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35 Excellent-
So, I haven't seen this mentioned before, but was anyone else having PTSD flashbacks to the last season of Buffy? The episode where everyone tells her she's not ft to lead them anymore, including a sociopath (albeit an amusing one), an ex-demon, a witch who almost destroyed the world, a man-boy, and the whiniest sibling in creation along with a bunch of entitled brats (I still LOOOOOAAAAAAATTTTHHHHEEEE Kennedy with the fire of a billion supernovas)? Because that"s what it was like to me. And at least in Buffy, Xander had lost his eye, and it looked a lot more insurmountable, what with an ancient supernatural evil ready to tear apart the whole world, so at least SOME of them had...not justification...for what they said, but you could see what frame of mind they were in when they said it. And yeah, someone wrote upthread that Oliver didn't look like he believed Felicity when she said that she would be there for him - he kind of raises his eyebrows and cocks his head while smiling the "Yeah you will, but I love you for saying that you won't" look. I feel like he felt, for the first few years after he got back from Lian Yu, he was still isolated and all alone, albeit now it a sea of people he knows, but they don't know him. And then he got Diggle. Then Felicity. But everyone else he opened his heart to, or trusted? Dead or stabbed him in the back, or driven away. Tommie and his mom? Dead (with the added bonus o Moira being shady enough that he didn't trust her for a few seasons). Helena? Crazy revenge bent whack job. Isabelle Rochev?? Traitor. Reporter chick? Digging for a scoop. Slade? Traitor (or Mirakuru, but still). Sarah? Died, resurrected, and now off traveling time. Laurel? Crazy clingy Laurel? Speedy left to go off (at Oliver's own urging) to find the Orb of Thessulah. Died. So who the hell is he supposed to trust to not betray him or leave him? Even Felicity (understandably) dumped him in the past. And now, the one constant, the one person who has been there from the start. The man who was like a second brother (Tommy Merlyn was his first "brother") and a father figure (sort of) just hit him exactly where he knew Oliver would hurt the most. Oliver ALWAYS questions his decisions, never thinks that he's good enough or better than a glorified thug, and beats himself up when things go wrong. And of the two people who have worked for 6 years to convince him that he is good enough, and that he makes hard decisions because sometimes there is no better choice, for one of them to just spew vitriol at Oliver knowing exactly what he suffered, and how he aways blames himself? No. Oliver may not be broken like he was with Chase, but he's broken in the sense of being more fortified. But now against the world. Against relationships and the idea of needing people. The timing is also interesting. I know that Oliver was waiting for the right time, so it's not like John picked this time to be a dick, but it was after Thea left. Thea would be the only person (other than Felicity) who would support him and that he might listen to. And she's conveniently gone. Freaking writers!!! I hope that the n00ns eat crow and end up actually fighting amongst themselves. Someone upthread wrote a post about how Oliver telling each and everyone of them off should go, and I agree wholeheartedly. The only addition i would have it that when John and Oliver go to therapy, John bursts out with "Oh my GOD, I am colossal idiot, and I have no idea why I said those things. We all make decisions that our significant others may not agree with, but we are supposed to discuss it, and then come to a resolution. Which you and I have done every time, except when I hid a drug addiction from you." And honestly? If there isn't SOME form of apology from the n00bs at the least (a true one, not a fake, half-assed apology), as well as John (his brother/father figure), I will cut a bitch. Or just hope that Oliver goes, "OK, you know what? Fuck it. None of this, or you, are worth it. I'm leaving to an area of the world where my skills will be appreciated (Mossad?? MI5??)/joining the waverider. Only Felicity is allowed to come. " And walk And then in 5 minutes they realize that they literally can't defend a plastic bag from the wind, have an epiphany about how they fucked things up for themselves and everyone else. But then, I hold grudges, so what do I know?
So this was an interesting throwback to CreveCoeur and the Mortmaigne family. Isn't that the estate where Hathaway grew up, and there was an episode of Lewis where they have to go there to investigate a murder, and Hathaway falls for Scarlett Mortmaigne (but she ends up being involved in the crime). I think that at one point, in this episode, they did mention something about a Hathaway who looks after the grounds?? I am enjoying these little nods to those of us who are fans of both the Morse and Lewis series.
So when Thursday gave the cigarettes to Truelove (what a name!!), he said that he had learned it from his superior, by the name of Vimes from Cable street. Was that a shout-out to Terry Pratchett's NightWatch? I hope so!
I was wondering, as I watched the show, about whether this was a comment by the writers on the whole, "It's the woman's fault/how was she dressed/she was asking for it" aspect of meninism/MRA arguments regarding rape, and the whole, "You should take certain precautions to prevent yourself from getting raped" argument. But that's probably giving the writers too much credit. As an aside, the actor who plays Kenneth actually played Prince William in the Lifetime movie about Wills and Kate (shut up! Don't judge me!). And given that Adalind's baby is named Diana, I find this all hilarious. Good to know that the stilted, wooden acting in the William and Kate movie was a result of horrible writing, not the actor's abilities.
So was Tina Fey's character, Marcia, supposed to be a representation of Marcia Clark, the prosecutor from the OJ trial (same hair style she had at the time of the trial)? That was the reference to them being failed lawyers from California, right?
Not sure about the US, but The Fall is broadcasting on Bravo in Canada on November 14. They didn't specify whether it was S1 or S2, but still, does it matter all that much? New Gillian Anderson and new Jamie Dornan, or old GA and JD, it's all good.
I agree with everything that's been said. Beckett is a police officer, and apparently one so good that she was recruited to the FBI. And yet, when she sees Castle making a money drop, she (and everyone else) immediately assumes that Castle is the person behind this? Because he wants to get out of the wedding? WTH? This isn't Victorian era England, where one could get sued for a breach of promise suit. This is the 21st century, in America, where, if you don't want to get married, and are too idiotic to say anything, you just don't show up. You don't forsake all of your (not insignificant) assets and wealth. Not to mention your daughter and mother! And even if we go with "Castle has a shady secret and is mixed up with the mob underworld", they've been there before! Obviously Castle would bring it to his friends. Unless his loved ones were threatened, as people here have speculated. I've read through the thread, and I haven't seen this mentioned. At the scene at the end, Castle apologizes, and Beckett says, "It's not your fault. You've been through a lot, too." Ummmm, WHAT? There's no "too". You, Beckett, have understandably been through a lot emotionally. But the extent of your physical trauma has been cutting of your hair. Castle has been shot, exposed to dengue, and who only knows what else. He's the one that has suffered the most. And, when he returns, rather than a warm and teary reunion with "the love of (his) life", he is subjected to a police interrogation and made to feel like he is the criminal?? Man, given how Beckett has almost no trust in him, and Esposito was ready to sell him out at the drop of a hat, maybe it's good that they didn't get married. How the hell is a relationship supposed to work when there is clearly this level of distrust between the 2 partners? As to the completely unrealistic reactions of everyone in response to Castle returning (including Castle himself), what-freaking-ever.
Uch. That was bad. I did not know about Mario and his reputation prior to reading this thread! I never liked him during the run of the show (I had SUCH a crush on Zach Morris back in the day!), and I was never (and still am not) a fan of the overly muscled jock. I have to say that I actually met Mario Lopez once. He and Maria Menounos were filming Extra, and I saw him while visiting LA. Me and this girl (who was also visiting, but whom I had never met) were watching them film, and talking about our love for SBTB, and hoping to take pictures with him (because even though it was AC Slater, it was still SBTB!). Anyway, when they finished filming, his manager/person said that they could only do 1 picture. We said that the two of us (myself and the other girl) didn't really know each other. His manager was all like, "Whatever, not my problem." We ended up taking a picture with the 2 of us flanking Mario Lopez. He didn't speak to us, didn't say hello, just had a look on his face like he was sick of us. That destroyed any good feeling I may have ever borne for him. Maria Menounos, however, is the nicest person. Absolutely freaking gorgeous in real life, was super nice about taking pics with us, chatted to me about where I was visiting from, and was helping out her camera guy afterwards. Such a class act, and very friendly. I thought that she was pretty before I met her, and now think that she's an amazing person.
I saw FITA and then read the first 2 books in the series, and I noticed something that totally escaped me when I read them as a teenager - every single man in the series is a rapist! -Chris rapes Cathy in the attic. And, of course, he is a controlling, obsessive dick throughout the series who won't let Cathy move on. -Paul, when recounting the story to Cathy of his frigid wife who killed their son, states at different times in PITW that he essentially raped his wife because she refused to have sex with him. If I recall correctly, he raped her the first time they had sex, I think because she kept refusing him (?? - someone correct me if I am wrong), as well as at other times during their marriage, whenever he came home from cheating on her. Paul!! The series' gentle, father-like role, who was the protector!! Julian raped Cathy, and was also a pedophile. That surprised the crap out of me - it was just casually mentioned by Cathy, Julian's mother, and someone lee that Julian like "young girls", and then there was the whole thing where he sexed up Carrie (which, even though she was likely legal at the time, given that she had quite young features and was short short, she probably resembled a young pre-pubescent girl ). I was astounded when no one was disturbed by this - they treated it as though he just cheated on Cathy all the time with younger girls (compared to Cathy?? who was in her mid-20s herself) , but when you read between the lines, these girls were likely underage. And yet, no one was disturbed by this, other than that he was cheating. -Bart raped Cathy on their first date. I guess the only one who didn't rape anyone was Alex (Carrie's fiancee). What the hell, VC Andrews? In a way, it's good that they changed the attic sex scene and cut Paul out of the movie completely. I have no idea, how, in this day and age, they could have spun a father figure being seduced by his teenage charge, whilst she tries to fight off feelings for her brother who raped her earlier. Also, in re-reading the series, I see why people call it the Twilight of our generation. It is so badly written - it's as though she sat down with a thesaurus when writing the series! However, despite the incest, Cathy was at least a strong character, who went about trying to write her own destiny. *She* wouldn't have sat at a window, staring outside for months on end because a boy left her.
So I know that over at TWoP, there was a thread for LMM and all things Anne, and I thought that PTV should have one too. What are everyone's favourite books (either in the Anne series, or Emily, or otherwise)? My favourite book in the Anne series is Anne of the Island, mainly because she *finally* realizes that she loves Gilbert (shut up! 8 year old me thought that the idea of realizing that you are in love with your best friend, and that despite you having rejected him earlier on, he'd still kept loving you was the most romantic thing ever!). Part of what draws me back to LMM's writing is her talent with describing nature. When she has a chance to describe PEI, her love for the island shines through, but even in novels that are set elsewhere (like in Blue Castle), you can envision yourself in the book, seeing everything that the characters are describing. In fact, The Blue Castle is probably one of my favourites because of that virtue. The story itself is fairy-tale, and almost formulaic, but her descriptions of the Muskoka region, and Mistawis take my breath away. I actually have the book at my bedside, and will flip to passages where she describes the passages of the seasons. Scenery porn, indeed! Jane of Lantern Hill is similar, but not so lavish. Although don't get me started on the travesty of the adaptation, even despite my love of Sam Waterston from his L&O days.