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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. 36 minutes ago, lavenderblue said:

    This interview with the writer of "Holly" seems to suggest that show June is also going to be making some tapes:

    Well at least we know she for sure lives. 

    I do know that she does in the books- but it's nice to have that 100% clear. Haha. 

    • Love 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

    OK, I'm a little lost. I'm not watching feeds this year because. Please could someone please give me a 1 sentence explanation of what this advantage is. I know Faysel got a punishment for maybe being "Lowest trending houseguest" on twitter? Is the advantage for the highest trending houseguest?

    We don't know what the advantage is. Swaggy keeps saying it's a Veto- but It's unclear if he's just guessing or that's what they have been told. Because he was talking about how he believes Angela has it- so his plan is that Steve wins the Veto- they get Tyler to put Angela up- have use her Veto to flush it out and then put Winston up and then out. And if she doesn't have it, then oh well she gets evicted. BTW we have no idea what Tyler thinks of this. Haha. 

  3. I feel really bad for Sam- what a rough break that is 2 weeks of being a Robot. It sounds like she spends more time being a robot in the house then a human- apparently she hasn't even been able to unpack. 

     I feel like this punishment could have been held off for a few weeks. 

    I love how there is a house division- it'll make for an interesting season. Whomever has the reward- clearly hasn't told anyone because half the house would know by now. They seem rather leaky. 

    I'm guessing either Tyler, Sam or JC got it. I'm not surprised that Fessy was "least trending" I said to my friend that he was barely on the screen on premiere night and was rather quiet. Honestly something like that can only help his game (if he has any) that he clearly isn't do anything to attract either positive or negative attention. It's not like they said you are getting a punishment because they hate you- it's because you are "least trending". 

    JC is already annoying the crap out of me. 

    1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

    And Tyler/Haleigh are kinda a thing, but they're both kinda using each other but they also could be interested in each other? It's hard to tell with those two, from what I read.

    Also, I think I read that Rachel also slept in HOH with them. 

    I kinda love how 2 people from each part of the house- are trying to talk block eachother- so they are both sleeping in bed with Tyler so they can have his ear. These people are kinda savage. I love it. 

    • Love 4
  4. 46 minutes ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

    In the promo for 2.12, that line that Fred says to Nick, “we always look out for one another”, gives me the impression that maybe Fred is the one who catches Eden and Isaac and maybe that’s why the punishment is so extreme.

    Ooo yes, I didn't think of that. That makes complete sense. 

  5. Photos for Episode 212

    Well these photos seem to confirm that it's Eden & Issac that are thrown into the pool. June & Rita look horrified, Serena looks like she has tears in her eyes and is also sort of horrified. I'm assuming that is Eden's Parents and sister that are in between Nick & Rita. 

    I wonder if something like this would make Serena again think twice about her place in Gillad? Probably not- she seems not to have much a soul at this point. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

    Regarding spoilers, how could they already know who the 1st HOH is if they haven't even sent the hammies into the house yet?

    As Peach said- they always go into the house a week before the premiere. So they all entered this past Wednesday night. So by the time we see them on the feeds on Thursday they have been in the house over a week. 

    • Love 2
  7. 31 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

    Is the tag she wears on her ear a tracker, or just something to mark that she's property?

    I think it has to be a mark- because then they would have been able to find her pretty quickly when she escaped from the hospital right? 

    • Love 6
  8. 30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    ETA: Would anyone be interested in doing a fantasy game for this season? I've been thinking of doing one here, but it's a lot of work so if there aren't many people into it then I don't think I'll bother.

    I would do it! ?

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Winston is still great in the latest interview. I worry that he's getting my hopes up and he'll turn into the biggest ass in that house, or a complete dud. He really does seem sweet, so if it does go one of two ways, he'll likely be a dud. 

    One of my Best Friend's (who is also a huge BB fan like myself) her cousin is really good friends with Winston. He told her that he's super nice, quiet, very smart, a country boy, they went to Georgetown together and was on the schools Football team- and he couldn't catch a football to save his life. Haha. There was a rumor going around that he dated Shelli and they are doing the Ex Twist again- so we asked him if he knew if this was true. He said as long as he's known him he's been single, he's dated but never anything too serious. He said it's possible he dated someone named Shelli, but he never met anyone named Shelli. But as a cavat- my friends cousin home is in Ohio- but is a travelling nurse so he's currently in Phoenix- so he hasn't seen him in awhile. But last spoke to him a few weeks ago. And was REALLY surprised when he heard from their friends that he was on the show because it's so not something he would do. 

    I liked what I heard from him prior to this knowledge. But I feel now since I have a bit of a connection- I'm for sure rooting for him. Haha. 

    • Love 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, mamato said:

    As a West Wing fan... Hearing that Serena plans for June to leave after the birth of the baby, and knowing that Bradley Whitford is showing up sometime this season as a Commander...

    I now face that my big fear could come to pass... that Whitford could be playing Elizabeth Moss's new Commander.

    This could making rewatching West Wing scenes with Josh and Zoey in them really uncomfortable...

    I have been wondering when he was going to appear. This makes perfect sense- wasn't he one of the main architects of Gilad- also very eccentric? I believe that is what the article I read (months ago) said- but I could be recalling that wrong. 

    Agreed- as also a really big West Wing fan- this will for sure make me squirm. 

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Machiabelly said:

    Did anyoneelse hear rumours it was going to be 16 new and 4 repeats?

    If Someone is back for the 3rd season in a row I am going to get stabby. 

    Yup- heard the rumors as well. Hamsterwatch was the one who announced it- she was pretty firm on all newbies a few days ago- but clearly she heard otherwise the past few days. She said it hurt her as much to type it as for us to read it- haha. She tweeted out Paul’s return last year. She’s pretty reliable and won’t tweet anything out until she has confirmation from a few people. 

    Maybe since it’s been leaked they won’t do it- hahaha. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    I do think it's Eden and Issac in the pool and then hanging on the wall. As for the labor...yeah, something weird's going to happen, I think. The Emmy screener said that episode 10 is a cliffhanger. She actually thought it was the season finale and didn't realize there were three more after. :-) Could be false labor (ha ha, won't Serena Joy feel even more stupid with her stupid pretend labor), could be Aunt Lydia intervening and doing something to "protect" the child, could be Fred stepping up and revealing that he's not the father (not sure who'd get in trouble for that since they pretend that SJ is the actual mother), or something could actually happen to the baby. The episode description makes it sound like June has the baby on her own so I am confused. Hannah makes appearance next week, too, so that may be who he's taking June to see. 

    Did this person that watched the Emmy Screeners write anything up for Episode 10 that we can read? Or any of the other episodes afterwards? Lol. Clearly I have ZERO patience! 

    • Love 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, AnswersWanted said:

    Just watched the Hulu promo for episode 10 and ... oh baby, here we go.

    Serena really is relishing her moment in the spotlight, sick.

    I love seeing Janine doting on June’s belly, she really would be the best auntie to that child, the sort of weird but lovable relative who takes you running through fields of wildflowers and teaches you how to climb a tree to find a bird’s nest to hunt for baby chicks or something.

    So Eden is starting to crack and she’s dumb enough now to start bringing June into the conversation. I know she’s just 15 but come on, is this kid that blind that she thinks if Nick is actually attracted to or in love with June that telling him that before she has told anyone else is a smart idea? 

    This makes me think even more that she will be the one hanging in those photos we saw- probably with Issac. I think someone said above that June & Nick will rat them out- or something to protect themselves and they will be hung. 

    Do we think it was a false alarm on the labor? 

    • Love 1
  14. I read earlier- that Rosanne doesn't actually own the show- so she wouldn't be able to shop it around to another Network anyway. Whether that is true or not I have no idea. But if true, that removes the idea that Fox could pick it up. 

    And plus, even if she *could* shop it around- I don't know if she could get any of the cast to follow her. 

    • Love 5
  15. I'm just really confused- I was pretty sure that they would do a Friday Night Cancellation Dump- still nothing. This is so bizzare- are they trying to push it out so far so that we forget about it and they cancel it quietly? 

    • Love 3
  16. 6 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    You might like to know that the show's writers offered to release some deleted scenes online if their offer to do so got 5,000 likes and 2,500 retweets on Twitter.  So far, they've had 5,800 retweets and 11,000 likes, so we'll be getting some deleted scenes soon.  The most widely requested one is the Lyatt pool kiss.

    They said they are releasing that clip first- trying to get it out today but they are waiting for some music obstacles. They are planning to release one deleted scene a day! 

    • Love 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I honestly don't think so. People have been wanting an All Stars season for a few years now. I'm not hopeful that this year is it, especially with The Amazing Race having multiple Big Brother teams. I've already been overloaded on Big Brother these past twelve months (BB19, TAR30, CBB, also the international BBs that I don't watch, and now TAR31 and BB20 starting up). I'm ok with fresh faces; I don't need a Paul situation this year. 

    I agree with you. Have I wanted an All Star season, yes I have. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get the cast I wanted and then I would just be annoyed- because if Corey/James are people CBS thinks should be on TV AGAIN- then clearly they don't have the same thoughts as me as to whom should be returning. Haha. But that's just my opinion. 

    I would like an all newbie season, how about BB20 being a back to the basic season. No weirdo twist, just good old fashioned Big Brother. That's not going to happen- but a girl can dream. Haha. 

    2 hours ago, njbarmaid said:

    April 23, 2018 Alison Grodner says in an interview that BB20 will be a brand new cast.

    Has she ever been known to change such a bold statement as that?  With all the rumors flying around, just trying to hold on to any kernal of truth in this crazy world, lol.

    I trust nothing she says. Haha. 

    • Love 2
  18. Julie's Twitter

    According to Julie's Twitter the Premiere of BIg Brother 20 will be on June 27th- which means we should get the cast around the 18th. 

    Show will air once again on Sundays, Wednesdays & Thursdays :) 

    On Twitter people were speculating that it could potentially be All Stars since she used her All Star Key in the clip she posted. 

    • Love 1
  19. Abigail looked so beautiful! I squealed a bit when I saw her walking into the wedding! I had a little Royal Wedding slumber party at my house and my one friend who came was like OMG Is that LUCY.. is this actually an episode of Timeless?!? 

    She must be VERY good friends with Meghan as she was sitting in the main room and I am guessing scored invite to the 200 person reception in the evening!! 

    Everyone changed for the evening Party- I wish we could see what she was wearing to that! 

    I love how a bunch of people have been using photos of her from the wedding and relating it to Timeless this one cracked me up: 


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