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Everything posted by iwasish

  1. Robert not too keen on the getting married either.
  2. She’s definitely crossed the borderline, she’s entered crazy territory.
  3. And anal. And I’m sure if even if she wasn’t invited to the wedding, she came.
  4. Mike change your phone number and forget crazy.
  5. I thought the same but I don’t think he really saw her mom, I think the scene was cut in a way that sounds and activities in 2 different hospitals were overlapped and Eric walking to get a soda for Chloe happened in one place and her mom getting news about Chad happened somewhere else at a different time. My reasoning for that is that if he saw her mom getting the news as he was walking with Chloe’s soda, there’s no way he delivers her soda and almost immediately gets a message about a heart. There was also a shot of a gurney with a body covered and a hand with an engagement ring on it. I think that was to show the aftermath of the motorcycle accident. So actually 3 different hospitals, three different timeframes. Probably have to rewatch and also go back to the story Maggie’s mom told her to verify the timeline between Chads accident and being declared dead.
  6. If TV shows have taught us anything.... when couples plan to adopt and may even have received their adopted child... SURPRISE!!! they find out they’re PREGNANT!!! Chad may not have died in the same hospital Eric and Chloe were in when Eric got the text about a heart being available.. there is a transport team that will take the organs being donated and deliver them. I remember scenes in other shows where they pack the organs in a cooler and take them via airplane, helicopter or ambulance to the location where the transplant will take place. They really haven’t given a clear outline of what exactly happened.
  7. She regrets not putting a pee hole in her shape wear. How about a poop hole?
  8. She’s needs it personalized to keep her attention.
  9. I think Eric said the mother’s letter was sent to his address by the transplant organization. Maggies mom didn’t know who got the heart, male or female. My thought is that Eric reached out to her, maybe intending to tell her the truth, but couldn’t and it became a huge clusterfuck. I just rewatched the episode. Eric got Maggie’s moms letter forwarded by the transplant org. They didn’t know Chloe was dead. He was overwhelmed by her moms words, and her information that her daughter was ill. He thought he would send one letter that would give her solace, but he just got in deeper.
  10. How long did he last with the other two wives? He has more opportunity here in the USA, so he may stick with Emily a bit longer. And I’m sure she’s keeping him in kale and avocado.
  11. Only in Darcy’s mind. She continues to believe in love. Especially after a few drinks.
  12. I’d bet she’d say it if he brought her out to that desert tent Ziad dragged Rebecca to. Or that tiny apartment Sumit had for Jenny.
  13. Tit for tat... and both of them generally going at it while having their massive mounds of mammary tissue on display.
  14. I don’t know that Sophie’s relationship with Delilah can ever be the same. Even though Delilah told her and Danny the truth about Charlie, she hasn’t come clean ( that we know of) about planning to leave Jon and the kids to run off with Eddie. That shoe will hang over whatever relationship they manage to build and at some point, should it drop, they’ll have to start all over rebuIlding, if it’s even possible. Then there’s Charlie... how does she grow up not feeling that in some way the circumstances of her conception and existence aren’t a source of pain to her half brothers and sisters? Did Delilah tell Sophie and Danny that she “loved” Eddie, or that the relationship was a mistake? How does she define her relationship with Eddie to Charlie? How can she be honest with all of them and not break some of their hearts. And Eddie? Will his motivation for telling the “truth “ find him coloring it to keep himself looking sympathetic to Charlie and Theo.
  15. Looked like Gary and Delilah might be heading into a relationship... he seems to really idealize her as a mother ( why I have no idea). Garys mother left when he was 8/9? He’s well into his thirties if not 40 plus. His mom said she had him at 18(?) so she has to be mid 50’s minimum. Is she having any success as an actress? One movie from the 90s does not a career make.. is she still chasing a dream or is this dinner she went to her “big break”?
  16. I don’t think he intended to maintain a relationship with Maggie’s mother. I think she was the driving force there. I am surprised that when the fiancée died there wasn’t anything in the papers about it. It’s the kind of story that usually makes the local news. “Accident kills recipient of heart transplant” I’m guessing Eric and his fiancée were from the same general area as Maggie’s family ( based on her being in same hospital Chad was brought to). I wonder if we will see Maggie’s moms reaction to the real story.
  17. I got the impression that Reginas mother was kind of naive in her thinking that her bi-racial child wouldn’t experience any repercussions or feeling out of place in an upper middle class neighborhood. She seems like the type that wouldn’t have know how to deal with it even if she was aware, so she just closed her mind to it and acted shocked and hurt that Regina blames her for those experiences. I also think Regina needs to get a thicker skin and not be so defensive about every thing her mother says.
  18. I wonder if Rome is going to lose interest in adopting now that he might be getting some success in the movie business.
  19. Yes, it seemed that the night Chad died, Eric was visiting his girlfriend in the hospital. There was a commotion in the ER and someone was wheeled down the hall on a gurney. Later Eric was talking to his girlfriend and his phone buzzed, it was from the transplant team, girlfriend gets a heart!! Years later Eric is out on a day motorcycle trip with the gf, (now fiance) they crash, she dies. Her family sues him. He gets letter from Maggie’s mom, feels her grief and because of his own grief and guilt, he couldn’t tell her that her son’s heart no longer beats. I don’t get how Maggie holds such a grudge against her mom for being drawn to Eric, when she is doing the exact thing and and even worse is attracted to him. Both of them were duped. Maybe she’ll forgive her now that the truth is out.
  20. There’s something about Chrissy Teigen that irritates the hell out of me. And she always looks like she has poor hygiene. John seems nice, but his taste in women makes me think he’s not too bright.
  21. If Angela is supporting her grand kids, my guess is she has some legal type custody. She gets to claim them on her income tax. Probably gets some kind of assistance and food stamps. She gets To claim at least 5/6 dependents and other child related credits. I’m betting she gets a nice big fat tax refund.
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