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Everything posted by gutbuster

  1. The neighbors must be complaining about this home reno in the middle of the night.
  2. Is she gonna walk in and find Remy kicking her soup up a notch? Or find a nest of rats in the wall?
  3. If that rat starts giving Carol cooking tips...
  4. Did Nicotero leave? The walker makeup looks particularly mask-y and cheesy lately. It looks like they're all on their way back from Party Central.
  5. This is going to be an hour of life-hacking with Daryl and Carol, isn't it. I actually like slice-of-life stuff, but not like this. Please not like this!
  6. That looked suspiciously like a giant jar of urine in the pantry.
  7. Maybe at the end of the episode they'll throw up a recipe card so we can Cook Along with Carol.
  8. This is how Carol works up to Soylent Green.
  9. This bitch made cookies out of acorns, Jerry.
  10. It seems highly likely that someone is going to be revealed to be another alien at some point, perhaps from another species. But it's hard, and fun, to speculate who considering the bunch of weirdos we're dealing with.
  11. He did go hatless at the bowling alley, as well! His dumb outfit may have distracted you from it at the time, though. Even when he was doing his singing non-apology to Liv he was trying to out-sing her. I'm glad he acknowledged how much better she is than him at their work even if he never says it out loud. I tolerate a lot of crappy behavior in my fictional entertainment, but his comments to her at the diner were awful and kept bothering me. I liked this episode. The convention was great. Loved Harry's commentary on the different types of aliens. The Grays really are the A-Holes of the Galaxy. Why did Darcy break into Harry's house and then instantly break into his freezer??
  12. Princess's state of mind makes it so hard to believe she's managed to not get herself killed in all this time. If her panic attacks / episodes are triggered like this and are this severe, elaborate, and real to her, it's a wonder one of her super awesome Walker Buddies hasn't chewed her face off in a moment when she maybe thought she was interacting with a real person. I feel bad trashing this episode because they clearly seem to think they're exploring mental illness in some kind of profound way, but man this was really, really, horribly, terribly bad. I wish we had gotten a DROP of story. Are these the people Eugene's girlfriend are with? What the F is their deal? Are they just super cautious or are they just a bunch of dicks in RPG gear? So much of this episode felt like a retread of other things we've seen a billion times. Rick hallucinating Lori, and what the gang went through in Terminus, etc. All of it felt conspicuously recycled. The only part I liked was Princess's Walker Buddies. I had forgotten about them. The actors were totally giving them swagger. Going forward whenever they show things from Princess's point of view they should swag out all of the Walkers in her field of vision to look like her Buddies. That would be epic.
  13. She didn't even give them any useful info did she? I zoned out. God this was awful. I hope you were all able to get drunk.
  14. Yeah, there is A LOT to unpack here. This is a really awkward meet-cute.
  15. Oy my god, her walker buddies are the best thing.
  16. This sucks. SO has she been in that damn car the whole time? Other than kicking that twerp's ass, did what little that happened actually NOT happen? Are they now giving us episodes of story and then rescinding it within the same episode? That has to be an achievement of some kind.
  17. The episode is almost over. Why does every new group have some sort of lame-ass motto? The thing I found most irritating is that they're wasting paper documenting their activities.
  18. I really hope this doesn't end with all of this being a hallucination.
  19. I hope Ezekiel doesn't think he's gonna cram those dreads into that tiny helmet.
  20. If there's one thing this show excels at it, it is subtlety and humility in how clever they are when telling a story. Superhero landing!
  21. Maybe lose the Day-Glo pink FURRY jacket when you're trying to evade detection.
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