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Posts posted by MartyQui

  1. Did the upstairs bathroom (the one they already had) have a shower?  Or was it just a half bath? I liked the design, especially keeping the fireplace.  I don’t like when they get rid of every wall, to me that looks like an apartment.

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  2. We don't know how time travel works...to Chloe, it might have seemed that Rory was only gone for a minute.  And we didn't see any part of Chloe's house except the bedroom (which may have even been some kind of hospice) ..I did think it was weird that the bed had golden pillows.  They didn't seem very comfortable. :)

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  3. I’ve made the Robuchon potatoes…they’re not that hard, you just have to follow the steps.  And they are delicious!!  I make sure my potatoes are dry when I make regular mashed potatoes now, they do seem to be fluffier.  I just drain them, and throw them back in the pot for a few minutes until I can see that the water is gone.

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  4. I just binged all the episodes today…loved seeing them stroll through Navigli in Milan (where they had the aperitivo), and the Roman slaughterhouse.  There’s a Michelin starred restaurant in that area where I had one of the best meals of my life.  I think they did a great job with the show.

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  5. On 8/20/2021 at 4:23 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    I think they had two suites.   One for Nichole and Paul and one for the kids. 

    Nope, that was a one bedroom suite, hence the girls sleeping on the pullout.

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  6. RE Claire's house...interesting that Mom would buy her a house, but not help her with med school loans?  It struck me as odd.  Mom must own the house as an investment, and is renting/loaning it to Claire while she finishes her residency?

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  7. Was it ever established that Paula came from a poor background?  That backpack full of pills had to cost something.  And I don't think the Mossbachers were as rich as they would have liked to appear...otherwise they would have had a two bedroom suite, instead of the kids sleeping on the pullout sofa.  And a cot.

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  8. I was just thinking about Autumn’s “chowder”…it looked more like pudding to me.  Real chowder is basically the consistency of heavy cream (or even lighter) with clams and potatoes.  And I’m a Bostonian, have the accent, and I have no idea what accent hers is.

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  9. 8 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Cuz, ya know, she wants to open her own resteeeraunt in Indianapolis.🙄

    To elevate the food scene.  I’ve been to Indianapolis, they have some pretty good restaurants.

    Gordon pronounces pasta the way every English person I know pronounces it…

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  10. The pictures seemed like a fairly workable idea (except that so many were not very good), and the prices weren't outrageous, but the pottery idea seemed nuts.  How could you use a pitcher that had a price tag on it?  

    I think Ontario is fairly like New England, and vacation rentals around here can be pretty much year round (I have cousins with houses they rent out).

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  11. 22 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

    with one full-packaged ejection (on top ONLY of the square utopia) of faux ketchup that is 99% high fructose corn syrup -- smashed together to splay the ketchup across the entire square of golden goodness, with a side of hot salty fries to dip into the separate pool of sugary paste disguised as ketchup ejaculated into the top compartment of the cardboard box in which the squishy fishy goodness is delivered.

    Ketchup?  On fish?  With all the conversation this week I went and got a filet o fish for lunch today…imagine my disappointment when there was only *half a slice* of cheese!  The horror!

    • LOL 2
  12. JL said that one of the things his Mom told him was to always use protection, and he said he hadn’t been good about that.  Hence the worry about the STD and Dani’s concern that she caught the “STD” from him.  They are both fools.

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  13. 15 hours ago, Totale said:

    Perhaps I was forming my refined Top Chef level palate back in the 1970s when I first had one of those and thought "That cheese doesn't belong there. Yuck!" 

    I used to make myself a fish, cheese and tartar sauce sandwich for breakfast in high school (in 1976!).  We had the classy fish sticks that were more like little fish filets.  My sisters were disgusted that I could eat it at 6a, but it was brain food, right?


    • LOL 5
  14. I’m not going to watch Captain Sandy’s latest shitshow, so this is it for me for a while.  Colin (is there something about that name?) wins the prize as most likeable, I’d watch Daisy again, I like the way Glenn expects people to act like adults, and the rest can take a long walk off of a short pier.

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