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Posts posted by SiobhanJW

  1. 11 minutes ago, missyb said:

    RS ragging on Angela , going on and on about her. Sam is really not having it. Telling her to stop. This is not a side of RS that Sam likes to see. RS says she is venting. She is not a vindictive person, etc. 
    Sam should be catching on that RS is trying to manipulate her and her vote. It is glaringly obvious. Especially when she keeps bringing up that Angela has money and no children.

    First and Foremost the show is not a charity, it's a game show. The best winner will win regardless of if they are millionaires or have no money. 

    Just now, NailedIt said:

    Has it been confirmed that tomorrow is an endurance competition? I watch the feeds on the cbs app on my firestick and miss those announcements. We haven't had have nots in two weeks. I have the feeling endurance is coming soon. 

    They haven't said anything yet usually they announce it late Wednesday or early Thursday morning if it's an endurance. I'm guessing it's something long because they need to fill the Sunday episode since there is no hacker competition now. 

    • Love 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    Well that is pretty interesting.... I double Kaitlyn's sleep cuddling transferred to Tyler so he probably meant to do that!

    Apparently according to Reddit before the cuddle he woke up and was rubbing her back for a bit. 

    Reddit cracks me up with their down to the minute "Tangela" updates. 

    5 minutes ago, green said:

    Looking forward to the TV show tonight to see Rockstar accidentally handing Tyler the info he needed in the veto thing.  And perhaps part of Queen Hay's royal bath as she holds court with minion Tyler explaining how he should remove Rockstar from the block.

    I know I'm really psyched to see how this Veto went down- from everyones retellings in the house it sounds like it was pretty dramatic. 

    Brett saying he was trying not to scream in elation when Tyler won- ditto with JC. Kaycee & Angela crying when he won. Hay & Fessy thinking Rockstar won and cheering and then realizing she didn't because she had the wrong answer. Rockstar giving a clue to Tyler. Sounds like it was very entertaining. 

    • Love 6
  3. 1 hour ago, gunderda said:

    I think Fessy would be TERRIBLE at the slip and slide.  I think Sam would do really well.  She's short, has an athletic build and seem to have knowledge in areas that would give her good balance. 

    I feel like I remember Fessy saying to Hayleigh that he would be really bad at the Slip & Slide and he might just go for the Money if there was a bowl for that instead, because there was no way he would win. Granted this was a few weeks ago and these HOHs are getting a bit more need to win, so it's possible he can be uber motivated and really go for it. But I took his word for it only because he was saying this to Hay- and not someone else in the house to play it off. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, NailedIt said:

    No jury returnees! I know I can't handle either one!

    Agreed. I don't want anything- reset/rewind/jury returnee. I would rather just let's play the game. But with the amount of time left and how they normally do their schedule- they have to have someone come back as Kaitlyn messed up her 2 piece puzzle. LMAO. 

    • Love 3
  5. 21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    It's done what production wanted it to do.

     Agreed. I think the whole point of the Hacker Twist was similar to the Battle of the Block. They wanted that Drama of the HOH's ally going home on their HOH. Same with how they wanted one of the HOH's to go out after they won the HOH that week like Nicole did on Christine's HOH after they both won that week. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

    You can have the greatest alliance that ever allianced but you still need to win a competition. Footy needed either the hacker or veto this week and couldn’t win either. That’s why they’re losing a number. Not because of anything Lv4 did. 


    Also, It's also entirely possible that L4 could have gotten out of this week without the Hacker Comp. If any of The Hive pulled down either Angela or Kaycee to backdoor Tyler- he would have used his power- and then she would of had to throw up someone else up. They still would of had the 4 votes- regardless of the cancelled vote. 

    • Love 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

    @Callaphera, do you mind giving us the short version of that Angela/Tyler convo? I'm at work and can't watch. (And heaven forbid I wait 5.5 hours until I leave for the day.)

    I'm not @Callaphera but she was basically telling Tyler about her life story since she just told Tyler & Kaycee that she was training as an Olympic Pole Vaulter the other day, that's her "secret". 

    She was telling Tyler that she was a gymnast from age 5 to 17- as her parents put her in gymnastics because she kept flipping off the couch and they figured that energy was better used elsewhere then in their living room.  She absolutely hated it- but felt she had to do it because that's what her parents wanted. She trained every single day and her mom drove her an hour and half each way to train after school. She said she was abused by her Gymnastics coach when she was a kid- how he made them hold onto the bars until the skin peeled off their hands- and how abuse/rape etc. was pretty prevalent in Gymnastics- she knew a few girls who were raped.  She rebelled a lot when she was younger- because of how miserable she was. 

    She was offered a few scholarships to University for Gymnastics- but then decided that she just couldn't do it anymore. So at 17 years old she quit which pissed her family off- she decided to try out for the football team- and the Track & Field coach saw her- and offered her a spot on the team and then she started doing that. We didn't really get much into the Pole Vaulting part of the story as people kept coming over to interrupt and talk block them. 

    • Love 3
  8. 1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

    Idk, I think Alex was a mean, nasty player way before Paul ever turned on her. Kaycee seems to have a level head, I really don't think she'll be super bitter if L4 votes her out.

    Agreed. She really adores Tyler- and I think if he cut her she would understand it as a game move. She would 100% vote for him in the end. 

    • Love 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, Cutty said:

    I feel like this happens every season and no one really gives a shit. Once the season is over the HGs forget the game the minute the backyard interviews begin and turn their focus to famewhoring.

    I dunno- the HG's talk an awful lot about how Tyler has "no idea what's happening" as he's "never seen the game" so we have to "counsel" him. That's their go to excuse along with he's being tempted by the feminine wilds of the house. Haha. 

    I think it's possible they have him reveal it on Finale night, if he makes it to the end. I don't think he'll say it in his F2 speech- but they might possibly have him tell them afterwards before they make the winner announcement. 

    • Love 3
  10. Honestly the biggest blindside of the season will come when Tyler reveals to the houseguests he’s a Superfan. I hope it’s on camera when that happens. They all really think he has no idea what is going on in the game or how to play it. I was lolling when Fessy was trying to BBsplain to Tyler late night/early this morning in the bathroom. 

    • Love 8
  11. 2 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Do they actually have a video screen view of Julie when voting?  Or are they just looking into a camera and back-and-forthing with Julie over audio?

    Nope- they can't seer in the DR. It's just a camera right in front of them. And then there are people that sit behind the wall and ask them questions. 

    • Love 1
  12. 43 minutes ago, mooses said:

    Sam tells Kaycee:

    "As much as I love Angela-la, I got the feeling I was being replaced..."

    So, she is jealous of Angela/Tyler. And she does have a crush on Brett. And I have no idea what she'd do between Kaycee/Rockstar. I lean her keeping Rockstar, but I don't know.

    ETA: Kaycee reassures her: "Tyler is in love with you."

    I think maybe she should have said Tyler loves you. I think the “in love” might send her on a spiral. 

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

    One thing I like about this season is there is no shunning happening. While there are sides and they are all gaming, they still eat together, work out together and hang out to talk about non-game stuff. 

    What are you taking about? Tyler made Bayelighs life a living hell when she was hiding in the Pink Bedroom reading her bible and hanging out with everyone in the backyard. 


    • Love 5
  14. In thinking about Rockstar/Sam- I think Rockstar has a lot of the blame in Sam's spin into crazy. Rockstar spends a lot of the time with anyone trashing the other HG's that she doesn't like. I imagine Sam must think everyone does this because Rockstar is doing it- so she then believes if they aren't talking to me then they are trashing me.

    • Love 5
  15. Just now, Nashville said:

    From Joker’s:

    Sat 10:39 PM PT Brett and Scottie trying to figure out what the cloud power means. Brett think cloud means back up , so maybe a reset week.

    Actually - when Sam’s Power App win gave us our first glimpse of all the Power App icons, this was my first guess for the meaning of the Cloud as well.  Maybe it’s a computer guy thing.

    But now that it’s been mentioned...

    Many of us took note that in Julie’s exit interview with Bae, Julie made absolutely zero mention of Bae having any opportunity to get back into the House - which sorta puts to the sword the idea of a JBB this season.  Thing is, though - given the current episode calendar, that still leaves TPTB a HG shy of having enough players to pull off a DE this season.  A JBB would have been their last opportunity to re-insert an evictee HG, so apparently THAT option is now off the table.

    So does that mean is about to dust off the Big Red Reset Button and bring it back into the game again...?  Because Production’s only option left to stack in an extra HG for a DE would be to nullify one week’s eviction.

    I went and looked at Day's eviction from BB18 to see if they mentioned a Jury Buyback in her eviction- and they didn't. She just said "You will vote for the winner of Big Brother" but they ended up having one anyway. So it's possible.

    But I think a rewind/reset week is more possible. I had mentioned the other day that maybe they would name it "Delete" Week or "Virus" week or something. Where the week was erased and they have to "retype" it or something stupid. 

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