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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. 3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

    Actually wouldn't be surprised if next week is a reset. 

    Kaitlyn not solving the puzzle really messed up their schedule. No one in production had planned for it.  

    During Brett & Scottie's chat last night- they were talking about a D.E. and Scottie said that he doesn't think it will happen until after the Hacker twist is over- which totally makes sense. 

    So I'm guessing D.E. & whatever they are doing i.e. Jury Returning Comp or Reset week of some sort will happen after that as well? 

  2. 1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

    ...is anyone else suspicious that they played a Reset Week episode (BB16) and now the Battleback special from BB19?

    The door is totally going to be locked when Bayleigh gets voted out and goes to leave, isn't it?

    They would have told us. I think we are safe. 

    • Love 2
  3. I know the point of these Power Apps are for them to be used- but I don't think anyone has left BB with a Power in their pocket before. I think Production might kind of like this move. It's different and something that hasn't been done on BB before. 

  4. I really hope that this is as exciting as we are all hoping it will be! I'm thinking maybe Bay won't go off at first and will take a bit to stew- then will go off? She's for sure going to get pissed at Rockstar probably because when isn't she pissed at Rockstar? She'll probably blame her for the All Girls Pitch, and that's the reason she's up. 

    One thing I can guarantee that Fessy will be just as lost and confused as always. HAHA. 

    • Love 5
  5. 17 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

    is sam still the only person who knows Tyler is a super fan?


    Yup. Everyone else thinks he's a recruit whose watched a few episodes here and there. You can tell sometimes when they are talking about past seasons he's trying really hard not to say anything especially when someone says something wrong. Haha. 

    My favorite was when they talked about Dan- and he was like who is this guy again? Dan Ghees..ling? Is that what you said? LMAO. 

    • Love 4
  6. 23 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

    I wonder if Tyler is encouraging Angela to make an explosive veto speech knowing it will blow up when it comes to jury votes.  I wouldn't put it past him.


    100%- He also keeps saying that he's going to say this and that in his Goodbye Messages and we all know he isn't actually going to - they are all going to be nice and peachy- he knows the game. He's going to be neutral in his GBM- until either after the Jury Returnee or a Rewind week of sorts- and then he'll start explaining his game to people in them. But of course they all think he doesn't know the game, like Kaycee yesterday I think when Tyler came out of the DR all paranoid that maybe Bay can change nominations at the Veto ceremony as well (probably cuz he can use his at either)- he apologized for his mini-paranoia- and then Kaycee said to Angela that he doesn't know the game at all so I can see him thinking that. Lmao. Meanwhile dude has a power that can be used at both. Haha. 

    • Love 8
  7. I think that Sam will win HOH again- and save Tyler from his Hayleigh blindspot. It's clear that Sam doesn't like Hay- but Sam spends a lot of time in that Kitchen and has a pretty good read on the house and I don't think her pin pointing Hay was because she doesn't like her and more that she can read her body language and how she behaved afterwards. 

    • Love 6
  8. 6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

    I really can't get over how poorly Swaggy has handled all of this. 

    Totally. Someone on another site just recaped his Periscope this is what he said: 

    Swaggy says he wasn't be evicted because he was cocky or shady or a threat, it was because of Kaitlyn's emotions. Also, saying that getting evicted 2nd doesn't have any bearing on how good his gameplay was. He says he's going to cook Scottie on finale night because he's talking shit on the live feeds then mentions how Angela and Kaycee making up rumors he is bisexual. Mentions that Brett and Tyler are playing smart games. Everyone on the street loves him, but he knows a lot of those people are being fake. Says all the prejury had chances but him because he got backdoored for no reason that's why he can bitter(as he says the fans are idiots). People cant take honesty nowadays as well, he says. When someone wrote "you can't be this mad about a game", he responded "don't tell me what to do". Mentions that he's the only prejury still being shown on CBS (seems to wear it as a badge of honor). Would go on Amazing Race. Threatens to cook everyone. Speaks to Day, Paul, Jessica, Rachel, Zach Rance, Josh, BBOTT Danielle from past seasons. "Y'all have to get better comebacks". Doesn't wish anything bad for Kaitlyn, but won't be friends with her because you don't have to be friends with everyone. 

    I don't think he realizes that Level 6 pinpointed him as the head of the alliance- that he was shady, cocky & a threat to their games, and that used Kaitlyn as the conduit to getting him out. It's mind blowing that he CAN'T see that. He got outplayed plain & simple. 

    • Love 15
  9. 18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Heyyyy! That's the first thing I've liked about Swaggy post-BB! I got a genuine laugh out of this. 

    Don't worry- apparently he's now Live complaining about stuff. LOL. 

    Apparently he is going off about Scottie saying this. Dude has such thin skin. 

    • Love 7
  10. 10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


    According to Swaggy, everyone wanted Bayleigh this season. 

    Lemme guess, Scottie wanted to hit that shit too but then Swaggy stepped in, right?

    Tyler doesn't hate Bay- he just doesn't trust her gamewise- and I don't blame him- they got into a tiff the first few days. I don't blame him for being cautious of her. Not everyone wants to get with Bay, Swaggy. 

    Also, Tyler maybe if you are hiding your Superfan status- you probably shouldn't be talking about the "Yes,Dear" episode where they had guest stars from BB Seasons. Haha. 

    • Love 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Sketcher said:

    I think Tyler is an amazing game player.  He has all of the characteristics of a great leader (and yes, that includes his ability to empathize and reflect back what people are giving him) in the male package that is preferred by most people. 

    The game strategy Tyler is playing is nothing new.   The 4 horsemen played it, Derrick played it,  Paul played it his second time through.   Once it's established,  it's nearly an impossible strategy to counteract within the game because the leader holds everyone's secrets and confidences and can use them at will.   When Tyler makes an alliance with Bay,  she thinks it's real so she openly discusses her strategy and targets with him.   He then uses this information against her, telling Angela that Angela is Bay's alternate target,  undermining Bay and solidifying his deal with Angela. He can only do this effectively because he has convinced the others to cover his tracks. 

    The key to this strategy is getting out any other possible wannabe leaders.  Luckily,  BB producers don't usually cast many effective leaders, it's usually people who think they are better at it than they really are.  The big mistake that Paul made last year was not recognizing that leaving his weak followers alone with Cody in the jury house would screw him over because they followed him to vote against Paul.  Cody isn't a good leader (he can't see anyone else's point of view) but he has a strong leader- like personality that will do as a substitute for those needing to be led. 

    Tyler is not going to have that problem this year.   There is not another person capable of pulling together a revolt either in the house or in the jury house.   One side failed because they all wanted to be leader but couldn't do it effectively, leaving Tyler to guide a team who had expressed that just the act of nominating Tyler is offensive. 

    Agree with this. Tyler correctly pinpointed and targeted his probable rival aka Swaggy the first week- and was able to get him out the 2nd week because he had someone that was gullible enough to listen. He knew that Swaggy would be a big player in the house if he were to leave him, and also a volatile Jury vote. He's not wrong especially with how he's been behaving on Twitter- if anything I'd say so far that was his best move- cuddling up to Kailtyn and making her pull that trigger for him. 

    • Love 10
  12. 29 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

    How solid is Angela in her intention to save Tyler with the veto? I'm watching BBAD with Bay and Hay and Angela in the HOH room strategizing and I can't tell if Angela is just going along or is she actually agreeing with them.

    She is 100% taking Tyler down and backdooring Bay. This is all just to extract information from them. 

    • Love 5
  13. 25 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

    Can someone please put duct tape over Bay's mouth? I am so over her screechy voice.

    ETA:  Hypocrite! Bay sitting there with Hay, bad mouthing other players while while she's reading the Bible.

    Don't worry you won't hear it anymore after Thursday. 

    • Love 9
  14. 4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Swaggy is - that's right, you guessed it - salty as hell about all of this on Twitter, including accusing Angela of playing the race card. Because she told Bayleigh that she wanted Bayleigh to be the first black woman to win and really, she's going to backdoor her just like how Swaggy was backdoored. 

    Bring popcorn.

    I thought Elena was the most annoying Past HG on Twitter. This season isn’t even close to being over and Swaggy has taken over her reign. 

    • Love 11
  15. I think Tyler like the rest of us don't understand why Bay has done the things she has done- because they don't make sense and are horrible moves. He doesn't realize that she actually isn't that good at Big Brother and not actually a Big Brother mastermind. 

    Hence him trying to win the Veto last week- he didn't understand how he WASN'T a potential nominee.

    • Love 7
  16. 35 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

    I love it when they talk money. Don't they get like an automatic 5k or 10k if they make it jury? 

    They make a weekly stipend. 

    But I had heard talk on the feeds that 3rd, 4th & 5th place get money. I think I heard 3rd- $7,500, 4th, $5,000 5th- $2,500. This could be wrong- but they get something on top of their stipend. I think this was to encourage them all to actually play the game to the end instead of just asking for Jury and then getting there and becoming blobs. 

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