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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat
JMarie99 replied to ByTor's topic in The Young And The Restless
Okay, I feel the need to weigh in on Harrison’s hairstyle. It is an actual thing. My nephew and his girlfriend live in Arizona, and their little boy had long blond curly hair like that, minus that super-annoying piece that hung directly over his left eye. Sometimes he wore it in a ponytail, or even worse in a man-bun (boy-bun? lol). They finally cut his hair before he started pre-kindergarten, thank goodness. But it is a style. This show is filmed in Los Angeles, correct? So this child’s parents may well have chosen the hairstyle, and I have no doubt that the tone-deaf writers would not have considered the idea that this style would not fly in Wisconsin or NYC or even Milan. They just don’t bother with such details. I have difficulty believing that this child has another part playing a boy who identifies as a girl. That’s pretty heavy stuff. LlAs others have said, he doesn’t have the acting chops. The biggest line he has spoken on the show so far is “Mashed potatoes!”. Two entire words. Yay! -
I totally agree with you.
I loved the way young Pam slurped her gin and tonic at the bar the same way she now slurps her Big Gulp sodas.
This was a fun game to watch. I liked all of the contestants. Watching Emma and Zach go back and forth was exciting. I got a kick out of Heather. What a great sense of humor! She had me laughing out loud a few times.
I’m with you on both of your Unpopular Opinions! I really enjoy Mayim and I’ve been too chicken to stick up for her because feelings against her on here are so strong. She was so excited when they went to break before FJ with the scores being so close. She sounded like I felt - practically giddy with anticipation. She definitely wasn’t “acting”! I’m so happy to be back to real games again. An occasional clue left on the board is a small price to pay for genuine competition, where everyone has a chance and a person can come from behind and have a chance at winning, and FJ actually means something.
S47.E12: Willem Dafoe / Katy Perry
JMarie99 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Saturday Night Live
I agree 100% with all of this. I actually said out loud “Oh my God it’s really him!” The idea of him watching a show like that instead of football playoffs was ludicrous - that’s what made it funny. And then the diagrams … and the beret! I’m from Buffalo and I thought that ending was hilarious. Laughing through my tears … lol. The local news stations are having a field day with this! Other than that, I did not think this was a great episode. Too many penis jokes for me. I didn’t know the boner thing was based on a real commercial - that might have made it funnier to me. But then the “Blowing Yourself” bit? A lame joke that went on wayyy too long. The bad dog show sketch was cute, especially the first dog that was afraid of everything. The setup for Trend Setters was great. I loved the outfits! But it wasn’t as funny as I thought it would be. -
I bailed halfway through tonight’s episode and deleted it from my DVR. I really like Amy, and I’m very happy for her success. She is definitely the real deal and I am continually impressed by the depth of her knowledge (unlike Matt, who seemed to flounder at anything “pop” related). But I’m bored with her, bored with the runaway games, bored with Ken … just bored. I want to see some real games again. I’ll tune in again in about a month.
I guess it depends on the kid. My grandkids (ages 5 and 8) are very sad that their cousin’s cat recently died, and they are already worried about their elderly dog who has already had a few health scares. When Lenny finally does cross that rainbow bridge, they will be devastated. And if I were to pass away I know they would be heartbroken. Of course I see them a couple of times a week, so it’s more than just visits. The Challenger thing has already been addressed here so I won’t belabor it. But never underestimate the emotions and feelings of a young child. If you could meet my grandson, who just turned five, you’d understand.
I liked Nickelback and I never understood all the jokes about how they were the worst band of all time. Coincidentally, I watched an episode of Lucifer (season 3) last night and it contained a Nickelback joke, referencing listening to their music on repeat as a form of torture. I still don’t get it.
I agree 100% with this. I don’t usually go for the big-voiced belters but Wendy has been my favorite throughout the season. Sure, she can belt, but she’s so much more. She has a beautiful tone with plenty of nuance. Her “Jolene” was my favorite performance of the season. Also, I loved the way she handled herself after falling off that stage. I love her personality as well as her voice. If not for GNT, who had the advantage of being able to do harmonies, she would have won. I knew Girl Named Tom would win after Carson announced the iTunes downloads. They are very good and have a chance at commercial success, especially in the country genre.
I actually started watching Jimmy Fallon’s show regularly during the pandemic. It became one of the few bright spots in my day. I fell in love with those kids. Franny is a star for sure! I loved her on that keyboard during Thank You Notes. She was definitely showing her creativity. That little smile … those cheeks … give her a few years and she should have her own show! And going down the slide at the end - I just loved that whole thing. Fallon fans, please don’t hate me, but I have tried to continue watching and I have to say, I preferred the pandemic shows. For many reasons (besides the kids which of course can’t be a part of the show!). But he just seemed to be so much more natural at home. That opening where he would run down the steps of his home to that cute little musical tune, rather than The Roots shouting “Hey hey hey HEY!!” I’m not a fan of The Roots (again, please don’t hate me!). I can’t stand Steve Harvey. He adds absolutely nothing. And of course we are back to the silly games and Jimmy fawning over all of his guests. So I’m watching tonight and his hair looks freshly dyed (too dark in my opinion) and short on the sides and long on the top of his head. That’s the other thing about him - he tries too hard to be young and current. Oh and apparently Machine Gun Kelly is his good friend, judging from his show the other day. Hey, I am *really* old and I love MGK’s music, so that’s not the issue. It’s just that buddy-buddy thing that irks. He just seems try too hard.
Same here. I found it absolutely heartbreaking. By the end of the episode, when he was being interviewed in prison, I was actually in tears.
Going back to Tuesday’s game: Mandela Namaste is from Williamsville, NY, a suburb of Buffalo. As a resident of a neighboring suburb, I was naturally rooting for him. Also, he seemed like a really nice kid. I can’t imagine going through school with the name Mandela Peace Namaste! But it is a super-cool name, and fortunately Williamsville, NY is a very cool town. I liked Nancy and was more than ready for a new champion, so good for her! When she started off running through the Royals today, I had high hopes for her. But I guess the DD wager did her in. I like Tyler, and I liked the other contestant (whose name I have unfortunately forgotten). I like games where the winner is not a foregone conclusion. Lastly, I have to say that I really like Mayim as a host. I love her sense of humor, and although to some she may seem “giggly,” to me it just shows how much she enjoys being there. Her enthusiasm is contagious, at least to me. Obviously others feel differently. But I would love to see her as a permanent host.
I have nothing against Jonathan, but I’m more than ready for a new champion. I had high hopes for Erin today. Early in yesterday’s game, I was betting on Anjolie. At least today’s game was not a runaway, and as someone mentioned earlier on this thread, even when Jonathan was ahead at the end, there was often a competitive game for the first part of the competition - not a runaway by the first commercial break, as that poster said. Still, I am disappointed that Erin didn’t win. Unpopular opinion (?) I am liking Mayim more and more. I like her personality and her sense of humor. I could not care less about her off-screen opinions, and I ignore her commercials about brain pills. I just enjoy the energy she brings to the game.
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