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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. I did not watch yesterday and having read this board I am just going to delete it. Ron so badly needs a co-head writer, one who understands relationships. If Ron thinks being kidnapped again and again is the way to save the romance of Scrubs, I am worried for his life partner. Oh well at least I can hold out the hope that it will be Lucky who saves Robin. Maybe they can get JJ back for a short stint. He saves Robin, they fall in love and leave town until GH's final days: In the meanwhile they share custody of Emma, Cam and Aidan with Liz and Patrick, and we are left to believe that when the kids are not with them they are following in their parents foot steps and working together to keep the world safe (as agents of SHIELD :) )
  2. And Robin. I don't see why TIIC don't get this GH ratings always go up when Ron plays General Hospital Espionage. It is such a no brainier to leave the mob behind and center the show on the HOSPITAL (Cause it's in the damn title silly) and the cops/spys: Anna, Robert (on screen would be better) Mac, Flea, Dante, Lulu, Nathan and Maxie: The Scorpios. (and one stray Spencer/Corinthois) were a whole lot more interesting over the past weeks than Silas, Nina, Franco, Carly and Sonny have been. Heck it is so easy to turn all this around. Revisit the idea that Julian was a WSB agent, one that even DEA Jordon did not know about: Have Fluke turn out to be Valentine Cassadine, have the spy team free Luke. Even if they must bring back Jason, make him half Q and have him get his PI Permit than he and Sam can become involved in adventures as he tries to balance the scales for all the bad he did (Kinda like My Name is Earl but with more blinking) Ron is so intent on putting his favorites out front and center that he has lost his way
  3. So since Jason went to Sonny are the hopes of a Jason Q return dead, or is that what the car accident is for? And is Helena taking Robin to revive Mikkos?
  4. I wonder if it has something to do with the name? Comic Book fans will remember fondly the days of Batman and Robin:The Boy Hostage. Then again to my knowledge, my sister Robin has never been kidnapped....unless she didn't reenlist for those twenty years in the army......I better go call her
  5. I beg to disagree the monkey toy was one of the highlights of the whole Franco debacle, Monkey displayed nearly as much acting chops as Cake
  6. I could deal with James Franco back as Franco if he were on screen to kill Franco for posing as Franco, after exposing that the Franco posing as Franco was NOT Scott son's nor was the James Franco Franco Jason's twin Franco, but that James Franco Franco was playing a mind game with Jason all along that that the person posing as Franco was part of the scheme until he began to believe that he was Franco not the real Franco and so he is killed by the real Franco, Jason than kills again the real Franco and Jason and Carly sit down and have a meal of Franco-American Spaghetti & Meatballs. (and yes I had a blast typing that statement )
  7. That Sonny committed numerous crimes for which he deserves to go to prison, or even die, is without saying, any of us could list hundreds of them. That Sonny in Jail would result in far too many jail houses scenes goes without saying, and truthfully that would be worse. And to think that Sonny is going to dissappear from the show is wishful thinking, The actor is well liked by TPTB and the character does have a following, even if it is not on this board. That being said it goes back to a writer who can redeem Sonny, make him pay for his crimes and do so in such a way that he is not removed from the screen but changed fundamentally as a character. Can it be done? I think it can. Will it be done? Not under Ron. If the AJ reveal ends with prison time for Sonny what we will have is the Victor Throne Room If Sony loses his mind and ends up in Miscavage what we will get is Sonny saving Danny from yet another Heather plot. Neither of these is a redemption arch. The fact is Ron does not have enough talent to write an effective redemption arch for Sonny. Perhaps TIIC could be persuaded to bring in a skilled writer and have them write the Sonny Arch and allow Ron to go on and play with his Soapdish format for the rest of the show. Short of that we are stuck with Sonny as he is until MB packs it up and rides off into the sunset. As I said, before if Ron thinks I am wrong that he does have the talent then prove it. We know he trolls here, he doesn't even have to write it for the show, just put it on here and disappear again. But that will never happen because deep down inside he knows the truth
  8. Isn't this how Stravos began his obsession with Laura? (with some help from David Gray.) Maybe Sonny could become Stravos next obsession. That would be fun to watch.
  9. See I think in the hands of a skilled writer it could be done, you just have to understand the limitations of the actor you are working with. In a redemption arch as I described the heavy lifting in the story is actually carried by Jason (BM) as his inner-self is conflicted (Not a DID story just a man torn between two sides of himself) While MB is surely no Oscar winner he clearly has some talent or he would not be working at all, there are far too many unemployed actors to not credit ANYONE with a job as having at least some small talent. A good writer can bring out the best in bad actors (High School kids with little talent can still pull off Shakespeare with the right director) . I am not sure that Ron actually hates the Q's the way Guza did. I think that Crypt-sex was done because Ron loves things for the sake of Shock Value. It had little to do with it being a Q and a lot to do with "Oh see I will get people all riled up about this". Ron loves: Camp, Plot Points, Shock and above all HIMSELF and his own sense that he is the world's greatest writer. A Sonny redemption arch fails because of Ron's lack of talent, not MB's . And if Ron thinks I am wrong that I dare him to try.
  10. I think the Sonny-Be-All-End-All began with Guza loving the character the way he is, unredeemed. Guza was, in his mind at least writing High Mafia-Godfather type material and so the show was more about the darkening of Sonny, al la Michael Corleone then the redemption of Sonny. The Problem is over the years Sonny became more Fredo than Michael. A Jason Q-M is really the only way to go, and in fact could in the long run bring about a really good dark story of Sonny's redemption. Think a Jason Q who hates Sonny for Killing AJ combined with a Jason M who then wants to kill Sonny, in conflict with a Jason Q who does not want to become a murderer again and a Jason M who will not rat to the police. Jason Q than works with Michael and Jax (even if off screen) to destroy Sonny the only real way possible (what Julian was at first trying to do) dismantling his legitimate income . At some point Sonny is so broken that he is confronted by the five families to run drugs into Port Charles or lose his territory (Fluke having been defeated of course by this point). Sonny finally displays the beginnings of redemption, at first he runs the drugs to keep power but than a slightly SOARs (to like age 11) Joss (or Spencer or Emma) becomes addicted . Seeing a child he actually cares about (and MB really does have a glow when he gets to interact with kids) destroyed by his actions moves Sonny to the breaking point. He cannot keep his power, he cannot allow the five families to run drugs and so he goes to Jason for help. Together, with Dante, Nathan and directed by Anna they break (for now, another family will eventually rise up) the mobs power in Port Charles. Perhaps in doing so Sonny does something heroic, but his money is gone, his power is broken. In a final act of repeating "coals upon the head of his enemy" Jason installs Sonny as the manager of a small pizza shop (Has any soap ever had a pizza shop?). Max and Milo work for him there and Sonny finds happiness is cooking and being with his grandchild(ren). Sonny redeemed, somewhat punished (and yes I know many of us want him dead or in prison but I just do not see that ever happening within the reality of the show) marginalized and his inner character actually changed I never understand why this stuff comes so easy for us on the boards and so friggin hard for Ron
  11. When Ron was writing OLTL and early in his GH run he was still writing a soap opera. Now he is writing a spoof of a soap opera and that is the difference. It is almost as if every time he "gets away" with over the top camp (like the FonDuke mask, instead of some hi-tech three-D Hologram thingee...as camps as that would have been) or things happening off screen the worse he gets. He really really needs a co-head writer, some one serious to balance his camp.
  12. No one is beyond redemption. But there does need to be confession and self examination, and a journey to redemption. Luke has taken that journey a number of times and while he often back tracks he still forges ahead. Same for Todd BTW. Further given the character of Luke he is talking out of the side of his mouth when he says he has no morals or values and he often acts unselfishly (most recently helping Anna and Robert rescue Robin or battling Jerry to get the cure to Sean, or helping Carly and ending up Fluke's prisoner). He has morals and values (not all of which are the same as societies) or Lucky and Lulu would be much more morally challenged people then they are. Sonny could have a redemption arch, as could Franco the problem is no writer (Not Guza, Not Wolfe and Not Ron) wants to take the time and effort to do so. AJ's ghost appearing to Sonny and the breakdown that he was having over that could have been the beginning. Instead Crypt Sex made all the guilt (and the ghost) go away. As someone said Luke showed remorse for raping Laura right away, Todd grew into self loathing for what he did to Marty, Sonny never holds guilt for more than a second and the enablers around him: Carly, his kids, His Baby's Momma's and especially the writers let him get away with it. Skillfully written within the confines of MB acting ability, a Sonny redemption arch could be the biggest thing ever on this show. Instead we get Sonny apologetic from Ron and everyone else. There is no polite way of putting it: It is lack of talent on Ron's part that keeps us from getting a Sonny redemption arch. At least with Guza he was in Love with Sonny the way he was and so the idea of a redemption arch was never a possibility because Guza (and Wolfe) never saw him as some one who needed to be redeemed. While Ron seems to like Sonny he is not in Love with him like Guza was and has on occasion marginalized him nicely, it is Ron's inability to write the redemption arch that prevents it from happening. He just does not have the skill IMHO.
  13. Serena, who spent most of her life living in Europe (I assume she was with Scott in Paris) would be awesome for Micheal. She would be a little of Lucy's whackiness with a little of Scott's snark and a lot of Domique's beauty. Further she could play well off of Lulu, who would be a like an older Sister to her (Yes I know SOAR wise they are close to the same age) and yet Lulu could resent Serena a little because of all the time she got to spend with Laura in Paris. See Ron these things can almost write themselves
  14. Ahhh there's the rub (Notice how I cleverly worked in National Talk Like Pirate Day) SBU was Jason Morgan, he had long ago sterioded himself out of Jason Q. But BM could be a revived Jason Q or a combination of the two. I know this will be "harder" writing and Ron may not be up to it, but for once I hope he goes ahead and tries. I am at the point with the Jason M character that I would rather Ron try to bring back Jason Q and fail than have to have that waste of space Jason Morgan taking up screen time again.
  15. In the hands of a better writer, and back when soaps thought long term I can almost see it: If Jason now has some of Jason Q in him, he could be an access point to the Q money, the Cassidines have on occasion needed influxes of cash, and their relationship/rivalry with the Q's pre-dates the Spencer/Scorpio connection (remember Alexandria was after the ice princess first) further as Jason Q/Jason M he could get close to both the Scorpios and Spencers which would give Helene some measure of revenge. It would need to be a long term plot (which is next to impossible in todays short attention span era: IIRC the Ice Princess Story and the Grant/Spy story both ran for nearly a year) and handled skillfully by the head writer......oh wait...forget it. And overall I rather they be obsessed with Jason than Sonny.
  16. Not to nitpick but Rachel Ames is only 84 and there are many 84 year olds out there more than capable of a night of baby sitting.
  17. With any luck it Ain't Jason Morgan but some combination of Jason Q and Jason M, maybe some one with Jason Q's bright and happy personality and Jason M's skills. But god help us if this is just the same old show eating St Jasus. I actually don't think Ron would go this route, he never seemed as in love with Jason as Guza was, after all it was not Jason who saved the day when Jerry poisoned the town, so maybe there is hope
  18. If Ron were interested in writing "corporate raider" type stories, it could be a very big deal if Mikkos is Nathan's Father. With Stefan and Stravos dead, and Valentine a pipe dream and Alexis a woman, Nathan would be the last surviving child of Mikkos and as such could make a claim to being the Cassaidne Prince not Nicholas and could theoretically take over the Cassadine Empire. Further Helene would immediately become his mortal foe as she would not want anyone but Nik as the heir. BTW Does anyone else want to see Helene slap Spencer across the mouth and say "Hush, be silent when Adults Speak"
  19. I watched like three minutes and was to angry to go on. See Ron these are GOOD young actors, handling GOOD material. Not Count Chocula and His Little Harem.
  20. For some reason I read that as Abbott and Costello try to snatch Mister Fields
  21. If any part of SK going had to do with his politics he should sue the pants off Frakenron.
  22. David Gray would be the only super-villain left I can think of. I guess Frank Smith which would wrap nicely if Fluke is Damian Smith (which he should be) Even if she did, it won't hold. Between Jerry Jacks and Stravos it is a close race to see who gets resurrected more. BTW am I the only one who would love it if it is Jerry who rescues Robin and brings her home to her family? "Ah come on Little Robin what is between you and I is between you and I, these people have no class. And Jason come on along let's get you back to Samantha where you belong. Oh, Robin can you tell me about this Julian person who is with Alexis while we go?"
  23. I can't see this, why would Dr O give him away then? I would think she would like the idea of giving Fasion Anna's son. I am pretty sure Dr. O is his mother, the question becomes who does Fasion hate enough that she would hide him. Robert? Luke? But Dr O was in scenes with both and we never had a hint of any past between them...not that that would stop Ron. Alan is still viable, as is Noah but what would be the point? I guess if he is Alan's he could play the AJ role to NUJason, but the age difference is large and Nathan has no ties to Monica who would need to be at the center of the brothers face off sense Alan is dead.
  24. I guess Alan or Noah make sense as they could have meet Lesli at a medical conference. I would think that Ron would lean towards one of his campy villains though, maybe Fluke (Bill or Damian)?
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