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Everything posted by iwasish

  1. I've listened to some rap, it's not my cup of tea. But I've heard a few songs that are catchy and interesting. His music is dark and bleak and down right nasty. And listening to someone who drives around in a Lamborghini, is obsessed with expensive fashion and the good life, sing about being "kept down" because he's black and because he's banging a white girl, makes me want to toss my morning bagel out the window.
  2. I think her public persona has taken a major hit since she hooked up with Kanye (and NOT because he is black). She's started to take herself way too seriously. her looks are ruined.. her face is incapable of even registering any emotion, she can't fully close her mouth, most of her wardrobe is either ass ugly or totally inappropriate and she has ZERO sense of humor. All of those are the perks of hooking up with Kanye West, along with being "humiliated" in Vienna. And getting fucked on a sink.
  3. Perks? The only perk to me is NOT having to live with him full time.
  4. I'm sure there's an audience out there for idiotically named songs by egotistical creative geniuses. Watching that clip of him lumbering around stage in a overcoat and what appeared to be Kim's rhinestone enhanced make up protector (that thing women wear over their face to protect their makeup when putting on a dress) and combat boots, mumbling nonsensically... brought to mind poor Shia Le Beouf. But then at least Shia has gotten himself some help.
  5. I guess if she's happy being a beard for him, it could work.
  6. I listen to the radio everyday to and from work. I never heard that song on any of the stations I listen to. But I'll take your word it was a success. Even more of a reason the comedian's riff on the title should have been laughed off. If Kim ever had any quality I thought mildly endearing it was that she could laugh at herself. That's long gone. She's a humorless stick in the mud, who has a vastly over inflated ego that is eclipsing her vastly inflated ass. She received a nice fat check to appear and to be gracious and polite. I'm sure it more than covered any momentary discomfort or inconvenience she and her mother (why she was so outraged I don't know) suffered. Next time, I suggest she stay home and feed her daughter and put her down for a nap, and not whore herself out to an old man needing his ego stroked. A mother doesn't do such things. MILF or not.
  7. Not that Khloe's taste runs any different, but I find what she said and the way she said it, to be offensive. But then Kanye's already told the world he knew Kim was the one for him when she blew him and fucked her on a sink. I haven't heard Kris voice any objection to that. But then none of her kids are known for an abundance of intelligence, so Khloe's remarks shouldn't really surprise us. At least she's honest about it.
  8. One of them had a particularly prominent ass. I suspect implants.
  9. Word is that they are now dumping the house they were remodeling. I think even Kim with her perfectionism is fed up with waiting for Kanye to make decisions or to stop making revisions in the construction. Supposedly the house is nowhere near finished. Kim also wants to continue the show. I don't think Kanye will have film crews in his house, so her only option, and the most logical is to live with Kris. The two of them are the driving force so far this season. Kourtney being preggers will limit her. And Khloe is caught up in a new relationship. Kris loves the attention as much as Kim.
  10. In recounting the airplane story, Kris says it was a 12 hour flight and they couldn't even close their eyes. Kim then says "I was asleep and Mom had the baby" Kris is screeching about being robbed and Kim is lying on the couch texting. Juxtapose that scene with the lost "75K" earrings and Kim's wailing. BWAHHH!! Her dress really did her no favors. She puts herself out there like some kind of fashion and design maven, but listen to her describing her dress to Khloe. "it's kind of like horsehair.. like its sort of stiff but not really hard..."
  11. Apparently she locks the dog in the laundry room at 7pm. She should be letting it out again at 4am or so. That's nine hours That's a long time, and it depends on when the last time the dog ate. Mine eat at about six pm and last call for the bathroom is about 11pm, then out at 6:30-7:30.am.
  12. Whatever looks Janice had are LOOONG gone. And what's left is her ugly personality. I'd have refused to do any surgery on her, just to avoid listening to her slurring nasty comments. And what was that guy she was with? Ugh. But I guess that's all a leathery, emaciated, lumpy breasted nasty woman can attract.
  13. From the few things Kim has said I suspect, North's schedule is very rigid. I didn't like her interaction with Mason and Penelope while they were eating either. I'm betting she's going to be a distant but controlling mother. I think Kourtney has her eccentricities, but I do think her priorities as a mother are on point. Scott is turning out to be a good dad too.I think the rats were from central casting. Not that a vacant house in the Hollywood Hills isn't a magnet for vermin, I just think those particular rats probably had their SAG cards. Scott and Kourtney's cat is beautiful. I hope they keep it inside, away from the coyotes.
  14. Neither of them had the slightest interest in Vienna or the Vienna Opera or Ball or whatever it was. They were there because some old fart was willing to shell out mega bucks for Kim to be there. She was bought and paid for. And her momma mad that deal. Kim's whole demeanor from the beginning was boredom and disinterest. I don't believe for one second the story about being back at the hotel by a certain time to feed "my daughter " and " put my daughter to sleep" . She was using North as an excuse. Kris was surprised they were expected to make certain appearances? WTF? Isn't she the manager? Doesn't she get an itinerary? Isn't every obligation spelled out? I'm sure there was a detailed contract. I noticed they were VERY careful NOT to mention Richard Lugers name. The only mention of him was the on screen description. I believe she was supposed to dance with the old guy and refused. I resent them using a child to try and garner sympathy. Strange that a baby that wasn't supposed to be a part of the show is being used as a pawn in this family's effort to gain some kind of credibility and respectability. Credibility and respectability are two trains that have long since left the Kardashian station.
  15. Khloes remark wasn't about rich black American men.. It was about "black cock" Kim and Kris certainly didn't look offended nor did they speak up at the time they were supposedly offended.,If they want to make a stand on racism, it might be taken more seriously, if Kim whose precious daughter was verbally attacked and shouted at (yawn) could have put her cookie down long enough to tell the story. I'd have hoped she'd even whip up a tear or two, even if she had to resort to a tear stick as she did when faking upset over the decision to end her marriage. As I said they were more outraged over the theft of Chanel shoes and a matching purse than anything else. I dare Kim to put her money where her mouth is and donate her fee, because this was a PAID appearance NOT an "invitation", to some anti racism foundation. Guarantee it will never happen.
  16. If Kris H came across badly, I think it was more because he was baffled by the change in Kim. He wasn't exactly a rocket scientist and had a kind of blah personality, but I do think Kim manipulated him into a wedding. I think her ass mesmerized him. Once the wedding was over and done, Kim had buyers remorse and wanted out, she turned off her charming ways and gave him the heave ho. IMO, if he held things up a bit or made her squirm a little that's a small price to pay for humiliating someone in public and for allowing your new BF to make snide comments in a song about him. Yes she cannot control Kanye's "creative genius" but if Kanye really loved his "girl" so much, and she told him that she didn't want to antagonize Kris H and to please change those lyrics because it would just make a bad situation worse, he would have done it, maybe. If she truly felt guilty for a year as she told Khloe, she would have waited out the delays and let it go thru the courts at the pace Kris set. The end result would have been the same. She didn't need a divorce so she could marry BEFORE the baby was born, she had no intention of getting married while she was fat.
  17. I'm not even sure why Kandi wants to get married. IMO they should stay as they are, with Todd having his own career. A career that Kandi does not dictate which jobs he takes or doesn't take.
  18. He'd rather frolic in the pool with all his pals than be getting all sweaty in the gym.
  19. Racism? A Kardashian wouldn't know racism if it bit them in their fat asses. How about Khloe's comment during the BS plane story? About how Kim should say that she only likes "black cock" I find that to be an offensive statement. I didn't see or hear any racism in this episode except for Khloe's comment. I don't even think the comedian' s twist on the song title was offensive. Nor was the blackface. And if they were truly offended, they should have spoke up right then, instead of standing around smiling. And they should have torn up the big fat check they received for attending. That is speaking up about racism or offensive jokes. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, Kris cashed that check. Didn't even send 10% to the United Negro College Fund.
  20. I want to know who that was reading it. Cause you know Kim can't read that well. Kris's stuff being stolen? Yeah it's tough, but what did she expect the guy from Vienna to do? Was it the hotel staff? Or the airline? Some crappy sunglasses, she has tons. The fur throw that Kanye gave her? He can buy another. The bags and shoes? She has more than she can wear. Get over it. No one thought it interesting that Wolfgang showed up with his shirt totally unbuttoned and open? I agree it's a personal violation. But they travel all over, I doubt that it's the first time the luggage has been tampered with. And if you want to travel with outrageously expensive luggage? You are setting yourself as a target. if she wanted to be an example for her kids she should have been gracious about it to Wolfgang instead of acting as if it was a personal failure on his part and that her whole trip was shitty because she was missing her Porsche sunglasses ( did they even go out in daylight). If I were him I'd have mentioned a little thing like the appearance fee that they received, and what their obligations were. Putting North down for her nap? Was that supposed to be funny? Did she worry about North's nap time when she went on her second or maybe third honeymoon?
  21. Notice too, the strategically placed mud enhancing the size of those asses?
  22. They've turned down other patients. I would have turned down Janice. But they needed a recognizable name patient for the show. I suspect crazy Janice played it up for the cameras by pulling out her drains and acting the fool. But I do believe she wanted big time drugs. The fact that the dr voiced his concern about her being found dead is an admission of that. If she had died he'd could have been in big trouble for giving her IV pain killers.
  23. But notice they aren't like that now? It's all BS.
  24. I cannot stand Janice. She wonders if she broke her sobriety? Was she ever sober? She is a nasty piece of drunken work.
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