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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. The meeting in the HOH room with Level 6 has me in stitches. They enjoy the scramble from other side as much as we do. I think they are amazed at how they just keep scrambling. They love Fessys reactions to the blindsides. 

    • Love 10
  2. 2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Bayleigh: I'm not gonna tell you how long I have it. Don't tell anyone but I have it until there's eight people left.

    No joke, there was no other words in between that.

    I am so unbelievably amazed that she told him this. She was in SUCH a good spot a week ago. And she f**ked up. It's unbelievable. 

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Didn't something similar happen in BB16? I remember people saying that if Victoria made it to F2, they were going to vote for her to win no matter who was sitting beside her because she didn't do anything in the game and didn't deserve a finale spot? I can't remember if they said it pre-finale or post-finale but I remember laughing and thinking that Cody couldn't win no matter who he took.

    I remember them talking about that in the house. But I don't think ANYONE was actually going to give Victoria the money over Derrick or Cody. 

    They all said in the post show interviews that if Cody took Victoria he would have won 9-0. 

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  4. I think sometimes people forget that Kaycee is actually a Big Brother fan- it's the only show she watches. So I don't think it's fair to compare her to Matt from last season (which I've seen people compare her to- because he was a "minon" who didn't do anything). But sometimes the best thing you can do at the beginning of BB is lay low & make connections- and as a fan she knows this. She's now in Jury- and she knows that it's time to gun hard for these HOHs. Derrick threw comps at the beginning as well-you could tell he was PISSED he won that crapshoot golf comp- he didn't want to win- but good for him there was a big target that week in Devin. So he didn't upset anyone. 

    Also- Kaycee has a #1 in Tyler who hasn't betrayed her and shares information with her so it's not like she's just following blindly and not getting anything in return. They have kept a few things from each other. 

    Anyway my point was- I think it's to early to say that she isn't going to do anything. She hasn't needed to thus far really. 

    • Love 7
  5. 36 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    C. Fessy gets confused. Hundred percent. 

    Though there is a D option: Fessy gets mad at Haleigh because SHE AND BRETT SAT ON THE HAMMOCK FOR FIVE HOURS, JULIE! FIVE!

    Haha I was going to say D. Fessy gets mad at Hay! And there it was! 

    I think it was Tyler who said yesterday that his favorite part of the Blindsides- is looking at Fessy's face- because he always looks so confused. Tyler- it's our favorite as well. Haha. 

    • Love 9
  6. 1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Interesting points. You may be right. At the very least, I'm more on the fence about it now that you've made this argument/

    Haha nice! I just think powers are more powerful when no one knows about them. What's the point of this power anymore without the element of surprise? She can't lie about the power if asked about it. 

    Also- this makes me even more convinced that they will make sure that Tyler uses his power when he is ACTUALLY going to be put on the block. They need at least 1 power to be a surprise. HAHA. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    Brett winning HOH could be amazing.  RS would be sobbing in the corner, Haleigh would glue herself too him, Fessy would then want to chop his nuts off because he stole his girl. Bayleigh would then use her power and it would be wasted because L6-5-4 would win veto and make her power useless sending her out the door. 



    Brett with the tie breaking vote would be so fun! 

    • Love 4
  8. 2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    It COULD be a good thing to expose the power. Both sides have pros/cons. I think there are some situations where it's clear that a plan is dumb and it won't impact the game (and then it happens exactly like that, such as everything from last season). But here, like this plan, people are so predictable AND unpredictable, that it should bring Team Good Feeds, in theory. There's benefits to not sharing the power and waiting until Bayleigh has to use it. But there's also benefits to Brett exposing the power, as The Hive already don't trust one another. Inadvertently, Brett could be the reason that alliance fails this week, especially if their heads aren't in the game for HOH. It's kind of fun, knowing that so much could happen with this one little speech...or nothing could happen and other drama unfolds later on. We just don't know, and that's the glorious thing about this season. So far, we're going into week 6, and we haven't been able to predict any of the major drama that unfolded each week.

    Brett for sure knows how to make The Hive spin into a tizzy that's for sure. 


    I think that's one of the reasons L6 want to keep him- also because Rachel spun out this week- and tried to pull a Hive move- and they just aren't here for this. 

    • Love 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Yeah, it really is super dumb of L4 to do this speech. 

    I was in the same boat as you- but now I'm kind like whatever about it. I think that exposing the power makes it a hell of a lot weaker. It's not a guarantee that Scottie wins HOH- nor is a guarantee that The Hive win the HOH- we don't know what questions Production will ask- we also don't know who is studying the right thing. For all we know The Hive have everything wrong, we didn't see any of the GIFs they were shown. 

    I think exposing the Power makes it weaker- because it is no longer a mystery and that was the whole allure to it, no one would know who did it. Well now the jig is up. Her side isn't going to want her to use it to hijack their nominations- and then if the other side wins HOH- they can just say if you use it and put up people I don't want to be up- then if one of them comes down you will go up. So I think basically the Power is useless now. 

    Also- the whole point is to cause chaos- the chaos that L6 doesn't know that it will cause is that Scottie, Hay & Rockstar actually don't know about the power. Once they find out that she told Rachel-not them- then I'm sure it will get out that Fessy knew- Hay especially is going to be PISSED. They think the other side HAS to know about it. Meanwhile they don't. Haha. 

    • Love 4
  10. 11 minutes ago, missyb said:

    I would much rather send her out the door with the power then depend on the right person winning the veto and making her a renom. Team Bay may be pissed they did not know but she can spin it that it was always to be used to move the 5 forward. And her renoms would not be her team members.

    She won’t get to do renoms. She gets to make the initial nominations- but if one of the noms comes off the block the HOH gets to pick the renom- and it could be her. 

    • Love 3
  11. At first I was frustrated that L5 wasn’t going to keep Bay Power a secret and just flush it out. But maybe they should blow the power up- instead of trying to flush it out. Once the whole house knows it basically makes her power useless- and the HoH could threaten her as a backdoor option if she uses it during their HoH. The most alluring part about it was that it was anonymous. Once it isn’t anymore- would Bay risk getting herself backdoored? Once the votes flip to keep Brett- there will be people trying to figure out who voted what way. Then Bays side of the house like Scottie, Hay & Rockstar are gonna be PISSED they didn’t know about it. Also- if Hay finds out Fessy knew and didn’t tell her- another blow up. 

    • Love 5
  12. 16 minutes ago, vb68 said:

    I think it's been said before, but Tyler is incredibly patient.

    He's coming off so well here, very compassionate and like a genuine friend even if he has to want to bolt.

    Whatever else you think of his gameplay, if he does win it's going to be because of situations like this one. He knows how to cement a bond.

    Do I think Tyler would cut her if he had to, yes I do. But I feel he seems to be himself with both Sam & Kaycee. Sam is also the only one who knows that he's a superfan. I think he cares for her a lot. 

    • Love 2
  13. I feel like an HOH like this Production can kind of pick and choose whom they want to win or which side. If they pay attention to what people are studying they could then base their questions off of that. For example in BB17- Meg's side of the house were convinced that someone in one of the pictures was holding a fork, spoon something in one hand and there was a back and forth debate on that side of the house regarding which hand it was- and it landed on the "wrong" side as the final answer. Vanessa's side of the house had the other hand- Vanessa's side of the house was correct. But they asked that question- and Meg & Jackie were eliminated.

    I'm not saying they are going to rig it- but I think the Jedi drilling outloud for stuff like this might be more detrimental because they can glean their questions off of that. 

    Also- I'm kind of hoping this isn't the HOH comp and the Veto comp- which would throw them for a loop. But I doubt it. 

    • Love 4
  14. This speech Brett wants to do is a bit risky- he shouldn't do it- especially if he is told to go first during the speeches. She can blow L6 up right then and there if she's really pissed at him. This is just a bad idea all around. 

    • Love 2
  15. 2 hours ago, BBFanTX said:

    Rockstar just said "We need to backdoor Tyler" to Haleigh in HOH room.

    Then Haleigh said "I don't like Rachel". Saying "What was that all about"? - her recent pitch in HOH room.

    The both think Kaycee, Angela and JC are floating.

    I love when houseguests think that someone not talking game to them or their allies means that they’re floaters and don’t talk game AT ALL. In Big Brother, if someone’s not with you, they’re against you. They are talking to someone, it just isn't you. 

    • Love 6
  16. If you guys want a good laugh- last night around 1150ish in the backyard (right after Sam is telling them all about Bees) Tyler, Sam, Fessy & JC were talking about their intro videos and what Production made them do- but mostly making fun of Tyler and how Production really wanted him to play up the surfer boy- and man oh man was it funny. Fessy is pretty funny when he isn't moping around about Hayleigh. I was laughing so hard- as was the rest of them. 

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