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Everything posted by TWP

  1. In the list of possibilities, you forgot 4. Replace Stana with a different actor. It would work if the new Beckett is good and Stana and Marlowe announce a new collaboration. Maybe the die-hard fans would balk for awhile, but they'd come back into the fold if the chemistry is good. And I don't think the chemistry between the current actors has been good for awhile. In fact, it makes me cringe. And then, of course: 5. The last 7 seasons were all a dream and Castle and Alexis become a crime-fighting duo. LOL I really think that #4 is the likeliest scenario if Katic leaves. Numbers 1 through 3, to me, represent just wishful thinking that the producers would think that losing Katic would be the end of the world, so the network would obviously have to find a way to keep her. I don't find her disposable, but with a good opening story, life would go on. In the old days of TV that's what they would do. Is anyone here old enough to remember Bewitched and the two Darrin Stevens? That show is a cult classic, now. I vote for Katee Sackhoff as the replacement, BTW.
  2. I think the show Castle could go on without one or the other of the leads (not both)....because seriously, as viewers where ya gonna go? It's one of the most entertaining shows on TV (which is not saying a whole lot, but still). If done right, Stana could definitely leave if they aren't meeting her monetary needs and they would still have a show.
  3. The one way that actors' jobs are maybe a little tougher than ours is that the fans try and dictate when they can stop doing a show or judge them on how many hours they work. If the cast doesn't want to suck it up and act their hit or miss characters for more than 7 years, it's not our place to demand that they should. Instead, we should say "thanks for entertaining us" and that we hope to see them soon on something new. More power to them. Most of them don't have to work at all, so sometimes I'm amazed by the fact that they do it. If I was a multi-millionaire, I'd definitely find better things to do......of course, maybe they like the limelight more than I do....I will admit that I am biased because I really think Castle the show has said all it came to say. However..... On another thread, I mentioned that Castle probably won't end because loose ends weren't tied up. Verdana pointed out that Bracken and 3XK were tied up (and maybe pointed some other story lines out that I can't remember). I really believe that Bracken was tied up for the same reason that Marlowe got "Caskett" together. The fans would have revolted otherwise. As to 3XK, I skipped that arc, but from what I heard, maybe Castle killed his evil twin or plastic surgery double. I suspect he will be back. I don't think they've closed down enough to end the show. But don't expect to know until summer. Often these negotiations don't get hot until just about time to start filming. I don't think it'll be May.
  4. Sometimes I wonder if the "wrist-slitters" are why the showrunners have toned the " romance" down to one cut above glacial ice. People need to deeeetatch. It's a TV show, not world peace. But some folks may have gotten way too crazy and they thought maybe someone was going to get hurt. Who knows?. I don’t think they're writing the show like it's going to end. Other than the wedding, any loose ends wrapped up? No. It's going to be here for awhile, but I suspect with Nathan making less and less time for it.
  5. 100% agree about the double standard that women can hit men with few repercussions. I totally see where Rayna was coming from in feeling angry. I remember one time while our area was experiencing the worst earthquake I'd ever experienced, I got seriously furious at my husband when he said it wasn't over. Looking back, it was a very strange emotion given that he was only trying to keep me from going out of the protected environment where we'd gone to weather the quake, but it came from bewildered stress. And I think that's where Rayna's expression came from, but also from how Deacon hurt her many times instead of just telling her about the diagnosis. But yeah, double standards. In an episode that emphasizes domestic violence, Rayna shouldn't be slapping Deacon....although I'm probably giving writers too much credit by saying that maybe they were attempting to emphasize the double standard. Hollywood is hideous on domestic violence...look at the Grammys which had a segment on domestic violence in the same year when they nominated Chris Brown for several awards. Bunch of hypocrites. Maybe the show needs to hire a stand in for Hayden. I really don't get the impression that she's coming back right away....I suspect they'll let Avery go on tour and no harm will be done with the relationship. Juliette will be happy. The baby will be born and life will go on. Sometimes they've just gotta hand wave the complexities of relationships for the sake of figuring out what to do to get around people's personal real life situations. So expect to check reality at the door on Avery's tour. Somehow with a wife about to pop, it's no problem.
  6. I knew that Avery would go back to being the "I gotta go!" twit to Juliette once they got back together. Juliette clearly needs support. How about being a little kinder, rather than being all cranky to her all the time while being oh so much nicer to Sadie who was also acting needy -- both women for understandable reasons, of course. He's cheating on Juliette again with his support and heart just as he did when he supported druggie Scarlett over Juliette. Juliette should be his Number 1 and the others should find their own support networks. Maybe he can, but Juliette can't escape the pregnancy. He needs to find time more for his wife, take some parental leave, if he has to, even if it means losing a contract -- especially since Sadie is delaying work because of her own personal issues that further keep Avery from Juliette. He leans on Juliette so he can do whatever he wants. The sooner she dumps him the better. Rayna killed it, doing what Teddy should have done to Jeff. My only disappointme t -- I was waiting for her to drive those high heels through Jeff's forehead.... Find Deacon a liver already. I'm tired of sick Deacon. What some see as "killing it," I see as overacting. Deacon and Maddie's relationship was one of the few feel-good storylines on this show and they've cut it. Introducing angst in every single story is a mistake. The viewer needs a place to rest. Fingers crossed that the shallow, manipulative Layla comes back to rule over Jeff. Can't wait to see what Max Weiss, my favorite hate-watching reviewer, has to say about tonight.
  7. Well that's clear as mud. Sounds like a charity to end first world problems, because most folks in reality take "alternative travel" every day out of necessity. Yep, I'm going to continue donating to the food bank, and giving blankets for the homeless. I'll let someone else persuade LA citizens to park their BMWs for a day. ;-). But if people want to spend $4000 on a shirt (approximately the current bid), I am not their keeper.But really, as a charity? Very socialite. It was cute before they started thinking it was worth taking cash away from serious causes. Why is she selling the stuff now? It'll earn more money now than when Castle (the show) is a corpse. She has no way of knowing if the network will meet her and Nathan's demands and continue on beyond this season so she's striking while the iron is hot. And probably the charity status timing mentioned above is also a factor.
  8. And as I understand it, the chance for rejection in face transplant is huge, even with rejection drugs....which would definitely take away from Ms. Evil's creds as a plastic surgeon, given that her face would look like an ugly grey raisin. Such an action as transplanting Beckett's face to her own, would definitely be its own punishment. Unfortunately Beckett would be collateral damage. Listening to you guys I'm so much gladder every day that I skipped this arc. Repulsive. Please, 3XK, really be dead. But the whole idea is a little bit a throwback to my favorite cartoon show, Scoobyy Doo, with many scenes including perfectly done masks that looked exactly like the person they were supposed to play, without even the slightest flaw. So it makes me smile, just a little, but in a morbid sort of way.
  9. Yes, Beverly can pass on blood type letters when she has none of her own. She can also leap tall building with a single bound. I have to always remind myself that all shows on TV are superhero and supervilain shows. Then I feel better.
  10. Yep parents are anything but O. One is A, the other B or one is AB and the other is A or B. Type O is definitely out of the question. But maybe this is where we find out that the insufferable bitch of a woman isn't Scarlett's real mother. Or maybe Scarlett has a brother.This is clearly a show about misery, kind of like how Seinfeld was a show about nothing. Why Javery can't have just one episode about being newlywed and in love, I'll never know. And I think Sadie's purpose is to break up Javery or maybe land Avery in jail for murder. Rayna is a shallow, self-centered jerk who doesn't deserve anyone. And if I'm being honest, so is Juliette. Please, you love Avery. Build him a man-cave for his things. Gunnar's son story is the high fiber oat bran of the show. It's for firmness and bulk, not for interest and flavor. Layla is alive!! I hope Jeff starts to pine for her and she wants nothing to with his sorry self.
  11. Ugh, for me, 3XK = hiatus. I delight in knowing that you all will tell me if anything interesting happens. Honestly, doesn't Michael Mosley have a real job, errands to run, or something? Ohhhh, it seems that none of his shows survive, when people find out that he's actually a serial killer ;-). Seriously, I wonder if his recurrent role on Castle affects his watchability on other shows. I know other actors get past this sort of thing, but they have more on-screen charisma. For me, it's the Morena Baccarin effect. Once I saw her on 'V,' I could not get past how much she looked like the lizard person she portrayed on that show. Every time I see Mosley in anything, all I think is, I hope people realize that he's a serial killer. But I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that I have evolved to where I pretty much hate-watch Castle. I guess 3XK just gives me more to hate....although this time I'll hate by not watching. I'm not sure what is worse -- that the two-parter is about 3XK or that it's not about Castle's disappearance. Seriously, how many shows just drop important story lines like that? There's really nothing reliable about this show. It's just scatterbrained randomness.
  12. Thanks, Hal. Your article gave me reason to hope for my favorite show (the one mentioned right after Castle LOL.)
  13. Sorry, Kave, I shouldn't have been so general. I think I've stepped back far enough that I don't feel like I have any investment with this show anymore. Given my current perspective, I now believe those on other blogs and forums who have said that even as early as Season 3 these two actors stopped having chemistry. But from my own experience, I can definitely see how others would feel differently. I used to think they had it. Now I definitely don't. I still hold that the ep was cute and sort of entertaining. But for me, definitely cringeworthy on the romance front. And oh, so forgettable on the everything front.
  14. My husband had to remind me that Castle was on this week. Yawners. The episode was cute, sort of entertaining in an overacted, neo-noir Sin City or even Blue Butterfly kind of way. Kind of interesting, but not the shtick that I would stick with for more than an episode, two at the most. They've turned the romance into slapstick comedy almost. The kindergarten kissing was silly. Nothing about the interaction between these two convinces anyone that they're even a couple of anything but casual friends who joke about being lovers. If PTB are trying to tone down the rabid shippers, I'm sure it's working. The ratings were tied for series lowest at 1.4. It was national college football championship night, so probably greatly due to that. But mehhh...
  15. I only hope Avery didn't (subconsciously even) marry Juliette for her money and fame. Callie Khouri claimed that Avery started out as a jerk, but Callie liked JJ so well in the part that she turned his character into a nice guy. I don't necessarily believe that Avery's egocentric side isn't going to come back out when the PTB run out of ideas for him. But Juliette loves him so much. No doubt she'll come out of all this with a broken heart.
  16. I read somewhere that Avery was supposed to also be a plot device, but showrunner liked him so much she kept him on.
  17. I've been re-watching Season 2 this hiatus and my main thought about Juliette and Avery's breakup is: Who cheated on who? Physically cheating is one thing. Emotionally cheating is a whole different game. The day of the breakdown, Avery played primary caregiver for his ex-girlfriend even though her uncle and mother plus others were available. And it was perfectly fine for him to disappear from Juliette without even saying a word and spend the night at Scarlett's bedside, while admitting that he had part of a heart for her. Of course Avery would say that his actions were out of friendship, but I know how he feels about his female "friends". Maybe Avery has feelings for Scarlett that he won't even admit. Or maybe he was just being nice, but it's perfectly understandable that Juliette would feel threatened by it, especially given how carelessly he treated her, all the while knowing how damaged and un-trusting she is. Avery spent a couple of days showing intense emotional involvement with Scarlett. Juliette acted out about the situation by having a meaningless 1.5 minute affair with Jeff Fordham that she regrets, regrets, regrets, hates herself and regrets some, regrets more! later. Avery feels no responsibility for his involvement in the breakup. Nope, Juliette is a "terrible person". Ick. Who is really the bad guy/gal here. Who has the deeper conscience? I wish the writers had explored Avery's wrongs a little more.
  18. Awwww, only #6th? Nashville is greatly helped by the fact that fandom and reviewers don't seem to take it seriously. My favorite guilty pleasure is to watch the show just to understand the hilariously brutal recaps. It's not just a show, but an entertaining TV ecosystem. Keeping the expectations low will ensure its success.
  19. My greatest fear is that he will go back to loathsome Avery, as outlined in this article http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/01/15/nashville_season_2_midseason_premiere_what_will_avery_barkley_jonathan_jackson.html. He's certainly carried the facial hair over :-). Avery, without fear of losing his love is potentially not very nice at all.
  20. My greatest fear....Avery has a bit of a pattern of 1. More passion about what he doesn't have e.g. no jealousy about Juliette and Charles (2x19 bath tub scene), but fiercely wanting to protect Scarlet from Charles. 2. Being totally sexist about Juliette paying for things, and maybe about her making more money than he does. He and Juliette are doomed. I give them 5 episodes. Suddenly depressed. I'm a Castle refugee. PLEASE Nashville showrunners. Don't make me hate you too!
  21. During this hiatus I've spent time catching up on Nashville. I've pretty much replaced my "Caskett" addiction with "Javery" (Juliette and Avery from Nashville). The story lines make so much more sense than the stilted and jilted ones on Castle. There is actually some consistency from week to week. Go figure. Nashville is an unapologetic soap, a fact that I also appreciate. I'm a happier person because of it.
  22. (speaking in a tiny voice). I think Stana Katic was horribly cast in the role of Beckett. So many actors would have been so much better, maybe someone who has a mind for comedy. And if they replace her? I seriously don't mind. I think the show would be fine without her. I think she's one-note, wooden, and has a strong tendency to overact. I also think there's been no chemistry between "Caskett" since about Season 3. They make me cringe now. They are not a believable couple. I had no desire to see them married. I think they should divorce, go their separate ways, meet other people. The only reason I watch this show is because it is light-hearted and sometimes entertaining. I'm not into monsters, superheroes, vampires, torture. Those topics seem to be the main ones on TV, so shows I watch are few and far between. Ironically, Castle also has those themes, but at least they are supposedly debunked. I have actually spent this hiatus catching up on Nashville. For me, that show is so much better. It's an unapologetic soap opera, as opposed to Castle, which often incorporates the most cringeworthy soapy storylines, while pretending NOT to be a soap. The Nashville writers don't make viewers wait forever to get what they want, while basing 3 seasons on the supposition that adults who are attracted to each other would not move on the attraaction. They tend to build up storylines so that the outcomes make sense. Characters are actually somewhat developed at times. The writers haven't created a dysfunctional, almost adversarial relationship with the viewers as the Castle showrunners and Terry seem to have done. The casting is better. Anyway, don't get me started ;-). But it's okay because my heart belongs to "Javery" from Nashville now ;-). Castle (the show) can suck it ;-).
  23. No more Ruke --squeeeee. Javery --even more squee, although I concur about the lack of time, but yeah, it's probably maternity-related. I got everything I could want out of this episode. After tonight, I am officially a fan of this show.
  24. I appreciate the validation that rating brings....When the PTB kill my show at least I have my schadenfreude to keep me warm.
  25. I haven't seen the ep, still, but just watched the end scene. Yeah right, Gates is going to tell Castle this news without telling her direct report, Beckett. Rolling eyes. Phony angst like this is what takes this show way into soap opera land and will kill it. And many of us just shrug anyway from the show-runner induced apathy. What crazy in the writers' room says, "hey, I know, let's separate our couple in the most soap opera-ey way possible." Really, it's like they want to peeve the fans. It almost passive-aggressive. But maybe PI Castle is about giving Nathan a taste of James Garner, Rockford Files, without Nathan leaving the show. As I said, I would find the complete switch to PI rather than police force refreshing. That said every time Castle makes those back and forth faces it reminds me of Nathan's description of how he generates them. I'm pretty sure that during that end scene, Nathan was having an internal debate about whether or not he left the coffee pot on at home...."did I leave it on? Of course not, relief. Maybe it's going to burn the house down. Nah, it's all fine...etc,etc"
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