning laws only apply within a municipality. Out in the country there are not any zoning laws. That does not mean you do not live in sort of a "loose subdivision" with rules on what you can build, but my guess is that the Bates family does not live in one of those. I highly doubt if any of these mega families get insurance for their shacks.
  23. Not out in the country with no zoning rules. I live in the country and I can build any damn thing I want without any government approval whatsoever.
  24. I don't get why some lawyers have a stupid vanity plate like that. I'm a lawyer and I would be ashamed to "brag" about my horrible decision of becoming a lawyer to the public like that.
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