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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. 2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    If they do it like the Roadkill Comp, they should be able to. Frank won it twice (not back to back, Victor got it once in between Frank's wins).

    That's what I thought- but wasn't sure if was mentioned in the house at some point. 

  2. Just now, leocadia said:

    I would say that everyone left in the house except for Sam, Rockstar and Faysal are playing at least a passable game.  I think that's what keeps this season from devolving into a Paul or Derrick type scenario.  Yes, Tyler is at the center of things, but that doesn't mean that everyone else has just rolled over and stopped playing. 

    Agreed. Everyone is trying.

    • Love 5
  3. 2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Scottie is either a really good actor or he's really bummed out about what's been happening in the house this week. I can't tell. 

    I tbink Scottie is half acting/half bummed out- he really thought someone took him off the block so that he couldn't play in the Veto. 

    Also- I will be the first to say that Operation Make Scottie my Best Friend was a stupid plan. But apparently it is not. Haha. 

    • Love 6
  4. I wish I didn't have a favorite this season like I did the past few seasons. It was nice and relaxing. Maybe it's good for my blood pressure for Tyler to leave (I don't actually mean that). Haha. 

    • Love 3
  5. On 8/2/2018 at 12:37 PM, Umbelina said:

    So they are filming already?

    Lot's of women have hidden their real-life pregnancies on TV shows though, Hollywood is good at that now.  Anna Paquin on True Blood, January Jones on Mad Men, Betsy Brandt on Breaking Bad, Keri Russell on The Americans, are just a few recent ones that come to mind.

    I still love the idea that Serena gets sent to Jezebels and becomes pregnant there though.  Final proof that it's Fred's issue and not her's, and she would finally get a child (that would probably be taken from her and given to a "Wife" if she doesn't escape.)

    I don't think they started filming yet- she was pregnant while filming half of the 2nd season. 

    • Love 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    But do they (L6) have the votes to vote out Bay with Hay’s nullified vote?

    They need 4- if Tyler comes off the block and Bay is thrown up there. They have JC, Brett, Tyler, Kaycee & Sam to evict her- so even if she takes one of those away she leaves. Only Hay, Fessy & Scottie would vote to keep her- that is if they wanted her to stay. 

    If Rockstar comes down and Bay gets thrown up there- that gets a bit more tricky. I think Tyler can convince enough people that it's dangerous to keep someone in the game with that big of a power in her pocket, regardless of if she's on your side. She didn't tell them about it- and she also hasn't told them the full details. Tyler knows it's until F8- he might use that to his advantage. 

    • Love 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

    .Yeah I want Angela to go full on cartoon villain, as long as she keeps the personal shit out of it. So it would be fun to see her veto speech if she is indeed able to backdoor Bayleigh. The way Angela is playing it so far, I think Bayleigh would be blindsided. 

    Oh 100%- she's going to be completely shocked if it happens. The fact that she doesn't even think at all that she could be an option with this Power in her pocket is very naive on her part. 

    • Love 3
  8. I wonder what Hay's reason for picking Kaycee to play in veto? To throw the scent off of her? Kaycee hasn't won anything yet- but to be fair I think she's thrown most HOH's. She hasn't played in a Veto yet so we don't know how she'd do in those. Is that why she picked her? Does she not think that Kaycee would pull Tyler off, and wouldn't want to rock the boat and just leave the nominations the same? 

    If so it's clear that the house has ZERO idea of Tyler & Kaycee's F2. And I would also imagine that the show would finally have to show that they have had a F2 deal since the 2nd day. 

    Also, the smart move if Tyler stays on the block is to take away Sam's vote- because she loves Tyler. But...do we think that Hay might cancel Scotties vote because they keep touting that they are besties and Scottie has said he would pull Tyler off if he wins Veto- and they are convinced he's the one that keeps flipping his vote? What a miscalculation on her part if she did that. 

    • Love 1
  9. 38 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I like when houseguests choose something different for their HOH music. If I was in the game and won HOH, given I'm Canadian so I'd be on BBCAN, I'd be choosing either a Canadian band, or a musical as my music. If I had a playlist, 95% of it would be filled with music from at least before 2010. 

    So, I've woken up after a good night's sleep to finally have a decision on Tyler being nominated by Hacker Haleigh: I'm not very pleased. I think this will be a test to see if he's as good of a player as he says, but at the same time, Hacker Haleigh is too powerful. This is similar to the Coup D'Jeff twist that I've read about, since I missed that season by a year. If it was just choosing one power to use, then fine. But Haleigh has a whole lot of power right now to get what she wants (Tyler gone), and he doesn't really have much of a chance to do anything about it. He has a small chance if he can win veto, for sure. But if he doesn't win veto, he could very well get evicted, so him getting pissed off now makes sense. 

    Here's the situation: Haleigh took down Scottie, a great competitor, and put up Tyler. Haleigh can choose who she wants to play for veto. If she's smart, she'll choose Fessy, as he has won two vetos already, and she'll have to tell him to take Rockstar off, so that Bayleigh goes up. Then, Haleigh can cancel a vote from L4's side and they'd have the numbers to get rid of Tyler (if Scottie votes with them). There is a small risk of Bayleigh leaving over Tyler, but Haleigh has positioned this week to be in her favour. It's not a guarantee, and Tyler will have to fight for veto, but the fact that there's a chance he could get evicted due to an overpowered twist is a lot. 

    I say it's on the same level as the Coup D'Jeff because, although Jeff could remove both noms and put them on the block, ensuring a target of his goes home, he couldn't control the votes to make sure it happened, and did it happen at the right time for him? Of course, the Coup D'Jeff sounds more powerful than the Hacker twist, but it doesn't make the Hacker twist any less bullshit. Tyler's social game may be the thing to help save him from eviction this week, but what happens next week if they've successfully gotten rid of Bayleigh? 

    I guess the only ok thing about this is that Tyler can play for veto, so he has a chance. His social game is also pretty strong still, so he should be able to survive the week. But as a whole, the Hacker Twist is too overpowered, especially on a season that has been doing fantastic without the twists. They didn't need twists in this season because their houseguests have been so damn good. 

    The best case scenario for Tyler is that he pulls himself off and Bayleigh goes up. A good scenario is the noms being left the same. The worst case for him is being next to Bayleigh, because he's probably getting evicted. Scottie will vote with Haleigh/Fessy/Rockstar for sure, because they won't want to lose the numbers.

    Also, if Tyler goes, I have to laugh because now, the casuals are going to be confused when new houseguests start randomly emerging on the episodes. Haleigh who? Kaycee who? Angela's already going to be re-introduced to the casuals this week. 

    As a Tyler fan, I don't mind him being on the block. I just wish it was under better circumstances with a less overpowered twist. It just wasn't needed to have all three (or four, if you take into consideration that removing a nominee is its own power) powers. 

    Agreed. I think bringing in a new twist was dumb- these HGs were bringing the drama. But to bring in a new twist with THIS MUCH power is insane. Sucks for Tyler and sucks for whomever is thrown on the block next week. 

    • Love 11
  10. Like I can imagine the person that gets put up feels really attacked at first- because of how big the power is. You get put up anonymously, then that person can throw up a another comp beast so you now have less odds of winning the Veto, and then if you can't win the Veto you now will get one of your potential votes cancelled.  That really sucks, basically you are just neutered. 

    • Love 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

    Hell, think about it, it's really FOUR powers, right? 

    Power 1: Take someone down from the block

    Power 2: Put someone on the block

    Power 3: Pick yourself or anyone of your choice to play Veto

    Power 4: Nullify a vote.

    And they're doing this AGAIN NEXT WEEK!!!

    Just way too unbelievably powerful. 1 of those would have been enough. It's really mindblowing. 

    • Love 5
  12. I'm an obvious Tyler fan. But I thought another Twist was stupid when I heard about it yesterday and when I heard them all talking about it yesterday- I was like no way they are actually giving the Hacker 3 different powers- that's insane. But yes, it's true. I'm sorry but that's just way to much- You can replace a nominee, you can put up your own veto player & cancel a vote? One of them would have been fine. 

    I'm confused why Production thought this was necessary- you have an insane house- going back and forth. It's so interesting and exciting. We couldn't just play straight BB? There was no need to bring in this new comp. Remember in BB17 when they stopped doing the Takeover- and just let them play. 

    Sucks for anyone who gets screwed by this twist this week and next week. What a blow to their games. You are basically a dead person standing if you can't pull yourself off- because you lose a vote. 

    This is also one of the best season in years- and it's getting screwed over by this horrific twist. Unreal. 

    • Love 8
  13. 16 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

    Also, of all the evicted HGs, the only one who seems super bitter still is Swaggy. Winston, Kaitlyn, and Rachel have all taken it in stride. And IMO they have reasons to be the most bitter since their closest allies all evicted them. But it’s just another example of why I like this cast so much. It reminds me of when Audrey was evicted and she embraced the blanket/sunglasses meme. 

    He totally is- I watched a few minutes of Winston & Kaitlyn together on Instagram Live yesterday I guess before the live show (I didn't watch as I'm a west-coaster)- and they both said that Swaggy won't talk to them. 

    Talk about someone who is a sore loser. It's a game, you got played. Deal with it. It's not that serious. 

    Also, I didn't say this yesterday because I didn't get to watch the episode until later- was it really necessary for that Swaggy goes and visits Bay's parents segment. So freaking dumb. So much stuff going on in the house. 

    • Love 12
  14. 12 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    BB HGs are never going to be perfect little angels. It just isn't going to happen. So seasons like this are about as good as it will ever get. I'm loving it. 

    And yeah, if Angela wants to go stone cold villain and win her way to the end, good for her. I don't see any way that it will actually work, but good for her for trying. Jun she is not. 

    One interesting thing is that truly smart people who are not antisocial nerds tend to do really well on BB. Jun, Vanessa, Dan, Will, it is clear that being an intelligent person gives you a real leg up on the morons that they typically cast, which is why I don't think it's fair to knock Tyler as being able to snow morons, as they're ALWAYS morons. I would never have given Derrick shit for snowing the morons of BB16 if BB hadn't just added way too many advantages to him on TOP of him being good at snowing morons (plus, of course, he never would have done as well as he did had Devin not pulled in Christine, which Derrick was adamantly AGAINST and it ended up being one of the best thing that happened to Derrick that season). 


    I think one of the things Tyler is good at- is that he seems to mimic his behavior to fit whom he is speaking to. He knows what the person he is speaking to wants to hear- what kind of reaction they want- how to play off their emotions and feelings. That's such a good trait to have in the BB house. His interactions with JC are completely different with how he interacts with Sam. 

    Also how he speaks to people- you can tell whom he trusts or doesn't trust by him playing up the "surfer" bro persona and voice. If you watch how he talks to Scottie and then watch how he talks to Kaycee it's different. 

    I kind of love how he's really smart- but he is the "surfer" guy casting type so he kind of plays that up, which is a smart move on his part. Obviously his Level 6 alliance knows he's not stupid- but that's fine. He can't have everyone thinking he's dumb- because then that's going to be a hard sell if he's in F2- he needs those people in Jury advocating for him, for the other side to realize wow I was really snowed- good on Tyler. 

    • Love 15
  15. So what's the over/under Julie smacks Bayliegh with her note cards for not using her Power and/or telling everyone like she did with Marcellas after he didn't use the veto on himself? 

    • Love 2
  16. I just went back to look at the feeds at the time the app came up- a few things: 

    1. Tyler had just come out of the DR- but then Rockstar was called into the DR- she was on her way there when the App Icon came up. 

    2. It was sideways and just on the tiny screens in the Kitchen & Living Room- wasn't up on the Big Screen which still said "Nominations Today" 

    3. When Kaycee, Bay & Scottie ran towards the Living Room to see if it was Big Screen- Tyler was still in the Kitchen and did a spin and looked directly at the camera- and it looked to me that he was giving the camera a WTF face (granted his face looks like that a lot of the time). But he did that the second those 3 had their backs to him and then spun back around. 

    4. The Feeds IMMEDIATELY went to Fish- and haven't came back- granted they could have gone straight into the nomination ceremony. But they didn't even put up the History Fish. 

    Tyler could have used it- I don't know why- he was fine, but I guess you can never been to sure you are safe. My thoughts on why he didn't and it was an accident was when we saw the first Power App- Music started and it said "Power App has been activated"- with the icon popping up on the screen. Also, Isn't it supposed to be revealed at the nomination ceremony not when everyone was scattered throughout the house. 

    So weird. 

    • Love 4
  17. Just now, Cutty said:

    I don't understand being blindsided on this last vote. Everyone but JC owned their vote. There shouldn't be this much confusion. 

    JC "owned" his vote as well. He has completely convinced Fessy that he voted to keep Rachel- and they believe him. So instead they have turned on eachother. Haha. 

    • Love 7
  18. Honestly I would be surprised if there wasn't a segment of L6 laughing at how fast & easy The Hive spins out of control. They were all completely and utterly amazed at how unbelievably clueless they all are all the time. They were all also saying how they want to keep Fessy in the game just to watch his reactions during blindsides because he's always so confused. 


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