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Everything posted by YaddaYadda

  1. I have a good solution for the Henry dilemma. It's a more permanent one though. Season finale, Regina asked Emma if she was planning on going back to NYC and then told Henry they weren't going when Emma said it was complicated. I would think Regina would have been all over how she had custody of Henry if that was still the case.
  2. But the writing is agenda driven for the writers. I hate what they've done with Emma/Mary Margaret. It's like they feel like we should be happy with it. Season 3 was all about Regina anyway. In any case, the parent/child relationship is just terribly written. Snow finds out that her mother is "responsible" for Zelena being abandoned. She just accepts it for fact, doesn't seek out Blue who knew her mother to see what happened. Neal/Rumple. I just really disliked Neal, but the whole reason for this show was Rumple trying to find his son with whom he had 3 scenes where Neal "forgave" him. Then the quest was over. Rumple/Pan. He killed his father, how does he feel about that? The man sacrificed himself for the people he loved and then was brought back...Bueller? Belle now has a relationship with Mo. Really? I was shocked when she said her father wishes them the best and then walked her to give her away. Mo tried to send Belle over the town line so that she wouldn't remember Rumple. He wanted to save her however misguided he was in trying to do so. I'd like to see who Hook's father is, but he sounds like as much a scumbag as Malcolm and Cora who left their kids behind to give themselves their best chance. I'm actually ok if the show focused on anything that's not Regina and her pain.
  3. I'm glad they acknowledged that they had 66 episodes revolving mostly around Regina. And she won't do anything that's too out there because of her leash Henry.
  4. I think when it came to Hook, it was all about him not being deterred by her because as he said, he knows her better than she knows herself. At the end of 3A, she basically encouraged him to think of her (before she knew her memories would be messed with). And Hook isn't exactly in the category of people who give up when they hit a brick wall. He takes everything thrown at him as a challenge. Rumple tells him good luck living long enough to get your revenge, dude goes to Neverland and manages to do just that. You got admire him for never giving up (whether his motives are noble or not). I thought that through 3B, Emma's mouth sort of ran away from her. Her actions with Hook, the way she would look at him or speak to him was a far cry from those barbs she would throw at him. There were moments where I thought she wanted to just throw her arms around him or wanted him to do something. Maybe it's the acting choices, so I don't know.
  5. I'm one of the people who really doesn't care that Marian has been brought to the future because really Marian/Robin goes without saying for me. So works just fine. that being said and as much as I really love Emma, she has this problem with her hearing, you know when she decides that she won't listen, she's pretty much unbeatable. And I felt bad for Hook but he can dispense her truths to her without blinking, so good on him.
  6. So is Emma technically still being characterized as the "Savior" since what she was supposed to do was done?
  7. I don't even know why Emma would feel the need to apologize. Emma was reunited with her son after 10 years and Regina lost Henry for like a year and she didn't even wanna go on living without him. How can it be wrong to reunite mother and child? Marian is being reunited with her son who was growing up without his mother and her husband. if they really wanna show that Regina has grown, then they will spare us anymore apologies from Emma and have Regina, I don't know, understand that this is much bigger than her wittle stupid feelings. And if Emma doesn't apologize or does it like once which is the maximum she should be allowed, then I hope Snow doesn't grovel on her behalf because I'm one hair away from disowning her.
  8. My personal favorite is that after Emma talks about her life as an orphan to unlock Pan's map in Lost Girl, Snow's secret is not only that she wants a do over with a baby but that she'll stay behind in Neverland with Charming and live out her eternal life in a tree house. I really liked Snow/Mary Margaret up until the smudge in the heart. Everything went to the shits after that. I especially don't like how she is judgey about Emma. But hey, maybe now that Emma has called her "Mom". I don't want Mary Margaret to be all sunshine and roses. But please build her relationship with her daughter. I'm all for them fixing Snow/Regina and what went wrong there even though it's the most contrived thing ever, but Emma/Snow need to be fixed and built ASAP. I think that relationship is incredibly vital to the show.
  9. I think she was pining and yearning as much as he did. Emma and her non poker face when it comes to him! Pfft!
  10. Honestly, the pilot is what made me love Regina so much. She was bad and made no apologies for it. These days I'd like to slap Regina. Charming fighting his way through the Black Knights with his barely one minute old baby Emma, that scene for me is all kinds of epic and just heartbreaking. He died for her (or was in a coma for her? I don't know). And Emma, can she have an actual birthday celebration with the people who love her in S4? I mean, really? Before the ish hits the fan? Please show?
  11. Well this morning was a stab in my heart. This is like a terrible breakup!
  12. I could see that. Neal was just so very misguided. What I find too bad with his death is we will never know what happened to him between the time he left Neverland and met Emma and what happened to him after that meeting with August. There are a lot of loose ends. Drives me nuts when writers do that. Just goes to show how much of a plot point Neal was.
  13. Hook had that whole dialogue about how Neal must've delved in some really dark magic and the whole paying the price for it. When I was watching the show, I had that moment of that's right, if you bring someone from the dead, then someone has to die to take their place. Maybe Hook zeroed in on that and knew that it was just a matter of time. Clearly didn't make it any easier for him. But Hook knew Baelfire who was awesome and Neal who was meh! Regarding the whole true love thing. Emma might've been Neal's true love, but it doesn't mean he is hers. I don't think it's a two way street. I wonder how often Neal thought of Emma during all those years. I'll venture not often.
  14. I thought at first that Neal sent the message, but Neal didn't even remember how he got the mark on his hand, so I don't think he knew what happened the last year as Neal. Rumple is a whole other ballgame though. if anyone has retained his memories, it's likely to be him especially since Zelena didn't seem able to control him with Neal being melded in there and whatever.
  15. Zelena is pretty psychotic. Neal's death was sad. I'm not fan of the character, but I thought they did it well. I was convinced he was going out with a whimper. And now Zelena has complete control of Rumple.
  16. Snow is very far from being my favorite character. I just find her incredibly fickle. I want her to shut up more often than not this season. I find Charming a lot more realistic in his internal struggles. Emma is very much her father's daughter, while Henri paralleled Mary Margaret a lot. Also, bring on the Charming/Hook bromance because that was just a nice budding type friendship. I just like how Hook doesn't give much of a rat's ass that Charming is a "prince" and Charming has seen beyond Hook's devil may care attitude.
  17. I wish they'd let Charming be a dad more often. Everytime the writing gave him that opportunity Josh Dallas rose to the occasion. I'd really like Emma and David to have a relationship a la Veronica and Keith Mars. That would be pretty awesome.
  18. He'll probably end up bringing some big bad because he doesn't exactly listen to either his mothers when they speak to him. You know the whole don't give your heart to Pan and he goes and does it anyway because he knows better! I wonder if Henry won't have some kind of magical powers himself as in active powers, not some kind of passive power like being the truest believer who ever believed. I know, too much Charmed!
  19. Wouldn't Aurora and Philip's baby already be born? I wonder if this curse is exclusive to the original characters or if more have been transported to Storybrooke.
  20. I think it's the whole being a product of your environment bit. He was "raised" in the real world where kids his age and older have their noses burried in their phones and games and roll their eyes when you look their way. I think that's the feeling I'm getting is that he seems different. I don't think it has anything to do with the way Emma raised him though. The environment he was in with Regina vs the one he was in with Emma are completely different. Henri was also vested with a mission which made him the truest believer who ever lived. With Emma, his memories and the year he lived with her, he was just a normal kid surrounded by other normal kids. That's why I think he will act out. If Emma is having a bit of a hard time with this, I would think that Henry will too.
  21. OneLove, I really don't have any kind of huge speculation about it. I think it's more an impression that I'm getting from re-watching a whole bunch of shows at the moment. Henri just seems like a different character to me in some ways. Not to mention that he's not 10 years old anymore. And a year has gone by where he got a taste of what life might've been. Emma seems to have a bit of a hard time, I can't imagine Henri jumping back in as if nothing happened. He got to experience something that was normal and he has a tons of friends in New York whereas he was among adults in Storybrooke. I think he is bound to act out. And his acting out usually has a pretty big impact. He brought Emma to town and let Pan take his heart. He was being a brat. I know some might not agree with me that he was being a brat, but he totally was.
  22. There are different types of love obviously. The whole child of true love is just such a weird concept to me. Is Henry the product of true love? The circumstances of everything to me say that he's not, but it doesn't negate that he is special because he has the heart of the truest believer. (which I think might change once he has his memories back)
  23. I wouldn't really put anything past him. Because Neal wants what he wants. Because while everyone sort of seemed to accept that Emma and Henry were lost to them, Neal was all about going and finding them. Regina cut out her own heart then decided to focus on that fight with Wicked, Hook went back to find the Jolly Roger, Snow and Charming decided to focus on rebuilding the kingdom. Neal wants to go to Rumple's. Never mind that Emma made it clear enough to him that she didn't want to be with him. I do get that Neal has never really had a family and that he probably sees this as his opportunity to have that, but sheesh, dude! I think whatever he did/does is going to create one giant mess. I never thought Neal was so driven that he would use magic. And Belle is probably the only person who knows what went down and she doesn't remember.
  24. I like a Hook a whole bunch and I just remember thinking how pretty and yet so ineffective he was.
  25. Regarding Neal, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if he didn't get turned into a monkey then he might've found something at Rumple's old digs that he might've used and backfired on him in some way? He did want to stop by, so I'm assuming there will be some kind of flashback to show that.
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