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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. 5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I think it has LESS meaning as a secret now. If an L4 team member wins it, for instance, they wouldn't even bother hiding, would they?

    I think they would keep it a secret- Tyler told Kaycee that if he wins it he's pulling her down because they would think it was him automatically if he pulled down Angela. 

    It was Tyler & Hay and one other person it was down to last week for The Hacker comp- do you guys remember who that third was? 

    This better be a different comp- if they have another word thingy I'm going to scream- Hay has won 2 of those now. 

    ETA: I looked it up- it was Scottie. 

    • Love 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, mooses said:

    Big Brother has to be hoping someone who won't nominate Tyler wins the Hacker competition, right? You know they want that footage of him whipping out his power during the Veto ceremony. The problem is that FOUETTE seems better at competitions in general. 


    I don't think if The Hive win The Hacker they would put Tyler up. Hay wants him backdoored- she doesn't want him a chance to play in Veto and they know that. She mentioned she has an idea if they win The Hacker- I think it's to put JC up. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    It's not a good thing for THEM, though? So weird to tell them that then.

    Well it all depends on if they win The Hacker comp- if they do- then they will pull Kaycee off and throw Rockstar up there. Then I'm assuming have Tyler play in veto- he can always pull Angela off- and even if she throws Kaycee back up there- they have the votes to keep her- Angela, Tyler, Brett & JC- they just need to cancel either Scottie or Fessy's vote.

    Or your best bet is to have Kaycee play in the Veto (but she has not been good at comps) or hope she is picked- she pulls Angela off- Tyler is backdoored- he whips out his power- and then my guess is she throws either Sam or JC up on the block. L6 is all saved. She's not going to throw Brett up, and even if she does then he will end up staying. 

    Sam will again be the wildcard- but whatever. 

    • Love 2
  4. Just now, CrazyDog said:

    Oh yes, please put Sam up. 

    But I cannot her imagine her not taking a swing at Tyler again. Unless she's thinking he's got the power. Has she said anything about cluing in to Tyler's less than suave pitch last night?

    She's going to backdoor Tyler- which is what he wants anyway so he can use his App. 

    • Love 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

    I'm gonna take up for Tyler a little bit, and it's connected to this post. He has been, by no means, been playing as well as he had been recently but I also think that at nearly two months of one emotional mess after another attaching themselves to him, it has GOT to be difficult to deal with it and have no escape. It's not an excuse so much as I feel like I understand how he could also be "faltering" with it. I mean, there's playing a social game and then there's playing babysitter and after a while I assume someone just can't. There are repercussions, sure, but come on. He's had the patience of a saint. Lord knows I wouldn't have held out this long.

    Plus, I think we all kind of expect Tyler to be playing a bit better than he is right now, so it's like "holy shit what's happening with Tyler" but I think part of it isn't even him; it's the emotional wreckage that is Sam. He could be smoother, but she could also be less crazy and demanding.

    You would love peanut butter M&Ms too. <3

    Oh I completely agree- he's a rather mellow guy- and having to deal with now 2 people who are hard to manage while $500K is on the line so you are trying to be calm and nice but not totally screw your game up by not telling them to go pound sand must be really hard to do. 

    And you can't escape them. They are always THERE! Lol. 

    • Love 5
  6. Just now, Lady Calypso said:

    I think this is why I'm not as upset with Sam probably switching sides. Like Tyler or not, he only used Sam for her power for those four weeks that she had it. Before her power was revealed, they got along, but it's like something snapped in him once she revealed that she could save him if he saved her. I have not seen them interacting one-on-one since then. He has only checked in with her periodically, but they have rarely hung out, other than in a group setting. He completely dropped the ball on her and it's why she's pissed at him now.

    If he doesn't put in work this week with her, then I don't really fault her for switching. He tried to keep her as a number but he never really tried to connect with her on a true personal level. Tyler is very sloppy and this is probably going to be his downfall. He's so focused on the game that he forgot that there are people who don't think like he does. Sam doesn't think about the game much at all. It's all personal for her, and he may be annoyed with that tactic, but he hasn't adjusted much to it at all.

    However, Sam is really taking things personally, to the point where it's just confusing. Her upset over Bayleigh makes little sense. I get they were kind of close, but Sam is acting like her showmance just walked out the door. It's really not that serious. 

    I feel like they had a conversation though where he was saying people keep saying we have a F2- and we need to try and make sure that they don't put us up on the block together- so we can't be hanging out all the time. And I feel like she understood that. Apparently not. Haha. 

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  7. I think that she’s very very jealous of Angela just like she was very very jealous of Kaitlyn. She wants Tyler all to herself. 

    Kaycee is very lucky to be out of Sams line of fire cuz she knows how close her & Tyler are- and I think it’s 100% because she’s  lesbian and won’t go after Tyler in a romantic way. 

    • Love 8
  8. So going along with the Tech theme- I don't think they are going to have a Jury Competition to return. I think they are going to have a rewind or reset week. And call it like the "Delete" week or "Virus" Week or something to go with the Tech theme- and you have to redo the week because it was erased

    • Love 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Haleigh to Angela: "And Tyler is just an innocent little baby."

    I. Don't. Get. It.


    She's talking to Angela-she's not going to say anything negative to her about Tyler. I don't think she actually believe that. 

    Also- does Sam believe that once you leave the Big Brother house you are murdered? Like this is ridiculous drama. 

    I hope Tyler can get out of this- but if he doesn't and ends up being evicted- it was still a lot of fun to watch him play! 

    • Love 8
  10. Just now, Wings said:

    I always find myself caught up in caring no matter how hard I try to remain aloof.  I am rooting for Tyler.  

    I'm at the point where there are only 5 people in the house that I would like to win. Scottie, Tyler, Angela, Kaycee or Brett. 

    The other side has been such a mess- that I think that it would a really downer of an ending of an awesome season if any of them won. 

    I can't stand JC- so I don't really want him to win. But if he did- I don't begrudge him that- as he's played a pretty good game so far. 

    • Love 8
  11. I kind of wish this was like the past few seasons where I didn't care who won. And just watched to watch. Me liking too many HG's this season has really made me anxious and I'm not even playing. What is happening to me? LMAO. 

    • Love 7
  12. 8 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I think she just thinks she is a problem in the sense that she can't be relied on as a lock vote. I don't know if you need her to be a lock vote to keep her around as the goat.

    When you can't rely on her to vote the way you want to further your game- then doesn't someone become a liability?  Especially since she has clearly stated to them that she wants either of the two of them to win. So if she isn't with them- in essence isn't she against them? Lol. 

    I'm not saying she can't play her own game- she of course can. But I don't think she realizes she's playing a game sometimes. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

    So this is the first vote where we as viewers don’t truly know what’s going to happen, right?

    Right now Bay is going- JC, Kaycee, Brett & Scottie- he just promised Angela he's voting her out. JC's plan right before the eviction is to tell Fessy that he's voting with the house- which is evicting Bay- and he also needs to do that. 

    I believe Scottie wants Bay out- so I don't think he's going to flip on that- he was just trying to get Hay to flip and kind of leave Fessy in the dark. 

    Who the hell knows what is going on with Sam. Tyler has been told what's going on- I'm assuming while the feeds are down at some point he will again pull her into a conversation. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, The Companion said:

    I do think it is kinda nice that Tyler and Sam seem to have a good working BB relationship. Tyler has advocated for her and she has kept her mouth shut about him. I can't say with 100% certainty where Tyler's loyalty lies, but I think Sam is pretty high on his internal hierarchy. 

    When Angela & Brett talk about being nervous about Sam and wanting to potentially cut her soon. Kaycee & Tyler are always like yeah yeah totally. But you can see them internally like yeah nope not happening. Haha. 

    • Love 2
  15. 11 minutes ago, Wings said:

    Those familiar (Tyler/Scottie) should do well on this comp.  If you know what is typical of the questions you focus on color and order too. 


    Tyler's secret superfan knowledge will come into use on this one since he will know what to look for! 

    If Tyler makes it to the F2- or even if he doesn't- I kind of want them to do a montage of them all talking about Past Seasons and Past Houseguests and them saying wrong things about what happened and/or transpired. And then cut to Tyler in the DR screaming about what the right answer is. Haha. You can tell sometimes it pains him that he can't correct them because that'll give up his game knowledge. It's the little things that amuse me. 

    My favorite was in the HOH room last night- Kaycee, Angela & Tyler were talking- and Angela said she was in finals for BB17- and has been really wanting to get on the show and then Kaycee saying its been her dream. And they were like and Tyler? He was like yes my dream since I was recruited to be on and watched a few episodes a few months ago. LOL. 

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