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Posts posted by MartyQui

  1. 52 minutes ago, CruiseDiva said:

    If that judge had "little kids" what were they doing cooking ramen noodles unsupervised? That statement didn't impress me as good parenting.

    We were allowed to use the stove unsupervised starting at 10 years old.  We made rice after school and put food coloring in it.  My mother had 5 daughters under 10, I think she just figured we’d figure it out.  We never burnt the house down.

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  2. I have 17 people in my immediate family, and somehow I seem to be able to provide a plated dinner to all of them at the same time.  So I’m not cutting Natasha any slack. She knows these people have McDonald’s tastebuds, so have French fries and crap food ready to go.  Sorry, anyone who thinks burrata is a strongly flavored cheese deserves to starve.

    Barrie’s ex-husband is clearly very ill (looks like throat cancer, which is a truly terrible way to die), and that asshat thinks it would be cool to propose to his boytoy on the guy’s birthday?  I hope he chokes on his beans.

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  3. My sister is in the process of doing the basement in her new home...bedroom, TV area for the grandkids, and a home gym.  They could have done a home gym and thrown a spin bike, a TV and a weight rack in there and called it a day.  

    CANNOT stand Alison.  If she wins, I might explode.  

    I think they might be setting up Mika and Brian for a win, like Jasmine last year.  I wouldn’t mind, I think they build for the masses.

    Agree about the fake criticism for Nate and Jeremiah.  They needed something to say just to maintain a little suspense.  That basement was gorgeous.

    I live in an apartment, so my main room is grey and white, with accents of blush (including a Flor blush and white zebra print rug).  So I like pink, but David’s basement was horrific.  And why didn’t they stage the bedroom?  I think they gave up a little.

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  4. 16 hours ago, jaimesommers said:

    THIS. I’ve seen them on other shows, and they seem like nice people, but their designs are very one-note and all about what THEY like. 

    I think the difference is that they are interior designers, and not flippers.  You don't hire them if you don't like their signature style.  I like it in other people's houses, but if I had all the money in the world (and a great big expensive house, haha), I'd hire Martyn Lawrence Bullard.

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  5. I noticed a lot of Crate and Barrel furniture in the house, including a few pieces from her collection.  I HATED the floor...all I could think about was how you would keep it clean.  And no cabinets in the kitchen, except whatever was behind those curtains next to the stove, and under the island?  Overall, not one of my favorites.

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  6. 1 hour ago, RoxiP said:


    Gary was even less attractive on WWHL. 


    I didn’t think that was possible.

    I wanted to smack that guest (Ryan) who was complaining...sorry, but you deserved what you got, traveling internationally during a pandemic.  What an entitled jerk.  Who’s had too much work done on his face.


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  7. I loved the black and white tile in Nate and Jeremiah’s house, and I LOVED the iron and glass doors.  I couldn’t live there (not my colors), but I really thought it was beautiful.  Brian and Mika’s rooms looked cheap next to everyone else’s.  So glad Alison lost.  I didn’t mind the black paint, but I couldn’t live with giant birds greeting me at the front door.  They won because they added the bedroom with the attached bathroom...the wallpaper could always be stripped.

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  8. I agree about the open shelving...maybe two 24 inch shelves to put a couple of platters on, but all my dishes out all the time?  No thanks.  I'll join the chorus to say how much I liked Allison and Mike's kitchen.  And I loved the green cabinets, I'm sick to death of white.

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  9. I loved this design!  That cool chair in the living room, and the two beautiful curvy sofas.  I even liked the island!  I agree about the marble, but people who like it live with the stains...she must have warned them.  The solution for all of the wood floors was cool, I'm glad she didn't rip them all up.  So glad to see that horrible slate go, we had that in our entryway too.

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  10. I really liked the last episode’s redo.  I loved the kitchen, and that island had 6 chairs all around it so it served as a table as well.  It would be so sunny and bright I’d be happy to work in there all day!  The living room I wasn’t in love with, but that’s LeaAnn’s style, and if you don’t like it I guess you don’t hire her. I hate all that wood, I’d feel like I was in a coffin, so painting it white wasn’t an issue for me.

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  11. OK, my takeaway...didn’t Elizabeth notice the stain on her skating costume?  I think that says everything we need to know about her.

    James cracks me up, maybe because he so obviously doesn’t take himself seriously.  Captain Lee’s comment that James and Elizabeth would have been a one night stand if it didn’t take place on a boat was spot on.  And, having had a few one night stands, you know that going in...Elizabeth’s doe eyed “but I thought he was my true wuv” is ridiculous.


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  12. 3 hours ago, Milan said:

    And what is her job? Cleaning the deck and railing lowering and picking up the anchor and sometimes carrying some food or luggage to the tender. It is not rocket science.

    Clearly you've never worked on a boat, it's non stop cleaning because of all of the salt.  And taking the water toys in and out, making sure that they have gas or electricity to run, fixing them if they're broken, putting up that slide and taking it down, helping clean in the galley, covering furniture and uncovering it, cleaning the waterline, washing the deck, anchoring, moving etc. etc.  Oh, and watch the guests while they're on water toys, help them if they need help, set up for those beach picnics, accompany the guests on any shore excursions.  Stews:   "making the bed" is the least of it...they do it twice a day, vacuum, dust, clean the bathrooms, put out fresh towels, wash all the bedding and towels, straighten up clothes that are thrown around, take care of trash, etc., etc.  Oh, and serve the guests drinks, wait on meals, set the table, clear the table, go on shore excursions, plan said excursions, order provisions, etc. etc.

    I've been a private chef, and 3 elaborate meals a day when you're the only person is EXHAUSTING.

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  13. I seem to remember when Eddie and Francesca were talking to the Captain about the room incident, Eddie specifically said that it was bad, but James was overall a decent worker, so it wasn't a firing offense.  Elizabeth, on the other hand...

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  14. India to Sweden:  the daughter was 17 (she mentioned that at one point).  Guessing that the sister was 15?  The older sister was a spoiled brat, I’m gonna guess that Grammy and Grandpa spoiled her rotten.  There was no mention of school, which was weird, although the mother works in an international school (Google is my best friend).  Weird at the end when the mother told brat that she (brat) didn’t need a man...

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  15. This conversation is reminding me of a story about my grandmother and her sisters going to visit the farm where they grew up to put it up for sale (it was in Nova Scotia).  They were in their 80s.  The plumbing in the house wasn't working.  So they dug a hole and put a kitchen chair over it to take care of their "needs" for a couple of days.  Didn't faze them in the least!

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  16. Leiden:  I did like them as a couple...I wonder what she’s like in real life.  It did say she found a job as a nurse, which seems odd, since I don’t think she spoke the language?  The microwave/combo oven must be like a toaster oven?  That outdoor space was gorgeous!

    Re Floor’s dress...it was so pretty, but when she was riding the bike I kept waiting for it to get caught in the spokes!

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  17. 13 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    What was weird was that Rachel went off for provisions on her own, PRIOR to the preference sheet meeting being shown, so those things were out of sequence.   H

    They showed her looking at preference sheets before she went shopping, which confirms the theory that those preference sheet meetings are just for theatre, at least for the chef.

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  18. 8 hours ago, spunky said:

    I wonder why they keep hiding the Carib beer label. Maybe Carib brewery (Trinidad) didn't give them permission 🤔.  

    Pretty sure that every time we see a label it's a paid sponsorship (Whispering Angel, anyone?).  So if Carib wouldn't cough up the bucks, no free promos for them.

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