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Everything posted by gutbuster

  1. Yeah, it seems Alexandria has A Plan, but we don't know what it is, but surely it will fail.
  2. Beta skinned Alpha's head and then immediately put her face on his own face. A fresh rotting piece of skin with blood and gore on the inside which he is obviously never going to take off. Because he never takes off his everyday mask, I feel like he should have a serious skin condition going on on his actual face but from what we've seen he just seems to be extra filthy. Every time one of the Whisperers talks to Beta he kills them. WHY do they keep talking to him? Why do they keep talking once Beta makes it VERY clear he doesn't like what they are saying? He randomly kills Whisperers who happen to be standing near him. WHY do they keep standing near him? How can a group full of so many stupid people without any sense of self preservation be any kind of threat? I'm not too worried yet that they are pulling a Heath with Connie. Hopefully her absence is due to the actress being temporarily busy with her other projects, but they really need to do a better job of explaining why no one is looking for her. Magna escaped the herd, why not Connie? Magna didn't see Connie die. If they are all assuming she died, then they should have the characters SAY that, or mourn her in some kind of way. Especially since they all apparently became BFFs at some point off camera if Jerry's welcoming back of Magna was any indication. Count me as one who was wondering when the hell Jerry became so close with Magna. Unless Jerry just loves everyone. In spite of Apha's continued presence, Carol's nonsense, Negan's nonsense, and a lot of other nonsense, I still somehow actually enjoyed this episode. I actually even LAUGHED in a good way when they showed the Gypsy Town walkers and Ezekiel's reaction to them. I had an emotional response to this show other than ambivalence, frustration, disappointment, rage, or pure disdain!
  3. Maybe Judith did it for him during one of her many unsupervised visits. There is zero acceptable reason for him to have been in that cell with a trendy hairdo.
  4. Nice that Beta makes times for practicing his arts and crafts stitching up his new Balpha mask. But I still call bullshit on him being able to open that door and just wade into a sea of walkers with zero response from them. It's like the show is treating him as an actual walker, and not some human weirdo in a costume, which he actually is.
  5. Oh, crap. Who the fuck is that? Not another gimmicky weirdo, please.
  6. Okay , I'm actually LOL'ing at the gypsy troupe walkers.
  7. Negan, YOU KILLED KIDS. Maybe the writers forgot, but we didn't.
  8. Seriously, the Whisperers have zero rules in regards to their hierarchy. How does one inherit the throne? The subjects have no clue how any of this works. They clearly thought Alpha would live forever.
  9. Even if they did, this episode proves that we'll just get Ghost Negan in somebody's delusion for no fucking reason other than to annoy the hell out of what remains of the dwindling viewing audience.
  10. Daryl just got Dale'd in the middle of an open field by three moron Whisperers?
  11. Whisperers just burned Hilltop to the ground and now we're causally going off in tiny groups. Trotting out in the open chatting distractedly about candy. Ezekiel 😞
  12. NO. Bad, show. Alpha is dead. You killed her. That means we don't have to listen to her face anymore.
  13. So selfish. She knows what happened when they only trespassed into the Whisperer territory- how bad it was. So she knows it can only be worse when they see Alpha's head on a pike. Damn it. And now she's not even going back to deal with the repercussions with them?? Fuck her. Damn it. 😞
  14. Judith told Michonne she would listen to Daryl. She might have specified "Uncle Daryl".
  15. I really wish they would stop doing these character spotlight episodes in general, but particularly as a way to send off long time cast members. And particularly immediately following an episode when something interesting actually happens. This episode would have still been pure trash even if we haven't already been beaten over the head for the past ten years with the whole "life choices" and "the good guys could been seen as the bad guys depending on the choices and perspective"...blah blah blah - WE. GET. IT. And no, Negan would still be an annoying blowhard POS even if episode 1 had been about him instead of Rick. We don't even get to see Michonne interacting with people she's tied to and has history with. How many more episodes until this is done? Looking forward to our regular crappy show next week and the end of this season. I keep holding on, but I miss being excited for this show.
  16. I think it was Magna had pled innocence to the crime while Yumiko was defending her as her lawyer. But she had led Yumiko to believe she was actually innocent. It wasn't until all these years later into their relationship that Magna confessed to actually committing the crime, which I believe was murdering someone who had molested someone close to her? I remember watching that scene, but the details are foggy.
  17. Wait a second. So if Carol was plotting with Negan before he left Alexandria, then what the actual fuck was up with her blowing up the horde and continuously losing her shit putting people at risk to get to Alpha, if the whole plan was for Negan to kill Alpha. She looked and sounded very lucid and not at all emotionally distressed when she told him 'took you long enough' like she was just biding her time. What the hell?
  18. WHY WOULDN'T HE SHOOT BETA????? Or is he just that shitty of a shot. Beta is supposed to be someone famous in TWD world?
  19. Maybe Daryl missed while swinging his spikey ball around?
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