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Posts posted by MartyQui

  1. On 5/8/2017 at 1:18 PM, anna0852 said:

    In 1962 Sister MC *might* be given Valium or another sort of tranquilizer. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are in the very far future. 

    Actually, the first tricyclics were used in the 1950s, so they would have had those.  

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  2. I used to work with a "Vanck", and even in a department full of nerds we all wanted to shove him out a window.  No social skills (or desire to get any), constant complaining about the littlest things, absolute confidence that he was the smartest person around (and we worked with Nobel prize winners), and lazy, lazy, lazy.  We worked on a floor adjacent to a clinic for kids with cancer, and he constantly complained about how rough *his* life was. Ugh.  Even the little clips that they showed us reinforced my initial impression.

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  3. The kid was Quinn's son...he mentioned that he had one and he had "screwed up".    The student is Dar's boyfriend.  The guys in camo were Dar and McLelland's operatives...clearly they had a dark state going, and I guess next season will be spent figuring out how deep it went.

    Great to see Linus Roache...last time he was on my TV he was dying in a Roman bath.

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  4. The idea that they would feature Angola bride pissed me off a little. It's a dictatorship, with terrible maternal child death rates, and one of the largest gaps between the haves and have-nots in the world. And we're supposed to be thrilled that she spent $200k of her father's probably ill- gotten gains on her wedding dresses? Ugh. I switched it off.

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  5. Todd's had a rough few years...he's pretty much persona non grata in the Boston restaurant world nowadays (unpaid rent, stiffing suppliers, closing restaurants) so maybe it was just stress that made him look so unlike his formerly handsome self.<br /><br />Also, I work at one of the hospitals in Boston, and I had friends and family at the Marathon finish line. There's still a lot a trauma to be processed (we have to hear about the bomber's trial every.single.day), so if Top Chef wants to celebrate a group of first responders, more power to them.

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